Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #31

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You know, maybe the judge not forcing FD finance records to back up FD claims they were gifts.
Once GF says not gifts, it’s on FD to PROVE that they are gifts. He cannot show up at trial with documents that he has been asked to produce to now at trial, to prove the money was a gift.
Judges are so clever.
I agree. Its unlikely IMO that any 'evidence' will be shown to prove that a 'gift' exists. At this point I'm not even sure the issue of whether its a gift or not matters much as what seems to matter the most is simply to delay the process of this litigation for whatever reason.

So many possible reasons for delay IMO....

Just getting onboard here. I've seen the case on the news but I'm way behind in details. (I've been 'busy' following the Frazee case).
Anyone have time to let me know the evidence so far? Is it:
•FD had a gf for a year before the divorce filing.
•Blood in truck?
•FD business is basically defunct.
•His attorneys are paid by some unknown French person(s).
•He owes his ex mother-in-law a couple million. The mil also has the children. I think all 5 children are from the marriage (no step kids). TWO sets of twins?! The mil is 85 and active in the divorce, civil, and murder cases. Is there 3 or 2 cases?
Yep, that's about my knowledge. How close am I to important facts.
Hmmm, what is FD's alibi?
Just getting onboard here. I've seen the case on the news but I'm way behind in details. (I've been 'busy' following the Frazee case).
Anyone have time to let me know the evidence so far? Is it:
•FD had a gf for a year before the divorce filing.
•Blood in truck?
•FD business is basically defunct.
•His attorneys are paid by some unknown French person(s).
•He owes his ex mother-in-law a couple million. The mil also has the children. I think all 5 children are from the marriage (no step kids). TWO sets of twins?! The mil is 85 and active in the divorce, civil, and murder cases. Is there 3 or 2 cases?
Yep, that's about my knowledge. How close am I to important facts.
Hmmm, what is FD's alibi?

Pretty close-alibi had been that he had a meeting in the morning that would have meant it was impossible for him to have been in New Canaan at the time JD disappeared, as well as a phone call in Farmington, where his phone remained until the afternoon. But based on evidence shown in the arrest warrants, his alibi is shot.
You know, maybe the judge not forcing FD finance records to back up FD claims they were gifts.
Once GF says not gifts, it’s on FD to PROVE that they are gifts. He cannot show up at trial with documents that he has been asked to produce to now at trial, to prove the money was a gift.
Judges are so clever.

edited to add: it’s too late then. And with no proof, other than accountant just changing entry because FD told him to change it to gift, that’s against accounting principles, I would think. Wonder what previous financial documents used to apply for loans indicated? And old tax findings???

edited to add: GF won’t back down. FD thinks she’s like Jennifer. We have a news flash for him: WRONGO, B O N Z O!
Great post!!! If a gift, why was there a mortgage? Why is there interest being charged? That is not a gift, IMO. I will bet GF has produced all documents to this effect.JMO.
Pretty close-alibi had been that he had a meeting in the morning that would have meant it was impossible for him to have been in New Canaan at the time JD disappeared, as well as a phone call in Farmington, where his phone remained until the afternoon. But based on evidence shown in the arrest warrants, his alibi is shot.
Ok, thx!
This document relates to the deposition of MT in the Civil Case. Atty Bowman had sought to seal from public view the deposition of MT. The Court denied this request by Atty Bowman to seal the deposition. As Atty Weinstein/GF was seeking to depose MT then this motion is favourable to the plans of Atty Weinstein in the case.

It gets a bit complicated because despite this request to seal the MT deposition there was a deposition of MT done in this case and she refused to answer ANY question and invoked her 5th amendment right to do so.

So now, Atty Weinstein and Atty Bowman are back in Civil Court again on the same issue of whether or not MT invoking her 5th amendment right on ALL questions in the deposition is to be allowed by the Court.

Atty Weinstein filed the actual deposition questions asked of MT (she answered none) and they are actually quite interesting reading IMO if you have a chance please take a look as the questions (even though MT never answered) demonstrate just how closely MT and FD were joined together in everything that they did and how it seems implausible that MT did not understand what was happening with FD/JD divorce, the happenings at FORE Group and the financial situation of FD.

Atty Bowman seems to be QUITE AFRAID that if MT answers ANY questions on the deposition for Atty Weinstein that she could be subject to additional federal/criminal/civil charges (his particular issue seems to be focused clearly on the area of further conspiracy charges which are quite serious but he is intentionally vague so we are left to speculate on his views IMO).

The Judge in the Civil case now has to figure out a way forward on this matter as Atty Bowman wants MT to answer NO QUESTIONS, while Atty Weinstein believes that MT invoked her 5th Amendment rights improperly to answer no questions.

IMO the Atty Bowman response to the MT deposition seems more than a bit OTT and my guess is that the Judge is going to have to do some serious INDEPENDENT research on the particular issues that Atty Bowman is claiming to exist for MT by virtue of her being deposed.

Given the flip flopping/deal retracing by Atty Bowman I for one am not inclined to give him any benefit of the doubt for 'truth telling' here as he now seems to just be another defense attorney similar to Atty Pattis that is willing to do an say anything on behalf of their client unfortunately.

I wish I could give him the benefit of the doubt in his claims regarding the personal legal risks of a MT deposition but sadly based on the history here of Atty Bowman it simply isn't possible IMO.

I am very curious as to how Judge Noble resolves this issue or simply punts it or perhaps rules on it and we see Atty Bowman seeking appeals in a way similar to what Atty P. seems to do as an ongoing practice. IDK. We will have to wait and see.

Thanks for explaining this! Good post!

Yes, I had read the questions in the deposition and IMO the questions tell their own little story. Even though MT refused to answer the questions, the questions are direct and to the point of exactly what GF and her counsel are seeking more info on! So, it should come as no surprise that Atty. B doesn't want MT to answer them. (shaking my head @ how this stuff just continues to carry on with motion after motion after motion!)
Just getting onboard here. I've seen the case on the news but I'm way behind in details. (I've been 'busy' following the Frazee case).
Anyone have time to let me know the evidence so far? Is it:
•FD had a gf for a year before the divorce filing.
•Blood in truck?
•FD business is basically defunct.
•His attorneys are paid by some unknown French person(s).
•He owes his ex mother-in-law a couple million. The mil also has the children. I think all 5 children are from the marriage (no step kids). TWO sets of twins?! The mil is 85 and active in the divorce, civil, and murder cases. Is there 3 or 2 cases?
Yep, that's about my knowledge. How close am I to important facts.
Hmmm, what is FD's alibi?
Here's the latest timeline, put together in October
TIMELINE: Events surrounding New Canaan mom's disappearance
Never seen this before ..
Just getting onboard here. I've seen the case on the news but I'm way behind in details. (I've been 'busy' following the Frazee case).
Anyone have time to let me know the evidence so far? Is it:
•FD had a gf for a year before the divorce filing.
•Blood in truck?
•FD business is basically defunct.
•His attorneys are paid by some unknown French person(s).
•He owes his ex mother-in-law a couple million. The mil also has the children. I think all 5 children are from the marriage (no step kids). TWO sets of twins?! The mil is 85 and active in the divorce, civil, and murder cases. Is there 3 or 2 cases?
Yep, that's about my knowledge. How close am I to important facts.
Hmmm, what is FD's alibi?

Greek Benefactor but we don’t know how lawyers being paid. Suspect that Greek Benefactor is none other than FD, in d r a g. Opps. In disguise.
Just getting onboard here. I've seen the case on the news but I'm way behind in details. (I've been 'busy' following the Frazee case).
Anyone have time to let me know the evidence so far? Is it:
•FD had a gf for a year before the divorce filing.
•Blood in truck?
•FD business is basically defunct.
•His attorneys are paid by some unknown French person(s).
•He owes his ex mother-in-law a couple million. The mil also has the children. I think all 5 children are from the marriage (no step kids). TWO sets of twins?! The mil is 85 and active in the divorce, civil, and murder cases. Is there 3 or 2 cases?
Yep, that's about my knowledge. How close am I to important facts.
Hmmm, what is FD's alibi?
Welcome @Aydrianna523!

There is a good Media thread that is part of this case and can save you some time getting up to speed. Here is the link:
CT - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, Media, Maps, Timeline, *NO DISCUSSION*

There are 2 incredibly detailed AWs in the case and reading them will also get you up to speed quickly. Links to the AWs are in the Media thread.

If you'd like to see a visual of AW2 (FD alleged trip to New Canaan to murder JF) then I would suggest seeking out Gray Hughes reenactment via Google Earth on you tube (Grey Hughes Investigates). The link should be in the Media Thread.

Here are some quick answers.
Yes - Sidepiece in place for a year or so - she lived in Miami where it is believed she met FD and she moved into 4Jx with her daughter as soon as JF left with the 5 children for NC.
Yes - DNA/Blood in EE truck -AW2 indicated FD was hard at work scrubbing and cleaning Red Truck and enlisted the assistance of MT to clean the truck and also drive him to get the truck detailed at local car wash.
Yes - Business hasn't been active really since FIL died (FIL provided funding for building). FORE has been working on a house on Sturbridge in NC which is now on market. There are 3 other houses for sale in Farmington and you can see them all on the FORE website.
No - Nobody knows how FD is paying his 5 lawyers given that he has been pleading poverty in the divorce case for over 2 years. There is believed to be a 'Greek Benefactor' who was named in a deposition as providing the funding for the FD lawyers to a NY lawyer who would then divvy up the $$$.
Yes - Civil litigation is ongoing regarding money LENT to FD to build houses by FIL. FD is claiming these funds were a 'gift'. Trial date is 12/3.
Yes - MIL was awarded temporary custody of the children. If you'd like a crash course in the ongoing very acrimonious divorce action then strongly suggest the Judge Heller order where she gives temporary custody to GF (this document should be in Media Thread as well). Judge Heller brilliantly summarises the divorce action and FD well documented history as a 'liar in court' and a 'dead beat dad' as he paid zero for the maintenance of his children to GF after she left 4Jx.

There is a LOT of litigation going on in this case. There are 2 civil cases (1 including foreclosure of 4Jx where FD lived with first JF and then his mistress/sidepiece MT), family court relating to custody situation and the divorce (halted now), and criminal court for the charges from 2 AWs (nothing going on until January as investigation of LE is ongoing - UNLESS of course we see some new charges which have been expected now for awhile).

I needed to seek out the explanation myself. This is what I came up with:
Certainly sounds like what is needed here IMO! Atty Weinstein is sending up a signal of "HELP NEEDED HERE" IMO.

FD and Atty BM have been sending and resending this exact same memo to Atty Weinstein at least 4 times that I know of.

Atty Weinstein responds and yet the memo with no alterations (or a couple of minor alterations) is simply shot back at him by FD/Atty BM.

Seems like an abuse of process to me and I'm not sure why the Judge isn't working to resolve these ongoing situations or simply hold a hearing to button up all the issues once and for all.

FD and Atty BM are on a fishing expedition to get info about the Farber family wealth, JD wealth and trusts, Farber trusts etc. None of this is relevant to the case at hand and yet the Judge has done zero to stop this ongoing abuse by FB and Atty BM of the entire process.

FD and Atty BM simply need to provide proof that the loans were not loans and were in fact 'gifts' as is claimed by FD and Atty BM. Such proof hasn't been forthcoming so far as we have seen and my best guess is that such proof doesn't exist and so the sad case is left with ongoing motions being filed over and over and next to no progress made in months.

Sad situation and not sure how trial will happen on 12/3 but I give total kudos to Atty Weinstein for trying to get closure on at least this aspect of this tragedy for GF and the children by the end of 2019.

114.10 11/19/2019 C ORDER

RESULT: Order 11/19/2019 BY THE CLERK

The foregoing, having been considered by the clerk, is hereby:
114.10 11/19/2019 C ORDER

RESULT: Order 11/19/2019 BY THE CLERK

The foregoing, having been considered by the clerk, is hereby:
Am I reading this correctly that we finally have a Motion of Default in the foreclosure case on 4Jx?

If so, OH HAPPY DAYS! If not, Grrrrrr.
After following the Berreth case; I am more hopeful that JD will get justice. I figure the KB case took a year -- so -- hoping for justice for JD come next April or May 2020. Here's to hoping! Love all of you guys - and your sleuthing info. I am happy to be part of this WS community; although I don't bring much to the party - I am here for the info - and to add some "snark". moo
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