CT- Annie Le, missing from Yale, thread #7 FOUND DECEASED

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"A fellow animal technician said yesterday that Clark would have been intimately familiar with the basement where Le’s body was found because he spent most of his day in just two or three rooms there, tending to the research animals and cleaning their cages. The technician, who was told not to talk to the press, said Clark had worked at Yale for a few years, though his sister and her husband have worked at Yale for much longer."


"Clark entered the building after Le, and moved throughout the building in an erratic way, cops told the Daily News."

A few things make me think this. In one article that was linked earlier, someone from the lab was quoted as saying that he had recently had a huge issue with the research staff not using shoe covers. We've also seen anecdotes from acquaintances that mentioned he was domineering with his current girlfriend. And now we see this article about the high school girlfriend and how possessive and physically aggressive he was.

My theory -- and it's JUST a theory -- is that it drove him nuts to be a low level employee surrounded by people who are smarter, richer, and more educated. The insistence on the shoe covers would be one of the only ways to assert dominance over them.

It would be interesting to see what was in those emails from him to Le about the mice. I think we'd see more attempted dominance.
There was mention of him keeping his dog in a crate all day. That is not necessarily abusive. Crate training a dog, especially if kept in an apartment, is often the better way to go. He sounds to me like he is very animal oriented (as well as his family), and my first thought was that Annie either violated protocol or something went wrong in the lab, which caused the urgent phone call. She comes running with a thick book (wonder what that was???Lab protocol???), an argument ensues and he strangles her. He seemed to take his job seriously, and perhaps felt he was protecting the animals from as much abuse as possible, KWIM? If he felt Annie somehow put the animals in jeopardy, or was threatening his job....:twocents:

As an aside, I used to work with autoclaves every day. That would NOT be a way to dispose of evidence. Anything placed in an autoclave must be clean, it is to sterilize - not clean. You would simply be left with a huge mess in the bottom of the autoclave - might destroy DNA - but that would be the only benefit, IMO. He might have opened it early to cause the steam alarm in order to cover his tracks leaving....lot less likely to be seen/examined in a group of people, rather than alone.

if he did set off the alarm the most likely thing was he did so not to leave but to move the body from the scene of the killing to the access area in the wall.

As far as blood the most likely only blood is his own from defensive scratch marks while strangling her.

As far as this thing with animals, protocols etc it is becoming absurd speculation. If anything he was probably highly desensitized to the welfare of the laboratory rodents.
Also, in case people aren't familiar with MySpace, all you have to do is click on the picture to view the rest of the pictures in that album...there are several pictures with J in them. I've saved them all to my computer.

Anything interesting in the photos?
Agree, I do not think she was killed over mice. This is more of a male wanting absolute control over female. Jealousy, lust, obsession?

I will not be surprised if she was sexually assaulted.


Of course, someone unstable enough to murder someone could feasily get riled up over something irrational.

I do agree with you, though. I do think this has to do with jealousy. I also don't think it matters if he's relatively good looking or has a fiance. People want who they want, and a lot of people don't stop wanting because they have a significant other.

I've just thought since this case broke that it was some guy angry that she was getting married. Maybe he never let on to the fact that he liked her, but she probably talked about the wedding a LOT (whether with him or other co-workers in his vicinity) and he let his obsession with it fester. Maybe it'll come out that he felt pressured into his own wedding (although, it wasn't exactly imminent) and those pressures and Annie made him reevaluate that.

All I know is that his fiancee is very lucky this all came about, because if he did do it...she likely would have been next. Or, if you don't take it that far, if Annie hadn't (likely) rebuked any advances that might have occurred, she would have been the target, I bet.

I mean, sure, it could have been over some sort of work-related jealousy, but that'd be totally bizarre. The levels of education in this case are so dispirate. The only scenario I think makes sense is that Annie, more than once, overrode his suggestions when it came to the animals and he grew tired of the "Annie, Annie, Annie!" sentiment around the lab. But, to me, that doesn't sound like a motive unless he already had deep-ceded issues with controlling women in his life.
hello all !

im new here :/ but been following the case, and the thread here, and its an incredible site you got here.

But someone here posted a a link to YaleDailyNews's twitter here, when i went in i saw a brief "contact us" to a twitterprofile, when i reloaded the page it was gone.

Went to the twitterprofile, and heres what it said (that was just some time before the arrest):

You can see it yourself on the profile: http://twitter.com/alicialutes

But what triggered me was that the editor asked for the profile to contact them, and then suddenly all hell broke loose. But if its true, then he already got some history of violence ( restraining order ).

This is an incredible find! Has anyone found backup to this yet? I'm going to attempt public records...not sure of the town so need to go through a few :( If this is true, how very sad. (as she sheds a tear)
I might be totally wrong but we know the following:
1) Ray and his fiance were self-proclaimed "animal lovers", and working in the animal care part of Yale's research facility may mean that they wanted to ensure the animals' wellbeing
2) Annie dissected cats in high school which is pretty atypical as far as I know, and her research heavily relied on the use of animals (rodents, albeit, but animals nonetheless)

Is it not feasible that Annie asked Ray to provide her with a larger animal, like a cat, and since 95% of animals at Yale are rodents, this would be an unusual request. Having a cat himself, this could have infuriated him and they could have gotten into a scuffle with the fiance encouraging him.

I should put a disclaimer though that I'm a vegan and truly hope this is not true since it would bring a bad name to all of us mentally stable animal lovers out there...

You're right, it is not common to dissect cats in regular high school courses...It is more common in advanced courses. I dissected one in a high school anatomy and physiology course my junior year. That was in the 90s. It would be strange to use a cat in a lab (per my experiences). JMO
Is it possible the autoclave was used not for the body but for something else -- to sterilize his clothes, weapon, etc?

The autoclav only kills germs (and living cells). There is not much point in sterilizing clothes or weapons because it cannot wash off the blood or fingerprints.
You're right, it is not common to dissect cats in regular high school courses...It is more common in advanced courses. I dissected one in a high school anatomy and physiology course my junior year. That was in the 90s. It would be strange to use a cat in a lab (per my experiences). JMO

I disected frogs, cats (yes, plural), snakes, and my senior year was a cow's brain.
hello all !

im new here :/ but been following the case, and the thread here, and its an incredible site you got here.

But someone here posted a a link to YaleDailyNews's twitter here, when i went in i saw a brief "contact us" to a twitterprofile, when i reloaded the page it was gone.

Went to the twitterprofile, and heres what it said (that was just some time before the arrest):

You can see it yourself on the profile: http://twitter.com/alicialutes

But what triggered me was that the editor asked for the profile to contact them, and then suddenly all hell broke loose. But if its true, then he already got some history of violence ( restraining order ).

I looked through the online court file last night for their current county, but did not find a restraining order. Just the traffic infraction.
A few things make me think this. In one article that was linked earlier, someone from the lab was quoted as saying that he had recently had a huge issue with the research staff not using shoe covers. We've also seen anecdotes from acquaintances that mentioned he was domineering with his current girlfriend. And now we see this article about the high school girlfriend and how possessive and physically aggressive he was.

My theory -- and it's JUST a theory -- is that it drove him nuts to be a low level employee surrounded by people who are smarter, richer, and more educated. The insistence on the shoe covers would be one of the only ways to assert dominance over them.

It would be interesting to see what was in those emails from him to Le about the mice. I think we'd see more attempted dominance.

I agree with this. I also notice that people, both men and women, are even less cool with seeing pretty, feminine females hold power or excel "too much."

Having said that, I'm bothered that they let him go and apparently don't have enough evidence to arrest him yet. I missed several pages yesterday, so wonder, how sure are we that this is the right guy? If he turns out to be the wrong one, oh my...
"A fellow animal technician said yesterday that Clark would have been intimately familiar with the basement where Le’s body was found because he spent most of his day in just two or three rooms there, tending to the research animals and cleaning their cages. The technician, who was told not to talk to the press, said Clark had worked at Yale for a few years, though his sister and her husband have worked at Yale for much longer."


"Clark entered the building after Le, and moved throughout the building in an erratic way, cops told the Daily News."


Thanks so much for that information - wow!

rdm64 said:
As far as this thing with animals, protocols etc it is becoming absurd speculation. If anything he was probably highly desensitized to the welfare of the laboratory rodents.
I agree - I think this was about the way this guy treated women, and nothing to do with rats. It just makes sense with what we know about the case so far.
Wrong. Research on mice is not regulated extremely tightly and barely regulated at all. They are not covered under the animal welfare act
these facilities can go through thousands of mice and rats a month.

The only regulations are not really regulations but a set of standards of care that only apply to federally funded projects (and often student work is not) and those are loose and self reported.
If you or I or any amateur with no credentials or professional or academic with credentials, wished to buy 100 lab mice and see how long it took to blind them by dipping them in an ammonia solution, or how they reacted to pain of needles stuck in them or how long they lived in a hot oven -- we would not be breaking any laws. (don't get me wrong all of that sounds terrible to me)

I think this whole animal rights thing for this case is a compelty off the tracks and not supported by a shred of evidence. everything points to unrequited obsession or less likely but still possible, a badly ended affair. Animal rights activism is something in its lighter forms most people would agree with and in its more sever forms something most people consider fringe, ie most people thing it is wrong to beat a dog, but not wrong to own aquarium fish or step on a bug. It is a potlitcal issue though and I think people are sticking their poltics into a crime which has nothign to do with animal rights, animal welfare or either the sober or nutty people concerned with it.

Hold on a sec-keeping fish in a very spacious, uncrowded and well filtered aquarium is perfectly humane and replicates or even improves on their conditions in the wild
i agree that there is nothing yet to suggest this had anything to do with animal rights/treatment, but i would not be surprised if there is no sexual angle and that it could have been simply a matter of her exerting authority over him in some way that he could not handle (given the info regarding his prior behavoir with women).

still finding it hard to believe they couldnt find a way to hold him given all the little details that are coming out, you must figure they know a good bit more by now yet still had to release him.

im slightly leaning towards it being a primarily work related argument that led to her death, i highly doubt it was planned, unless he is one of the dumbest criminals ever doing something like this in such a secure building. i suppose there is an equal chance that he might have been making advances towards her and just lost it when she sternly rejected him or something like that too.

whatever the details end up being will not change how much of a tragedy it is, and how infuriating and unsettling it is to know that things like this happen regularly in the world.

Is it possible the autoclave was used not for the body but for something else -- to sterilize his clothes, weapon, etc?

maggieo - sure, he could have sterilized anything in there, but it wouldn't achieve the result he desired. It would still be covered in any debris that was on it.....he would have had to throughly wash the items first, plus the autoclave would have cooked anything left on the items to a hard crust.

if he did set off the alarm the most likely thing was he did so not to leave but to move the body from the scene of the killing to the access area in the wall. Possible, but equally speculatory, unless you have inside information.

As far as blood the most likely only blood is his own from defensive scratch marks while strangling her. I never suggested large amounts of blood. I stated I believed he strangled her. That amount of blood would be impossible to clean up even partially....simply trying to answer some of the autoclave questions, K?

As far as this thing with animals, protocols etc it is becoming absurd speculation. If anything he was probably highly desensitized to the welfare of the laboratory rodents. Again, possible, but equally speculatory, unless you have inside information. We really are just here to exercise our detective/speculatory abilities anyway, no?

I think my answer is being misconstrued. I don't exactly think this was about animal rights. I think it was about control. And if POI felt that the animals were under his control, then what he says should go, ditto with foot covers. Annie didn't seem to be the type to accept that. Maybe my original post didn't reflect that properly. All I'm trying to say is that IN MY OPINION a conflict over the animals started this, and it escalated into murder. No romance, no affair.
could someone post a video from this link? i don't know how. i've been trying to get it right for a while but can't.


the tenth video labeled : 9/15 New Haven Police Press Conference Det... (3:51)
Tom Lewis is reporting a few minutes after RC was taken away from his house last night. thanks.

oops. i guess you can just click on that video!
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