CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #7 FOUND DECEASED

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Suspect had run-in with cops in high school over break up with girlfriend:

"The detective wrote that subsequently the girlfriend came with her mother to the station to speak to him.

She “wished to tell me of an incident that took place, however, did not want it
pursued by this Department,” the detective wrote. “She stated that she had been having a sexual relationship with [the male] and that at one time [the male] did force her to have sex with him. The relationship did continue after that incident, however she is unsure of what he may do as a result of the break up."

Well here is my cents on this whole dang mess....I think that the POI was someone that made Annie feel very uncomfortable possible for a variety of reasons, he possibly had a crush on her and was stalking her, or they just plain and simple did not like one another, the fact that she had a job that was higher up than his could have also contributed to the conflict..

Then you take the fact that as Labrat has stated when you are working within a close proximity as people who work in labs for numerous hours a day, I am sure that Annie had made comments to some of her co-workers that the POI was weird and made her feel uncomfortable, well once she says that and it starts going around the office it probably would not have taken much to get back to the POI girlfriend, sister and brother-in-law..This may have been the reason that the girlfriend stated on her myspace page that RC was NOT having an affair with a girl in the lab....Now instead of having just 1 person that is giving you crap at work you have 4 and they are for all intensive purposes family....This alone could have caused alot of stress at home for the POI and all the family members keep chatting about what a B**CH this girl in the lab is and blah blah blah.....At this point I think the POI thought well if she just disappears right before her wedding they will think she just got cold feet and took off...

I think if we ever get the true story of what happened in this case you would find out that the POI planned on going back into the lab and putting Annie in a suitcase and rolling her out to the parking garage and poof she is gone, and therefore so is the problem for him and his family....You can also use this same theory if he was stalking her and upset that she was getting ready to marry...But the POI did not plan on this thing blowing up as fast or as big as it did, and he therfore had no way to get her out of that building...

But I certainly do not think this had anything to do with protocols or mice, but I do think that for someone in that low of a level position to be complaining about someone with her degree of education shows that there was no love lost between these two and he wanted to get her in trouble...

I hope this makes sense being typed out cause it makes sense in my mind...

I think some of what you say makes a ton of sense. I would imagine that he was trying to get that body out of there.

I wonder if Raymond was just an anal personality and he was teased by Annie and her friends. At first glance, this seems like a crime of passion with the upcoming wedding but now I wonder. He is somewhat of a handsome dude who probably has had relationships. I kind of doubt he killed because he could not have her. I guess we will see.
The girlfriend is the one most likely to have tipped LE that RC came home from work last Tuesday with different clothes on since they live together.

Someone recognized the bloody clothing found in the ceiling tiles as belonging to RC. My guess it was her.

I read somewhere that his father was living with him and his girlfriend (sorry don't have link). I also remember that a reporter went to the home asking for RC and a male (the father I guess) came to the door and said he wasn't home. So maybe the father tipped off the LE.
Suspect had run-in with cops in high school over break up with girlfriend:

"The detective wrote that subsequently the girlfriend came with her mother to the station to speak to him.

She “wished to tell me of an incident that took place, however, did not want it
pursued by this Department,” the detective wrote. “She stated that she had been having a sexual relationship with [the male] and that at one time [the male] did force her to have sex with him. The relationship did continue after that incident, however she is unsure of what he may do as a result of the break up."

Thanks Chili. THIS SPEAKS VOLUMES. Does anybody have any doubt that this now has some sort of unrequited love or sexual aspect to it?
im surprised that they didnt come up with a reason to hold him if they in fact have the evidence that has been mentioned, im sure they didnt feel very good about releasing him even tho i understand that they were required to, they must have been scrambling (i hope) to come up with some reason to not let him go.

clothing change, scratches, suveillance video, bloody clothing that should be easy to tie to him... i havent had time to read everything - did he cooperate when he was asked to be interviewed/questioned?
“The two are in a relationship which [the girlfriend] wishes to terminate and [the male] does not wish to end it. [The male] did attempt to confront [the student] on this date and also wrote on her locker. The school will handle this incident concerning the locker and at the time of this report, [the lab tech] was advised to have no contact with” the female student.

Can't watch the video. Who said "no romance"? And I know this is going to sound stupid -- but not all sexual contact is romance.
I actually thought they noticed the different clothing on the surveillance video.They were pouring over them,frame by frame,to get a glimpse of Annie leaving.They would have been able to see him and note what clothes he had on.That's just my guess.

i heard on a spot a few days ago on the news that said it was someone he lived with. that's why i'm guessing the girlfriend. then last night after the press conference was shown the news reporter said "an aquaintance of his recognized the bloody clothing".

it was fox 61 news out of hartford.
There was mention of him keeping his dog in a crate all day. That is not necessarily abusive. Crate training a dog, especially if kept in an apartment, is often the better way to go. He sounds to me like he is very animal oriented (as well as his family), and my first thought was that Annie either violated protocol or something went wrong in the lab, which caused the urgent phone call. She comes running with a thick book (wonder what that was???Lab protocol???), an argument ensues and he strangles her. He seemed to take his job seriously, and perhaps felt he was protecting the animals from as much abuse as possible, KWIM? If he felt Annie somehow put the animals in jeopardy, or was threatening his job....:twocents:

As an aside, I used to work with autoclaves every day. That would NOT be a way to dispose of evidence. Anything placed in an autoclave must be clean, it is to sterilize - not clean. You would simply be left with a huge mess in the bottom of the autoclave - might destroy DNA - but that would be the only benefit, IMO. He might have opened it early to cause the steam alarm in order to cover his tracks leaving....lot less likely to be seen/examined in a group of people, rather than alone.
Can't watch the video. Who said "no romance"? And I know this is going to sound stupid -- but not all sexual contact is romance.

Apparently LE said that. I think the implication is that Annie and the tech weren't having an affair. As someone noted above, that doesn't rule out sexual assault or whatever.
Has anyone seen this http://www.techbanyan.com/5088/jennifer-hromadka-ray-clark/ and the comment made by mark? Is this to suggest that RC's girlfriend worked in the same building? Can anyone confirm that this is true?

Sorry if this has already been answered... but yes, I posted yesterday that according to the Yale directory, she and her boyfriend (suspect) both have offices in the same building as Annie Le (Sterling Medical bldg) but work in the labs at Amistad.
Given that the RC and his girlfriend are self-proclaimed animal lovers, I wonder whether there may be some truth to this. That said, this is the same source that reported "gruesome animal experiments", so you have to remain skeptical.

Research involving animals is regulated extremely tightly, almost to the point where it can become quite difficult to plan and carry out experiments. A sad fact of research is that many mice are sacrificed as part of experiments, but it is safe to say that in my experience, while they are alive, they are treated with the upmost respect.

I would be very surprised if Annie Le, being relatively new to research, would be working outside established protocols. Rather, I imagine she would be erring on the side of caution.

Wrong. Research on mice is not regulated extremely tightly and barely regulated at all. They are not covered under the animal welfare act
these facilities can go through thousands of mice and rats a month.

The only regulations are not really regulations but a set of standards of care that only apply to federally funded projects (and often student work is not) and those are loose and self reported.
If you or I or any amateur with no credentials or professional or academic with credentials, wished to buy 100 lab mice and see how long it took to blind them by dipping them in an ammonia solution, or how they reacted to pain of needles stuck in them or how long they lived in a hot oven -- we would not be breaking any laws. (don't get me wrong all of that sounds terrible to me)

I think this whole animal rights thing for this case is a compelty off the tracks and not supported by a shred of evidence. everything points to unrequited obsession or less likely but still possible, a badly ended affair. Animal rights activism is something in its lighter forms most people would agree with and in its more sever forms something most people consider fringe, ie most people thing it is wrong to beat a dog, but not wrong to own aquarium fish or step on a bug. It is a potlitcal issue though and I think people are sticking their poltics into a crime which has nothign to do with animal rights, animal welfare or either the sober or nutty people concerned with it.
Can't watch the video. Who said "no romance"? And I know this is going to sound stupid -- but not all sexual contact is romance.
an LE source said it. It was a quote.

If there was any sexual contact in this case it was most likely rape and that is about control... not romance (imho)
As an aside, I used to work with autoclaves every day. That would NOT be a way to dispose of evidence. Anything placed in an autoclave must be clean, it is to sterilize - not clean. You would simply be left with a huge mess in the bottom of the autoclave - might destroy DNA - but that would be the only benefit, IMO. He might have opened it early to cause the steam alarm in order to cover his tracks leaving....lot less likely to be seen/examined in a group of people, rather than alone.

Is it possible the autoclave was used not for the body but for something else -- to sterilize his clothes, weapon, etc?
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