CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #5 FOUND DECEASED

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May 3, 2008
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In times of greatest adversity
do not despair
for crystal rain
falls from black clouds

Rest in peace Annie Le

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Thanks, NeeBee~

Welcome to WS, GTK and TKSK~ Nice to have you both on board. :)

I may have missed some other newbies today...if so I am sorry! Welcome!!
Well this contradicts[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showpost.php?p=4158907&postcount=611"] the well enumerated points laid out by that other individual on the NHR site[/ame], but this is what the new NH Independent article said that I found most interesting (which then, yes, means all that looking at articles may be moot)

"Another law enforcement source familiar with the probe identified the suspect as a lab technician who works with animal testing at Yale. That technician’s campus phone number was disconnected Monday afternoon and he couldn’t be reached for comment. The technician allegedly had an unrequited love interest in Annie Le, according to that source. That suggestion couldn’t be independently verified Monday afternoon."

ETA: It contradicts as far as none of those names on the now removed bennett list seem to also be a lab tech working with animal testing - unless that's a loosely referenced title to obscure the identity...which I suppose is possible.
Supplied by belimom at the end of the last thread:

Here's a snippet:


However, a source familiar with the investigation said the probe has zeroed in on a single “serious” suspect.

Another law enforcement source familiar with the probe identified the suspect as a lab technician who works with animal testing at Yale. That technician’s campus phone number was disconnected Monday afternoon and he couldn’t be reached for comment. The technician allegedly had an unrequited love interest in Annie Le, according to that source. That suggestion couldn’t be independently verified Monday afternoon.

The New Haven Register’s Bill Kaempffer reported that the suspect failed a polygraph test and refused to answer cops’ questions, with a lawyer present.
“RUMOR, n. A favorite weapon of the assassins of character." Ambrose Bierce
salverenga, thank you! It's not the exact list but what you just supplied answered a question I had about 10 minutes ago! YALE OFFERS RODENT SERVICES! Please refer to the below link...I certainly don't want to go off on a tangent but it could be linked somewhat...maybe not, but maybe...


The Rodent Service provides comprehensive breeding and colony management services to assist investigators with rodent-based research. The benefits are as follows:
Reduces time and costs for colony management
Provides complete colony records including documentation of lineage
Ensures regulatory compliance
The following services are available at an hourly rate of $77. Total breeding colony management packages or individual services are provided. Individual consultation is provided at no charge.

Weekly (minimum) monitoring of breeding pairs
Twice weekly (minimum) monitoring of harem breeding pairs
Daily monitoring of pregnant females and females with litters
Separation of pregnant females (harem pens)
Setup and retirement of breeders
Timed matings
Identification of individual animals
Record keeping and monthly reports
Biopsy for DNA analysis
The Rodent Service can also provide technical assistance with chronic drug administration, sample collection, minor surgical procedures and other experimental procedures in rodents.

Now, I wonder if Annie or her research team used these services. I would think the service tech would be housed in the lab itself...and I know from Annie's med docs that she used mice...

They would absolutely be required to use the services. This is true in every university that uses animals. As I explained previously it is not permitted to house mice in your laboratory. They must be kept in an animal facility- this is all explained actually on another page of the site that's posted above. You must go to that facility to work with your mice- you can only remove mice from the facility for terminal experiments. If you take them out they can not go back. Animal use is extremely regulated. If anyone violates the rules badly enough, their research projects can be shut down.

This is how it works- There is an entire department in charge of everyone's animals. Scientists must order mice through this department- it assigns investigators space for their animals. People who are going to work with the animals receive training in the proper handling of research animals before they are allowed access to the facility. Yale has multiple facilities in different buildings, as do we. These facilities generally each have a supervisor and multiple animal/husbandry techs. These animal techs are responsible for changing cages, checking food and water every day, room sanitizing, bringing in supplies, cagewashing, autoclaving, euthanizing, housing new animals, etc.

It is a very hot, dirty, physically demanding job which generally does not pay very well. It does not require higher education. These techs would not be visiting research labs, co-authoring papers, etc.

Laboratory technicians work in the research labs. These techs can range from someone who washes glassware and makes solutions all the way up to lab manager. They often provide support to the doctoral students and post docs, but more advanced techs will often have their own experiments to do- these techs are often co-authors of research papers.

Anyone listed in Bennett's laboratory would not be an animal tech- they might work with his animals, but they are not an animal tech.

These are very different jobs.
“RUMOR, n. A favorite weapon of the assassins of character." Ambrose Bierce

Duly noted...and I think I'm going to get off that track;)

PS. Love my copy of Devil's Dictionary...

so clever :)
:Welcome-12-june: to all newbies! New thread, hope you find us!

KDKA TV just showed pictures of a huge vigil for Annie tonight at YALE!
I appreciate why they are being careful in naming the person they are interested in until they have the DNA testing back, but it would be nice if LE would take him into custody ahead of time so we could pull the arrest records for tomorrow. ;)

Thanks to Labrat for explaining about how those things work within such a setting as I had no idea. I would certainly have to pay for someone to take care of my mice for experiments since I would flip out every time I saw one. :)
Thanks for the new thread, Nurse. And, welcome to all the newbies! Glad to have you posting with us :)
thank you Labrat for that VERY INFORMATIVE POST! I am so very glad it is on page one of the new thread for easy "bumping"!
I appreciate why they are being careful in naming the person they are interested in until they have the DNA testing back, but it would be nice if LE would take him into custody ahead of time so we could pull the arrest records for tomorrow. ;)

Can't a person be held 24 hours for questioing?
Could DNA be back from clothes ( a few days ago?) atleast by then???
I appreciate why they are being careful in naming the person they are interested in until they have the DNA testing back, but it would be nice if LE would take him into custody ahead of time so we could pull the arrest records for tomorrow. ;)
this post is a great example of why I love SeriouslySearching!!!!
Candlelight Vigil Tonight at Yale
A candlelight vigil was held for murdered student Annie Le on Yale's Campus, Monday evening.

"That this horrible tragedy happened at all is incomprehensible. But that it happened to her is infinitely more so," said Le's roommate at the vigil.

Flames flickered in the night; the yellow glow served as a reminder of how fragile life can be. More than 1,000 people stood in silence, alone with their thoughts and memories and tears.

Yale student, 24-year-old Le was missing for five days; she vanished from her lab building in broad daylight. Sunday, she was found murdered inside the same building. Annie's roommate asked people to pray.

"Romans 8:28: All things work together for good. It's a comfort that I think she would want us to have; this isn't just senseless, God is in control and something good will come out of this," said Le's roommate.

Many holding the candles didn't know the pharmacological student; they had never met her. Strangers, drawn to the darkness, brought light to honor a life ended short.

"It's been a great sense of family and when we lose someone like her, we feel it and the community feels it and that is why we are here today," said Yale Student Chris Dooley.

Each candle is only a small light against the darkness. But with many candles, there's a bright glow, a memory carried forward into the night and a reminder of how fragile life can be.

Snipped from http://www.wtnh.com/dpp/news/crime/news_wtnh_new_haven_candlelight_vigil_200909141250

I'm amazed at how many people turned out- that is wonderful.

:rose: Rest in Peace Annie. A beautiful life taken WAY too soon. Fly with the Angels.
Could it be that the "lab technician who works with animal testing at Yale" phrasing is meant to muddle this?

That wording phrases it to make it sound like a lower level position and more of an animal handler like Labrat was talking about (or that's the connotation I get) - someone who is more of the rodent handling services type stuff that was just linked a post or two up.

HOWEVER, any technician (or person) working in a lab (including one who publishes) and is doing testing that involves animals also falls under that description, right? It isn't the glamorous way to say it, and it sort of "lessens" their title, but...

I mean, couldn't even Annie fall under that description? She was a technician working in a lab and did testing involving animals...right?

I really wonder if the phrasing is purposely trying to steer one direction over another - to make it look like they are looking another direction.
Can't a person be held 24 hours for questioing?
Could DNA be back from clothes ( a few days ago?) atleast by then???
one of the article said the clothing results could be back "monday" (not sure if they meant today or next monday)

One poster on the last thread postulated that this "suspect" could be in the box (meaning not being held but sitting in a little room sweating his a$$ off to the beat of LE questions). Not "officially held" mind you... but under a big ole' blue thumb.
They would absolutely be required to use the services. This is true in every university that uses animals. As I explained previously it is not permitted to house mice in your laboratory. They must be kept in an animal facility- this is all explained actually on another page of the site that's posted above. You must go to that facility to work with your mice- you can only remove mice from the facility for terminal experiments. If you take them out they can not go back. Animal use is extremely regulated. If anyone violates the rules badly enough, their research projects can be shut down.

This is how it works- There is an entire department in charge of everyone's animals. Scientists must order mice through this department- it assigns investigators space for their animals. People who are going to work with the animals receive training in the proper handling of research animals before they are allowed access to the facility. Yale has multiple facilities in different buildings, as do we. These facilities generally each have a supervisor and multiple animal/husbandry techs. These animal techs are responsible for changing cages, checking food and water every day, room sanitizing, bringing in supplies, cagewashing, autoclaving, euthanizing, housing new animals, etc.

It is a very hot, dirty, physically demanding job which generally does not pay very well. It does not require higher education. These techs would not be visiting research labs, co-authoring papers, etc.

Laboratory technicians work in the research labs. These techs can range from someone who washes glassware and makes solutions all the way up to lab manager. They often provide support to the doctoral students and post docs, but more advanced techs will often have their own experiments to do- these techs are often co-authors of research papers.

Anyone listed in Bennett's laboratory would not be an animal tech- they might work with his animals, but they are not an animal tech.

These are very different jobs.

Thank you very very much for this, LabRat! Ok, can you help me out with this then? In the article above, it informs it's a Lab Tech that works with Animal Testing at Yale...so they would be in contact with Annie at the Amistad building, right? If they work with Animal Testing, wouldn't they be "housed" there? That confuses me. I probably have tunnel vision...I already know. Maybe I should just get to bed!
Could it be that the "lab technician who works with animal testing at Yale" phrasing is meant to muddle this?

That wording phrases it to make it sound like a lower level position and more of an animal handler (or that's the connotation I get) - someone who is more of the rodent handling services type stuff that was just linked a post or two up.

HOWEVER, any technician (or person) working in a lab (including one who publishes) and is doing testing that involves animals also falls under that description, right? It isn't the glamorous way to say it, and it sort of "lessens" their title, but...

I mean, couldn't even Annie fall under that description? She was a technician working in a lab and did testing involving animals...right?

I really wonder if the phrasing is purposely trying to steer one direction over another - to make it look like they are looking another direction.
bold is mine...... (following caps are mine but only for clarity)... NO THAT WOULD NOT BE THE SAME AS ANNIE. Hold on.. I am bumping labrat's post on animal tech... a dirty, hot, low wage job... kinda like a nursing assistant if that makes sense??? brb to bump
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