CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #4 FOUND DECEASED

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When I was here last this gal was "just" missing.

God bless her and everyone else involved.
Very scary!
Maint crew i think would put it into the realm of random.

Probably not. I know that in my office, the same maintenance worker comes to make repairs or clean the office space. They know who is who. There was probably little conversation between them though, if it was a maintenance worker that did this, but the worker indeed targeted her.
I agree with you about the crime not having anything to do with ethnicity. However, more than one person in the pharmacology labs has been quoted as saying that the lab teams were like small families, working closely together.

I would not debate the close friendships of the students at all. My husband worked in research as a Grad. student. Twenty....ok....thirty years later now, we are still friends with some of those other lab students! My son is doing medical research at this very minute, he lives several states away from home, and his co-workers comprise much of his social circle, some in his lab area, others are not.

The point I really wanted to make was that it is a bit offensive to imply that the prime suspect would be of the same ethnicity without even the slightest bit of evidence to confirm those assumptions.
This misresporting CONSTANTLY is driving me nuts. :banghead:

It gets worse and worse in each successive case. Often, it seems like news agencies take something from the wire and start to assume things and extrapolate information; then other news agencies go from there, and so on. Or, on the other hand, they all just take something straight off the wire and don't look into it at all, so you've got 1,000 stories, but they're all exactly the same.
Doesn't the news media look into anything anymore? Why don't they fact check? Dig deeper? Find new sources? Do some research?
I have a few theories on this but I think I'll start simply by just putting my toe in the water.

I feel the timing of the crime being so close to the impending wedding is definitely related. Therefore, that leads me to believe that Annie was murdered by someone who knew her and knew that in just a few days she was set to be married. Which would then leave construction workers and other people who might have only briefly crossed her path out of the equation.

Which leads me back to either a student or a professor, someone more inside the circle of her life.

I also agree with the posters above (Velouria and Toi, I believe) who feel this was one of those "If I can't have you, no one will" things. The part I'm not sure of is how one-sided the whole thing may have been.
After the commercial break on Fox- Police say why this is not a random act.
I gave up on CT LE statements. Complete "misdirections". Rather than simple "no comments" we have some statements that seem to be close to lies. Not that LE doesn't have that right, IMO.

Bottom line - they know, we don't.

Often, the police most likely speak to the press are those at the peripheries of the investigation. Even if they are privy to facts, it might be to just one investigation thread of several. And LE never wants to speak publicly about lie detector test failures for legal reasons.
I'm happy they have a suspect. I hope there is closure soon for this poor family and Annie's fiance'.
Raeann, I don't understand what you are asking? I'm sorry.

I think that Raeann's point is that there is a difference between saying:
It is not a student.
I am not saying that it's a student.

Hope that helps.
I would not debate the close friendships of the students at all. My husband worked in research as a Grad. student. Twenty....ok....thirty years later now, we are still friends with some of those other lab students! My son is doing medical research at this very minute, he lives several states away from home, and his co-workers comprise much of his social circle, some in his lab area, others are not.

The point I really wanted to make was that it is a bit offensive to imply that the prime suspect would be of the same ethnicity without even the slightest bit of evidence to confirm those assumptions.

Glad you reminded me, because I'd completely forgotten what I was arguing about.:crazy: I completely agree with you about assuming that the ethnicity of the perp would have something to do with this crime.
i am not seeing the posted information that way (imoo)
this was the original post:

originally posted by puffster view post
abc news is not reporting that it was a student

doesn't this just mean that abc news is not reporting it, the post doesn't imply that it is not a student.

Amid a flurry of national news stories citing unnamed sources, police spokesman Officer Joe Avery issued a release Monday afternoon stating that “no students” are “involved” in the homicide investigation of Annie Le.
“There are no suspects in custody,” wrote Avery, who has been besieged by national media swarming into town. “Right now we are waiting for the Medical Examiner to positively

The Independent chopped up his statement...making it look a little different. Can somebody post the Avery quote in its original context...it went something like....there is no suspect in custody and no students are involved. Different than how Independent is playing it.
Okay I understand now. Lord I'm slow today. Students can still be considered suspects. :doh: sorry LOL didn't mean to make that so painful for all of you all.
Per Fox News

Thomas Kaplan from the Yale Daily News:
"Campus is in a state of shock"

"The New Haven police department just told us they are doing a lot of interviews, but no one has been identified as a suspect"

"To be able to hide her body the way it was done, you'd really have to know the building"

"At this point, no one has said anything about people who had a problem with the marriage or wanted to harm her in any way"
i switched over to late in to and missed it
It gets worse and worse in each successive case. Often, it seems like news agencies take something from the wire and start to assume things and extrapolate information; then other news agencies go from there, and so on. Or, on the other hand, they all just take something straight off the wire and don't look into it at all, so you've got 1,000 stories, but they're all exactly the same.
Doesn't the news media look into anything anymore? Why don't they fact check? Dig deeper? Find new sources? Do some research?

To be fair, I don't think it is completely the media's fault in this case. The media gets info from un-named LE and students then get the complete opposite info from "offical" LE statements.
The Independent chopped up his statement...making it look a little different. Can somebody post the Avery quote in its original context...it went something like....there is no suspect in custody and no students are involved. Different than how Independent is playing it.
this one?

New Haven Police deny they have a suspect in custody. "No students involved," police say. Latest at http://tinyurl.com/ma4nl7 #anniele
Maybe they are waiting on a positive ID from the autopsy to charge the suspect? Can't really charge someone with murder when the victim hasn't been formally ID'd? Just thinking (mostly lurking)...
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