Still Missing CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #60

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Thanks for the timestamp and esp for all of the posts you've made in real time during the trial.

In the interview @ 4:38:20, after MT lies about seeing Fotis in the back of his office on the 24th, she's told they think Fotis murdered Jennifer and they "need to find Jennifer."

MT is asked if there's anywhere she can think of Jennifer could be. She blurts out: "Did you look in the House?" Why would MT think Jennifer could be inside her house? She doesn't. She knows they won't find Jennifer but she's pretending to help them by supplying worthless, nonsensical assistance. Her defense is a farce.

Yes, the quote you highlight is impt because it’s another example of MT knowingly wasting law enforcement time after doing so continuously imo over the 3 interviews. But I also think it’s an example of her arrogance and entitlement.

Even with all she has seen in terms of the information LE has, she chooses to waste their time with an obviously unhelpful comment, yet again. Someone can’t be found and MTs “helpful” comment is to “check the house”.

Can you imagine what the police sitting in that room working around the clock and not seeing their families for days at a time thought of this MT statement? <modsnip - namecalling>

Right. No wonder Colangelo checked out on MT and didn’t look back, he knew MT wouldn’t or couldn’t give up anything.

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Am I the only one who is doubting the story about MT sleeping with her daughter due to a storm? (even if LE were wrong about no storm) I can believe that it was part of the alibi and was planned, or that MT was so anxious because she knew what was about to happen that SHE wanted to sleep with her daughter.
This is turning into something of a key issue and so it was amusing that TP fought so hard to have MT cell phone removed from the trial (not that it would prove who physically initiated the call) and then shows up in Court with a HANDWRITTEN summary of phone calls and expects this to be believed. Pure lunacy imo but he did it because its just the way he rolls. Yes, we are to believe a documented liar about lies about her phone calls? Nah...just can't do it.

Almost as funny as his ill informed weather commentary and questioning about whether one airport was closer than the other and yet still never providing a day or time stamp for the video at the Ski Club that showed the rain. To be noted is that I've now checked 4 sources of precipitation data for the date in question and each show no precipitation in Hartford. There could have been popcorn storms in the area but he provided no data on this or lightening either and all this data is readily available. I call this pure laziness as its not hard to do.

Just another example imo of poor preparation (wrong time zone), laziness in not doing the research properly and with integrity, no evidence to corroborate the entire episode with MT allegedly going to her daughters (no direct testimony from MT daughter or even her cell records but these wouldn't prove that the daughter made the call as it could have been made by MT to herself using her daughters phone too OTHER THAN a hand-written call log written by someone that seems incapable of telling the truth about much). Right. I hope the Jury sees straight through this for the BS that it is. Thing though is that TP threw this spaghetti on the wall of the Court simply to see if it stayed and he is doing this over and over with very limited push back from the State or Judge so far as I can see and we see this happening over and over again.

Right, we just saw MT lie about lies over the 2 interviews so far and we are supposed to believe her handwritten list about phone calls because TP shows the list to the Jury?

I was so disgusted by this entire line of questioning that I actually took a brief time out to read the chat on L&C and even there many folks who are paying attention were saying that MT could very well have used her daughters phone to then call herself and nothing existed in evidence to prove anything TP was saying in Court on the matter! Good thought imo from the L&C folks and given MT propensity to lie and deceive I do very much wonder if this isn't precisely what happened? Thing though is that there is a big difference between clients lying or unable to tell the truth and attorneys in Court repeating those lies or putting forth uncorroborated hand written phone logs as being anything remotely similar to evidence.

There is no doubt that AB’s connections would have been beneficial. I think this is why JS tried soooo hard to get the trial moved to the Hartford area-that is where he knows people. I don’t actually think JS is a bad defense attorney-but this is what he has to work with-a lying client, in an arena where he is unfamiliar.
To me, a good attorney is one who at a minimum actually follows up on their words and then does the work in an efficient and timely fashion and respects the time of others, my time and respects my budget. Yes, this is a very low bar for expensive professionals but its CT and so even with my low standards its hard to locate many that can meet this very low bar imo. TP imo doesn't even come close to meeting my sadly low bar. Not close.

I just wasted a 45 min listening to one of the many pretrial zoom calls between Judge, TP and State (the Herman report was discussed but not resolved, endless moaning about MT ankle bracelet and other admin matters). TP had been fighting hard for the Herman report for months at the time of the video and what I do find stunning is that NOBODY from the State pushed back to explain to the Judge what this report was and that it is part of a sealed record. We saw zero from the State on the report in this hearing and frankly I found this appalling. No wonder this document ended up being discussed in the Troconis trial as it seems the State did zero to keep it out. So far as I can see from this hearing the then Atty Colangelo and his colleague at the State did zero to protect DV Victim JF regarding this discredited report and this frankly disgusts me on a most basic level.

But what I find particularly disgusting and wrong is that TP lost his case to have the family court documents made available AND YET he is still waving this report around in Court and Judge R is allowing it.

Even listening to the hearing at 1.5x what hit me was that TP simply wants to complain, doesn't follow up on open items or emails and over and over wants the State to do his job for him and complains bitterly if someone actually asks him to work or read documents. The classic complaint was about discovery and not having read it even though it was delivered, "Judge, the State dumped a huge pile of documents on me and I haven't had time to read them". It was never ending complaining with zero evidence of ever having attempted to do the work. It was just a time wasting, paper pushing and client billing game from TP but perhaps that is what the Troconis Crew want to have happen? Endless delay, keep MT out of CT and jail until her daughter can graduate from high school so they were willing to pay for TP to effectively waste the Court's valuable time for YEARS! Great, because its what happened.

If I were the client I would be beyond annoyed as he is simply wasting huge amounts of time "on my dime". Simple and easy example, TP was arguing for over 2 months or so for return of items siezed at one of the raids and items taken include things from MT daughter and Mama Troconis. Spent long time moaning about situation. He never responded to State with information about the items taken so the work could be done to eliminate or not the States need for particular item. Something so simple to handle between the Defence and State had to instead be kicked up to waste a Judge's time to make the simple determination for TP to provide the state with general descriptions (Apple iPad with stickers on it or Dell Computer etc. but give them something to work with as many electronic items had been siezed). At the time I believe the State might have been over 2 years delayed with trials due to COVID, didn't have enough Judges, couldn't schedule the Troconis trial due to COVID delays and instead what we see is TP wasting over an hr of Judge time with administrative matters that had he actually done the work could have been resolved months ago in a matter of maybe 1/2 hr. Ditto for his client on this issue, they provided zero information as to how to identify their electronic items either yet were screaming (we saw this in Mama Troconis on the matter of her siezed laptop in a pre trial hearing) that their rights had been violated by the State.

I also don't think TP is a good attorney because his language is imprecise, lazy and factually incorrect often. Another example from the time wasting zoom meeting referred to above. TP said that Mama Troconis is a "psychologist" and needs her laptop and electronic devices returned.

The defines Psychologist as follows:

Summary of Education and Training​


Degree: MA, PhD, PsyD, EdD

Training: Graduate courses in human behavior, development, personality, research, statistics, psychotherapy, assessment, ethics. Two years for master's degree, four to six years for doctoral degree, followed by one to two years of full-time internship.

Can prescribe medications: In certain states with additional training.
Mama Troconis simply has a Masters degree based on public information with no additional degrees to imo be called a Psychologist either by TP or anyone else. I believe that before she lost her license to practice in FL she was licensed as a Counsellor. There might be one or a few states that allow licensure for Psychologists with only a Masters but the last time I checked it was just WV; perhaps things have changed or did Mama Troconis relocate to Wheeling and is practicing there? I still wonder though why her former business that I believe was ordered to be shut down by the Federal Prosecutor in FL appears to still be in business?

This example is a somewhat minor point about someone of no significance but it gets to my fundamental issue of lack of authority and integrity of TP. My point is that TP did not refer to Mama Troconis correctly and effectively lied to the Judge and imo to the Court as to who she was. But, my bigger issue is if someone isn't going to take the time to speak with integrity and honestly which imo TP does not do then imo its frankly impossible to believe anything this person is saying. Titles such as Psychologist are important and this one in particular involves significant academic commitment, effort and clinical work to obtain. To just toss out that someone is a "psychologist" when they aren't is imo wrong, misleading and quite simply a lie.

We have seen similar examples of falsehoods from TP over and over and he seems to practice the type of law where he feels its ok to behave and say whatever he wants and then simply challenges others call him on the misstatement and lies.

I frankly thing the State of CT does not need someone like this as part of the bar and I've frankly been appalled at his imprecise/misleading/wrong statements seen just so far in the Troconis trial.

TO a certain extent I blame the State for not being forceful enough in calling out the flat out wrong statements made. But, the reality is that the system of law has standards of behaviour that are assumed to be followed and so to see this not consistently happening is burdensome as well as obstructive to a process that is already challenging to execute.

Following the rules of the Court imo is important as is integrity and honesty in words and deeds and sadly I don't see any of this from TP and that disturbs me greatly.

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Tuesday, January 30th:
*Trial continues (Day 13) (@ 10am ET) – CT – Jennifer Rebecca Farber Dulos (50) (May 24, 2019, New Canaan; still missing) – *Michelle C. Troconis (44/now 49) (Dulos’ GF) arrested & charged (6/1/19) & arraigned (6/3/19) with tampering with or fabricating physical evidence & hindering prosecution. Plead not guilty. $500K bond. Posted bond (on 6/3/19). These charges were dismissed (8/28/20) & recharged below. Stamford Sup Court #FST-CR-19-0148552-T Dismissed on 8/28/20
*Charged (9/5/19) & arraigned (10/4/19) with tampering with evidence involving the borrowed car from work colleague. Plead not guilty. $100K bond. Posted bond (on 9/5/19). Off GPS 4/6/23.
*Charged (1/7/20) with conspiracy to commit murder. Plead not guilty. $2M bond. Bond reduced (1/8/20) to $1.5M & bonded out (on 1/9/20). Off GPS 4/6/23.
*Charged (8/28/20) with 2nd degree hindering prosecution, tampering with physical evidence & conspiracy to commit tampering with physical evidence. No plea entered yet. $500K bond. Posted bond. Off GPS 4/6/23.
The declaration of death for Jennifer was officially issued by Judge William P. Osterndorf on October 24, 2023.
Jury Selection began on 10/4/23 & ended 10/26/23. Started off with 6 jurors & 4 alternates. (6 men & 4 women). As of 1/4/24 2 more jurors were excused. 1/4/24: 6 jurors & 2 alternates. (4 men & 4 women). 1/10/24: 6 jurors & 5 alternates (no idea of gender).
Jury Selection (2nd one) began on 1/9/24 & ended on 1/10/24. 1 alternate juror (male) dismissed (1/17/24). 6 jurors & 4 alternates. 1/18/24: 1 juror was dismissed. Now 6 jurors & 3 alternates. 1/29/24: 1 juror (#62-woman) replaced by alternate. Now 6 jurors & 2 alternates.
Trial began on 1/11/24. (will last about a month to 3/1/24)
Superior Court Judge Kevin Randolph presiding for trial. Assistant State’s attorney Sean McGuinness & Supervisory assistant State’s attorney Michelle Manning & defense attorneys Jon Schoenhorn & Audrey Felson.

Bond info & Court info from 6/3/19 thru 12/6/23 & Jury Selection Day 1-11 (10/4-10/26/23) & thru 1/4/24 & 2nd Jury Selection Day 1-2 (1/9 & 1/10/24) & Trial Day 1-11 (1/11-1/26/24) reference post #488 here:

1/29/24 Monday, Trial Day 12: Judge Kevin Randolph said the jury clerk had received a voicemail from one of the regular jurors weighing evidence in the case saying she had to leave the country to attend to an "emergency." The judge then had a court clerk draw randomly from sheets of paper with the names of the three remaining alternate jurors on it, after which the juror selected took a new oath. Defense declined reviewing the names. Madam Clerk draws #399.
State witness: Connecticut State Police Detective John Kimball back on stand for cross exam & re-direct by Assistant State's attorney Sean McGuiness & re-cross & re-re-direct, re-re-cross...
After the afternoon recess, McGuinness showed surveillance footage (3 clips) from the Starbucks Troconis & Fotis Dulos visited the evening of the disappearance. Schoenhorn had shown still photos from the footage in court during his cross-examination of Kimball.
State Police Trooper Suzanna Sedenszki, a detective who works in the cybercrimes unit & downloaded surveillance footage from a home on Farmington's Mountain Spring Road after Jennifer's disappearance (from May 19th to May 26th. Camera system was 1 day & 10 minutes ahead). Prosecutors did not play the footage in court Monday.
For more info see post #598 (article) here:
Trial continues on Tuesday, 1/30/24.
The Thunderstorm phone call. I am waiting for why MT, in her timeline, needs to be out of the bedroom.
Or, was this first item on the timeline to firstly present MT as innocent nurturing mother in this false narrative of the day.
As though there are alibi timeline rules:
Step 1: tell everyone you are a such an amazing mother. So good, that your daughter phones you at 1 am and you actually leave FD alone in bed, because daughter is your priority.

It could be viewed as the opposite, her frightened daughter stays in bed and uses the phone for help because it’s forbidden to go to room that mommy shares with FD.

In FD AW KM gets a phone call from FD when he was on Albany ave disposing of evidence. The night before this KM falls down stairs, gets a concussion and needs a new phone. How convenient. Now he cant remember talking to FD at all on the 24th.
KM may sing like a bird and help the state out to save himself against MT, imo.
The videos of FD and MT in starbucks make both of them look guilty.MT is not getting any kind of plea deal since she is still sticking to the alabi scripts.
Excellent point. If the police show up unexpectedly out of the blue and you’re a mother, you save that bathroom visit until you hear what they have to say.
Agree, that’s why they ask MT where is Nicole when police arrive. Because, as mother, your first instinct might be, is my child ok or hurt? Maybe it’s news about Mama T, or simply police asking about local crime. If you decide to let FD handle the cops, maybe you stand hidden out of sight and try to hear, not go into bathroom because of “terror movies” and change a tampon … la-di-da just time for the tampon then later I’ll ask FD if my child/mother/anyone has been in an accident. Also, what if it’s FD kids or family is it still Best to strategy to hide because of Hollywood movies?
MT is an Odd bird
I just finished watching the trial today. The Starbucks video?!?!! Holy Schniikeees ! FD was a walking-talking Napalm Bomb full of adrenaline there. Can you say "Over-sensitized" class ?? Can you say " On The Edge" ????

And MT ? With her defensive posture/ arms-crossed, while constantly looking over her shoulder, and figgiting/ rubbing her hannies.? Missy had the heebie-jeebies, dats fo' sho.

Full-on Lady Macbeth hands. (FYI She was the catalyst for the murder and also an accessory)
Brilliant instruction from the Judge, begins with JS on cross about what is strange or not strange, after State's objection to which JS asserts the door was opened on direct, starting at 6:16, Day 12.

Judge Kevin Randolph
"When the door is open, a lot can come through. The issue is whether it's relevant, whether it's confusing, whether it's unfairly prejudicial, whether it's a surprise, whether it's a waste of time, whether it is essentially a needless presentation of cumulative evidence, did you find it -- the key to the door is not the word strange, so 'did you find it strange that Attorney Colangelo was there?' is not relevant, just because the word is strange that is not a key that opens every door. Sustained."

I want this printed on a sweatshirt.


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I don’t think your pov is controversial-I just don’t happen to agree. She does not appear to me to be an abused gf. In fact, I believe she regularly wound him up, on the subject of Jennifer, the divorce, and child custody-not that it would take much to do it. I witnessed her dominance in those two police interrogation videos, where she interrupted all and any of the police detectives as much as they interrupted her. At times, she was sporting a big fat attitude with them. This woman is no shrinking violet, imo, who couldn’t and wouldn’t walk away from him. But she loved him, and probably still does, since she has spent the last 4 years abusing JFD’s reputation, and the worst thing she has said about Dulos was “he might not have been somebody I ought to have trusted”. I am not saying that Dulos wasn’t abusive-I just don’t think MT was abused by him, especially not to the point where she was helpless to do anything but what he wanted. And I do agree that she needs to be held accountable for HER part, and not Dulos’s part In this.

She, like every person, abused or not, was a free person to make decisions.

The relationship was a couple of years old, only about 2 of them as an "official" -if adulterous on Fotis' part- couple. It takes many years to go from mostly love-bombing to mostly tbeing scary and scared. And even then, would Jennifer had "looked scared" to you? She was scared on that last visit per LA, but do you think she would have appeared scared on surveillance video if it had existed in her own back yard? LA recounted a few episodes when LA saw Jennifer "look scared." Notably, they occurred while Jennifer did not know LA was there or after the couple was separated. And, of course, Fotis only looked threatening when not watched, too. That way, it would be hard for people to believe Jennifer.

For the most part, a victim/target/survivor of abuse is not going to "look afraid" to you unless you are very intimately acquainted, like LA. So you have to look for other signs.

Think about the phone throwing angry outburst by Troconis, when she found out Fotis had been lying. Only by reading between the lines do we know that the issue there was Fotis was lying. He gaslit her. He made it about her being "dominant," not him being a liar. Then, think about her outburst of a fantasy breakup. It was not, "I'll take the room next to N., and you make your own breakfast," it was I'll fly 2k miles away. That to me is a sign that she already knew a "local" breakup was going to only make him a bigger jerk. He wasn't going to say, "shucks, it upsets her so much when I lie about Jennifer I guess I had better try to be truthful, and also make more time in my life for building a positive relationship with Michelle." It was not an extreme fight, it was a rather common one in a relationship with adultry. Yet, Michelle had an extreme fantasy escape. To me, that is a sign she was afraid-whether she knew it or not.

She was in an abusive relationship, IMO. I think out of respect for Jennifer's legacy, we should be open to considering that. But like every person in any kind of situation, she was free to make decisions autonomously. If the decisions made are criminal decisions, they are criminal decisions with criminal consequences.

IMO, Michelle made some criminal decisions. She should face justice. And, she was in an abusive relationship.

From Law and Crime Day 12 at 6:30 just before the last witness. The police officer was still on the stand.

Shoehorn: Objection. Argumentative.

Judge: The court does not see the State's questions as argumentative. What the court hears this area of questioning as a primer on or anecdoctal evidence on police investigations. That door was opened. Overruled.

State: Sometimes suspects lie to protect people they care about, correct?

Police Officer: correct

State: You were asked whether you could tell whether or not someone was telling the truth by looking into their eyes, do you recall that question under cross?

Police Officer: yes

State: You cannot tell by just looking in someone's eyes and that's why the state police continued to conduct an investigation into Defendant's claims even after June 6, correct?

LE: Correct

State: In fact, in August, Det. Klabby asked the Defendant point blank whether

Shoehorn: Clearly leading. What happens on August 13 will be revealed when the videos are played.

Judge: The question the Defendant admitted that she was not 100% truthful. If the date was left out the question would still be admissable. Did the Defendant at any time indicate that she was not 100% truthful? Mention August 13. This court...

Shoehorn: Mischaracterization what she actually said. Video not being played...

State: Numerous cross:examinations suggesting that Miss Troconis was being truthful and I am exploring that avenue which he opened the door to at this point.

Judge: Perhaps the question is not quoted word for word objecting to as a mischaracterization. The court does not remember the word for word exchange. But the court does recall in a subsequent interview that the term "100% truthful" was used. The court is not going to foreclose the question.

State: Was the defendant ready to admit to Det. Klabby that she had not been 100% truthful in her first two interviews?

LE: Yes.

State: And what was her answer?

LE: She had indicated that she had NOT been 100% truthful.

State. Nothing further.
The Thunderstorm phone call. I am waiting for why MT, in her timeline, needs to be out of the bedroom.
Or, was this first item on the timeline to firstly present MT as innocent nurturing mother in this false narrative of the day.
As though there are alibi timeline rules:
Step 1: tell everyone you are a such an amazing mother. So good, that your daughter phones you at 1 am and you actually leave FD alone in bed, because daughter is your priority.

It could be viewed as the opposite, her frightened daughter stays in bed and uses the phone for help because it’s forbidden to go to room that mommy shares with FD.
I think there are signs that Fotis was pulling Michelle away from her daughter.

This peels away from her the "good mother," badge. Of course, good parenting is not about getting the "worlds best nurturer" trophy for your shelf, but it does feel good to know you are competently meeting the needs of the child you love. Fotis was gradually taking away that good feeling by filling her time with activities away from N. And asking her to become the mother of 6 as if she should just dilute her parenthood With N.

If Fotis were an appropriate parent (appears not! But he did love his children), and he gained custody, he'd be the primary parent of 5 and she'd be the primary parent of 1. But since he was Fotis, Michelle would be the overwhelmed mom, and Fotis would be the weekend water-ski mean coach, and nurturer of back up relationships so he could always have a woman waiting in the wings to pop out on stage with him when he needs her.

No number of nannies makes that easy. Fotis' master plan was to assign an impossible step-mom role on Michelle, and make it nearly impossible to parent N. N. was being lost in the shuffle, and her loss was only in the beginning stages.

I’m curious to see how they are going to prove the conspiracy charge and prior knowledge. They have proved the other charges beyond a reasonable doubt IMO, but not the conspiracy charge yet.

What other evidence that ties in the missing links do you think will be presented to prove conspiracy that DOES NOT INVOLVE PG or KM testifying?

I think they figured out the burner phone numbers, subpoenaed the carriers, and have all of the burner texts/locations. They couldn’t use her phone evidence, but I think a lot of the evidence was on burner phones.

Someone I know that was on the run after committing a crime was located by the police through their burner phone number, and they bought the burner with cash. They had nothing tying them to that number, but the police still found and arrested them through the burner. If they had the best resources on this case, they have the burner information.

First time in CT and been interested in the case since day 1. I know there was a warrant a few years back that went into detail about the burner phones/the black suburban in the neighborhood behind Jennifers house. Where is that now? Why can't I find that anywhere...Sorry been trying to read through the 100's of threads here!
First time in CT and been interested in the case since day 1. I know there was a warrant a few years back that went into detail about the burner phones/the black suburban in the neighborhood behind Jennifers house. Where is that now? Why can't I find that anywhere...Sorry been trying to read through the 100's of threads here!
Welcome! Here you go:
Welcome! Here you go:

Thank you - this looks like it might be it!!!!!!
I have sooooooo many issues with the Defense in general and JS in particular.

Old photos of FD with short hair is not the same as shaved.

New photo, on May 24th, (from the Starbucks cctv) with a five o'clock shadow on his head doesn't eliminate having had a shaved head 24 hours prior. In fact, it rather proves to me he had a very shaved very recently. With his heritage, I would bet FD could shave on any given morning and brush his mustache before bed.


In FD AW KM gets a phone call from FD when he was on Albany ave disposing of evidence. The night before this KM falls down stairs, gets a concussion and needs a new phone. How convenient. Now he cant remember talking to FD at all on the 24th.
KM may sing like a bird and help the state out to save himself against MT, imo.
The videos of FD and MT in starbucks make both of them look guilty.MT is not getting any kind of plea deal since she is still sticking to the alabi scripts.
I just want to clarify that according to the Arrest Warrant, KM claimed that on 5/25/2019 he had suffered a concussion and broke his phone as a result of a fall. So, KM’s phone would still have been intact to receive the call from FD at the conclusion off the Albany Ave evidence dumping run.

So, it was “the night after this KM falls down stairs…” rather than “the night before this…” (“this” being the call KM received from FD on Albany Ave).
Am I the only one who is doubting the story about MT sleeping with her daughter due to a storm? (even if LE were wrong about no storm) I can believe that it was part of the alibi and was planned, or that MT was so anxious because she knew what was about to happen that SHE wanted to sleep with her daughter.

Clip from CT Insider from TP about whether MT will testify:

Outside the courthouse during the lunch recess, Schoenhorn told reporters that his client was trying to be “as accurate as possible” despite less than ideal conditions.

Schoenhorn said that, during the first interview on June 2, 2019, his client had been up for two days, arrested at night in her pajamas in front of her daughter, driven to New Canaan and kept in a cold cell.

“You have to watch the whole video, and you have to judge for yourself whether things were said that allegedly were changed, whether things were being clarified, whether she was being cut off,” he said. “The video speaks for itself.”

He said the defense was still undecided about whether Troconis herself would testify

“You’re hearing what the testimony would be anyway,” he added, referring to her interviews with police. [BBM]

My mind is blown......

I’m replying to myself of this entire exchange from TP about MT as it’s quite stunning in terms of the last statement made by TP.

First off if he put her on the stand, the standard under oath is “whole truth and nothing but the truth”….. MT simply couldn’t do this and imo would simply lie and defence counsel knows it. So we see him in this trial using every chance he can to testify (falsely imo) on her behalf and he isn’t consistently being stopped so the jury is hearing some of it.

TP standard for his client speaking with police to allegedly help with the investigation was that MT “was trying to be as accurate as possible”. Mmmmm.

Idk, not really the same. Accurate as possible vs the truth….not even in same ballpark imo to borrow an idea from Judge R with his sports analogies.

He then goes on to blame the “circumstances” it seems for the HUGE Gap between any possible truth and what was actually said by MT. Queue up the lawsuit against the state of ct to no doubt pay off the legal bills…the Mama A lawsuit about having her computer taken no doubt will fund the inevitable appeal.

This is what we are sadly seeing in this trial from Defence counsel. Misstatements, false narrative, misinformation, testimony while conducting cross about his client and endless complaining about simply doing his job.

It’s shameful imo as he is effectively saying in his quote on the courthouse steps that MT would get up and under oath simply lie, just like she mainly did in the law enforcement interviews. Last time I looked, it’s illegal for any atty to tell or support their client lying under oath.

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