GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #68

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Thank you for filling in many gaps. I tend to agree that she should have exercised her right to remain silent. However, if her lawyer genuinely believed her initial claims and script - appears he did - she has no one to blame but herself. She appears sincere and cooperative until she is presented with truth. She is very good at keeping her false story straight. Her courtroom lawyer does his best with what he has to work with, but most of his objections are over-ruled.

The location of the body is the important question. I think Troconis knows more than she has said. The plan for May 24 was very detailed, including pre-planning access to Pawel's truck. Troconis was part of those details, as we know from the alibi she constructed for him. Investigators make a good point when they challenge her on her disinterest in where he was that morning without his phone. It's hard to believe that she knew everything about the plan except where he put the body.

She mentions the pond a few times. There's also the dirt-bike trip, but I don't see Dulos carrying a body on a dirt bike. That brings me back to the missing 40 minutes near Waveny Park. If he had a solid plan, and prepared the body in the garage (remove clothing, etc.), then somewhere South of Waveny in the water - never to be found - seems like a good possibility. Travel time to and from Waveny Park is 25 minutes, which leaves 15 minutes to weigh down the body in water.

Maybe she can make a deal in sentencing by revealing the location of the body.
The Farber family for years had a weekend house in Pound Ridge, NY on Mallard Lake Road in Westchester Country. Pound Ridge NY (Westchester County) shares a border with New Canaan, CT (Fairfield County).

Article about long ago search:

FD built a large guesthouse on the property and the family would frequently stay there to visit with GF. The Pound Ridge property also had a lovely lake and was surrounded by woodlands. My point in bringing up this on site construction project is that I believe this project took over a year and so FD was driving back and forth from Farmington to Pound Ridge. Also, its likely that when the family visited GF they made a tour of the many area parks and forests with the children. Its hard unless you see it in person to explain the denseness of the forestry in undeveloped parts of Westchester and some parts of NC adjacent to Westchester. Google earth shows this dense forest land along with the many ponds and lakes etc. Other than a few main roads in Pound Ridge, there is very little traffic and FD would know that as well as which roads to avoid. NC depending on the time of day had much more road traffic and overall imo had higher density than the adjoining Westchester towns.

LE I believe searched the Farber Pound Ridge property and pond at least twice that was reported in the media iirc.

My point in bringing up this property up yet again as its been discussed extensively on WS is that FD had alot of familiarity with Pound Ridge and New Canaan back country areas which are largely wooded and oftentimes subject to 4 acre zoning. Traffic is minimal and depending on the town, the houses might not be occupied during the week as they are used as weekend houses. So, FD knew the backcountry roads, densely wooded areas, area ponds and lakes, large reservoirs that serve NYC and surrounding area as well as the quickest ways to get from the Merritt Parkway or RT 123/7/84 to/from Farmington imo.

I'd mentioned Gray Hughes Investigates as his wonderful Google Earth maps where he plotted the FD Murder day estimated path based on the AA and then made a circle around an area covering those points where FD could have effectively taken the body to a previously made grave and then made it back to Lapham Rd to drop off the JF Suburban. 40 min time gap isn't alot of time for FD to do everything himself so iirc, Gray Hughes had the theory of a second accomplice in NC. These videos aren't available any longer so far as I know but they offered up some solid ideas imo.

If FD passed the body off to an accomplice in a remote location and simply drove the JF Suburban back to Lapham Rd then I'm not sure how the body could be located unless a lucky camera somewhere captured a relevant image. If the vehicle stayed on the NY State side of the border and took back roads, imo it could go quite a distance heading South and not hit a govt road camera. The closer to NYC any vehicle goes, the population density escalates rapidly too. But, its possible to avoid alot of this by heading North up the Hudson River. Just speculation as we clearly have no information on what exactly happened for the 40 min gap in NC or even whether there was an accomplice.

We do know that both FD and KM seemed to be sporting bruises on their heads (FD in Starbucks video and KM in his AA photo iirc) after the murder date and KM I believe said he fell and injured himself and even lost his phone. How did these injuries occur and did they happen at the same time? Or, were FD and MT apart and just happened to both bang their heads?

NCPD put the word out after the JF murder for people in certain locations to save any security footage for their review. I don't think we ever knew exactly how many hours of footage was reviewed as part of this process, but I do wonder if it might have captured either FD or a possible accomplice.

In the year prior to the murder of JF, FD was building a house in NC on Sturbridge Hill Road. This is the property where PG was working on the date of the murder of JF doing finishing work (iirc he was installing locks). This property was essentially completed and was just awaiting landscaping at the time of JF Murder. This property also had a red dumpster which along with the property was subject to multiple searched by CSP.

What I always found curious was that LE knew the Sturbridge house was complete YET they allowed MT to talk over and over about tossing construction debris on Albany Avenue. This never made sense as all the construction debris at Sturbridge was removed and FD allegedly was not in NC on JF murder day either. MT knew that all the FORE houses were complete and there was no construction debris. So, why tell this lie and also why encourage her family to say in recent interviews that 'they too went on garbage dump trips with FD'? IMO its implausible but I also don't know why LE never called MT on her lie about this issue as it relates to Albany Ave. Also, we know that the garbage pick up date in Farmington was Friday so why not just use his regular trash pick up to get rid of trash?

NC also has a sizable Transfer Station which FD would have had access to via his ownership of Sturbridge. We never knew if LE searched the transfer station. I also don't recall whether the NC transfer station had cameras at the time of the JF Murder but they do have cameras now.

Many here have long speculated about somewhat remote and partially dirt covered roads Silver Spring Rd in NC (myself included as it seemed a perfect location) but we never heard if this area had been searched by LE.

So, FD had alot of time spent in/around NC and adjoining Westchester County. I wish we knew more about the FD activities in the days prior to the JF Murder. I suspect LE has much more information on the issue than was presented at MT trial. Hopefully more will be presented at the KM trial.

It still shocks me with the overall scope and cost (high estimate of $10 million and low estimate of $5 million) of the investigation that the body has never been recovered.

If you have any suggestions on other ways to think about what might have happened in NC on the Murder Date I'm sure everyone here would jump back into discussion as its been awhile since this topic was discuss and having your expertise and 'fresh eyes' my friend might give a welcomed breakthrough!

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Generally, a defendant is charged when/where they get caught committing a crime.

Judge Randolph and those before him have all opined that they're not inclined to interfere with the sealing Order of another Judge (i.e., Heller), and all of JLS Motions and appeals surrounding the Herman report were denied with the exception of allowing the defense attorney to view the report.

ETA: See item #21 for report released to defense counsel with restrictions.

View attachment 488710
Yes, thanks for this. I went back to the CT Practice Book last night and posted that section referred to by Judge Blawie but I'm not sure how with that restriction imposed that Jon Schoenhorn could have talked publicly about the discredited Herman report as much as he and his co counsel did at trial? Judge Heller restriction was that the report could be viewed and talked about in the context of a hearing in the Dulos v Dulos case but I'm not sure how or if at all this provision in her Order carries over in the MT Trial?

The extent of what Judge R seemed to do with regard to the report was to disallow it from being entered as evidence even though Atty Audrey Felson Filson tried to enter it (Judge R denied) and then Atty Jon Schoenhorn tried to enter it and Judge R slipped and almost let it happen until Atty Manning objected and explained what Schoenhorn was actually doing violated the Judges prior order.

It underscores how she absolutely has no regard for the law, not before the trial, during the trial and one can only bet, after it.

I hope her sentencing is reflective of her abuse of law to the fullest extent possible and that she remains behind bars for 50 years.

I am so pleased, MT has not been bailed out.
The longer she is locked up the better.
Time to think about her evil actions.
Hope there are continual nightmares.

She would also see others in prison, realizing how much she has in common with guilty folk.
Let's hope she stays locked up, for the remainder of her pitiful life.
Justice working continually.
Idk, I’d asked the question of @lucegirl as I’m not an attorney. Idk either if Judge Rodriguez can refer the matter back to Judge heller in Family court? It’s a procedural matter that I think needs an atty to answer.

Of course I am unable to give a “yes” or a “no” to any question about this case!

The warrant relies on the record from the Family Court and cites the Herman Report (and transcript of hearing), Judge Heller’s order to seal the report/transcript, Defense’s Motion to unseal the report/transcript, and Judge Blawie’s granting of the Defense’s motion with conditions per the Family Court Practice Book.

Contempt of Court is an offense based on conduct in a particular courtroom, so it would be very unusual, if at all, to see a Court in one Jurisdiction (Superior Court) hold a defendant in Contempt of Court of another Jurisdiction (Family Court).

Add to this unusual fact pattern that the Family Court case closed because FD is no longer. And add to that the issue of “reopening” the Family Court case has made its rounds through the CT Superior Courts and State Appellate Court in connection with Defense’s various motions to get a copy of the report (I am still deep in a primary and secondary set of rabbit holes regarding those cases, so I am not sure whether a final determination was made by any CT courts on the issue of re-opening a Family Court Case based on a divorce where both parents are deceased, and the custody issue is moot because the Grandmother has legal custody)(I will post more on this later as I think S/Horn abandoned the original argument that the Family Court Case need be reopened so he could assert his client’s right to her testimony included in the report (eyeroll), and further that the Family Court somehow waived its right to seal a document via procedural error (eyeroll); instead, S/Horn turned his Family Court procedural allegation as a reason NOT to pursue reopening Family Court on the “principle” that he himself as a member of the public should be granted access to the report in his own right, separate from his status as MT’s lawyer, apart from Family Court because, the public has an interest in holding courts accountable to public interest. Okay ….

So back to Contempt of Court. I don’t think there would much traction in the judiciary to demand or use resources to engage Family Court here. The Family Court record has more or less “merged into” the Randolph record - merged into being a legal term used to describe when elements of crimes become kind of redundant or collapsed into the same crime. So I think the Superior Court will rely on the Family Court record as an element of the alleged Contempt charge; and I think the fact that the Contempt charge involves violations of the other Judges’ orders will go to the weight and seriousness of the Contempt charge at hand - without having to go through the procedural fiction of opening a Family Court case where both parents are dead and the children securely in custody of grandmother. In other words, her contempt of other courts makes the contempt charged all the more egregious.

Again - nothing surprises me in this case - but this is how I view the situation rationally - balancing the multitude of interests at play here.
TROCONIS CASE: For those of you who may have gotten an alert from the court notification system about Michelle Troconis having a hearing on 3/18, a court official told me her sentencing has NOT been moved up and will still be 5/31. This hearing is more of a formality. @News12CT

A court official tells me that after the verdict, when the judge set the sentencing date, he didn't note on the record having a PSI done. So this hearing is solely for him to do so on the record. This official also says Troconis isn't expected to be there for it.

I believe the CT court system updates are pending. Only thing coming up is her arraignment for perjury on 3/21.

Searching CT via convictions -- it's zilch but this disclaimer appears:

This criminal history record information may change daily due to erasures, corrections, pardons, and other modifications to individual criminal history record Information. The Judicial Branch cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information except with respect to this date.
I am so pleased, MT has not been bailed out.
The longer she is locked up the better.
Time to think about her evil actions.
Hope there are continual nightmares.

She would also see others in prison, realizing how much she has in common with guilty folk.
Let's hope she stays locked up, for the remainder of her pitiful life.
Justice working continually.
Can you even imagine what it would feel like after you have been processed and shown to your cell? What do you do? Sit I guess. It's not like checking into a hotel or Air BnB where you have belongings to stow, phone to check or bathroom to use in private.
That initial shock of cultural and societal isolation has got to come with a huge slap in the face. The nothingness of it.
I like imagining that for her. IMO
Can you even imagine what it would feel like after you have been processed and shown to your cell? What do you do? Sit I guess. It's not like checking into a hotel or Air BnB where you have belongings to stow, phone to check or bathroom to use in private.
That initial shock of cultural and societal isolation has got to come with a huge slap in the face. The nothingness of it.
I like imagining that for her. IMO

Earlier today, this article was posted:

A portion of the article, regarding Meehans testimony about MT in court:

"She was down as well. She was frustrated,” Meehan said. “She had expressed disappointment and really just a lack of understanding as to why the court had not allowed access between her and the children.”

"Reading from his notes, Meehan said “Michelle wanted to know what she had done to cause the court to order that she not be permitted to be in contact with the children.”

My answer to MT, as she sits isolated in her ponder over this question?


If she could admit to that, it would be a start.

Can you even imagine what it would feel like after you have been processed and shown to your cell? What do you do? Sit I guess. It's not like checking into a hotel or Air BnB where you have belongings to stow, phone to check or bathroom to use in private.
That initial shock of cultural and societal isolation has got to come with a huge slap in the face. The nothingness of it.
I like imagining that for her. IMO
MT and her family seemed so unprepared for any conviction let alone on six counts that I really wonder about Horn and Mini horn as they had an obligation to prepared her and her daughter for all possibilities. I still cannot forget the family display after court and they didn’t seem prepared either. Far cry from the selfies and smiles the day prior too. It imo was a sad display. Moo
Michelle Troconis' attorney Jon Schoenhorn filed motions for an acquittal and a new trial on Thursday.
Troconis remains in custody on a $6 million bond.
Her sentencing is scheduled for May 31.

The two motions filed on Thursday are available below:

“They improperly appealed to emotion and prejudice by telling the jury that the case was “about” the Dulos children as they sat in the first two rows of the public gallery section of the courtroom in full view of jurors, when the case was actually “about” the guilt or innocence of the defendant, and none of the charges made reference to the children”

Good Luck with that.

JUST IN: Michelle Troconis’ attorney has formally challenged the verdict in her trial. Today Jon Schoenhorn filed a motion for an acquittal and a motion for a new trial.

The motion for a new trial lists 22 errors that Jon Schoenhorn says did not allow Troconis to have a fair trial. The first--the prosecution's closing arguments--has several subsets to it.
Good Luck with that.

JUST IN: Michelle Troconis’ attorney has formally challenged the verdict in her trial. Today Jon Schoenhorn filed a motion for an acquittal and a motion for a new trial.

The motion for a new trial lists 22 errors that Jon Schoenhorn says did not allow Troconis to have a fair trial. The first--the prosecution's closing arguments--has several subsets to it.
#22! Basically "and a bunch of other stuff I haven't thought of yet"

He wants a new trial because the State prejudiced the jury by saying she lied.

Plus he barfs up every objection he made during the trial.

Weak motions.

Michelle Troconis' attorney Jon Schoenhorn filed motions for an acquittal and a new trial on Thursday.
Troconis remains in custody on a $6 million bond.
Her sentencing is scheduled for May 31.

The two motions filed on Thursday are available below:

“They improperly appealed to emotion and prejudice by telling the jury that the case was “about” the Dulos children as they sat in the first two rows of the public gallery section of the courtroom in full view of jurors, when the case was actually “about” the guilt or innocence of the defendant, and none of the charges made reference to the children”

I can’t believe he brought up that Jennifer’s children were seated in the first two rows of the gallery…

Pretty normal for the victim’s family to be in the courtroom…btw, they are victims too JS!
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