Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #36

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And we all know where F. Lee Bailey has ended up, and it's not on the top. A certain federal judge in the Northern District of Florida saw to that. Pattis will most likely fly too close to the sun, too.
Please remind me where he is because after the OJ cf I must have forgotten! TIA
Also I have come to have extraordinary faith in some Florida judges especially after the Teresa Sievers murder verdict.
There was IMO urgency to the Fd/MT/KM plan for JFd that was somehow tied to the weekend custody of the 5 children.

I do wonder if the plan to was to take off with the children (as Fd had threatened JFd and HF in the past) and/or hold them hostage for ransom hoping GF would pay for their return?

I'm having a hard time seeing Fd taking on childcare for 5 children and I also find it hard to believe that MT wanted to take on this step mother role either?

He never gave two *advertiser censored* about those kids. Follow the money trail and HTH is he going to meet his bond tomorrow? Unbelievable IMO
Please remind me where he is because after the OJ cf I must have forgotten! TIA
Also I have come to have extraordinary faith in some Florida judges especially after the Teresa Sievers murder verdict.
He lives in Maine, and operates a consulting firm. He tried unsuccessfully, to get his law license back.

His courtroom days are long gone.
Nanny dodged a bullet IMO.
Yes, and did you see NP protest, because they need to talk to the nanny also, as if FD himself should be able to do this? Another odd moment and though the judge clarified there would be no reason for FD himself to contact her, he seemed inclined to stroke NP's ego then and a couple of other times.
[QUOTE="MassGuy, post: 15704319, member: 219191"

He needs a haircut, and a bleach shower (that’s just gotta be a thing).[/QUOTE]

Speaking of haircuts, did you guys notice how long his ponytail has gotten & how the wind blew the end of it onto his shoulder today? (first one side, then the other). For the life of me I couldn't figure out what the heck that was - initially thought maybe an animal had landed! (sorry not sorry:D). Does he think his hair is his super power???
I think what @afitzy had posted regarding JD going into the mudroom and back out to the garage (I can't quote just that portion for some reason :rolleyes:) is a possibility. If IIRC, the nanny said when she came to the house she noticed JD's purse on the floor either in the mudroom or kitchen, along with her tea and unopened granola bar on the kitchen counter. It's possible JD pulled the Suburban into the garage and FD crept around the back corner of the garage, crouched down, and went into the garage behind the Suburban as she pulled in (high car, JD would not have seen him in her rear view mirror if he was crouched low) and slid off to the side by the Land Rover waiting. If she's being super vigilant about things she would have stayed in the car until the garage door closed before exiting the car to enter the house...this is where he would have her trapped. He probably approached her from behind as she was walking into the mudroom from the garage. She drops her purse, cellphone in hand, and runs for the garage......

After following the CW/SW case and then the PF/KB case I swore I was not going to get so involved again for awhile..... and now, here I am feeling like I'm seeing a combination of those two cases. Especially the PF/KB case and the involvement of help from the mistresses, no body, etc... I always hoped we would have heard from PF's defense attorney but after hearing the very few times I've listened, to FD's attorney, NP, I'm glad we didn't. What attorney tells a press group if they want to see FD's they should stick around???? That's insane... JMO on that!!

I'm glad you did a scenario with the Suburban pulling into the garage as I've been trying to think if it was done as you describe and JFd simply walked into the house put down her bag and was ambushed there by Fd and he dragged her into the garage. Still puzzling it out....

AW3 states that blood spatter was found on the passenger side door of the Suburban which perhaps meant that JFd did pull the Suburban into the first bay of the garage and next to the Land Rover.

This would mean that the attack area available was much smaller than what I originally thought as now the Suburban is taking up quite a bit of space.

So, JFd exits the Suburban and walks in front of the Suburban to go through the mudroom to get to the kitchen. Somewhere during that walk inside she is attached and dragged back into the garage where the attack happened between the 2 vehicles (Suburban on one side and Land Rover on the other side).

There would have been no place for JFd to go really to flee as the space between the cars was maybe 4' and the distance of the garage was maybe 12' or so. So, there was a narrow corridor of space where the attach might have happened under this scenario.

I'm glad you did a scenario with the Suburban pulling into the garage as I've been trying to think if it was done as you describe and JFd simply walked into the house put down her bag and was ambushed there by Fd and he dragged her into the garage. Still puzzling it out....

AW3 states that blood spatter was found on the passenger side door of the Suburban which perhaps meant that JFd did pull the Suburban into the first bay of the garage and next to the Land Rover.

This would mean that the attack area available was much smaller than what I originally thought as now the Suburban is taking up quite a bit of space.

So, JFd exits the Suburban and walks in front of the Suburban to go through the mudroom to get to the kitchen. Somewhere during that walk inside she is attached and dragged back into the garage where the attack happened between the 2 vehicles (Suburban on one side and Land Rover on the other side).

There would have been no place for JFd to go really to flee as the space between the cars was maybe 4' and the distance of the garage was maybe 12' or so. So, there was a narrow corridor of space where the attach might have happened under this scenario.

I’ve always thought that he waited outside, and rushed in as Jennifer was existing her vehicle.

She would have had no chance.
I wonder if FD used an incinerator.

People with construction companies often own or have access to incinerators. Poor Tim Bosma was disposed of this way in Canada. In the 1976 disappearance of Renee MAcRae near Inverness, Scotland: She was separated from her husband who owned a construction company. The cops burned sheep in his company incinerator to test if any remains would be present afterwards. (Her lover was recently arrested after 43 years. The perp was not her husband).
I agree that incineration of JFd's remains (and perhaps disposing of the ashes in a body of water cuz MT & FD have supposedly been communicating on SM about expanses of water) is likely, and a very final, difficult to prove way to make sure her 'body' would never ever ever be found.

Hence FD's smirkiness and seeming confident the old '"no body, no charges" would be his ticket to freedom, even if things went wrong as they have with all the forensic & circumstantial evidence & 3 arrests.

Incineration could have been "Plan X" that FD had as a backup plan after the other plans with MT & KM for disposal of her remains didn't work out --

KM could have been unraveling & FD could have decided not to trust him with the Gun Club shallow grave (even though that location was probably chosen by KM under pressure from FD, that, huh, could lead LE to looking at KM for JFd's murder once FD skipped town...)

Machiavelli is getting a run for his rep from FD...

Nanny dodged a bullet IMO.

Your post triggered a question that I had forgotten , if anyone knows ...

1. Has FD been able to keep in contact with his kids this entire time thru texting and phone calls ?
The Judge today implemented a No contact Order . Was this a “new” Order or just reinforcing a previous No contact Order that slipped my mind .
2. Same applies to the Nanny.. has FD been able to text/ call her this entire time?
I know she wouldn’t answer.
NP is so full of himself. Have I mentioned here that when P first announced he would rep scum of earth FD I sent him an email through his website (which has a gallery of him posing in similar positions with his awful hygiene and 80s-era least cool leather jacket ever seen, which I only mention because he is such a poseur) and though my note was civilized he replied within minutes using foul language at me? And then a second time, until I noted he might have something better to do than hurl curse words at random people emailing him? He is so obsessed with himself. His ridiculous flowery speeches for any reason whatsoever - it's like a parody, pretty close to a sad-sack lawyer speechifying and grandstanding with over-the-tp rhetoric in traffic court. No, Norm, you are no Clarence Darrow or Atticus Finch, you are a lowlife ambulance-chasing scumball JOKE. Okay I digress. But I did feel that this judge is sort of smitten by him, which is weird. All macho posturing nonsense. But in defense of men, so many good ones even in this sordid tale, and the worker who saved the seats is a real hero.
MOO How could anybody be smitten by this big fleabag? Send him back to the dark side of the moon.
YES! Judge Blawie IMO missed the bus on this one and I was surprised Atty Colangelo didn't chime in to make the correction. The existing bracelets have the technology you mention but it previously wasn't activated for use and programmed by the monitoring company. We learned about the programming options when someone found the manual for the bracelets in an earlier thread - they are quite sophisticated!

But it sounds like they will now take advantage of the built in technology with the bracelet to reduce the available perimeter for FD, MT and KM (if he ever gets out of prison) to house arrest. Its strange that prior to now they didn't use the technology to its fullest to impose curfews and travel ranges.

I am not sure we saw resolution on Fd being able to 'work' while under house arrest and possibly leave the house. Concerned clearly above proximity to Bradley Airport or other avenues to flee.
He must get prior permission from his pretrial services officer. That officer does not want to be responsible for letting a murderer flee, so I think he will find himself on a short rope there.

Given my opinion of Mr. Pattis, however, I am more concerned about those "attorney visits". Yes, I know he has the right to counsel, and the right to prepare a defense, but look how Ted Bundy, the ultimate malignant narcissist, abused that privilege. He escaped once through the jail law library by using his need to defend himself at trial as the reason for being there in the first place! Bundy also managed to get married and impregnate his "wife" during one trial, reportedly with some "help" from counsel.

Pattis is in too deep; he better remember his ethical obligations or his "poor maligned client" will chew him up and spit him out like bloody Chiclets. Dulos has shown us he is quite comfortable using anyone to get what he wants. Pattis is no one special to him. He is just a means to an end.

Dulos may act like he worships the ground Pattis walks on. In reality, he will use Pattis in any way necessary to escape justice (whether legal or not). If I were pretrial services, I would keep a very close eye on the pattern of those attorney visits. MOO! MOO!
Ok here is another thing that we’ve discussed on this forum in various threads but how did FD know JD would be there on the morning of the 24th? That it would be her and not LA he was ambushing in JDs garage that morning?
According to LA (the nanny) in AW3 she told LE that JD ALMOST changed her mind on 5/23 and was going to head to NY that evening and had asked LA if she could spend the night at JD house and take the kiddos to school on 5/24. That way JD could already be in NY on the morning of the 24th for her appointments in the city having spent the night in NY. But LA said she changed her mind and LA didn’t end up spending the night at JD house and instead JD took the kids to school on the morning of the 24th.
Was JD just really unlucky? Was it a coincidence that onthat day FD was able to get her at the precise moment she came home from dropping the kids off?
Was he tracking her somehow? did he know her plans?
Would he have known if she had gone to NY on the evening of the 23rd? Or would it have been LA he mistakenly ambushed?
This bothers me a lot.
I'm with you on the 'coincidences' here with location of JFd on the 24th being an issue and still unresolved.

I also wonder if Fd could have accessed the security system on Welles or possibly figured out some other way to spy on JFd? It sounds wacky to consider these options but maybe it happened?

I also wonder if Fd was able to get some basic info from one of the children very innocently and the comment or question wasn't caught by the monitor?

Given what we have learned about Fd total disregard of rules in so many other situations, it does seem possible that he might have figured out some way to communicate via social media or Snap or Insta with one of the older children and used this as a way to get access to JFd location and schedule.

Its impossible to know whether JFd successfully changed all her passwords to online accts too when she left 4Jx and perhaps Fd did have access to some schedule info or even possibly her phone? It all sounds a bit far fetched but Fd seemed determined to do whatever it took to figure out how to eliminate JFd.

IMO there was some major reason that Fd arrived early on the 22nd and then most likely lied about the Grace Farm picnic location being viable when he knew it closed at 6 and so this pushed the event to the Welles back patio which I believe has access to the mudroom. We know Fd didn't go inside Welles on that day but did he possibly do something to the access door to facilitate entry at a later date?

I think its likely that all these dates with Fd and JFd and the children that week were connected as well as his scheduled pick up of the children for the weekend.

I am still confused with the AW for KM. It is very circumstantial IMO.

Predug grave: Can't he just say the predug grave was for an animal he was hunting (unlikely that it was but its a plausible defense)? And that is even if they can prove he is the one that dug it. Just because there were cell phone pings does not tie him to that hole.

Calls from FD to KM? They were good friends, of course they would call each other

No DNA matching KM in any AW.

Of course KM knew and likely guilty but:
What can they prove 100% beyond a reasonable doubt except for the fact hes a liar with poor memory?


LE must have more. About Andreas too. IMO.
NP is so full of himself. Have I mentioned here that when P first announced he would rep scum of earth FD I sent him an email through his website (which has a gallery of him posing in similar positions with his awful hygiene and 80s-era least cool leather jacket ever seen, which I only mention because he is such a poseur) and though my note was civilized he replied within minutes using foul language at me? And then a second time, until I noted he might have something better to do than hurl curse words at random people emailing him? He is so obsessed with himself. His ridiculous flowery speeches for any reason whatsoever - it's like a parody, pretty close to a sad-sack lawyer speechifying and grandstanding with over-the-tp rhetoric in traffic court. No, Norm, you are no Clarence Darrow or Atticus Finch, you are a lowlife ambulance-chasing scumball JOKE. Okay I digress. But I did feel that this judge is sort of smitten by him, which is weird. All macho posturing nonsense. But in defense of men, so many good ones even in this sordid tale, and the worker who saved the seats is a real hero.
I must quit posting! But I just had to say I think this judge sees right through Mr. Pattis and his client. This isn't his first rodeo, I believe he is a former prosecutor, and he is doing everything by the book. He knows what time of day it is, and is not at all enamored of Pattis, or intimidated by the cameras. I think he will give Pattis just enough rope to make a total fool of himself in court.
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