GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #71

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How typical of MT -- acknowledges she was talking to LE in the presence of AB to save herself but her own actions prevented any deal because she gave them nothing during three interviews, but instead was evasive and used the interviews as a fishing expedition where she reported back to fD!

So no, MT, you can't screw up and blame the DA and your defense attorney.... MOO
So agree @Seattle1.

But, I do think she gave them quite a lot during those interviews including a whole slew of lies and lies about lies along with partial truths that took the police weeks to investigate and unravel for which she was NEVER charged separately for obstruction but make no mistake imo she was not only fishing but she was obstructing the investigation with her statements aka lies. Her claim about excusing the lies simply is the cherry on the top of this crap cupcake imo.

But, the document is somewhat interesting as MT is now taking the tact of reinventing her relationship timeline and history with FD. She had started doing this via the public statements of her family and in her and the familys social media.

So, it looks like MT is now reinventing herself as the 'wronged' mistress of FD. But, to see claims that MT received no financial benefit from the relationship simply is an absolute whopper imo. And, my guess is that Atty Weinstein and GF and the late JF have the receipts to disprove this statement.

I guess it will take a visit to the stand by GF Atty Weinstein who spent so far as I know at least 3 years investigating FD and by extension MT and the finances of FD. My recollection was that FD on the stand in the Civil Trial didn't deny that he paid MT over $100,000 a year WHILE at the same time NOT paying child support to JD.

It looks like we also might see a guest appearance at trial by the CT Revenue folks as in this latest filing MT admits to being in the State of CT for YEARS but NOT getting a drivers licence (as it required) in CT and admits to operating a business during the entire time. Right. CT Revenue will focus on physical presence of MT in CT (check), Income Received (check) and Business not registered to do business in the State of CT (check). The fact that MT goes further and says she didn't change her bank when she moved to CT is frankly ridiculous as it doesn't matter where your bank or bank account is located in this day and age. The MT criminal proceeding trial record is filled with numerous examples of MT conducting business in the State of CT as who can ever forget MT showing rugs of hers to Mr and Mrs Dumb and Dumber who chose to not buy anything as MT "didn't have the silver rug color we required'! So, CT Rev will also see that MT had physical inventory located in the State of CT and also she AND Petu admitted under oath in the criminal proceeding that Petu had sold the MT 'for years' at her store in Avon/Farmington, CT. MT 'was given' a Jeep purchased by FD and this 'fact' is on the record in the criminal proceeding and so was this 'gift' declared as income by MT as it certainly had some value? What about the years of trips on the dime of JF and GF take by MT and FD? Is MT going to provide receipts to show she did this all on her own dime? Haha! I do wonder if baby daddy Begue is paying attention to any of this as based on this latest filing if I were providing any level of support to MT for whatever reason I would be very CURIOUS as to how my money was being spent? Did MT spend years jetting around on Begue's dime or was she (my best guess) simply double dipping on the 'dimes' of both Begue and FD! Who even knows if MT had any other boyfriends in CO as when did 'Mr Churro' even enter the picture? Was 'Mr Churro' providing 'churros' to MT for years behind the scenes and was just another income stream for MT? Boggles the mind.

Oh my. I guess when people choose to be dishonest and lie about some things that they become disconnected to ALL the other lies they tell in their lives and so presenting a document to the Court about her financial affairs with such statements as she made is really 'no big deal'. But, honestly where was the attorney that prepared this document to submit to the Court? Did he ask his client if she prepared and submitted tax returns in the State of CT given that is where she resided? Is she stupid enough to think that because she was visiting family in FL or going to CO to ski or owned a condo someplace else that the CT Rev long arm wouldn't be able to touch her?

I do think the statement she made about 'not being supported by FD' can be quite easily disproven by Atty Weinstein so I look forward to seeing him enter the fray on this case.

But, who couldn't have a good laugh about people with bad judgement when in this latest filing MT ADMITS to FD having a girlfriend when she first met him in 2016 (I believe this to be yet another whopper as now scubbed social media has them together in 2015 at the ski park fwiw). Now, you know a guy is married and your first meeting with him has him miles away from his wife with 5 small children in sunny FL AND with a girlfriend. Don't you think a red flag M I G H T have been waved here? But the classic was MT 'blocking' FD on social media as a way to indicate her displeasure with his ongoing lies. AND, I do wonder if the woman FD was communicating with while with MT was the infamous Anna Curry? FD 'fired' MT as his mistress so quickly and had to imo be lining up her replacement and then the world saw Anna Curry and her money bags show up at 4Jx!

This stuff simply cannot be made up and I do very much wonder if this new law firm independently corroborated the 'stories' of MT prior to submitting this motion to the court as I see any number of 'issues' for MT simply by virtue of putting this information on the record in a public court in CT. There is no way to prove any of the MT statements without receipts as she simply imo is not a credible witness. I look forward to the discovery process and evidence submissions by MT to prove out the statements made in this filing. I can also imagine the good Atty Weinstein spitting out his morning coffee reading these financial allegations of MT as he had the receipts on all the trips FD and MT took for years in the Civil Case or even the attorney Norm Pattis who knows no shame knowing how FD spent his money on MT. Classic liars are gonna lie imo.

Might need another box of organic popcorn after the one I just ordered as the issues raised with this revised MT timeline are extensive to say nothing of being interesting. I do wonder though why MT and Horn made no effort to include such a detailed timeframe in the criminal proceedings? I also wonder if flight tickets and business records will be produced on the record by MT to support any of this and I do think its impossible to prove anything MT is saying without extensive social media and phone records of ALL parties involved.

My guess is that if Petu were 'scared' of the CT police that she will be put into a total state of paralysis by exposure to CT Revenue! Petu said on the stand that she and MT had 'done business' selling MT rugs in her store for 'years'! Did MT register her 'business' in CT as is required and did she even file as a 'part time resident' in line with her imo bogus residency claims? What a cesspit imo.

What a collection of people.....I do wonder if MT latest tactic is to simply find attorneys to take to court as I have serious questions about what diligence the latest attorney did on the statements made to them by MT? Did the new attorney corroborate via direct evidence all the MT statements in this filing? My guess is not and is this just another example of rolling the legal dice in the State of Corrupticut and knowing that lying on the stand or presenting false statements wont either be found out or prosecuted by the State?

Oh the tangled web of 'lies' that MT has created and frankly this latest reinvention simply takes the cake. If this were an episode is the Price is Right based on the MT personal story then this latest story would be behind Door number 3 where behind Doors 1 and 2 were variations of Door number 3 story but altered to fit whatever MT was trying to prove at the time.

Does MT understand the definition of truth? Does she have the capacity to not only understand it but to say it? How can an avowed liar based on prior statements ever be trusted to tell the truth? Can the latest attorney provide court standards level evidence to support these latest statements of MT or as in the past the Court is being asked to 'trust her'?

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IMO I wonder if a large part of the continued charade by the convicted felon centers on this - she was so distressed that FD had then moved on from her to AC - and she is therefore trying to seemingly ‘extricate’ herself from the mess that she and her co co-conspirator FD created? I think she and family need to re-read those circa 30 coincidences that state’s attorney Sean McGuiness assembled with her evidence. SMH. I wish that a good investigative journalist would ask them about these points.

Will also be interesting to see what becomes of the KM case and ultimate charges he will be given or prosecuted for by CT.

Lastly….. I am remembering and there was considerable confusion at the time IIRC. When the now convicted felon was in one of her early interviews with investigators, many believed that she looked longingly or fondly at a photograph on the table. And made a gesture toward it? Who was that picture of? Was it ever decided? Some indicated it was FD, others thought her daughter? MOO
Marisa Alter posted the MT filing document in her Court update article for those that want to read them:

Michelle Troconis files petition for release, claims constitutional violations; contempt case continued

Rubbish-- just more exaggerations by MT. Liar, liar, pants on fire...

So now MT blames the dead dude (Fd) for first hiring AB on her behalf, and lies in her petition that AB knew nothing about her and the details of her relationship with Fd prior to her arrest and interviews. Funny how MT brought up "the report" during her police interview-- causing the unknowing AB to motioned his head "no" towards MT -- serving to advise MT not to go there (i.e., AB knew MT was referring to a Court sealed report that MT obtained illegally).

MT had equal opportunity to come clean, and serve as a witness against Fd-- just as another foreigner (PG) served as a witness against Fd, and later MT.

Too bad the smartest party in the room did not learn a thing from Momma T. Instead she hates PG for getting "her deal!" MOO
Thank you! I have a bird cage to line!

Someone help me. Her defense for this motion/writ/what-have-you is that she was leaving FD but decided to stay because...? Because the issue causing her such torture evaporated? Hmmm? She was all set to flee CT where she had no ties, the same CT she was so rooted in she was no flight risk... and her basis for the habeas corpus is ... what? That she continued to lie? All because she was famished? Subsisting only on non-regular food. It's preposterous and exhausting. She knew JFd didn't run away -- if not when LE showed her JFd's cut and bloody clothing, then when -- oh, I don't know -- when she held the garbage bag open and then rode along to Hartford to wipe her filthy paws off on the sidewalk for reasons.

Why the obsession with JFd's past? Because it was what FD planned to stage and dutiful MT was sticking to the script even shading the sound advice of her attorney.

I started by saying this filing is birdcage worthy, but it's actually a stunning read -- IMO it exposes her culpability even more!!!

Of what relevance is JFd off living her life apart from family years before being a mother with five beloved dependants in 2019? Unless it was relevant to how it was supposed to go down? What greater proof do we need that MT herself was in the know for how it would go down?

Her new attorney left out MT's anger over the divorce, how long it was taking, that she was supposed to vacate the family home, that it was TORTURE to her. Ah, the relief when FD resolved the divorce his way -- MT bracketed that win with a celebratory dinner and getting her hairs done, spa day for the newly minted Mrs. FD 2.0.

I call foul.


So much to unpack with all of this.....

So, in a world where 'my truth' has entered the public vernacular MT and her attorney are now introducing another concept of 'unintentional inaccuracies' and make the further claim that this could have all somehow been 'fixed' with a proffer! Got it. MT made many of these 'unintentional inaccuracies' type statements and instead of clarifying them when she had the full attention of a tableful of law enforcement, State Prosecutor and her attorney that she let them stand knowing that the police would have to prove out her statements. Got it. I was 'in the shower with FD', I was 'sleeping with my daughter' and 'I had no idea why were were on Albany Avenue' or 'we always had fires going on warm almost summer days' goes on and on and on and I look forward to hearing yet again from Det Kimball as to what all was proven to be true and what all was proven to be false. I hope we get a guest appearance from Sgt Ventreska as he seemed particularly fired up about the impact of MT many "unintentional inaccuracies' on the Jennifer Dulos investigation! Liar Liar pants on fire doesn't even begin to cover the damage MT and her many lies and 'unintentional inaccuracies' resulted in for the investigation. LE was already behind the ball due to the length of time it took to get the search warrant and then was faced with more wasted time to track back the many MT statements. I wonder if she can be charged for these lies post trial as I frankly wish she had another charge brought specifically for the damage she did during the early days and her law enforcement interviews.

This statement is curious as even though MT is seeking to hold Atty Bowman responsible for her lying and many poor choices, she is admitting that significant information and misinformation existed.

But, the interesting thing I thought that MT added in this document was what might be a twisted explanation for her and Horns pursuit of the discredited report. She is attempting to craft (quite poorly imo) a narrative around why she never seemed to care much about where JF might be and seemed to be bothered by all the police questions about 'where is Jennifer'! IDK, MT body language puts lie to all these claims by MT as it imo was obvious MT didn't care about JF and appeared highly annoyed that the conversations kept coming around to 'where is Jennifer'. Classic imo 'nothing to see here' by MT and her attorney to explain her absolutely 'ice cold' imo view of JF in the LE interviews along with the claims of 'just going to Starbucks for a latte (imo after spending the day burning evidence)' made during the interviews as well.

So, not only is MT NOW claiming that FD lied to her BUT that she was leaving and going to CO. This statement from MT has been heard previously BUT so far as I can recall was NEVER corroborated by evidence accepted by any Court of law. Horn put this statement out in the criminal proceedings just like the whopper that MT spent the night with her daughter (no daughter direct on the stand testimony btw) the eve of the murder and then Petu on the stand to say she was talking/texting with MT while MT was driving down Albany Avenue etc. Neither of these statements were supported by any known evidence so far as I'm aware at trial other than a false weather report wrongly reported by Horn and Petu who imo seemed as shady as the day is long and just wanted to support her friend. We saw none of Petu's phone records and Horn had the MT phone and data removed from trial. It was all one big 'trust me' ask from a defendant and legal team who imo nobody had any reason to trust! I mean who wouldn't hold on tight to their wallet and bag in the presence of someone like Horn and Mini Horn????? I mean Horn is the kind of attorney that would accompany his client to get back a motorbike that PG had paid FD for and he and his client well knew this to be the case! Talk about misuse of power and using his position as an attorney to threaten and intimidate someone that paid for the motorbike!

The statement about MT having no 'animus' toward JF imo is just another whopper as who can forget the PG statement made about MT saying she wanted to do something awful to JF in his testimony at the criminal trial. So much evidence exists on this issue of 'animus' in the criminal trial that I'm surprised MT wants to go there. If MT didn't care about JF and was done with FD then why didn't she pack up the hefty bags and Fedex them to CO? Nope. Didn't happen. MT seems to think that a corrupt and paid for discredited psych report can somehow be used as a 'get out of York Prison card' because she was stupid enough to believe her lover who SHE KNEW TO BE A LIAR based on many years of experience in her relationship with him. Mindboggling.


This is all quite mind boggling but I guess MT and her attorney and family think everyone other than them are idiots. Thankfully LE saw through these lies quite clearly as did the jury. The truth is that MT stayed with FD despite all that was going in their relationship and this includes FD wandering eye and other girlfriends AND she was on Albany Ave and at Starbuck and driving god knows how many vehicles back and forth in the car parade as evidence was being destroyed and the truck packed up to remove the evidence to Albany Ave area. MT had to basically be forcibly ejected from 4JX and fired as mistress to FD to leave the area and then only to move to the local Residence Inn! No evidence has been presented that MT was leaving CT to go to CO. None. When LE raided 4Jx MT (and her mother iirc) were present still. Why not leave? Nope, never happened. Then you layer in the calls to people in Greece even after MT was 'fired as the mistress' where MT was claiming to 'love FD deeply' etc.

I wish some reporter would take the time to do an accurate timeline of things to put lie to the imo further lies of this late court filing. Meeting FD in 2016? Nope, in a pic with him from 2015. Moving to CO and leaving CT? Nope, entrenched at 4Jx and had to be forced to leave by CSP and move to Residence Inn? I mean who can forget the public statements made by Pattis on behalf of his client to MT?

But I have to say that yet again its the attorneys that file these documents filled with misstatements and partial truths that really do bother me greatly as I would speculate that receipts from MT to prove out the statements she signed off on in a legal proceeding simply don't exist. What will the standard of evidence required to substantiate these statements by MT to the Court? Will the Court simply take these statements made by MT and her imo ill informed attorney at face value? Curious how this will all play out.

I guess KM and FD taught MT the old legal game of 'catch me if you can' quite well as they both spent years twisting the truth and lying on the stand in CT courts with zero consequences imo. I would say I'm shocked but I'm not as this is just a continuation of the many FD lawsuits, Family Court statements and lies by FD and the lies FD and MT no doubt told each other as they conspired to murder JF. Enough and I hope a smart State Prosecutor or Judge demands proof for each and every statement by MT in this latest document and I frankly pity her latest attorney in providing evidence to support ANY of her claims.

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Will GF also be roped into the mess or any other friends of JF who would have knowledge of any of this history and will this litigation have the legal power to do what MT and Mama T have long wanted which was to magically unseal the sealed documents in Family Court? Will this mean that ALL the sealed reports from Family Court or reports or documents excluded by the Judge in the Criminal Case against MT including those relating the children now enter the public domain and will the involved medical and legal professionals be forced to testify? What about the involved Judges in the various cases? IDK if Judges can be called in trials but I do wonder. Family Court iirc had 3 Judges (maybe 4) so will they and all the various FD attorneys and accountants be forced to comply with subeoenas and testify in open court ON THE RECORD?
Here's a CT statute that pertains to the privilege of medical reports, and see all the citations below it of CT Supreme Court opinions, particularly those that dealt with psychiatric reports/records--looks to me like the judge can only look at the record if the defendant is claiming self-defense.
2023 Connecticut General Statutes :: Title 52 - Civil Actions :: Chapter 899 - Evidence :: Section 52-146e. - Disclosure of communications.
An attorney friend of mine sent me this and a whole slew of other law journal articles for some COVID recovery reading as a joke but I'm going to read it. Taking a quick look at this article though I don't think popcorn will help me and alcohol is off the table due to COVID meds. Yuck. My friend sent more on this interesting topic and I have to admit being quite curious as to how to prove 'ineffective representation' or MTs claim that she was 'owed or promised' a deal by Colangelo.

Could Mami Troconis possibly be paying for all of this? We know from the many questions about how Atty Norm Pattis was paid by FD that attorneys don't have to disclose how they are being paid. BUT, if Mami or the Troconis family are paying for this or even if MT or Begue are paying for the attorney then doesn't that seem like an abuse of the system in place to provide well deserved legal representation for those that are truly indigent?

We know MT is represented via Chief PD Jennifer Bourn (Sarah Howard) for her appeal, and Robert Foster for the contempt charge.

For the record, Court "assigned counsel" by public defender's office are private practice attorneys who contract to the State to provide services.

I don't doubt a Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus would also fall in this specialized category for "assigned counsel." It also seems Michael W. Brown (of KG&B) can help MT with re-entry. MOO

IDK but the States uses private attorneys sometimes for cases depending on the work load they are dealing with. Will try to figure this out. But, what bothers me greatly is that MT declared to the Court (using God knows what supporting documents) that she was 'indigent' and needed the State to pay for her legal defense and so far as I know Atty Frost is a private attorney handling her Contempt case and now possibly this attorney is also private.

Could Mami Troconis possibly be paying for all of this? We know from the many questions about how Atty Norm Pattis was paid by FD that attorneys don't have to disclose how they are being paid. BUT, if Mami or the Troconis family are paying for this or even if MT or Begue are paying for the attorney then doesn't that seem like an abuse of the system in place to provide well deserved legal representation for those that are truly indigent?

Not sure I'm understanding any of this. Could be the COVID brainmelt effect but I don't think so as this is a pretty obvious question mark imo.

She got the public defender to avoid paying the 70 grand for transcripts for the appellate court? I don't understand it all.
Why did MT never point at KM?

She can't.

If she rats out what he knew she'll expose what she knew. FD was smart that way. Three way pinky swear. No one can roll on the others without being rolled.

Why does MT have foreknowledge of, not just JFd's ancient history, but the significance of it, relative to the day FD disappeared for nine hours (returning with a bloody truck and a very messy, bulky, box of Hefty bags project).

IMO plan revealed. FD was supposed to ambush JFd, drive her away from her home, stage her vehicle, disappear her completely and then be sipping tea when LE showed up. Oh, JFd? Goodness, I was at work. She must have run off. A pity. Guess I best go get the children, we have a waterski date at 3 --

No blood, no papertowels, no seat swaps, no afternoon ferryage, likely no midsummer's day homefires. Just JFd gone, alibis for the scripters, and full dedication to the repeat gone girl storyline. Gotta hand it to MT. She never wavered. Still holding firm. That's what she thinks happened to JFd (because the what they agreed on) (which shows she knew beforehand). We can't be surprised. She told on herself. She didn't need to write down her activities when FD prompted her to. Why? Because she memorized them. Hello. What? Who MEMORIZES their day? (While omitting most of it.) A liar.

She might as well own it. Sticks out on this newest filing. She believed JFd up and left, and MT believed that because of her history. Which makes NO SENSE with her garage a bloody crime scene. MT did not believe it ever. MT believed the STORY was their ticket. Stick to the script. It'll blow over.

She knew what call to answer. And which to let go.

She didn't ask FD where he really was.

Because she didn't need to. Just like she's got an iron grip on gone girl. It's what it was supposed to look like. Not after the fact -- because of the bloody crime scene. It could only have come from before.


IDK but the States uses private attorneys sometimes for cases depending on the work load they are dealing with. Will try to figure this out. But, what bothers me greatly is that MT declared to the Court (using God knows what supporting documents) that she was 'indigent' and needed the State to pay for her legal defense and so far as I know Atty Frost is a private attorney handling her Contempt case and now possibly this attorney is also private.

Could Mami Troconis possibly be paying for all of this? We know from the many questions about how Atty Norm Pattis was paid by FD that attorneys don't have to disclose how they are being paid. BUT, if Mami or the Troconis family are paying for this or even if MT or Begue are paying for the attorney then doesn't that seem like an abuse of the system in place to provide well deserved legal representation for those that are truly indigent?

Not sure I'm understanding any of this. Could be the COVID brainmelt effect but I don't think so as this is a pretty obvious question mark imo.

I do think it is likely that MT herself is actually indigent, since she hasn’t worked in….well, years, actually. She is a leech. She isn’t a productive human. Her family referred to her as “self supporting”, but unless they categorize finding rich married men and moving in with them as her job, she isn’t and has never been. Her family’s ill-gotten riches don’t count. But there absolutely is something “fishy” going on here-these don’t appear to be the run-of-the mill, typical, overworked, not the most talented attorneys working on her behalf-and on the public dime. We’ll see what happens, but somebody didn’t catch that bit where she admits having access to Jennifer’s private info (as if it has anything to do with MT’s actions!)
She got the public defender to avoid paying the 70 grand for transcripts for the appellate court? I don't understand it all.
IMO its a total abuse of process. I am sure no diligence was done by the state on her finances and that she most likely lied on her forms to the State as well. Its the classic Troconis 'catch me if you can' approach to the legal system that she learned brilliantly from Mama Troconis, FD and KM imo.
I do think it is likely that MT herself is actually indigent, since she hasn’t worked in….well, years, actually. She is a leech. She isn’t a productive human. Her family referred to her as “self supporting”, but unless they categorize finding rich married men and moving in with them as her job, she isn’t and has never been. Her family’s ill-gotten riches don’t count. But there absolutely is something “fishy” going on here-these don’t appear to be the run-of-the mill, typical, overworked, not the most talented attorneys working on her behalf-and on the public dime. We’ll see what happens, but somebody didn’t catch that bit where she admits having access to Jennifer’s private info (as if it has anything to do with MT’s actions!)
@Jmoose, imo the attorney that prepared the latest filing did zero to fact check his clients information. MT imo signed a document that 'at best' has many factual inaccuracies.

But, MT is someone who has spent years on social media (along with her family) posting information to victim shame and blame and the State of CT and Judges involved in the criminal cases never did a thing to gag her or seal up the case file. As an example if you care to take a wander over to Insta you will see that MT has posted a medical invoice from a medical doctor/mental health professional that lists the name of Jennifer Dulos, Doctors name, diagnosis info, and medications. This post has been up for a VERY long time and GF and JF friends and family don't seem to care and so I'm scratching my head why I should care but I do because its wrong! MT had no right to have that medical bill and no right to the discredited Herman report or whatever else she got from FD illegally imo and no doubt shared with Mama Troconis. MT no doubt got this invoice from FD when he and she were torturing JF in Family Court to be precluded from driving the children. This particular episode of torment went on for months.

FD was also enraged that JF continued to seek expensive medical professionals and mental health assistance for the children (he objected in Family Court to this over and over). This protest from FD always particularly enraged me as JF was taking care of herself but not only that SHE PAID FOR THESE MEDICAL BILLS HERSELF! FD was enraged that she was spending her own money AS IF IT WAS HIS MONEY and ditto for MT.

MT admitting to having access to effectively 'stolen' documents to which she couldn't have legal access in a signed document presented to Court imo says that he current lawyer didn't review and verify the statements made by MT in the filing and her current lawyer also didn't review the criminal case file. I also speculate that MTs default action when not getting what she wants is to simply create another lie or version to simply try and get her way. The criminal trial in her mind was a bust and loss so now she reinvents the story of her timeline in order to try another path forward on the legal front. Thing is though that the 'moving to CO' narrative will be a bust imo as the receipts will be lacking.

IMO shame on the attorney that prepared the MT document and I hope the prior lies along with the current lies are SHREDDED in Court by both Atty Bowman and Atty Colangelo. Shameful to see more imo crap lie filled documents prepared by CT attorneys and its following the past 4 years of seeing Jon Schoenhorn simply do the same thing for his client and Judge Randolph (and Blawie and White) not holding him to any professional standards or rules of evidence.

I hope the Court sees through these latest 'misstatements' from MT and I hope both Bowman and Colangelo GO TO TOWN on not only the prior 'misstatements' but the current 'misstatements' as the situation has gone on imo long enough.

The MT 'misstatements' will no doubt continue so long as she doesn't get her way in Court as her history is simply reinventing the story until it accomplishes what she want. But, at this point it seems like GF and the JF Friends and Family have exited the building on MT and are getting on with their lives and don't really care much about MT and her lies and the lies of her family. GF went to the mat to protect the legacy of her daughter against a true 'bad actor' imo in the form of Norm Pattis but so far at least she doesn't seem to be willing to do the same to MT and her family. I'm not sure what to think at this point as the State isn't so far as I can tell even willing to hold MT accountable for a contempt charge that was captured on video camera.

The latest filiing imo explains why MT believes that the discredited report is necessary for her case. Its a misguided and illogical conclusion by her imo and the idea of using a discredited report that was sealed for very good reason is something that I wish a good attorney had advised her years ago would go nowhere. Wait, a good attorney did tell MT to leave the report to the side and not discuss it and that attorney was Andrew Bowman. Andrew Bowman was the ONLY attorney to tell MT NO on the issue of the discredited report. Pattis had no similar standard as he believed the lies of his client FD to craft the entire implausible and flimsy story of 'Gone Girl'. MT has stupidly imo been repeating not only the lies of the alibi script for years but is now simply slightly reimagining the implausible 'Gone Girl' narrative put forward by Atty Pattis so irresponsibly years ago. The "Gone Girl' narrative died a swift death when the bloody shirt and bra were held up in Court. MT and her attorneys were well aware of the evidence in her case years ago prior to trial and so to see this narrative perpetuated is quite simply imo abuse of legal process and truly insane.

Totally disgusted to see YET ANOTHER attorney not getting receipts for documents submitted for their clients signature and presented to a Court as "truthful".

Insanity continues imo and I'm quite angry.

I do think it is likely that MT herself is actually indigent, since she hasn’t worked in….well, years, actually. She is a leech. She isn’t a productive human. Her family referred to her as “self supporting”, but unless they categorize finding rich married men and moving in with them as her job, she isn’t and has never been. Her family’s ill-gotten riches don’t count. But there absolutely is something “fishy” going on here-these don’t appear to be the run-of-the mill, typical, overworked, not the most talented attorneys working on her behalf-and on the public dime. We’ll see what happens, but somebody didn’t catch that bit where she admits having access to Jennifer’s private info (as if it has anything to do with MT’s actions!)
DBM - duplicate posting. Sorry
I'm not sure what to think at this point as the State isn't so far as I can tell even willing to hold MT accountable for a contempt charge that was captured on video camera.
Please refresh my memory. When did Horn try to put the report on Jennifer into evidence (before Manning caught it and took it away)? Was if before or after MT showed it on her computer in court? (And then Horn sang out, "That's okay, your Honor.")
Was that actually a copy of the psych report re JFD? If so, did Horn digitize the copy that Blawie gave him? (And Blawie told him he couldn't show it to anybody?)
Please refresh my memory. When did Horn try to put the report on Jennifer into evidence (before Manning caught it and took it away)? Was if before or after MT showed it on her computer in court? (And then Horn sang out, "That's okay, your Honor.")
Was that actually a copy of the psych report re JFD? If so, did Horn digitize the copy that Blawie gave him? (And Blawie told him he couldn't show it to anybody?)
JS tried to sneak it in as an exhibit as I recall, and Attorney Manning caught it moments before he did. I distinctly recall him standing by the court clerk preparing to number it. He was angling to I.D. it (IDing a document is different than entering it as an exhibit, I think, I just can't recall how/why.) It was underhanded.

“Stamford Advocate”:
Without delving into specifics, the prosecutor referred to motions Frost filed in July asking for more particulars on the contempt charge, as well as a request filed by the defense attorney to subpoena a Massachusetts videographer who operated a camera in the courtroom during the trial.

In filings, Frost has asked a judge to order prosecutors to spell out the charges more precisely, and said he wants to ask the cameraman whether he meant to show Troconis' laptop screen on purpose.

I’m very confused why it’s relevant whether the cameraman meant to show the laptop on purpose? IMO, it’s what she displayed in large font on her screen in court regardless if there was a cameraman filming or not.
So now it’s going to be the cameraman’s fault? Puleeze! I cannot believe this is how our country’s judicial system works. Like everything else going on in the country right now, this just takes the cake!
I do think it is likely that MT herself is actually indigent, since she hasn’t worked in….well, years, actually. She is a leech. She isn’t a productive human.

I've always believed MT's source of income was child support/maintenance which I think ended the minute she was locked up-- if not earlier. I think the daughter is no longer a minor.

Although this doesn't apply to MT because CT is eager to release defendants charged with 1st degree murder on bail, there are several states that do not, and the defendants not eligible for pretrial bail are entitled to public defenders -- per the State's Constitution-- without regard to the defendants net worth. MOO
JS tried to sneak it in as an exhibit as I recall, and Attorney Manning caught it moments before he did. I distinctly recall him standing by the court clerk preparing to number it. He was angling to I.D. it (IDing a document is different than entering it as an exhibit, I think, I just can't recall how/why.) It was underhanded.

Yes, but was it before or after MT showed the report on her computer?
IMO there should have also been a contempt charge against Horn for his sneaky act, because Judge Blawie gave him the report with the order that he couldn't show it to anyone else. And there he was--trying to show it to the jury. A few years ago there was a criminal case in federal court re IIRC an arsonist. The case had gone thru' CT state court first and the judge told def's lawyer he couldn't mention the state case, but he did so, and judge referred him to either the state bar or the federal grievance committee. So IMO Judge Randolph, or the prosecutors, should have brought a contempt charge against Horn--even tho' he was caught in the act.

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