CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, Media, Maps, Timeline, *NO DISCUSSION*

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Worth noting this was probably the least contentious hearing we’ve observed. No real quips back and forth between both sides.

8:07 AM · May 25, 2021 PT

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Hearing over. As of right now, next hearing will be the Franks hearing before Judge White Sept. 14th. We’re told the trial won’t happen until 2022.

8:05 AM · May 25, 2021·

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It appears the discovery issues brought up by Schoenhorn will be resolved. He says he’s coming down with his laptop to meet with Ferencek and work everything out.

8:03 AM · May 25, 2021·

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Blawie says both sides can make an additional filing before he rules.

8:01 AM · May 25, 2021

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Now on to Schoenhorn’s request for a bill of particulars regarding the three conspiracy charges (two for alleged tampering and one for alleged murder). The two conspiracy to evidence tampering charges were added without additional warrants/arrests, which is allowed.

7:58 AM · May 25, 2021

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Blawie says he’ll take this under advisement before making a ruling. He says his concern is that Schoenhorn has released things to the media before filing with the clerk. Schoenhorn says that is absolutely false. He’s never sent anything to the media until after filing.

7:52 AM · May 25, 2021·

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Attorney Schoenhorn says he thinks that’s unconstitutional, and he doesn’t believe anything he’s filed is prejudicial. Also mentions that there was no concern about pre-trial publicity when New Canaan’s police chief gave an intvw with a national outlet.

7:49 AM · May 25, 2021

Marissa Alter

Troconis hearing underway. Judge Blawie takes up the defense’s request to get the sealed custody study in Dulos divorce case. Blawie says he will release a copy to the defense BUT says Schoenhorn is not to turn it over to the media.

7:34 AM · May 25, 2021

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State’s Attorney Paul Ferencek now arguing his motion regarding the defense turning over discovery to the media—documents and video clips. Ferencek says Attorney Schoenhorn should need permission before making that discovery public or file it under seal.

7:45 AM · May 25, 2021

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Ferencek says it will taint the jury pool and make it impossible to get a jury when the time comes for jury.

7:47 AM · May 25, 2021·

Marissa Alter

HAPPENING TODAY: Michelle Troconis has a remote hearing on charges against her in connection to Jennifer Dulos' disappearance & presumed murder. Her attorney has filed several motions in recent months including multiple accusing the state of withholding discovery.

6:16 AM · May 25, 2021
Judge releases Dulos family psychological report to defense - with restrictions

May 25, 2021

STAMFORD — A judge approved a request from Michelle Troconis’ attorney for a copy of a family psychological report produced during the contentious Dulos divorce, but held off on setting a date for the case to go to trial.

Judge John F. Blawie, in a remote hearing Tuesday, said since state police obtained a complete copy of the report by search warrant, he saw no reason to prohibit Troconis’ attorney, Jon Schoenhorn, from obtaining the document.

The release came with a caution from Blawie. “There’s still a lot of sensitive information that the court will not tolerate seen in a press release or attached to a motion for public inspection,” he said.
Wow, I haven’t been here for a long time. I cannot believe this case has still not been settled. It’s terrible to know that Jennifer’s family is still having to live in this Hell that Fotis created and so cowardly escaped from. His evilness is still felt from the grave. I pray Jennifer’s family has been well and is learning to live without their daughter, mother and lastly, their father. Some people are so selfish and don’t care how their actions affect others. Obviously, most people here have moved on, including myself, but it’s good to see your continued interest and updates. Thank you.
Judge denies Gloria Farber’s second attempt to get assets from Fotis Dulos estate
A judge has denied Gloria Farber’s second attempt to require the estate of Fotis Dulos turn over any available assets to satisfy a $1.7 million judgment she won against the former high-end developer’s company, the Fore Group.

Since winning the judgment in June 2020, Farber’s attorney, Richard Weinstein, said she has not received any money from the estate.
Jennifer Dulos Case: Suspect Michelle Troconis Not Living In CT

Dec 3, 2021


During a pre-trial hearing in Stamford Friday before Superior Court Judge Gary White, Troconis's attorney, Jon Schoenhorn, mentioned her residency status as he again tried to have her GPS monitoring device removed from her ankle.


"My client has been completely in compliance with all court orders," Schoenhorn told Judge White, adding that the GPS ankle bracelet has been a burden on Troconis, because she has to constantly recharge the device's battery.

But as Assistant State's Attorney Daniel Cummings and White suggested, the court has granted all of Troconis's requests to travel, and in fact, does not call Connecticut home anymore. She did not have to be present in court on Friday — and she was not — which was another request the court granted.

Schoenhorn confirmed that Troconis no longer lives full-time in Connecticut, and after the hearing he told reporters that she mostly spends her time in either Florida, where her family resides, or Colorado, where she has a home.

White denied the request to have the ankle monitor removed, but after the hearing Schoenhorn vowed to keep trying, and will likely file another motion about it in the future.


Fotis Dulos took his own life in January 2020, before he could stand trial, and his ex-girlfriend, Troconis, and friend and former attorney Kent Mawhinney have been charged with conspiracy to commit murder by assisting him in the plot.


Friday's hearing centered around several motions Schoenhorn has filed to have the case dismissed against his client, or certain evidence suppressed.

He argued that there were flaws in the arrest warrants, such as law enforcement's assertion that Fotis Dulos, with Troconis in the vehicle, made 30 stops along Albany Avenue in Hartford to discard bags that contained bloody clothing and other evidence.

Schoenhorn claims surveillance footage shows that he stopped only three times, and that there is no evidence that Troconis knew what was in the bags that Fotis Dulos threw away or why.

"My client also never threw anything away nor picked anything up while she was in the [Fotis Dulos's] truck," Schoenhorn said.

"Does it matter whether it was three stops, or 30 stops, or one stop?" White asked. "He was seen throwing away bags."

Cummings argued that precedent is against the charges being dismissed, and Schoenhorn has not provided information on what specific evidence should be suppressed.


Mawhinney, who is free but spent months in jail when he was not able to bond out, has implicated Troconis in the plot, a claim that Schoenhorn denies.

"Mr. Mawhinney is a disgraced, ex-attorney, who is facing charges that he assaulted his ex-wife," Schoenhorn said after the hearing, adding that he is looking forward to discrediting him as a "jailhouse informant."

"Anything he says, you have to take with a grain of salt," Schoenhorn said.

White did not make a decision about the motions to suppress evidence, and Troconis's next hearing in the case is scheduled for Feb. 15.

Mawhinney's next court appearance in the case, which is listed as a remote hearing, is scheduled for Jan. 18.


During Thursday's remote pretrial hearing, Stamford Superior Court Judge John Blawie denied Troconis' latest request to have the GPS device removed, but agreed with her attorney, Jon Schoenhorn, that she has not violated the terms of her release on bond in the case.

Troconis, who is accused of assisting the late Fotis Dulos in murdering his estranged wife, has worn the GPS device for more than three years.


Schoenhorn took over representing Troconis in 2020, and he has filed multiple motions in the case, often seeking evidence that has not been given to him in the discovery phase, or to have seized property returned to his client.

"I'm still getting things in dribs and drabs, with some requests dating back to 2019," Schoenhorn said about discovery evidence.

Manning has agreed to turnover evidence in the case, and agreed to a request for the return of property, which included computers and cell phones from which information has been downloaded.

Schoenhorn filed a new motion on Wednesday, seeking information on a possible "co-conspirator" in the case, a Greek national, who New Canaan police, state police and the Department of Homeland Security investigated.

Law enforcement probed whether the man and Fotis Dulos had been involved in criminal activity before Jennifer Dulos disappeared, but Schoenhorn and the court did not become aware of that investigation until this year.

Blawie gave Manning a few weeks to respond to the latest motion.

The next hearing in the case, which will be scheduled for the judge's chambers between Blawie, Schoenhorn, Manning and another attorney from the State's Attorney's office, is set for Sept. 6.

At that meeting, the principals will discuss what motions and evidence still remains unresolved.


Troconis was not in Stamford Superior Court during Thursday's hearing, but her attorney, Jon Schoenhorn, said she has been forced to wear the device for almost 46 months.

Schoenhorn filed a 51-page brief on Wednesday, describing the device as onerous. He has tried unsuccessfully on multiple occasions in the past to have the device removed.

"Requiring her to remain tethered to a bulky ankle bracelet for several additional months (perhaps more) – without any factual determination justifying its necessity – is unreasonable, unconscionable and (after 45 months) unconstitutional," Schoenhorn wrote.

Both Judge Gary White and Assistant State's Attorney Michelle Manning said they had not had time to read the brief, which led White to delay arguments on the matter until April 6. Before the next hearing, Manning may file a response to Schoenhorn's brief.


State prosecutors have filed a motion to have the courtroom closed to the public during an upcoming hearing in the case of Michelle Troconis, the ex-girlfriend of Fotis Dulos, and have any records related to the hearing sealed, records show.

The state filed the motion with the Superior Court in the Stamford judicial district on Feb. 9, ahead of an impending privilege waiver hearing that is set to take place sometime between March 9 and March 16, prosecutors said in the motion.


The motion, signed by Assistant State’s Attorney Sean P. McGuinness, said the hearing is expected to cover two issues: whether a cover letter written by Troconis’ attorney Jon Schoenhorn to attorney Tara Knight falls under the category of privileged communication and, if it does, whether that privilege should be waived.

In November, Schoenhorn and prosecutors argued over their efforts to disqualify each other from her murder conspiracy case in a dispute over the handling of a contested letter. They appeared before a judge and met privately to argue whether prosecutors improperly — if inadvertently — obtained confidential communication between defense lawyers.

Troconis’ case was scheduled to be tried in 2022 but was sidetracked by an ongoing argument over a box containing a sweatshirt, a screwdriver, a wrench and the contested letter written by Schoenhorn to another defense lawyer.

Schoenhorn has argued that prosecutors should have known they were not entitled to the letter and should be removed as a sanction for its wider distribution. Prosecutors have said the letter isn’t privileged and demanded that Schoenhorn be disqualified from defending Troconis because they intend to call him as a witness at her trial to testify about the box and where he got it.

According to the newly filed motion, Schoenhorn is expected to introduce evidence of his privileged relationship and confidential communications with Knight. Prosecutors said in the motion that protecting attorney-client privilege overrules the right of the public to attend the hearing.

McGuinness said the state filed the motion not to agree or concede that the cover letter is privileged but in an effort to move the case along as quickly as possible.


STAMFORD — A judge has agreed to close the courtroom when discussing potential evidence submitted by the attorney for Michelle Troconis in the Jennifer Dulos murder case, according to a ruling issued Wednesday.

Troconis' attorney, Jon Schoenhorn, has been at the center of a controversy over a sweatshirt he contends could cast doubt on whether his client was involved in the killing of the New Canaan mother who is presumed dead after vanishing in May 2019.

Stamford Superior Court Judge Kevin Randolph decided Wednesday that the courtroom should be closed to the public for the hearing to determine if a letter written by Schoenhorn that was with the sweatshirt when it was turned over to prosecutors in 2021 is confidential under attorney-client privilege.
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TROCONIS CASE RULING: A judge has agreed to close the courtroom for an upcoming hearing on potential evidence submitted by Michelle Troconis’ attorney as Troconis faces charges in connection to the murder of Jennifer Dulos. This ruling was expected.

Oh, some movement with KM!


This notification is brought to you by the Connecticut Statewide Automated Victim Information and Notification (SAVIN) Program.

This email is to inform you that KENT MAWHINNEY, with docket number FST CR200241179T, has an upcoming court event.

A/An Disposition Hearing has been scheduled for 05/15/2023. This will take place in Stamford-Norwalk JD Courthouse located at the following address: 123 Hoyt Street, Stamford, CT.

Please be aware that there is often more than one case scheduled for a particular date in this court. Please visit www.jud.ct.gov to check for any updates that may be available on this case.


Mawhinney appeared in state Superior Court in Stamford Monday on motions submitted by his attorney, Jeffrey Kestenband, to modify the conditions of his release.

Kestenband argued Mawhinney had been compliant with the conditions of his house arrest since it was imposed five months ago, when his client was released after posting a $246,000 bond on Dec. 15.

“There have not been any problems even with him leaving the house without permission or any problems with him charging the electronic monitoring bracelet, that is still on and we are not asking to have removed today,” Kestenband said.

Supervisory State’s Attorney Michelle Manning did not object to house arrest being lifted. The state’s main concern, she said, is that GPS monitoring continue for Mawhinney, “particularly in light of events last fall.”


In October, Mawhinney was taken back into custody on a $1.5 million bond after a judge ruled that he had tampered with his mandated electronic monitoring device.

Judge Gary White later lowered Mawhinney’s bond back to $246,000 in December. Mawhinney eventually posted that bond and was placed on house arrest.

At Monday’s hearing, White ruled that Mawhinney would no longer need to serve house arrest. White also approved a request from Mawhinney to travel to Massachusetts on May 16 for a family-related event.

July 10, 2023

Michelle Troconis and her legal team continue to make their case as to why her trial should be moved out of Stamford, and into Hartford.

New court filings this week from Troconis' attorney addressed this concern as Troconis awaits trial in connection with the disappearance and presumed death of Jennifer Dulos.

In a motion back in March of 2020, attorney Jon Schonehorn asked for Troconis’ case to be transferred to Hartford County, calling police bringing Troconis’ case to Stamford a scheme to attempt to break her down by pulling her away from her loved ones.


This week, Schonehorn filed a new memo with State's Attorney, saying that a need for the move in location is also, "due to the immense prejudicial effect pre-trial publicity has had on potential jurors in the Stamford-Norwalk Judicial District."

The document claims that Troconis' likelihood of having fair trial is hindered by media coverage in the Fairfield County area, making the ability to find impartial jurors very difficult.

[The new memo (pgs 1-11) from this week can be read at the link above].

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