Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #20

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FD killed her. Period. While I agree with some of your observations, they do not account for two very significant facts. 1.FD removed and intentionally discarded, in a location I believe he knew would it disappear quickly (like the "garbage" evidence ) the mat to JENNIFER'S SUV. Throwing it away only brought unnecessary attention to himself, so he had to do it for a reason. He carefully placed it against a restaurant wall for the homeless people to quickly find because it had evidence of a crime. That intentional discard establishes Jennifer was either attacked in the SUV or transported in it. But LE has said the struggle was in the garage, and has said nothing about a struggle in the SUV. That kind of violent struggle would not just be on one mat, it would be elsewhere in the SUV. IMO he got rid of the mat because Jennifer's body came in contact with it. 2.If FD simply buried Jennifer in a preselected grave, why did he remove her shirt? Again, there would be absolutely no reason to do so if he was burying in a place no one would locate. If he wasn't expecting her body to be found, taking off her shirt would not be necessary and in fact, would create additional evidence for him to have to dispose of. Why would he do that?

The other consideration is would he really drive up to Jennifer's home in that red truck to load up her body? Under your hypothesis, he would have to have done that. Now, that is a boatload of risk. Witnesses don't always remember licenses plate #s. They do remember "red truck". But he knew her SUV would cause no suspicion in the neighborhood. Nothing to see here, folks. I firmly believe FD came through the woods (did the poison ivy come from there?) and he left in Jennifer's SUV.

There is no "if he did it" in my mind. Zero. While none of us can know the extent of the evidence collected by LE to date, the undisputed evidence that has been disclosed, if established at trial, should lead to a murder conviction. I have not a single doubt about this conclusion. There is no mysterious Greek mafia. There is no malignant lawyer (although he will play into the narrative). There is just a cold-blooded narcissist who thinks he can game the system.
Totally agree.We know he did it.
The drive down Albany Avenue sealed his and MT's fate, IMO.
No reason to bury her body then throw away evidence in trash bins.
I am convinced he dismembered her. Just don't know where.
Also convinced that she was in pieces in those black bags.
The homeless people that scavenged will have the last word on this, IMO. They scavenged for a full week before LE arrived. They know what they found and what they saw.
Did the bulk of those bags go in the incinerator at MIRA?
We just don't know.
I heard from a reliable source very early on that the mat had been discarded.
Certain that many other people heard the same. It wasn't a rumor. Turned out to be true. Maybe some other things we have heard will come to light.
Not sure we can discount the Greek Mafia just yet.
Hate to say it as I am of the KISS thinking.
FD is not that smart.
He planned it but he didn't plan it well.
You said in an earlier post that you thought Jennifer fought for her life. I agree with that.
All 120 lbs of her. She fought that evil monster .
May she RIP.
Search Warrants....So Many Dates...
As we enter September there several important dates...I was thinking about the search warrants again...From the Stamford Advocate:

Stamford Superior Court Judge John F. Blawie agreed on June 18 to seal every warrant connected with the case for 90 days.
“The court finds that due to the nature and circumstances of this case and the ongoing investigation, the state’s interest in continuing non-disclosure outweighs any right to public disclosure at this time,” Blawie wrote in his decision.

Officials at state Superior Court in Stamford said they do not know how many search warrants have been issued and executed as part of the eight-week investigation. It is also unclear whether attorneys representing Fotis Dulos and Troconis will be given access to the search warrants.
Colangelo can submit a request to extend the sealing order before the warrants are opened to public view on Sept. 18.
Search warrants remain sealed in Jennifer Dulos case

I personally would hate to see those search warrants continue to be sealed because, well, I'm curious. HOWEVER, wouldn't it be fun to see NP continue to be more and more agitated and uptight??? :p:p:p MOO
Yep. It's a tossup.
Following on the discussion of MT mother/family connection to and investment in FD (and the Dulos children’s exposure to MT and family, a contentious point in the divorce), one recent point of conflict and motions in the FD/JD divorce concerned FD having visitation with the children on the weekend of Greek Easter this past spring. FD wanted to change the visitation schedule so that the Dulos children could participate in a very large Easter gathering FD was putting on at 4JC at which 15 members of MTs family were to be present. The motions and reporting on whether this was actually granted were a little jumbled to me, FD is quoted as complaining to Heller in court that “so that’s great, so the kids won’t have Easter” but then MSM reported that the visitation schedule for Easter did actually get changed. (Some of the confusion may be that the dates for Easter as celebrated in the US and Greek dates are different). Regardless, it is clear that MTs extended family was in deep with FD, and that the kids were being exposed to the entire clan.

Also, on SM’s invocation of the 5th in the ‘shady $75,000 loan” relating to a Fore group sale of a property at 123 Hunter Drive, although the details for her invocation of the 5th may not be clear, the reasons are clear: SM engaged in criminal conduct relating to that loan, which the 5th amendment protects her from having to disclose ( “...nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself,...”). That is the reason why someone invokes the 5th, because they’ve engaged in criminal conduct. (We’ve discussed in an earlier thread when and where the 5th can be viewed as prejudicial by the court).

That loan was made from MT to GV, both employees of Fore, in the transaction in which the 123 Hunter Drive property was sold by Fore to the Fore employee GV. GV then held that property for 6 months before turning around and reselling it at $50K loss.
This house was a small fixer upper which Fore made minor cosmetic upgrades to, a property quite at odds with the McMansions typical of Fore. Located just 10 minutes away from 4JC (and conveniently accessible via the WHartford MDC reservoir path behind 4JC), it was purchased right around the time that the idea of moving MT to Farmington emerged, and it was sold shortly after JD left and MT moved into 4JC.

This, among numerous other things, may be what GFs attorneys want to question MT about in the civil case where it has been ruled that MT must appear. This [potential] money laundering and fraud may be only one of many strands that could lead to the unveiling and unraveling of the deep deceptive and illegal acts and structuring of Fore.
IMO, JDs ability and successful insistence in court on forcing FD to disclose the illegal financial underbelly of Fore, was a significant factor that led to her death. That is why MT has insisted, and likely will again insist during her deposition, that testifying on matters related to Fore finances would be self-incriminating and thus subject to 5th amendment protection. These financial matters were driving forces behind the scheme to kill JD.
Given JDs assertions in divorce filings that FD was prone to venting about his “revenge fantasies” against those he felt had crossed him, it seems highly likely that MT may have at the very least been privy to similar FD rantings relating to revenge against JD prior to her disappearance (if she was not inculpated in the planning and carrying out itself).

Completely, and entirely, MOO.

2019 Greek Orthodox Easter was on Sunday, April 28.

2019 United States Easter was on Sunday, April 21.
I need a huge favor please. I accidentally deleted 2 motions that I had on my puter and I cannot find them again by searching online articles etc. 1 was for Norm's response to gag order and the other 1 was for the motion by FD's attorney to order GF to have psyche exam. Can somebody please direct me on where to find these so I can save them again? It would be greatly appreciated. TIA
When I’m required by court order to attend mediation, it’s always darkest before the dawn.
Just when I give up hope that the case will settle, it settles.
Patience WS.
It is still dark.
Dawn is close.
It will all come out in time.
It is still dark.
It will all come out in time. I hate the wait. But we have no choice but to wait.
If we rush, Jennifer might not be vindicated.
When I’m required by court order to attend mediation, it’s always darkest before the dawn.
Just when I give up hope that the case will settle, it settles.
Patience WS.
It is still dark.
Dawn is close.
It will all come out in time.
It is still dark.
It will all come out in time. I hate the wait. But we have no choice but to wait.
If we rush, Jennifer might not be vindicated.
Love this.
I agree with every single thing you said. I think he's an "if I can't have them, no one else can either" kinda guy (plus it would be an opportunity to inflict more pain upon GF). I could also see him having GF killed. It sounds so crazy & dramatic but honestly I feel he's an evil wolf in expensive sheep's clothing and capable of anything.

A wolf in blue velveteen.
Already at that point, LE was not allowing any leaks. The Hartford Fire Chief was also quoted in MSM saying they didn’t find anything in the search on Albany. When we know now full well that they found a lot. When they pulled out the FedEx box from the storm drain and opened it, they would have known within two minutes that the doctored plates had been issued to FD.
So I think we have to take what LE discloses to the public (here especially) with a grain of salt. It is essential to a just and successful investigation that LE discloses evidence on their own time schedule.

LE and Fire Dept. could Both be correct with their statements.

It could be two different drains.

It is possible that LE was able to pull the Fedex box out of the first drain, without the help of the Fire Department.

You would think that LE would check more than one drain to see if anything had washed further down.

Then, LE may have needed help accessing the second drain by the Fire Department, where it was said that nothing was found.

The location of the first drain would have only had 1 or 2 vehicles present and not so much of a side show, especially if one or all the LE vehicles were unmarked, as detective vehicles are. Detectives in plain clothes and unmarked vehicles do not necessarily look like regular police. Even if they had their police lights on while there. It could have just looked like City Inspectors taking a look at the drain and pulling something out.

Whereas, the second drain needed the Fire Department's help to access, and they show up with a big red fire truck with bright red lights going and the Fire Chief in a separate vehicle with red lights going, all adding to the side show.

Possible? Yes.

Definitely? IDK.
I need a huge favor please. I accidentally deleted 2 motions that I had on my puter and I cannot find them again by searching online articles etc. 1 was for Norm's response to gag order and the other 1 was for the motion by FD's attorney to order GF to have psyche exam. Can somebody please direct me on where to find these so I can save them again? It would be greatly appreciated. TIA
Fotis Dulos seeks evaluation of mother-in-law, family releases statement

Marissa Alter 8/20 facebook
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Totally agree.We know he did it.
The drive down Albany Avenue sealed his and MT's fate, IMO.
No reason to bury her body then throw away evidence in trash bins.
I am convinced he dismembered her. Just don't know where.
Also convinced that she was in pieces in those black bags.
The homeless people that scavenged will have the last word on this, IMO. They scavenged for a full week before LE arrived. They know what they found and what they saw.
Did the bulk of those bags go in the incinerator at MIRA?
We just don't know.
I heard from a reliable source very early on that the mat had been discarded.
Certain that many other people heard the same. It wasn't a rumor. Turned out to be true. Maybe some other things we have heard will come to light.
Not sure we can discount the Greek Mafia just yet.
Hate to say it as I am of the KISS thinking.
FD is not that smart.
He planned it but he didn't plan it well.
You said in an earlier post that you thought Jennifer fought for her life. I agree with that.
All 120 lbs of her. She fought that evil monster .
May she RIP.

Labor Day gives you time to think how much havoc a non-laboring man can wreak on the world and how the evidence will wreak havoc on his freedom:

See no evil......CCTV and neighborhood videos, Texts and emails between the criminals, Internet searches for who-knows-what (how to dismember a body, how to clean a crime scene)? Jennifer's blood in the garage and on the inside faucet mixed with FD's DNA, Jennifer's clothes and clean up supplies.

Hear no evil......Jennifer's quotes of FD's threatening words, whatever her kids are surely saying, MT's testimony (to save her sorry behind)?

Speak no evil.......Possibly LE's surreptitiously recorded conversations of FD after bonding out? Testimony of potential players approached about killing Jennifer or disposing of her body? (I'm betting on both!)

Smell no evil......Jennifer's decaying tissue in the garbage cans? (Word is that it has a smell like nothing else.) The homeless scavengers and LE probably had lots to say about that.

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Excellent post and I agree with you on everything you said. However, there is another case on Websleuths about Patrick Frazee (in Colorado) charged with killing the mother of his child - Kelsey Berreth- and involved in that case is Krystal Kenney who did the clean-up of the murder scene (and admitted she did), and was well aware Frazee wanted Kelsey killed as she (Krystal Kenney) had been solicited 3 times by Frazee to kill Kelsey, and she has been offered a deal for her testimony against Frazee. Of course, we do not know what the deal consists of yet as it hasn't been to trial yet. The reason I mention this case of Patrick Frazee is because it has a similar scenario. Of course, one of the biggest differences IMO is that Patrick and Kelsey were not married (like JD and FD) but they did have a child together, and then of course, there is the other player - Krystal Kenney. So, thought I'd share as it makes me uncertain as to what, if anything, MT may be sentenced to in the end (especially if she "cooperates") (And Kelsey's body has yet to be found either)

NWLady, I'm pleased you brought up the Berreth case, and similarities with the 'other women'.:):):)
It appears both KK (Berreth Case) and MT (Dulos Case), were both involved in knowledge of the murders, and probably far more.
With KK's plea deal, implicating Frazee, KK may have avoided a great deal of prison time.
With MT, we are not aware, of what may be occurring, as yet.
Hope both 'other women' pay for their participation, in aiding their man, with prison time, and their lives are ruined big time, with Karma down the line.
...I think he’s more of a “keep it simple stupid” (KISS) kind of guy. Buying/gathering plastic, tape, sharp instruments, tarps, jumpsuits etc is just too much. It’s too messy-Each can be traced, he could forget something, there is more evidence to consider. And then the element of time. Time required to transport, dismember and dispose. And more time increases risk of exposure....
IMO , his best bet was keeping it simple.

I agree with the KISS theory but I think he dismembered her. For someone with his background in tanning, as repulsive as it is, I feel like dismembering her would be keeping it simple. Also, it would be a controlled scene so might not too messy & he probably had most (if not all) of the necessary equipment on hand from the construction business (tarps/tape/coveralls/instruments). I think removing her clothes supports this and also think the time spent at MS also supports this.
I think a lot of stuff went haywire (starting with her fighting back & early presence of LE) but I think this was part of the original plan. I'm not sure where he ultimately put her ----- garbage incinerator vs grave pre-dug in the woods somewhere or on his property vs bottom of a lake/ocean :(
Trying to think about the timeline and how long he was in charge.
Let's say he got her at 9 am.
The cleaning lady evidently came at noon.
He had killed her and cleaned up by then.
So from noon until 7 pm he had free reign, right?
Lots of time.
Do I have this right?

Yeah I think initially I was asking @afitzy about the civil motions. It may be two motions. One to get the older two kids an attorney and the other for a psych evaluation of GF.

I responded about the motion for a psych evaluation. As to the motion for an attorney for the older kids it seems this "unusual person" (websleuths speak for any term we are not allowed to use), is confident in his control and brainwashing of his kids. He also seems to be unable to refrain from fighting to maintain that control despite clearly facing ultimate homicide charges.

It's gross. He is so worried about forcing those babies to water ski. I mean at a time like this he can't let go of even that nonsense.

The kids have lost their mother. You are facing the fight of your life. You've lost your kids. But you're concerned about maintaining control over their extracurriculars? I mean I'm simplifying but that's one of his issues according to his attorney. It's delusional. Insane. Evil.

I'm probably stating the obvious but his behavior is textbook malignant narcissist & sadly, predictable :(
I'm probably stating the obvious but his behavior is textbook malignant narcissist & sadly, predictable :(


I just read an article about a FB group dedicated to this case and how so many people who have been victims of DV are obsessed with the case. I'm sure that goes for victims of malignant narcissists in general.

I wish there was a way to stop these monsters easily and quickly before they cause too much damage.
Sociopath / Narcopath - disregard for others, overall evil. (IMO) Question - could the upbringing in the (again MOO) unsavory aspects of the family tanning business in Turkey / Greece have any possible impact on his psyche and development into the adult today? I am quite uninformed in this expertise and it has crossed my mind many times ...
I have read nothing confirmed that FD was actually involved in the slaughter of animals. Other posters have said that skins are delivered to the tanning company for processing. I used to live in a town that was built on tanning/manufacture of a certain leather product. It's a dying industry there now, but I was never aware that they ever had anything to do with the slaughter of an animal. Could have been different in Greece. Working in the slaughter industry has severe effects on people:
The Psychological Damage of Slaughterhouse Work
Who knows what it would do to a child. This question has been raised before here. Frankly, I don't see the "upscale" Dulos family being very hands on with something like this. I have no pity for a sociopath no matter what they have experienced. They know full well the effects their actions have on others and they certainly have control over it. They know they are bad or they wouldn't feel the need to lie and cover up all the time. They should all be rounded up and kept away from decent people. IMO.
@afitzy a "like" just wasn't enough, I thank you very much for helping me with this.

And also, I want to take time now to thank you for all your dedication, determination, researching, and helpful posts here on Jennifer's thread. You have went above and beyond in giving us detailed, well-thought out posts, have answered many questions for us posters and have provided a lot of information in regards to properties, court documents, links, maps and much, much more. So, I want to give you a big THANKS for all you do! I know I greatly appreciate it and I'm sure there are other posters that do also. So again, thank you! :)
Super interesting POV @Chicago54! Curious how the 80MS 2 hrs fits into KISS strategy you outline? Was he just making sure all the refuse from the crime was safely and carefully bagged? Do you think he burned or otherwise disposed of his clothing worn on the 24th? Is your view that his preplanned gravesites are on his land someplace that LE might not have found yet? So many options and questions!
Yes, that’s what I think he was doing at 80MS. Again, I think he was not expecting the blood and it complicated his disposal plan. He probably did not take dozens of bags with him to JDs house, but he knew there were bags at MS. I think he distributed the damning evidence as thinly as possible so as to not draw attention to it, in case it was found. A bag with one bloody sponge may not even get a second glance, but one bag only filled with blood soaked items would draw plenty of attention.
He may have easily distributed his clothing in the same way, and he may have cut them in smaller pieces. Burning IMO would have possible, but if he was burning, why not burn it all? Of course there is that theory about framing EE....
I used “grave” loosely, more as in final resting place, on land or in water...IMO, least risk of being caught with body is not traveling with body. Early on in the search, it was noted just how many bodies of water surrounded JDs home, besides the obvious dense jungle! I think the possibility that Jennifer is still out there has not been exhausted. So many ?????
@afitzy a "like" just wasn't enough, I thank you very much for helping me with this.

And also, I want to take time now to thank you for all your dedication, determination, researching, and helpful posts here on Jennifer's thread. You have went above and beyond in giving us detailed, well-thought out posts, have answered many questions for us posters and have provided a lot of information in regards to properties, court documents, links, maps and much, much more. So, I want to give you a big THANKS for all you do! I know I greatly appreciate it and I'm sure there are other posters that do also. So again, thank you! :)
This deserves a double like. She is the best!
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