Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #21

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Not to excuse her conduct any way but has anyone given thought to her being in fear for her own life if she ratted Fotis out? She obviously saw what he is capable of. But then why not come clean from the beginning. So bizarre.

Had she had a conscious, she would have protected her daughter and Jennifer by marching straight into the local LE office and preventing this whole mess in the first place. She is no victim. She had the resources to both escape FD and protect Jennifer.
So this is what I thought Norm would say (half jokingly at the time):

This DA continues to harass my client, piling on frivolous and unsupported charges. Fotis Dulos maintains his innocence in this witch-hunt, and he looks forward to his vindication in court.”

This is what he actually said:

“In the 12-round bout that is State v Dulos this doesn’t even rise to the level of a jab. Fotis is neither bending nor breaking. We will enter a not guilty plea the first chance we get.”

This just shows how predictable he is. I almost nailed the word count too.
MT may still love him (HOW?!) but I don’t think FD ever truly loved her. Pretty sure he doesn’t now. :) And now that weird grin of FD’s looking at NP: What was that? A plea for NP to still love him? A “tricked you” grin? How can he have any smiles left in him? MOO.

I think that was FD's "Wow, I didn't get arrested for murder today" grin.
"One more night out for sushi in blue velveteen as soon as I clean up my underwear."
It won't last.
In terms of timing, it has just been 3 weeks (8/13) since MT gave her latest reveal interview with LE. Until then LE was trying to follow up on the misleads that MT had provided, and even in the interview 3 weeks ago it sounds like she isn’t being totally forthcoming, about the keys, picking up her daughter, etc. It sounds like there was some back-and-forth with MT and her story, where LE had to keep verifying and fact checking and going back to see if she was willing to do a little better on cooperating and then check up some more.

So while we’ve been impatient and NP crows his head off about “no reason to wait this long”, given all of the evidence and witness statements and timelines LE has had to put together, the 3 week timing has actually been pretty quick, relative to some other cases.

Let’s remember that earlier today we’ve been discussing FDs anticipated defense: he went to JDs benevolently to talk with her about [insert here: JDs lawyers taking advantage of her; his care and concern for the children’s grades and medical records; his mother-in-laws electroshock treatments; another belated mother’s day hug; fill in BS of your choice here] and JD attacked and oops she ended up bloody or whatever and he knew he’d be suspected so...
LE must be able to stop such a defense at the source. For that, and for the difference between murder and manslaughter, they need premeditation. IMO, this is what they’re still sealing up before charging with murder. IMO a piece of that is going to be the financial motive, but squeezing others close to FD (KM? GV? MT who clearly is facing additional charges herself?) for evidence of premeditation is key, beyond what they have presented here.
There’s likely strategy in putting this level of detail out there now. If only, to show the clarity of surveillance available to net anyone thinking they might be able to hide in the shadows. Anyone else with any skin in this game might want to come forward, or loosen up to LE, now, before more charges drop.
Let’s hope that the murder charges hit soon, but today should be strong encouragement that LE has the evidence to prove FD killed JD, and they are just taking the time they need to roll out the murder charge right.
MOO as always.
In terms of timing, it has just been 3 weeks (8/13) since MT gave her latest reveal interview with LE. Until then LE was trying to follow up on the misleads that MT had provided, and even in the interview 3 weeks ago it sounds like she isn’t being totally forthcoming, about the keys, picking up her daughter, etc. It sounds like there was some back-and-forth with MT and her story, where LE had to keep verifying and fact checking and going back to see if she was willing to do a little better on cooperating and then check up some more.

So while we’ve been impatient and NP crows his head off about “no reason to wait this long”, given all of the evidence and witness statements and timelines LE has had to put together, the 3 week timing has actually been pretty quick, relative to some other cases.

Let’s remember that earlier today we’ve been discussing FDs anticipated defense: he went to JDs benevolently to talk with her about [insert here: JDs lawyers taking advantage of her; his care and concern for the children’s grades and medical records; his mother-in-laws electroshock treatments; another belated mother’s day hug; fill in BS of your choice here] and JD attacked and oops she ended up bloody or whatever and he knew he’d be suspected so...
LE must be able to stop such a defense at the source. For that, and for the difference between murder and manslaughter, they need premeditation. IMO, this is what they’re still sealing up before charging with murder. IMO a piece of that is going to be the financial motive, but squeezing others close to FD (KM? GV? MT who clearly is facing additional charges herself?) for evidence of premeditation is key, beyond what they have presented here.
There’s likely strategy in putting this level of detail out there now. If only, to show the clarity of surveillance available to net anyone thinking they might be able to hide in the shadows. Anyone else with any skin in this game might want to come forward, or loosen up to LE, now, before more charges drop.
Let’s hope that the murder charges hit soon, but today should be strong encouragement that LE has the evidence to prove FD killed JD, and they are just taking the time they need to roll out the murder charge right.
MOO as always.

I think you nailed it, sleuth66!

LE has been spending all this time solidifying the premeditation angle expecting FD to play the "she attacked me and I had to fight back" card.

They've known from Day One that he killed her; they just have to prove how thoroughly he planned it.

Now we can wait patiently, feeling well-fed by this latest blast of facts.

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I feel very, very sorry for MT’s daughter in light of all of this—; and JD’s kids—there aren’t enough tears in this world.

And, if JD's children are to have any kind of ability to "move forward," I think they need to know where their mother is....Wondering for years, if maybe she is out there somewhere would be a type of mental punishment no one should have to endure. FD has no idea how to love another human being if he's willing to leave his children in this type of limbo. No one who has that answer desires any mercy....and that includes his defense attorney....IMO...MOO.
I think that’s why she was in passenger seat too. Because he couldn’t drive around with her in the cab. How eery and ghoulish though. To drive with her in the front seat with him. What a monster. MOO or whatever. (Seems to be a popular way to end statements here).

You might know already but MOO is for “my opinion only” although we all think about bovines when we write it! MOO!
I’ll have to look but in my experience with Suburbans, not a lot changed in the design especially in the rear seats since the backs of Suburbans essentially were for cargo really. I’ve taken seats out of them to move kids to school and I’ll bet for such close model years, they’re interchangeable or close enough. MOO.

Yes, replying to myself! I apologize; I thought we were talking about Suburban seats being switched but I now read it’s the Porsche and Toyota (who knew those seats could be switched?). Sorry for confusing the issue!
Honestly I don't think he looks good but my opinion is probably colored by my feelings about him & what he did. That being said, what was striking to me about today was what he DIDN'T say. If I had been wrongly accused of killing someone, I'd be proclaiming my innocence morning, noon & night to anyone & everyone at every opportunity. Didn't hear a peep from him today about that. Didn't hear a peep from him about Jennifer. The fact that once again he can't bring himself to say one freaking concerned thing about her says it all. And I don't think his high priced attorney is giving him good advice either because the first thing he should be telling him is THAT --- keep saying you're an innocent man, speak kindly about Jennifer and express hope that she'll be found soon.
The next time LE knocks on his door, I hope it's to arrest F not a psychopath D for murder. MOO.

I think he looks skinny-bony thin in a stressed way and I can’t help it but his hair reminds me of a bad toupee! MOO.
Norm Pattis and Fotis Dulos just spoke with the media after posting bail. Dulos said "It's an exhausting fight. I love my children."

Someone needs to break it to FD, that the fight hasn’t even started yet.

One day in the not too distant future, he will be woken up by a knock on his door, and he’ll never taste freedom again.

Dave Puglisi on Twitter

How dare he say that about his kids! Sure. MOO.
But you forgot to use a thesaurus and as many adjectives as humanly possible, as NP tends to do!

I think someone said he started but didn’t finish a Ph.D. program? If so, I’m not surprised given his penchant for making up facts (who needs peer-reviewed scholarly articles?), run-on adjective strings, and tired cliches. MOO.
So this is what I thought Norm would say (half jokingly at the time):

This DA continues to harass my client, piling on frivolous and unsupported charges. Fotis Dulos maintains his innocence in this witch-hunt, and he looks forward to his vindication in court.”

This is what he actually said:

“In the 12-round bout that is State v Dulos this doesn’t even rise to the level of a jab. Fotis is neither bending nor breaking. We will enter a not guilty plea the first chance we get.”

This just shows how predictable he is. I almost nailed the word count too.

Very predictable. You couldn't have gotten any closer unless it was word for word. Great job, MG! Since there's obviously a lot more to come, I'm looking forward to more of your predictions.

You would think old Norm would change his tactic just a little, with all the evidence presented and who knows how much more coming, he has to know it's a losing battle. Fotis is burnt toast. I bet neither are sleeping tonight. A very bad day for Pattis and his client. I'm puzzled why no murder charge, but one thing for sure, those charges are coming.
Oh my goodness! Fotis arrested again! Yessss!!!
Yes playing catch up here too . I was just driving on mountain spring last weekend . Lots of real estate activity there. I can’t get over FD facial expressions after the arrest with NP. He is totally smirking and smiling. As a professional I can’t brlieve the psychiatrists missed his profile . But then again- my apologies to any psychiatrists- I’ve seen some psychiatrists that work for the state of CT and do these evals and I’m not impressed. They get good money and they’re not the best. The ones I work with in the private sector are much better IMO. If you’re in this field it’s pretty easy to tell his profile right away . MOO MOO MOO. He needs the death penalty. I feel so sorry for the children and Ms Farber having to endure this.

And bonded out again ( boo! Hiss!)

I've got to play catch up now! Appreciate all the updates.
Also @afitzy being totally right about the gaps in the AW! Just imagine when we see the AW for murder. One page cuts off entirely describing the movement of a vehicle on 5/24.

It is clear that MT is cooperating somewhat with LE and likely has her deal in place. No matter what though she has no reason to hold her head up high. I hope she has to serve jail time. But whether she does or does not serve I hope she is shunned everywhere she goes and is never allowed to see her daughter again. I hope she winds up on skid row honestly (because that’s where she deserves to be).

As for Fotis, may he rot in hell. This was so planned y’all! We all gotthat right. We got it right that he would have an outline or spreadsheet. He did. We got it right that he needed someone to frame (PG the ex-employee) and that the Tacoma was driven by FD to NC in the early morning hours. We got it right that the Tacoma and FD were waiting for JDs rented black SUV to drive to the school to drop off the kiddos. So sad! We got it right he was lying in wait for her. We got it right that she never left that garage alive. We don’t yet have all the information regarding her black SUV being dumped on Lapham Road or the sequence in total of the movements of the Tacoma after the crime/murder in the garage. I feel very confident we will all learn these details!

I know I last posted a few weeks ago but I have always maintained that there were a staggering number of tips and video to go through and that it would have to be a chronological masterpiece but that it would take the NCPD and other authorities thousands and thousands of hours to put it together. I am so impressed with their hard work. So impressed! The prosecution has a cake walk ahead of him in terms of laying out the crime from A-Z. That’s important that there are cameras everywhere even though we all hate losing privacy. They have tons of footage and surveillance video. I mean from a freaking BUS! Wow just wow! Doorbell cameras! Can’t say enough that JDs death has not gone in vain and that these cops have really put together some solid information.

Also to Norm Pattis—Shut your yap! Zip it shut and then superglue it. MT CANNOT alibi or al-I-LIE for FDs whereabouts during critical hours on 5/24. Regardless of what she knew and when she knew WE KNOW she was not in NC that day because your know it all client didn’t want her involved. He wanted her to alibi him. So MT is now a lying lover? You told us all she wasn’t there. We know she wasn’t there. The “handyman” was in the Raptor and you KNOW where the Raptor was and where it was caught on camera because WE all know police have footage of that and can account for HIS whereabouts. Imagine all these people conspiring together to take down poor old FD? Or is it possible that your client is just an OCD evil murderer? That seems more logical. But by all means keep pushing “Gone Girl” angle or the “anyone else but FD did it angle.” The best advice you can give your client is: “have fund in your commissary account so you can eat pork rinds and bacon cheddar cheese whiz AND get used to being without your kids (aka bargaining chips for future monies) and get used to not seeing your family visiting u in jail when they realize there is no more money.” They only waterskiing your client will be doing is hydroplaning in the shower trying to avoid amorous inmates. The only fun he will be having in a very short while is trying to accessorize his orange jumpsuit. Good thing it’s not his color. Enjoy cable and electricity while you can FD because lady Justice is coming for you and Mercy called in sick. I hope you can’t sleep at night and can’t find mental peace during the day. The walls are closing in on you and just like you gave JD no chance YOUR chances are over. Karma sure is a *****, ain’t it FD!

Thank you for your fantastic and humorous post! I needed a good lol! I’ve been away for several weeks, also, and am so glad we have such awesome news the day after I returned!

I’ve been racing to catch up and still have a ways to go, including the entire AW to read. But thanks to you all (who I greatly missed!), your posts have given the best parts of the AW.

It’s like LE has been here reading our posts, (with all our theories and speculations) from the beginning and using all our found info to further their investigation!! Or so I’d like to think!!

Like so many others here, I’ve always thought, and posted, from the very beginning that FD arrived at Jennifer’s property from the poison ivy infested :)D) woods behind her house and then hid, waiting to enter the garage after JD arrived back home.

I’m SO glad Troconis did some talking! SO thankful for all the surveillance cameras. And SO happy that EE took his red truck home & held onto the seats!

Ok.... Back to more catching up!!

I think he looks skinny-bony thin in a stressed way and I can’t help it but his hair reminds me of a bad toupee! MOO.
I’m with you. I personally don’t find him attractive - comes off too arrogant but I’m with you on if he was innocent we’d see a very different attitude. I still can’t get over the smiling and smirking after the arrest when NP is talking . FD is looking at NP like “OK I’ve got you under my spell too. “. And he’s enjoying every bit of the limelight clearly
As I was recalling the murderer who insisted he had the right to force his kids to visit him in prison after murdering their mother, the facts of that case also remind me of Mr. Dulos. High conflict divorce, with the father insisting he was being deprived of his rights, his family enabled a lot of bad behavior, always at court insisting their son was innocent.

What is interesting, though, is that the man's father owned an earth moving business. The killer took full advantage of his family's business and pre-dug a hole before the murder to dispose of her body on a very large piece of family property. IMO Dulos did the same thing-not that be necessarily buried her, but that he used the tools of his trade as he preplanned to dispose of her body.

Like here, LE was immediately suspicious of the husband and ultimately, the defendant's dad in the case I am recounting was forced to provide very damning evidence against his son. After the killer knew he was a goner, he claimed the killing was a spontaneous act of passion, caused when his wife intentionally and violently escalated an argument. See he didn't mean to kill her, it was an accident. When and if FD ever admits his guilt, something I do not foresee, you can be sure that will be his excuse.

If the C Team knows it cannot win at trial against the State's ironclad forensics, and IF FD will ever admit his involvement in this murder (admittedly a very big IF and very unlikely), a new narrative will begin to emerge, guaranteed. FD went to Jennifer's home with all good intentions to nicely talk to her about what was best for the children and how she was being manipulated by her money grubbing attorneys attorneys, and how he just wanted "get along for the sake of the children" After all, isn't that what he basically claimed in that revealing interview? Jennifer flew into a rage and attacked him, a struggle ensued, and she just happened to end up dead.

See, none of this was FD's fault, he was just trying to calm her down/defend himself/diffuse the situation, but he had no choice, she attacked him, she instigated the fight (in her own garage where he was forbidden to be)! Afterwards, he panicked and tried to cover up this crime of passion. At most, this is a manslaughter case, folks, and with Mr. Dulos' sterling reputation, he should receive probation or community control, at most a couple of years in prison. After all, those poor motherless children NEED him and Dr. Dollars has told you how much he loves his kids (and their trust funds)!

Of course, this narrative will conveniently ignore the mountain of evidence which conclusively establishes premeditation. But then, isn't that NP's specialty, ignoring the obvious?

As an aside, how was killer’s father forced to testify? Accessory after the fact? It’d be interesting to know the details. They maybe applicable to the Dulos case.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
Dulos Team is relying on a report that is clearly off base. Even though cannot be entered into evidence. Is he the one that refused to continue to testify during a court proceeding? And stepped off the witness stand? Why do these CT judges refuse to find contempt against clearly contemptible actions?

Dr. Dialing for Dollars needs to be sued for malpractice. Out of state expert witness(es) would be needed to testify against him, his methodologies and “findings.” Pressure needs to be put on the CT Board of Licensing for his profession. All of his victims need to file grievances against him with the Board. Perhaps a class action lawsuit.
His protection/ benefactor(s) need(s) to be uncovered. And also brought to justice. Legislators/lawyers/high placed divorcing parties. FD lawyer buddy comes to mind as a perfect example.


Atty. Ann Draginis (spelling?) knows what’s behind him. She has enough to do without taking him down. He’s not appointed all the time bc he’s the best. He’s appointed bc of some special relationship with persons known or unknown. Dare I say favoritism or even blackmail? He may have prepared reports for some members serving in the legislature.
I wonder if CT has a special task force to investigate corruption. That’s not corruptable.
In Texas, we have a wonderful group of law persons called The Texas Rangers. Not the baseball team. Proud history of investigating corrupt LE. Among others.
You know, I’m not native. So cannot claim to be a true Texan. But with this case, I’m realizing, this is a pretty amazing state to live in.

I’m getting sleepy again. Need a few more hours. Good night all. Or good morning if you’re getting up to start a new day.
It’s chilling to think about. Let’s hope she gets 81 years in prison to think about it too. Over and over and over again.
By the quotes from MT in the AW she appears to be just like FD. That’s why they hit it off . Just look at the quote from her about the blood on the truck ! I think she premeditated it too - may not have been atvthe crime scene but was waiting back at mountain spring to clean up and clearly was in on it. Not buying that she was just a dumb *advertiser censored* on her phone while riding through Albany ave. She knew JD was in that truck, helped clean up and dump and even write it out on paper
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