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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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Want to add the DNA history here

Roselvr, do you know when the official clock started ticking? Is 1-14 the date the dna was taken?
I don't have the exact date; 1/14 was the date the thread was made; but it's pretty close of a date. The 7th was when his mom contacted the ME; I was talking to Todd & Pam that morning. Everyone was very eager to get this case solved. I do not doubt that the DNA was taken when the police report was done 1/12. Jason's NamUs profile date entered 1/13/2015. It then gets sent to UNT.
Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong location or if it has been posted elsewhere, I came across a website (PhilZone)and there are some posts by a person named Jasonm and he believes that he spent time with Jason Callahan. He talks about how they made a tattoo gun out of an electric razor. Jasonm shows a photo of a tattoo that he did on his leg, it is a tattoo of a smiley face. There is a photo of the tattoo on the site he posted on.

On Imgur there is a photo of Jason that I'm sure we have seen by now, what is interesting to me is the caption that reads "Jason C's retainer after having fixed braces" If you look closely at his mouth you can see that he has a retainer. Jason C was most likely seeing an orthodontist somewhere nearby where he was living.

It also mentions that Jasonm believes the person he believes to be Jason C. had lived with foster parents at some time.

It also looks like if things had gone right this case probably could have been solved in 2013.
I wasn't sure where to post this, but I noticed that Grateful Doe's Namus profile was modified today. Jason C. is not listed as an exclusion. Is there any way to tell what was modified?
How long have we been waiting now guys?

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Even my sister, who isn't into this kind of thing, text me earlier asking about this.

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I wasn't sure where to post this, but I noticed that Grateful Doe's Namus profile was modified today. Jason C. is not listed as an exclusion. Is there any way to tell what was modified?

No and Pamela Reed is out of office till the 26th. I have a feeling that Jason Callahan's mom has been notified & that the ME is going to call a presser on the 26th which will be the 20th anniversary of his death. I will be shocked if he is not a match!!!! He would have been added as ruled out by now. Every case I had my hand in; we got the rule out when the DNA was processed. The ME gets the results from UNT; they are the ones that make the "match" call. Sorry my thoughts are all over; am on my cell; too involved to edit lol
\I will be shocked if he is not a match!!!! He would have been added as ruled out by now.
I would be shocked as well—in fact I'd assume the lab had made a mistake. The evidence is compelling enough that the DNA test seems like a formality.
I agree! I would be completely shocked if it's not a match. Keeping everything crossed we hear soon!
I would be shocked as well—in fact I'd assume the lab had made a mistake. The evidence is compelling enough that the DNA test seems like a formality.

Greymetal said the room-mates say they vaguely remember the star tattoo
Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong location or if it has been posted elsewhere, I came across a website (PhilZone)and there are some posts by a person named Jasonm and he believes that he spent time with Jason Callahan. He talks about how they made a tattoo gun out of an electric razor. Jasonm shows a photo of a tattoo that he did on his leg, it is a tattoo of a smiley face. There is a photo of the tattoo on the site he posted on.

On Imgur there is a photo of Jason that I'm sure we have seen by now, what is interesting to me is the caption that reads "Jason C's retainer after having fixed braces" If you look closely at his mouth you can see that he has a retainer. Jason C was most likely seeing an orthodontist somewhere nearby where he was living.

It also mentions that Jasonm believes the person he believes to be Jason C. had lived with foster parents at some time.

It also looks like if things had gone right this case probably could have been solved in 2013.
Bumping -- merged from separate thread
Just read on the GD Facebook page that the update in namus simply means that the DNA was entered, not necessarily tested. Could still take up to 4 weeks for test results. Half sister of JC is submitting DNA.

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I can't post from fb, can I? I can link if allowed

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Admin, delete if not allowed please!

Quoted from a post on the Grateful Doe Facebook page

"Alright guys, this is the latest update from the Medical Examiner. The tests complete only means the dna is now in Namus so the dna has not yet been tested against Grateful Doe. This next test can take anywhere from a couple weeks to a month. I know it really sucks that we have been waiting this long but we now know it can't be too much longer. They have also taken Jason Callahan's sister's dna to also test so they now have dna from both parents. Everyone please keep their family in your thoughts as this is much harder on them. -LESHA"

In the comments, people were asking why it's taking so long when the escaped prisoners' DNA took 48 hours. His half sister, SC, explained:
***spelling and grammar is true to quote
"the dna is also in texas, hes from s.c.- and it happened in virginia; so theirs a lot of departments (police, medical examiners etc) who are working together; that coupled with the fact it was 20 yrs ago & the number of other numerous cold cases, makes this take forever; Also, only having dna from his mother may make it harder to test (its only half of his dna); i hope when i call my county's medical examiners office again tomorrow they can tell me where to submit my dna. I will then take the 2 second test and hope that since we shared the same father, that it will give the other half to conclusively prove (or disprove) that jason is the grateful doe."
Originally Posted by Earthbound Misfit I View Post
Sorry if I am posting this in the wrong location or if it has been posted elsewhere, I came across a website (PhilZone)and there are some posts by a person named Jasonm and he believes that he spent time with Jason Callahan. He talks about how they made a tattoo gun out of an electric razor. Jasonm shows a photo of a tattoo that he did on his leg, it is a tattoo of a smiley face. There is a photo of the tattoo on the site he posted on.

On Imgur there is a photo of Jason that I'm sure we have seen by now, what is interesting to me is the caption that reads "Jason C's retainer after having fixed braces" If you look closely at his mouth you can see that he has a retainer. Jason C was most likely seeing an orthodontist somewhere nearby where he was living.

It also mentions that Jasonm believes the person he believes to be Jason C. had lived with foster parents at some time.

It also looks like if things had gone right this case probably could have been solved in 2013.

Bumping -- merged from separate thread

I tried searching the old PT threads, but they are inaccessible right now as they are updating their format. But I'm pretty sure that this Jason turned out not to be GD. Jasonm found out about the Jason C he remembered- not sure if he was still alive, or if he found out that he had passed away. But either way, it wasn't him. Can someone else confirm my memory on this?
You're right, that Jason died around 2008 I think (someone called his father). But it was a good lead
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