Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #16

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Thanks @sleuth66!

My interpretation of the transaction is that FORE purchased the property for "corporate housing", sugar shack, etc., updated the property and then "sold" it to his employee "straw buyer" to extract the equity.

The $70k is what the buyer needed to bring to the table to close the transaction (10% down payment of $65k and $5k in fees/closing costs). That appears to have been provided by FORE/MT and funneled to the buyer, so he has no personal $ invested. If he defaulted on the loan, it would affect his credit rating adversely but he wouldn't lose any $ because he never put any $ into the transaction.

The house was subsequently sold for $50k less than the purchase price, no problem because it paid off the loan and the equity (down payment) didn't come out of his pocket anyway.

The loan officer is responsible for completing the final loan application (Form 1003) so she has committed fraud and so has the buyer by signing it and the HUD settlement statement.

MOO, MOO, MOO....'til the cows come home!
Ok - the loan and timing I agree very suspicious and agree with the above! Just to confirm - Purchased April 2016 - was MT and daughter living there until JD and children moved out in 2017?
Ok - the loan and timing I agree very suspicious and agree with the above! Just to confirm - Purchased April 2016 - was MT and daughter living there until JD and children moved out in 2017?
I’ve been trying to track this down for a while. You can track her past residences on Florida pretty easily. The last house was impressive, but I don’t think she owned it. I do believe she still owns a condo down there, at least at this time it still is in her name, a sale may not be registered yet.
I suspect she was at this house, but it was not in her name...
Thanks @sleuth66!

My interpretation of the transaction is that FORE purchased the property for "corporate housing", sugar shack, etc., updated the property and then "sold" it to his employee "straw buyer" to extract the equity.

The $70k is what the buyer needed to bring to the table to close the transaction (10% down payment of $65k and $5k in fees/closing costs). That appears to have been provided by FORE/MT and funneled to the buyer, so he has no personal $ invested. If he defaulted on the loan, it would affect his credit rating adversely but he wouldn't lose any $ because he never put any $ into the transaction.

The house was subsequently sold for $50k less than the purchase price, no problem because it paid off the loan and the equity (down payment) didn't come out of his pocket anyway.

The loan officer is responsible for completing the final loan application (Form 1003) so she has committed fraud and so has the buyer by signing it and the HUD settlement statement.

MOO, MOO, MOO....'til the cows come home!
@Hair of the Dog, have you or @sleuth66 been able to find any other litigation regarding this matter? Based on what we know about this situation I agree with your take on what was going on.

We also know the Farmington Bank employee and the Buyer were brought in for deposition in Family Court (will attempt to find these documents in whole but we have seen references in MSM to the fact that it happened) but wondered also if due the apparant fraud issue there was anything done either by or to the bank related to either/or Buyer or Bank Officer?
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There was a question last night in thread regarding “The Art of War” and what it is. I can’t find the post now so will just post this separately. “The Art of War” has been considered the definitive text on military strategy and warfare ever since being written in ancient China around 500 BC, inspiring businesses, athletes, and of course generals to beat their opponents and competition the right way until today.

“The Art of War” in 3 sentences:

Know when to fight and when not to fight: avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak. Know how to deceive the enemy: appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. Know your strengths and weaknesses: if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

Here are 3 lessons that “The Art of War” is teaching:

  • Only enter battles you know you can win.

  • Deceive your competition to make them do what you want.

  • Lead your team as if you were leading a single man by the hand.
Some quotes out of “The Art of War”:

  • “All warfare is based on deception. Hence when able to attack we must seem unable. When using our forces we must seem inactive. When we are near we make the enemy believe we are far away. When far away we must make the enemy believe we are near.”
  • “Attack him where he is unprepared. Appear where you are not expected.”

  • “Military tactics are like water. For water, in its natural course, runs away from high places and hastens downwards. So, in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak.”

  • “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move fall like a thunderbolt.”
Gives me goose bumps and I feel so sad for JD…. Perfect reading material for someone like FD (MOO). Please note that I am not at all saying that JD was unprepared or weak. The above quotes are just straight quotes from the book. IMO, JD was intelligent, strong, prepared, beautiful, kind, loving, and the list goes on and on, but he is not human and what he did could not have been anticipated.



James Clear, The Art of War by Sun Tzu,

Niklas Goeke, The Art of War Summary,
Lol-yeah, it must feel like he is driving a sewing machine!

Obviously, we don’t find humor on this thread, but this had me howling.

Mostly, because FD was so certain he was going to get away with it, get his kids, get their money, more money, never repay Granny Farber ... and he had also become an indulgent, entitled, spoiled man with all of Jennifers and her family’s money affording him beautiful luxurious homes and the fanciest and most expensive of automobiles.. When FD drove down the street and everybody saw him in a very expensive car he felt powerful and better than.

So the thought of him in a standard automobile, putting the pedal to the metal and having a tantrum fills me with glee ...

The one thing he didn’t count on was people missing her so quickly and reporting her missing and him not being the “call” to get your children, sir ...

It was something that Chris Watts didn’t expect either, he had no idea that Shanane’s friend was going to call the cops so quickly ..

If it weren’t for the expedient reporting of these women missing I think that the both husbands would’ve gotten away with it 100% and FD and MT not arrested yet.
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I've been away for a while so this may have been widely discussed, but wow FD was always such a terrible husband and father. What an entitled, spoiled, gaslighting, smug, arrogant nightmare. Reading Jennifer's blog posts now (I had read the newspaper neighborhood posts before) -- dear JD tries SO hard to see the best in her monster husband, to make it work, to carve out the sense of self he was taking from her. The entry about his time away really gets to me: "I calculated that Fotis now spends 1/3 of his time away from home base. That home is also his office, thus the need to get away from “work” proper. That work and home being one can be pretty huge, and a pressing reason to have an office away from your dwelling. So that you leave work to get away from work. You don’t leave home to get away from work. Unless, of course, you’re an active mom, in which case, you might." He took over their home, so selfishly. Didn't even allow her her own bathroom though it was thousands of square feet. Carried on as he wished. Left the state 1/3rd of the year and "invited" her along, with no sense that a parent might not want to leave their kids so frequently -- or maybe knowing that she would never join, because she was actually a good, involved, devoted parent, the opposite of him. Made her feel like crap because this mom of 5 young children didn't feel like whooping it up and partying every night with his Greek friends. He attempted to completely subsume her identity, and when she finally managed to escape him, he killed her. He is a destroyer. He never gave a crap about his children, not in a real way, so taking away their precious mommy and breaking their hearts forever was just collateral damage.

100% it’s infuriating and heartbreaking... it’s as if he wiped her out of her own life before he killed her, down to the Greek named children, kids speaking Greek and JD didn’t, his demanding the kids hobby be waterskiing, and never being around, his Bs “home office” oh please ... that said I am sure he was such a negative force in the home, she was glad to have him gone 1/3 of the time.
@Hair of the Dog, have you or @sleuth66 been able to find any other litigation regarding this matter? Based on what we know about this situation I agree with your take on what was going on.

We also know the Farmington Bank employee and the Buyer were brought in for deposition in Family Court (will attempt to find these documents in whole but we have seen references in MSM to the fact that it happened) but wondered also if due the apparant fraud issue there was anything done either by or to the bank related to either/or Buyer or Bank Officer?

@sleuth66 did all the work :) I just interpreted the information.

IMO They are in trouble because they both knew it was not an arms length transaction and they lied about the source of the funds for the down payment. Section IX Acknowledgement and Agreement of the Uniform Residential Loan Application Form 1003 is executed by both borrower and Loan Officer attesting to the accuracy of the information contained therein. The Borrower and the Bank Officer both committed mortgage fraud. The closing agent would have disbursed the proceeds at closing to the seller of record which was presumably FORE and after that it is anyone's guess. I think FD was trying to keep up with cash flow needs and that was the quickest way. Since payroll may have depended on the transaction, it behooved MT and the Buyer to go along with it. JMO!
Obviously, we don’t find humor on this thread, but this had me howling.

Mostly, because FD was so certain he was going to get away with it, get his kids, get their money, more money, never repay Granny Farber ... and he had also become an indulgent, entitled, spoiled man with all of Jennifers and her family’s money affording him beautiful luxurious homes and the fanciest and most expensive of automobiles.. When FD drove down the street and everybody saw him in a very expensive car he felt powerful and better than.

The one thing he didn’t count on was people missing her so quickly and reporting her missing and him not being the “call” to get your children, sir ...

It was something that Chris Watts didn’t expect either, he had no idea that Shanane’s friend was going to call the cops so quickly ..

If it weren’t for the expedient reporting of these women missing I think that the both husbands would’ve gotten away with it 100% and FD and MT not arrested yet.

Yes, as you said, not funny-but there is a lot of satisfaction in knowing that he isn’t riding in the style in which he is accustomed (I personally have no issue with driving ANY type of car-like my 13 year old Honda Odyssey with 230,000 miles on it)
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Yes, as you said, not funny-but there is a lot of satisfaction in knowing that he isn’t riding in the style in which he is accustomed (because I personally have no issue with driving ANY type of car-like my 13 year old Honda Odyssey with 230,000 miles on it)

Seriously! My first car was a 20-year-old orange Pinto ... and when I told my dad you know they’re really dangerous and can catch on fire, he was like eh, you’re fine .. no style for me!
There was a question last night in thread regarding “The Art of War” and what it is. I can’t find the post now so will just post this separately. “The Art of War” has been considered the definitive text on military strategy and warfare ever since being written in ancient China around 500 BC, inspiring businesses, athletes, and of course generals to beat their opponents and competition the right way until today.

“The Art of War” in 3 sentences:

Know when to fight and when not to fight: avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak. Know how to deceive the enemy: appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. Know your strengths and weaknesses: if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.

Here are 3 lessons that “The Art of War” is teaching:

  • Only enter battles you know you can win.

  • Deceive your competition to make them do what you want.

  • Lead your team as if you were leading a single man by the hand.
Some quotes out of “The Art of War”:

  • “All warfare is based on deception. Hence when able to attack we must seem unable. When using our forces we must seem inactive. When we are near we make the enemy believe we are far away. When far away we must make the enemy believe we are near.”
  • “Attack him where he is unprepared. Appear where you are not expected.”

  • “Military tactics are like water. For water, in its natural course, runs away from high places and hastens downwards. So, in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak.”

  • “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move fall like a thunderbolt.”
Gives me goose bumps and I feel so sad for JD…. Perfect reading material for someone like FD (MOO). Please note that I am not at all saying that JD was unprepared or weak. The above quotes are just straight quotes from the book. IMO, JD was intelligent, strong, prepared, beautiful, kind, loving, and the list goes on and on, but he is not human and what he did could not have been anticipated.



James Clear, The Art of War by Sun Tzu,

Niklas Goeke, The Art of War Summary,
thank you-
As I read some info on it I couldn't help but
connect some of the suggestions to FD-
like how to recruit and set up spies to follow
and know about your 'enemy'.
Just as he recruited and set up his son to report
on his own mother, JD.
Can you imagine involving your child in this?
I shudder to think how bad an influence he was
on his own children.
@Hair of the Dog, have you or @sleuth66 been able to find any other litigation regarding this matter? Based on what we know about this situation I agree with your take on what was going on.

We also know the Farmington Bank employee and the Buyer were brought in for deposition in Family Court (will attempt to find these documents in whole but we have seen references in MSM to the fact that it happened) but wondered also if due the apparant fraud issue there was anything done either by or to the bank related to either/or Buyer or Bank Officer?
Have not been able to find any other litigation on this property. Personally I believe that JD was the one that picked this up through the divorce and it wasn’t on the radar other than that.
This also may be the reason MT is pleading the 5th so desperately in the GF suit, that MTs involvement in this transaction through Fore implicates her as standing to benefit from JDs disappearance. This is especially the case if MT and daughter were living here (speculation, MOO only, because this property stood out like a sore thumb to me in Fore’s inventory, this was not the typical type of home they develop, plus it is so close to 4 JC. The timing of the sales coincided with the need for housing MT and daughter, then after JD left and MT moved into 4 JC no longer need for this property. Extract money out of it using Fore employee as cover)

This is the permit for renovations taken out on 123 Hunter Drive by Fore shortly after the purchase (publicly available from WHartford gov permit website):

Electrical Permit
One Family Dwelling IRC
Contact Type
Property Owner
Contact Description
THOMAS ELECTRIC CO., LLC , Address:Mark Thomas, Phone: (860) 583-3337
THOMAS ELECTRIC CO., LLC , Address:Mark Thomas, Phone: (860) 583-3337
FORE GROUP, INC., Address:Guillaume Vidallet, Phone:
Remodel electrical in existing home. Change plugs and switches. Add/remove wiring in bath and kitchen. Replace lights, and add a 11 kw standby generator
Channel 4 video interview of FD from youtube: The "monster" interview:

Thanks for the link, @afitzy ! This was the first time I watched the whole thing and I would like to know who the hot guy at the end was who has known them for 12 years. Also, compare Fulos in the video to this photo from years ago. He has lost a lot of weight and snorted his looks right down the drain.


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I'm not sure why, but since the new leaks/info has come out, I no longer feel FD worked alone on his evil deed. I also think, now, that he had it all planned out before the Wednesday evening get together at Jennifer's. He was there to freshly scope things see if he was all set. It now makes sense why he remarked there, that he didn't want to leave dna inside. He had a plan, a helper I think, and knew how it was going down. I'm still iffy about the pillow and knife find. Not sure yet how i feel on that bit. Jmo
Thanks for the link, @afitzy ! This was the first time I watched the whole thing and I would like to know who the hot guy at the end was who has known them for 12 years. Also, compare Fulos in the video to this photo from years ago. He has lost a lot of weight and snorted his looks right down the drain.

Interesting tidbit: hot guy of 12 year acquaintance is the same person involved in shady bank loan in FD/JD divorce.
Some quotes out of “The Art of War”:

  • “All warfare is based on deception. [BBM] Hence when able to attack we must seem unable. When using our forces we must seem inactive. When we are near we make the enemy believe we are far away. When far away we must make the enemy believe we are near.[BBM]
  • “Attack him where he is unprepared. Appear where you are not expected. [BBM]

  • “Military tactics are like water. For water, in its natural course, runs away from high places and hastens downwards. So, in war, the way is to avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak.[BBM]

  • “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move fall like a thunderbolt.[BBM]

“The Art of War” in 3 sentences:

Know when to fight and when not to fight: avoid what is strong and strike at what is weak. Know how to deceive the enemy: appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak. Know your strengths and weaknesses: if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles

Great post!

My guess is FD ran into this text in business school where is it sometimes taught and discussed or possibly even at E&Y where it might have been discussed in a seminar.

The quotes above speak for themselves IMO. But I also think they speak quite a bit to FD and the way his mind might work. Playing out the theories and ideas of AOW in the context of a human relationship seems akin to emotional terrorism and reduction of a relationship to simply getting what you want from the other person at any/all costs by playing a game is sick. Sick IMO, very sick. I'm sure a psychologist would have other terms to use but I am not a psychologist. I'm just a person reacting to the idea of treating another human being in such a cold and clinical way and only caring about what you want.

I think the JD blog posts show that over time things changed in her life and her relationship. Whether this was from the Cycle of Violence playing out or some kind of FD campaign based on the ideas in Art of War its impossible to know. But for all intents and purposes it seems like JD was being manipulated and made to feel less than she was and this process impacted her greatly. As outsiders, its impossible to know what happens in any marriage but based on what we have seen play out in Family Court documents, JD was most definately impacted by how she was treated by FD and the way he treated the children. The idea of applying The Art of War to a relationship with a child is simply chilling to me. No words, if FD used this book to 'manage' his relationships. IMO, inhuman.

@Mrs M - If you look at FD's LInkedin profile, he was quite a bit heavier. In one of JD's blog posts from 2012, when they vacationed in Argentina, and FD had stomach issues, she jokes, just think, you will lose weight! He obviously doesn't need to lose weight now, and I would not be surprised if drugs were not partially responsible. Those clubbing hours are hard to keep up with.
Thanks for the link, @afitzy ! This was the first time I watched the whole thing and I would like to know who the hot guy at the end was who has known them for 12 years. Also, compare Fulos in the video to this photo from years ago. He has lost a lot of weight and snorted his looks right down the drain.
Thanks for the link, @afitzy ! This was the first time I watched the whole thing and I would like to know who the hot guy at the end was who has known them for 12 years. Also, compare Fulos in the video to this photo from years ago. He has lost a lot of weight and snorted his looks right down the drain.
I've seen several references on the thread to FD having a drug habit. I somehow missed this. Has this been reported on? Can someone fill me in? Thanks!
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