CT - Michael Skakel & the murder of Martha Moxley, Greenwich, 1975 *Not Guilty*

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RFK, Jr. certainly is:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an environmental lawyer and cousin of Mr. Skakel’s who helped develop new evidence after Mr. Skakel was convicted, said he was happy with the decision. “A first-year law student from any of my classes would have done a better job than Mickey Sherman, who’s a very likable guy but was clearly interested — his ambition was to be a television lawyer and he thought this trial was going to be his ticket to that career,” he said. “He told a bar association meeting that he intended to have a lot of fun at that trial.”


i really do like Mickey and I think he's one hell of an attorney

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This is the beginning of Michael Skakel's acquittal-I'd put my own money on that. He was never going to be in prison for the rest of his life (that doesn't happen to Kennedy relatives and associates). Once he is out, he's never going back into prison (I am sure he thinks he's served enough time for Martha!)

The legal wrangling over whether Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel should be set free began Thursday with a motion by his lawyers for a bail hearing and a promise by prosecutors to appeal a judge's decision to grant the convicted killer a new trial.

Skakel's lawyers filed a motion at Superior Court in Rockville requesting a bail hearing, during which Skakel could post bond and be released. A hearing date has not been set.

Do any of y'all think Michael's brother Tommy may have done it? They both admitted lying to police about where they were the night of the murder.

This case has always fascinated me.
Sanjay Gupta, sitting in for Anderson tonight on 'AC360 Later' had on Jeffrey Toobin and I think Robert Kennedy Jr discussing it. Thankfully Sanjay just kept quiet and let them talk. See if you can catch it in rerun.

I saw that! Ugh, Robert Kennedy was so ridiculous. So rude and talking over everyone. Plus he embellished and flat out lied about so many things about the case.
Do any of y'all think Michael's brother Tommy may have done it? They both admitted lying to police about where they were the night of the murder.

This case has always fascinated me.

I've thought that TS was the more likely suspect from the get-go and I could not understand why MS attorney did not call in the witnesses who were allegedly with him at the time the murder was committed. It was TS who was seen with her after the others had left in a car, again with witnesses. This case is fascinating and extremely perplexing.
I've thought that TS was the more likely suspect from the get-go and I could not understand why MS attorney did not call in the witnesses who were allegedly with him at the time the murder was committed. It was TS who was seen with her after the others had left in a car, again with witnesses. This case is fascinating and extremely perplexing.

Or brought up reasonable doubt that Tommy could have done it. I actually think Tommy could have been the one as well, Hilda. He says he was with her, too. Heck, one of 'em did it, I wish we could lock them both up just to be safe.

I don't know if anyone has read Murder in Greenwich but it's worth reading if you're interested in the case.
Robert Kennedy was on CNN this morning. He said Michael didn't do it. Tommy didn't do it. He brought up the kids from New York..Bryant relative who claims some friends of his did it.....a claim that the court has already thrown out. At one time Kennedy was claiming Ken Littleton did it. Does anyone know, is Ken Littleton still alive? I thought he died but I can't find reference to his death. In rereading today, lots of accusations went on back and forth in Michael Skakels's trial about who did it...with lots of unsuccessful appeal avenues being followed subsequent to the conviction.
Has Mark Furhman had any comment? Haven't been able to find any. Mickey Sherman was certainly believed to be a good attorney at that time...and certainly the family could have afforded whomever they wanted. This case has always fascinated me.
Weird for this decision to come down so close to the anniversary of MM's death...and with at least Tommy deceased.....I suspect the Kennedy/Skakel powers are hoping the passage of time will work in their favor.
Well it's going to feel weird to be on this side of a case. I am always, it seems on the he/she/they are guilty side of it.

Not so much on this one. I believe there is, at the very least, reasonable doubt as to his guilt. I believe he was convicted of being a Kennedy, even though, of course he is not, he is Ethel Kennedys nephew.
RFK, Jr. certainly is:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an environmental lawyer and cousin of Mr. Skakel’s who helped develop new evidence after Mr. Skakel was convicted, said he was happy with the decision. “A first-year law student from any of my classes would have done a better job than Mickey Sherman, who’s a very likable guy but was clearly interested — his ambition was to be a television lawyer and he thought this trial was going to be his ticket to that career,” he said. “He told a bar association meeting that he intended to have a lot of fun at that trial.”


RFK jr is an absolute marvel-he has, in the past, suggested that Martha Moxley was killed by a couple of boys who didn't reside in Greenwich, and not anyone from the Skakel family-minority boys that there is absolutely no proof had anything to do with her murder. How like a "privileged character" to make that claim-and yet, people of the "non-privileged class" just love the Kennedys! Can anyone explain to me how he (RFK jr) gets a pass on this?
Or brought up reasonable doubt that Tommy could have done it. I actually think Tommy could have been the one as well, Hilda. He says he was with her, too. Heck, one of 'em did it, I wish we could lock them both up just to be safe.

I don't know if anyone has read Murder in Greenwich but it's worth reading if you're interested in the case.

I've read that. It did lead me to believe Tommy was the more likely of the 2. What a circus of a horrible tragedy this is! I'm curious about the new evidence, though. Did I read that correctly?
If there's reasonable doubt, I think it's only logical for Michael Skakel to be granted a new trial.

The legal wrangling over whether Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel should be set free began Thursday with a motion by his lawyers for a bail hearing and a promise by prosecutors to appeal a judge's decision to grant the convicted killer a new trial.

Skakel's lawyers filed a motion at Superior Court in Rockville requesting a bail hearing, during which Skakel could post bond and be released. A hearing date has not been set.




But in Bishop's decision Wednesday, he slammed Sherman's efforts on behalf of Skakel.

"(The) defense counsel was in a myriad of ways ineffective," Bishop wrote in the decision obtained by The Hartford Courant newspaper.

This is what concerns me about the recent motion Jodi Arias has filed against Nurmi.

The decision of the judge to overturn M. Skakel's conviction is almost unbelievable. Dear Dominick Dunne must be spinning in his grave. He did so much for Martha's case.

Also, please remember Martha's 81 year old mother. As might be expected, this is extremely difficult for her and she is elderly and fragile, but says she will be back in court " For Martha". Lord, how she loved/ loves her pretty little girl.
If there's reasonable doubt, I think it's only logical for Michael Skakel to be granted a new trial.

I think the only reasonable doubt would be if it were Michael or Tommy Skakel. Well, which is reasonable doubt. For God's sake, the murder weapon was a Toney Penna 6 iron, identical to the monogrammed set found at the Skakel's house. The only club missing from the Skakel set? The 6 iron. The only part of the club missing from the murder scene? The monogrammed handle.

And the Skakel boys were the last ones to see her that night.

And for 23 years the police didn't think this was enough to zero in on the Skakel's.
I think the only reasonable doubt would be if it were Michael or Tommy Skakel. Well, which is reasonable doubt. For God's sake, the murder weapon was a Toney Penna 6 iron, identical to the monogrammed set found at the Skakel's house. The only club missing from the Skakel set? The 6 iron. The only part of the club missing from the murder scene? The monogrammed handle.

But if there is reasonable doubt that it was Tommy then surely you don't think Michael should be serving the sentence just in case it was him?

And for 23 years the police didn't think this was enough to zero in on the Skakel's

The Skakels never denied it was their club. However there was also evidence that golf clubs, and plenty of other sports equipment, was always available in
their yard. Anyone could have picked it up.
Including the Tutor that lived in the house. Or, if one believes the story by Kobe Bryant's cousin, his friends from the Bronx picked it up.

The point is, there is plenty of reasonable doubt, even if the only argument anyone wants to accept, because they are bound and determined that it be a Skakel, is the Tommy problem.

But if there is reasonable doubt that it was Tommy then surely you don't think Michael should be serving the sentence just in case it was him?

The Skakels never denied it was their club. However there was also evidence that golf clubs, and plenty of other sports equipment, was always available in
their yard. Anyone could have picked it up.
Including the Tutor that lived in the house. Or, if one believes the story by Kobe Bryant's cousin, his friends from the Bronx picked it up.

The point is, there is plenty of reasonable doubt, even if the only argument anyone wants to accept, because they are bound and determined that it be a Skakel, is the Tommy problem.

Absolutely agree Michael shouldn't be in jail if Tommy did it! Sorry, I realize my wording was confusing. I meant IMO there WAS reasonable doubt that Tommy could have done it.

Everything I've read about the matching golf clubs indicated that they were found inside the house. Doubtful any random person could have picked it up. But I'm open to listen to any information that you've found about this.

There has been no evidence at all to indicate that the tutor did it, although there has been evidence to the contrary. I think this one is grasping for straws.

As far as Bryant's cousin, there is an African American hair in evidence that I believe should be tested. She didn't have strange hairs "all over" her as stated by Robert Kennedy, Jr recently but yes, there was one hair. FWIW I personally don't believe Bryant's cousin did it, I think that is just a red herring.
Absolutely agree Michael shouldn't be in jail if Tommy did it! Sorry, I realize my wording was confusing. I meant IMO there WAS reasonable doubt that Tommy could have done it.

Everything I've read about the matching golf clubs indicated that they were found inside the house. Doubtful any random person could have picked it up. But I'm open to listen to any information that you've found about this.

No one is disputing it was the Skakel's clubs or that the rest of the set was inside the house. The point was that a random golf club taken outside, like any piece of sporting equipment, Bats, balls, bicycle, etc, could then be left in the yard by any one of the six boys, of varying ages, that lived in that house. Then anyone passing by could have grabbed it.

There has been no evidence at all to indicate that the tutor did it, although there has been evidence to the contrary. I think this one is grasping for straws

The only evidence that Micahel did it are the supposed "confessions" reported by a fellow alcoholic with a very questionable past. in fact the witness to this "confession" has since died of a heroin overdose.
Good way to get your 15 minutes of fame, accuse a famous name of confessing to an old, well known crime that just happens to be being re-investigated by a cop (Fuhrman) that has been proven, in a court of law, to be a liar. Personally if Mark Fuhrman told me it was raining I would have to step outside to confirm it. He is slime, IMO.

As far as Bryant's cousin, there is an African American hair in evidence that I believe should be tested. She didn't have strange hairs "all over" her as stated by Robert Kennedy, Jr recently but yes, there was one hair. FWIW I personally don't believe Bryant's cousin did it, I think that is just a red herring

I certainly never said Bryant did it. He is a witness, nothing more, and no one that I am aware of, has accused him of this crime.

I don't know who did it. I don't know if it was Bryant's friends, as he states, the Tutor, Michael or Tommy. But that is exactly the point, IMO. There is really no more or less evidence for any of them. Which is reasonable doubt.

Michael may have done it. But we don't put people in jail for life based on a maybe. At least we are not supposed to.
Really sad,

Let's just hope there is a conviction again! I forgot though, what was the main focus for the prosecution to move off of Tommy Skakel and toward Michael is the perpetrator? Many believed Tommy was the main guy for years. I forgot the reasoning from the first trial.


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