Deceased/Not Found CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #37

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Yes that is what I was trying to state. The 1st or ex-nanny ran over Mama Dulos. Some folks were stating that Mams Dulos fell down steps. I just wanted to confirm that was not the case.
Mama Dulos fell down the stairs but did not die, so they had to run her over to get the job done by the Greek nanny, FD kept reminding LE that he was in Italy so he couldn't be held accountable, not much follow up by LE in this case, just let it go. Nanny was interviewed by LE with FD as the translator.....just a sneaky SOB
Yes, MT might never flip but with each AW her presence and role in the murder of JFd becomes clearer IMO.

In my mind now as it relates to this horrific crime, its become very blurry where Fd begins and MT ends in terms of the planning and execution of this murder.

The 'Motives List' for BOTH Fd and MT is getting clearer and clearer IMO with AW3.

AW3 develops clearly IMO the idea of an angry and frustrated MT who was possibly quite jealous of JFd.

Was the hatred of JFd, due to the length of time that the divorce was ongoing, by BOTH MT and Fd simply building and building to the point where it exploded? Did MT actively arguing with Fd about the situation simply push him to the edge where he was unable to see options clearly? Premeditation seems clear in all the AWs IMO so something was driving this murder that seemed largely money driven IMO.

Anger and rage seem to thread their way through the Fd/JFd divorce and the KM/KM STBX divorce. I do very much see possibility for further murder charges here.

I read the court testimony in the last KM divorce hearing again yesterday and it was surreal that the Judge heard what KM STBX was saying, watched the video of the home security footage and yet still denied the protective order.

Even more stunning (not surprising given his history IMO) was that Atty. P. chastised KM STBX for 'seeking her 15 of fame' after her IMO courageous and very long court appearance to face an angry and dismissive alcoholic husband that she was seeking to divorce! I hope that LE is providing protection to KM STBX wife 24/7 as I do believe her life could very well be in danger here. KM STBX wife endured DV for the duration of her marriage along with the horror of spousal rape. I'm scratching my head trying to figure out what the CT Family Court did to assist and support her efforts to divorce her husband?

I do wonder what Atty. P. will say if we see conspiracy to murder charges filed against Fd for the attempted murder of KM STBX? Will he be so quick this time to say, "bring it on"? Doubt it greatly.

At last court appearance , Bowman stated something like :
“MT didn’t have a motive for killing Jennifer”.
I think he used that line to ask for a lower bond amount ?
I could be wrong tho!!!
He may appear calm on the outside but he is a ticking time bomb, consider the violent act he did on JD when he was just smiling at a picnic with her the night before. The pent up rage is like Ted Bundy, violence is in there when his mask is off. One scary hombre that is not done. Any freedom and he will be gone, he is a trapped rat waiting to flee just like Ted playing a game until the opportunity presents itself then he will just do it again to another poor soul. We have not seen the end of his violent acts, unless he is locked away securely for good.
I have not heard of any malevolent act by FD on the 5/22 picnic. Do you mean altering plans then showing up early?
I wish there could be more options than just Guilty or Not Guilty. I would like to see an option along the lines of Guilty Without A Doubt. Cases where there is video, someone has confessed, indisputable DNA evidence, etc. Some people just need killing. Predators. The guy in NY who recently raped and beat a 92 year old woman to death. Quick execution is needed! I do respect you and your opinion. I just cannot be philosophically opposed to snuffing out the life of such heinous individuals. MOO.

BellaVita, at times we have disagreed. Vehemently. Today? We stand together. And to other posters that I have challenged, today I offer you an olive branch. “I Have A Dream.” It’s a little different than Martin Luther King. But I dream of a better place. A better way. A new way. If we can reunite as a country even on this one issue of Domestic Violence, maybe we can continue to seek other issues to unite us. One small issue at a time.

I’m just moved to get up on my soap box this am. For Justice for Jennifer. Don’t know why.

Along with toothbrushes in my judicial bench drawer, I’d establish a separate appeal system for death crimes.
Arrested for murder? Bogus defense motions? Get a ruling. Immediately. As in 30 days. Appeal to separate line of appellate courts. 60 days later, expedited hearing. Decision. Don’t like ruling of your motion on appeal? 60 days S Ct.
The Supreme Court for Death Cases will hear it for death cases and render a decision. Ok. Take it to the Supreme Court of CT. That highest court in CT would be required to set it for briefing and hearing with in 60 days of Notice of Appeal. Hear it. Rule. Send it back down so that the judicial system keeps working on it. ASAP.
Trial. Found guilty. You want to appeal? No problem. Appeal to a specially designated Appellate Court for Death Crimes. Don’t like answer from that special appellate court? No problem. Appeal to Supreme Court for Death Cases.
A distinct and separate line of courts, limited to hearing and ruling on death cases only. Whether death penalty or life sentences, a one track line of courts, full time, funded, charged with handling death cases only.
It would take that special crime of death on an express ride to conclusion. Once past arrest, everything handled by a totally separate and distinct line of courts. Not part time. Not “as needed” to put together special prosecutors. Full time part of judicial branch whether state or federal government which will have ONLY one role. It would have separate jurisdiction for death cases from the regular criminal court system. Take exclusive jurisdiction of the death case, from start to finish in an effort to streamline the process. Keep every due process right afforded to the accused, every tactic, every strategy, every thing the same except limited to death of victim cases. Instead of YEARS to reach justice, MONTHS. There would be less need for continuances, based on work load of the court, judges and staff. Preferential funding from the government to preclude timing issues slowing down the wheels of justice based on lack of funds, manpower, assistance, or need for briefing. Basically remove any road block to a one way express ride to the outcome.
Rather than 500 cases waiting their turn to go in front of one judge for a hearing or some other ruling, implement a term used in my area of the country. “A Rocket Docket.”

It’s been a number of years now, but my state’s civil trial docket used to take 7-8 years to reach trial ready status and then actual trial. A number of years ago, politicians swept out that antiquated system. And implemented a series of reforms that took a civil matter that needed 7-8 years to conclude, now averages about 1.5 years. Sure, some cases get resolved much sooner. And periodically, a very complex case takes longer. But as soon as a case is filed, it is put on one of three time tracks to resolution. It’s not perfect. But it’s so much better than it was before the changes.
Our entire state is progressive. Sure we have our problems. Corruption. Crime. But we strive to implement reform to keep pace with the changing circumstances our state faces on a daily basis.
I don’t agree with all the changes. I’m sure other citizens don’t agree with different changes. But overall, we’re doing a real good job of running this place. I’m not native born. And natives have a special affinity for each other, but I’m still welcome here. I’ve been given opportunities that are non existent to me in other states. Yep. “Texas is like a whole other country.”
Maybe not because 6 different countries flew their flags over our state. But because we are progressive. You may think we’re a bunch of loud mouthed, bragging, big bubble haired citizens. And that’s ok. There are always a few that personify J.R. Ewing. But we don’t have people fleeing Texas. People flock to Texas. Connecticut is losing citizens in embarrassing numbers. Taxes are eating up the place. Estate taxes are onerous. Thank God Hartford implemented a new camera system to assist LE. Had it not been for those cameras, Jennifer Farber Dulos may never have had ANY chance to receive justice. Waverly Park is STILL begging for cameras. Citizens have begged for them for years. I bet the citizens would raise their own funds to pay for the installation. Given a chance. But I think they’d have to get approval....and there it sits. Some commission has to approve of citizens funding cameras. Really?

I’m just one small voice in a country of over 220 million people. I cannot do it alone. Sleuthers cannot do it alone. What is it going to take to turn Connecticut around? Progress. Modernization. Concern.

Maybe DV will be the key that opens the door to progress. There are several DV bills which have been penned and are now pending in the Connecticut legislature. I applaud those leaders. Standing ovation. Citizens of CT need to unite and support those drafters, and bombard the rest of the legislative voting branch to vote those bills into law. And add teeth to enforce those laws. And then keep drafting bills to lead CT with change. It sounds like a beautiful, scenic place. It is home to brilliant educational institutions, strong business and industry. Why has it fallen into decay? What happened?

Start with Jennifer Farber Dulos. Her legacy will be domestic violence awareness and legislative change.

Then keep progress in the forefront.
Please pass this on. And keep passing it on.

And if you have criticisms, suggestions, opinions, blast away. Everyone’s input is needed to make change happen. It’ll be give and take. That’s how we work. United. Compromise. Implement.

These are IMHOO.
Yes that is what I was trying to state. The 1st or ex-nanny ran over Mama Dulos. Some folks were stating that Mams Dulos fell down steps. I just wanted to confirm that was not the case.
@ChiCubs2016, poor Mama Dulos has a number of mishaps it seems before she finally died after being run over by the Nanny. There appear to have been at least 2 falls and one fall might have been responsible for her arm injury.

I very much hope LE opens this investigation and that even if this doesn’t happen that Dr Gill in the State Medical Examiners office reviews the autopsy and hospital records to confirm the situation.

Avon PD I believe is also under a possible cloud here for not relooking at this case after the officer involved I believe was terminated as part of larger issues present in the department.

The daily mail imo showed initiative in investigating this mama Dulos case but I think they ran into the issue of CT and possible “blue wall” in Hartford and Avon.

I would love to see a top notch FBI crime scene investigator make any sense out of the report prepared by Avon PD, to say nothing of allowing FD to translate. Entire situation was handled in a slipshod manner IMO and I do wonder greatly about whether there was any connection to the Avon Chief of Police living down the street from FD at the time?

IMO little about the Mama Dulos series of accidents and her ultimate death made sense.

Yes, the evolution of party politics in CT has been profound over the past 20 years and certainly since the presence of Gov Rell. I mean this to be a factually based post to explain to folks not from CT what has happened over the past 20 years as the party in power changed in CT. This is NOT a political post making judgments!

I think many here on WS have tried to understand why change never seems to happen in CT. I'm sure there are many answers to this but at a very basic level I would posit that one party rule in Hartford has to have had an impact on the direction of CT over the past 20 years. IDK, political scientists have debated the 'CT Dilemma' in terms of the stats for many years and many theories exist as to why the CT slide and population exodus happened. Just wanted to put the issue here as there have been many calls for change and reform here on WS but the history of change in CT is limited.

I do have to say though that the recent possibility of a proposed bill in the Judiciary Committee regarding DV is encouraging. I balance this feeling of optimism on DV legislation with absolute disgust that First Selectman Moynihan and Chief K in New Canaan, CT have done zero to move quickly on the Waveny Park security situation with the installation of cameras. New Canaan To Install Security Cameras At Waveny Park Watching the football be tossed on the Waveny Camera situation and the comments from some of the Selectman was painful, particularly when you see so many other large scale and very expensive projects happening in Town. Priorities....

Interestingly enough, I believe New Canaan is one of the last towns in the State that consistently votes Republican and has largely Republican town officers. But I think in the last presidential election that the tide turned such that I'm not sure that the Republican dominance will be in evidence in future elections. Here are some NC info: 2019 New Canaan Election Results: Kevin Moynihan Wins Re-Election

Hartford is dominated by party politics and has been for many years and power is presently concentrated firmly in the hands of the Democrats. IMO this concentration of political power and agenda is reflected in the financial situation of CT and the economy which has continued to slide as neighbouring states bounced back. NY State too is going through some rough times both in terms of the real estate markets and economy too, so economic issues aren't just a CT issue, but CT has had zero economic growth for many many years and companies have been leaving in droves to find less hostile business environments too. But the CT slide on the way to possible bankruptcy at some point has been rough on the citizens of the state who are punished by some of the highest taxes in the country and with falling home prices. I do wish I could say that the issues we have seen in the CT Judiciary relate to lack of funding but I'm not sure anyone has presented a compelling argument that this might be the case. My suspicion is that what we have seen and what Fd has been allowed to get away with reflects lack of leadership at every level in the Judiciary and this is painful to say but I don't know how else to explain what we have now seen in Family Court, Civil Court and Criminal Court.

@thekirbyfamily, be glad you got out of the Nutmeg State and enjoy your new environment!


You were posting this as I was typing my soap box oration. SSDD. Thank you for more native, insider views.
@ChiCubs2016, poor Mama Dulos has a number of mishaps it seems before she finally died after being run over by the Nanny. There appear to have been at least 2 falls and one fall might have been responsible for her arm injury.

IMO little about the Mama Dulos series of accidents and her ultimate death made sense.

I have always thought the Nanny running over Mama Dulos was suspect and that Fd was allowed to translate for her completely outrageous but geez now hearing about the falls, there is not any doubt (not that there was any) Fd was involved in this. MOO. I wonder what JFd thought. I agree with you @afitzy in I hope LE opens an investigation.
Agree with everything you said! As a historian I knew a man in CT who's dad was JFK's CT campaign manager and he always boasted with a huge smile on his face that his dad is the reason CT changed. I did some research and sure enough, CT was always Republican, right up to JFK's election and hasn't been since.

Like Chicago. When JFK was running, rumor has it Joe Kennedy called then Mayor Daley and asked that votes be “found” to swing the election.
Lol. When Daley asked Joe Kennedy how many did he have to “find” bc the votes cost money, Joe Kennedy answered “just enough to win the election!”
I haven't read through this whole thread, but what are the theories about JfD's missing body? I've thought all along that because FD is a builder, they should check the foundation of whatever house he was building at the time she went missing.

Just a sweet reminder of the beautiful people we are all fighting for! Justice for Jennifer!!!
I agree that there will be purchase point evidence tying FD and most likely MT to the physical evidence. Other WS have mentioned Pattis professional reputation in CT and he is known for effectively representing people accused of committing terrible crimes. One such case was Jennifer Valiente the girlfriend of Kyle Navin who never turned on him and only got 8 years for her role in his parents premeditated murders. This case has been mentioned by other sleuthers here. Kyle Navin of course shot both of his parents in cold blood after he heard that they were cutting him out of his will.

This relates to NP and purchase point evidence bc NPs client Jennifer Valiente was seen on Home Depot cameras purchasing items that were used to clean the evidence of the Navins murders. She also discussed the murders with him prior to their being committed (texts). To repeat she never flipped on Kyle Navin and still only got 8 years after pleading guilty of conspiracy to commit murder—two victims. One of NPs many “victories”.
Valiante gets 8 years for helping Navin kill his parents

MT might never flip.

Yes, but NP isn’t representing MT...and, I have a feeling that MT cannot bear the thought of 8 years in prison; I don’t think she’s tough enough
Yes, but NP isn’t representing MT...and, I have a feeling that MT cannot bear the thought of 8 years in prison; I don’t think she’s tough enough
I think we might be underestimating MT toughness here! @thekirbyfamily heard a third party description of what MT is able to do and based on that heresay MT is no shrinking violet!

She is able to fillet a huge game fish with no issues and zero hesitation, if pics on her social media were to be believed. If you have never seen a large fish fillet done then be prepared for blood and gore.

I can totally see her leading up a gang of fellow Latina chicas to rule the roost of whatever prison she ends up calling home for the remainder of her sorry life!

Thank you! I have been reading this site for months so I’m glad to be here. He had a few special privileges- he was in a green jumpsuit from being at McDougal Walker- cops let him change into his suit that we all saw on TV. NP was able to meet with him for almost unlimited time before appearing infront of the judge- he also was transported on his own so he didn’t have to deal with any more questions from other individuals locked up at Stamford court.

So these privileges had little to nothing to do with his @celebrity” status
BellaVita, at times we have disagreed. Vehemently. Today? We stand together. And to other posters that I have challenged, today I offer you an olive branch. “I Have A Dream.” It’s a little different than Martin Luther King. But I dream of a better place. A better way. A new way. If we can reunite as a country even on this one issue of Domestic Violence, maybe we can continue to seek other issues to unite us. One small issue at a time.

I’m just moved to get up on my soap box this am. For Justice for Jennifer. Don’t know why.

Along with toothbrushes in my judicial bench drawer, I’d establish a separate appeal system for death crimes.
Arrested for murder? Bogus defense motions? Get a ruling. Immediately. As in 30 days. Appeal to separate line of appellate courts. 60 days later, expedited hearing. Decision. Don’t like ruling of your motion on appeal? 60 days S Ct.
The Supreme Court for Death Cases will hear it for death cases and render a decision. Ok. Take it to the Supreme Court of CT. That highest court in CT would be required to set it for briefing and hearing with in 60 days of Notice of Appeal. Hear it. Rule. Send it back down so that the judicial system keeps working on it. ASAP.
Trial. Found guilty. You want to appeal? No problem. Appeal to a specially designated Appellate Court for Death Crimes. Don’t like answer from that special appellate court? No problem. Appeal to Supreme Court for Death Cases.
A distinct and separate line of courts, limited to hearing and ruling on death cases only. Whether death penalty or life sentences, a one track line of courts, full time, funded, charged with handling death cases only.
It would take that special crime of death on an express ride to conclusion. Once past arrest, everything handled by a totally separate and distinct line of courts. Not part time. Not “as needed” to put together special prosecutors. Full time part of judicial branch whether state or federal government which will have ONLY one role. It would have separate jurisdiction for death cases from the regular criminal court system. Take exclusive jurisdiction of the death case, from start to finish in an effort to streamline the process. Keep every due process right afforded to the accused, every tactic, every strategy, every thing the same except limited to death of victim cases. Instead of YEARS to reach justice, MONTHS. There would be less need for continuances, based on work load of the court, judges and staff. Preferential funding from the government to preclude timing issues slowing down the wheels of justice based on lack of funds, manpower, assistance, or need for briefing. Basically remove any road block to a one way express ride to the outcome.
Rather than 500 cases waiting their turn to go in front of one judge for a hearing or some other ruling, implement a term used in my area of the country. “A Rocket Docket.”

It’s been a number of years now, but my state’s civil trial docket used to take 7-8 years to reach trial ready status and then actual trial. A number of years ago, politicians swept out that antiquated system. And implemented a series of reforms that took a civil matter that needed 7-8 years to conclude, now averages about 1.5 years. Sure, some cases get resolved much sooner. And periodically, a very complex case takes longer. But as soon as a case is filed, it is put on one of three time tracks to resolution. It’s not perfect. But it’s so much better than it was before the changes.
Our entire state is progressive. Sure we have our problems. Corruption. Crime. But we strive to implement reform to keep pace with the changing circumstances our state faces on a daily basis.
I don’t agree with all the changes. I’m sure other citizens don’t agree with different changes. But overall, we’re doing a real good job of running this place. I’m not native born. And natives have a special affinity for each other, but I’m still welcome here. I’ve been given opportunities that are non existent to me in other states. Yep. “Texas is like a whole other country.”
Maybe not because 6 different countries flew their flags over our state. But because we are progressive. You may think we’re a bunch of loud mouthed, bragging, big bubble haired citizens. And that’s ok. There are always a few that personify J.R. Ewing. But we don’t have people fleeing Texas. People flock to Texas. Connecticut is losing citizens in embarrassing numbers. Taxes are eating up the place. Estate taxes are onerous. Thank God Hartford implemented a new camera system to assist LE. Had it not been for those cameras, Jennifer Farber Dulos may never have had ANY chance to receive justice. Waverly Park is STILL begging for cameras. Citizens have begged for them for years. I bet the citizens would raise their own funds to pay for the installation. Given a chance. But I think they’d have to get approval....and there it sits. Some commission has to approve of citizens funding cameras. Really?

I’m just one small voice in a country of over 220 million people. I cannot do it alone. Sleuthers cannot do it alone. What is it going to take to turn Connecticut around? Progress. Modernization. Concern.

Maybe DV will be the key that opens the door to progress. There are several DV bills which have been penned and are now pending in the Connecticut legislature. I applaud those leaders. Standing ovation. Citizens of CT need to unite and support those drafters, and bombard the rest of the legislative voting branch to vote those bills into law. And add teeth to enforce those laws. And then keep drafting bills to lead CT with change. It sounds like a beautiful, scenic place. It is home to brilliant educational institutions, strong business and industry. Why has it fallen into decay? What happened?

Start with Jennifer Farber Dulos. Her legacy will be domestic violence awareness and legislative change.

Then keep progress in the forefront.
Please pass this on. And keep passing it on.

And if you have criticisms, suggestions, opinions, blast away. Everyone’s input is needed to make change happen. It’ll be give and take. That’s how we work. United. Compromise. Implement.

These are IMHOO.
I love your post so much. I have to think before I can respond properly. Might need PM. Your post is beautiful. Thank you.
I think we might be underestimating MT toughness here! @thekirbyfamily heard a third party description of what MT is able to do and based on that heresay MT is no shrinking violet!

She is able to fillet a huge game fish with no issues and zero hesitation, if pics on her social media were to be believed. If you have never seen a large fish fillet done then be prepared for blood and gore.

I can totally see her leading up a gang of fellow Latina chicas to rule the roost of whatever prison she ends up calling home for the remainder of her sorry life!


I dunno...she couldn’t even tolerate a weekend in a hotel with her daughter so her “paramour” could spend time with his children! Seriously, I think many people think they could do time in prison, especially after watching “Orange is the New Black”, but MT does have a daughter, and she likes her high heels and “luxurious” surroundings-and hates to wait for what she wants (married boyfriend); I don’t think she wants to go to prison. But I do think she isn’t protecting Fd at this point; she is protecting herself primarily. It is my belief that while she currently thinks she can beat these charges against her by keeping her trap shut-she is going eventually tell them something that will convict Fd. And she should.
Yes that is what I was trying to state. The 1st or ex-nanny ran over Mama Dulos. Some folks were stating that Mams Dulos fell down steps. I just wanted to confirm that was not the case.
Mama Dulos fell down the stairs but did not die, so they had to run her over to get the job done by the Greek nanny, FD kept reminding LE that he was in Italy so he couldn't be held accountable, not much follow up by LE in this case, just let it go. Nanny was interviewed by LE with FD as the translator.....just a sneaky SOB
I have not heard of any malevolent act by FD on the 5/22 picnic. Do you mean altering plans then showing up early?
Yes, changing plans, playing ball to check out the wooded area with a random ball. Who knows what info he gained from the kids about plans the next day? possible access code to doors? The list goes on and on. who knows what evil plotting he was doing to prepare for his deadly deed the next day. He would never outwardly show bad actions, it was all on the sly in the rouse of something else....Awfully coincidental he was at the house the day before? What else did he do before hand, and he arrived early which was against the visitation rights. Took JD and nanny off guard. They were fearful of him and kept the doors locked to keep him out.
This Ted Bundy type of character is always up to no good, always plotting and planning his next move.
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