Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019

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My state passed a law that an ex can’t benefit even if the former spouse forgot to change it - however they are not divorced and still married in CT I am curious if CT recognizes legal separation as my state does not JMO

Hmm... not sure on the legal separation. My state does recognize that, but life insurance policies are untouchable during the proceedings. It would help if all states had the same rules!
He could have forged her name or it was one he had from when they were together. Heck, the more I think about itx maybe they both have life insurance to care for the kids in the event of one or both of them passing away.

In my state insurance policies cannot be cancelled or changed except to increase coverage during divorce proceedings, no matter the sort of insurance, so it may be that he knew she had a huge policy because they signed up together.

A fat life insurance payout would surely solve a lot of his financial issues.
And even if she had one herself with the children as beneficiaries (rather than him), he could assume if he got custody, he got control of the insurance money if not any trust funds for the kids. JMO
Just saw this press release by CT local group against domestic violence. All I can say is Bravo to the organization for standing up for women, abused spouses and children in CT!

The (Connecticut) CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence (CCADV) is deeply saddened and concerned to learn of the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos in New Canaan last week and we remain hopeful that she will be found safe.

While news reports have offered the idea that this circumstance is a result of a custody dispute, there is more than sufficient detail in court documents to authentically describe this situation for what it is; domestic violence, the coalition said in their statement, in a press release.

Ms. Dulos offered to the court on more than one occasion that she was fearful of her husband who could be vengeful and dangerous. We know that domestic violence is a pattern of behavior that is centered on power and control.

Abusers use various strategies to threaten, harass, control and intimidate their partner, including the practice of continuing this conduct through the family court process. When a victim is leaving a relationship and taking steps to move away from the abuse and coercion, this can be the most dangerous time.

Anyone who is experiencing or knows someone who is experiencing domestic violence is encouraged to call the statewide domestic violence hotline. Safe, confidential and free domestic violence services available across the state include counseling, court-based advocacy, emergency shelter, group support and services for children.

Certified domestic violence counselors can be reached 24 hours per day, 7 days per week via the statewide domestic violence hotlines – 888.774.2900 (English) and 844.831.9200 (Español).
As I mentioned to you earlier, afitzy, in our brief, (but very awesome WS conversation), CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence was the group I mentioned to you. They were so very helpful to us when we ran groups and individual counseling at the state run facility where I worked.

Then when I myself went through some very difficult times in my own marriage and then my divorce, I turned to CCADV. I wrote them a long letter explaining my DV situation, which they published in their newsletter.

Shortly after, they published a book of stories and artwork done by abused women. I wrote and submitted a long poem which also described my situation, that they placed on the opening page.

The ironic thing is, all the advise I had given to another battered and abused woman, and suggested she move out and move on... I could not apply to myself.

I went through all the stages: Telling myself that he didn’t really mean to hurt me! He’s so sorry! He’ll never do it again! Experiencing The Honeymoon Stage and even the couldn't leave him cuz I had “nowhere to go!” Stage!

Plus, I was too embarrassed that it happened to me, too, so I isolated. But my incident made page 2 of the Connecticut Post and I could no longer hide it from friends and co-workers! (All my Family was in Calif and Texas!)

Domestic violence is such a horrible thing to go through. Actually, physical abuse usually heals and is forgotten and easier to heal from. Emotional and Mental abuse, AKA Gaslighting, goes on forever and feels much more painful.

But it leaves no visible scars and there’s no proof it happened. The abuser is seldom punished. My abuser did both, so there were were visible signs and he was arrested, but was able to post the very small bail and get out of jail.

I just wish more abused women knew about CCADV and were able and strong enough to turn to them for the wonderful help and advice they give.
Based on what we have seen JD mother has courage and energy for a good fight still left in her. My grandmother is 92 and avidly watching this case BTW and her words when I experessed concern about JD grandmother was to say the beauty of fighting at the age of 80+ is that you have zero to prove and zero to lose. She went on to say the
she hopes JD mother drops an atom bomb on STBX in court tomorrow! Love my grandma!

Go Gramma ! Wisdom triumphs
Great. I've been trying to figure this out. Apparantly most states did away with specific plates for rental cars based on the theory that it was a red flag to thieves etc. But now some states are bringing back rental plates for whatever reason. I checked the MD DMV sight and under the classifications for license plate types didn't see one specifically for fleets. Will keep looking but as of now I haven't seen anything to ID this car as a rental based on its plate.
I had a rental when I lived in MD and the plate did not have any indication of it being a rental. I do recall like @MassGuy stated there was a barcode on the windshield and also a small sticker on the drivers side window, like a scanner code with the rental company name. You could scan the scanner code with your phone to get more information on the car. I was curious about what this was about. If you liked the car, you could go buy one? I never asked because I just had the rental as my car was being fixed due to a girl who rear ended me on 695 (The Inner Loop:(:mad:) while she was texting!!
I don’t think you can take a life insurance policy out on someone without their knowledge (anymore). Maybe someone more well-versed in insurance can weigh in here.
okay this is kind of embarrassing, but on the real housewives of OC vicki talked about a policy she has on her ex husband that he didn't know about..granted that is TV so who knows how true it is lol
IMO, this is important:
“Fotis Dulos also stated that his wife called him a psychopath and told the children that he does not care about them. In addition, Fotis Dulos claimed that his wife said to the children, "I will make sure this divorce takes two and a half years," and "I can have the Mafia break your dad's legs with a baseball bat."”

He HATED her rich father...

She KNEW he was a psychopath. She documented his abuse and said he is capable of hurting her. WHY was JD not protected???
I don’t think there’s much that could have been done.

It was mostly a he said, she said. We all believe her, the judge probably believed her, but what could they do?
Sorry, is the statement that he HATED her rich father part of record or is that your opinion? Wasn’t sure.

IMO, this is important:
“Fotis Dulos also stated that his wife called him a psychopath and told the children that he does not care about them. In addition, Fotis Dulos claimed that his wife said to the children, "I will make sure this divorce takes two and a half years," and "I can have the Mafia break your dad's legs with a baseball bat."”

He HATED her rich father...

She KNEW he was a psychopath. She documented his abuse and said he is capable of hurting her. WHY was JD not protected???
The page for divorce proceedings is still up and just noticed this in JDs Mother’s lawsuit against FD
Interesting. If they are just asking for Quickbooks then the digging is just beginning IMO. Haven't focused on this case but will look at it tomorrow to see what if any docs have been produced. Will also check to see if they have a forensic accountant as a witness. Any process has to start someplace and Quickbooks (low level accounting system for small businesses) can get you started. But if someone is hiding money it is not likely to necessarily be found in Quickbooks but its sometimes as good a place as any to start to understand a business. Hope they have more in the case file as if they are just looking at the accting system then its early days yet in this case IMO.
Sorry, is the statement that he HATED her rich father part of record or is that your opinion? Wasn’t sure.
Would love to know when Fotis cut his hair. Did he do it for a reason? Going bald would limit head hair from being found and perhaps make him less detectable in surveillance.
Its hard to tell when the haircut took place as he wasn't very active on FB. IDK if he has an insta account, does anyone know?
From above article:
In a March 20 ruling, Judge Donna Heller changed what had been extremely limited access to the children for Fotis Dulos, allowing him every-other-weekend visits to the home in Farmington where they grew up. The judge changed the schedule even though she previously had called Fotis Dulos “a liar who willingly ignored court orders” by allowing his girlfriend access to his five children, despite a court order explicitly ordering him not to do that.

Here is the bio of Judge Heller who has, "...extensive commercial litigation experience, particularly in cases involving complex contract disputes, corporate governance issues, business torts, unfair trade practices and financial fraud". No mention of family law that I can see. Interesting why she was tapped for the JD/STBX case.

Malloy Taps Riverside Woman as Judge

Most courts have judges that rotate through each section. I was so disappointed because the Judge we had for two years HATED my ex and then they rotated just prior to our trial. Our judge went to drug court and the one we got came from traffic court. Their prior background doesn’t really factor in. I’m not sure if it’s the same way everywhere though.

I was so upset because for our divorce trial we had a judge who didn’t get the full experience of my ex and he got a better visitation schedule than he would have if we had the first judge still.
As I mentioned to you earlier, afitzy, in our brief, (but very awesome WS conversation), CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence was the group I mentioned to you. They were so very helpful to us when we ran groups and individual counseling at the state run facility where I worked.

Then when I myself went through some very difficult times in my own marriage and then my divorce, I turned to CCADV. I wrote them a long letter explaining my DV situation, which they published in their newsletter.

Shortly after, they published a book of stories and artwork done by abused women. I wrote and submitted a long poem which also described my situation, that they placed on the opening page.

The ironic thing is, all the advise I had given to another battered and abused woman, and suggested she move out and move on... I could not apply to myself.

I went through all the stages: Telling myself that he didn’t really mean to hurt me! He’s so sorry! He’ll never do it again! Experiencing The Honeymoon Stage and even the couldn't leave him cuz I had “nowhere to go!” Stage!

Plus, I was too embarrassed that it happened to me, too, so I isolated. But my incident made page 2 of the Connecticut Post and I could no longer hide it from friends and co-workers! (All my Family was in Calif and Texas!)

Domestic violence is such a horrible thing to go through. Actually, physical abuse usually heals and is forgotten and easier to heal from. Emotional and Mental abuse, AKA Gaslighting, goes on forever and feels much more painful.

But it leaves no visible scars and there’s no proof it happened. The abuser is seldom punished. My abuser did both, so there were were visible signs and he was arrested, but was able to post the very small bail and get out of jail.

I just wish more abused women knew about CCADV and were able and strong enough to turn to them for the wonderful help and advice they give.
Hugs to you.
Is anyone close to Farmington to know if they’re still searching 80 Mountain Spring? I’m about 25 mins from there but prefer not going myself. Or is there a news station that’s pretty consistently broadcasting from there that anyone knows about? Just wondering what status of searching is.
I think Channel 8 was following onsite via FB live. Haven't checked in awhile as nothing seemed to be going on that was visible.
This is how I think it could have happened.

FD either planned in advance to kill his wife, or he went there intent on confronting her.

His lady friend dropped him off, and he had a way to enter the house.

He knew when JD would be returning home, as she kept a regular schedule.

He killed her, cleaned up, loaded her body into her own vehicle, and dumped her body before dumping her vehicle.

He then called for a ride.

Cell phones and cameras will tell the story, if that is the case.
Course he's so smart and educated he might have had an uber
drop him off and come back to get him an hour later. J. K.

Around here we had thugs sneak in behind homeowners car as
they had the automatic garage door opener open the garage door.
Then they robbed the homeowner and sometimes stole the car.
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