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"She has relocated. She no longer has to live with the same security precautions that surrounded her," Greene said. "The hate mail has subsided a lot. She's doing better."

Greene also strongly refuted an internet article published this week that Anthony is currently in New York City finalizing a book deal and meeting with a CNN host to discuss on on-air interview.

CBS 5 has also learned a hearing scheduled for next week in that civil case has been moved to Oct. 4.

Greene says Anthony looks forward to the day where she can speak publicly about her case, but she doesn't plan to speak about the case until her legal issues have passed.
Casey Anthony latest news: Celebrity boxing, left Florida, civil trial updates (Video)
The National Enquirer was first to report the story that former Jesse James mistress and exotic dancer Michelle “Bombshell” McGee had challenged Anthony to a celebrity boxing match. Anthony would receive $20,000 for the fight. According to the Enquirer, McGee is ready for the fight and wants to teach Anthony a lesson.

“I want THIS match! I know she’s lying about killing her daughter Caylee. I want to kick her a@@!”
09/25/2012 Affidavit Declaration of Patricia A Dennison W/Attached Disk
09/21/2012 Notice OF POSTPONEMENT OF HEARING 09/26/12 at 8:30 am
09/21/2012 Notice of Hearing
AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING 10/04/12 at 8:30am
Also going into effect this October is a law made famous by the 2008 disappearance of Caylee Anthony in Florida. Caylee’s Law makes it a class A misdemeanor, punishable by imprisonment for up to one year, a fine of up to $2,000, or both, to knowingly fail to report the disappearance of a child under age 12. The duty to report applies to any parent, guardian or person who has custody or control of, or is supervising, the child and who either does not know the child’s location or has not had contact with him or her for 24 hours.,0,6803381.story
By Jeff Weiner, Orlando Sentinel - 10:01 a.m. EDT, October 4, 2012
Attorneys for Zenaida Gonzalez agreed in principle on Thursday to not mention Casey Anthony's murder trial during her upcoming defamation trial, if they can avoid it.

However, the murder trial could be mentioned on specific topics individually approved by the judge, such as to challenge the testimony of witnesses.
The parties agreed that they would have to bring up the murder trial during jury selection, in order to determine the extent of jurors' knowledge of the case. After that, any references will have to be cleared by the judge
The suit is currently set for trial in January, but both parties indicated they have more motions to file and argue. The next court date in the case is Oct. 30, when Anthony's team will argue to move the trial away from central Florida.
10/02/2012 2nd Postcard for Non Payment
09/18/2012 $10 Assessment Non Payment
08/30/2012 2nd Postcard for Non Payment
08/15/2012 $10 Assessment Non Payment
In a new motion filed Monday, Anthony's lawyers ask the judge to throw out Zenaida Gonzalez's claim for punitive damages — essentially, an additional penalty meant to punish Anthony.


In a separate filing, Anthony's lawyers also asked Circuit Judge Lisa Munyon to prevent Gonzalez's lawyers from arguing at trial that Anthony's actions had a negative impact on Gonzalez's children

More at link:,0,6102633.story
The new defense motion asks Circuit Judge Lisa Munyon to prevent any evidence or testimony concerning search efforts "by any person or entity, including... law enforcement, Texas EquuSearch, [or] independent volunteers."

"The search efforts for Caylee Anthony are not relevant to any issue in this case," Anthony's lawyers argue, adding that "at most" Gonzalez's lawyers "may argue that Caylee Anthony was 'missing' in August of 2008.",0,2293254.story
Somewhat old news but brought back by radaronline for some reason........$ mo
Posted on Oct 11, 2012 @ 09:30AM By Radar Staff
Casey Anthony Sued For Three Billion Dollars, Accused Of Causing Emotional And Mental Distress!
Anthony was being sued for a whopping three billion dollars by Naomi Riches, a Pennsylvania woman who maintains Anthony caused her "emotional and mental distress" after she threatened to kill her, is exclusively reporting.
The document reads, “Casey Anthony is an Illuminati actress who was used the summers of 2009-2011 to mock and harass my current circumstances. Casey Anthony and Nancy Grace are working in cahoots with one another to fill the media with propaganda so that American Citizens believer there is Justice in this country. The media is lying and these people are all actors for the Illuminati.”,0,2285710.story

Appellate court sets date to hear Casey Anthony's appeal on misdemeanor convictions
An appeal court in Daytona Beach is now scheduled to hear Casey Anthony's appeal of her four convictions for lying to law enforcement early next year, after her legal team today filed the last paperwork necessary to proceed.


Anthony, <modsnip>, is challenging four convictions on misdemeanor counts of lying to law enforcement.

Among the points of contention in the appeal: Anthony argues that the four lies she was accused of are really just one continuous act &#8212; and should have been charged as such.

Her lawyers also argue that her statements to law enforcement should have been thrown out of the murder trial, because she was briefly handcuffed and put in a law enforcement vehicle, but wasn't read her rights.

The state argues Anthony wasn't technically under arrest, and therefore didn't need to be read her rights, rather "he was simply handcuffed at her mother's insistence in order to prevent her from leaving."


Detectives later determined 2-year-old Caylee Anthony was dead. The case and trial became a national spectacle, with many outraged by the girl's death and her mother's behavior immediately afterward.

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