Dark Circles Around Caylee's Eyes (Pic included)

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dark circles can also be from a vitamin K deficiency, fwiw...i don't think she looks ill, tired or dilated, she was a beautiful child.
Don't recall reading if anyone has speculated on when the drugging might have first occurred. Maybe when the G's stopped babysitting? RG said he pressed KC to find someone else to babysit since he worked from home and it was a distraction. She finally told him she had found a nanny and went into greater detail than he thought necessary.

ETA: I am not so sure the dark circles are necessarily connected with drugging. My daughter has always had somewhat dark circles under her eyes (that she sees in an exaggerated way) and so does her father and his family.
There is something called "Denny-Morgan lines" that show up in a child with allergies as dark circles under eyes and lines. I'm not saying this could be Caylee, I am suspect at this point with the red marks on her face. The pics I see of Caylee's red marks on some photos clearly show red marks near the creases of your smile where a dimple may be, and that, my friends, isn't from a sippy cup.
or she just has a cold...i don't doubt caylee was drugged some how, just don't think it shows conclusively in the photos.

I agree she might have a cold, but I have noticed that she has sad eyes. In this pic, it almost looks like she has a bug bite or something under her left eye.
The eyes do not appear dilated to me. Also, there are tons of pictures of Caylee. In most, she looks happy. I'm sure you can find one in almost every family's stack in which their child looks pensive, sad or tired. I do not believe casey routinely drugged little Caylee. From the very moment I heard of this case, I felt she wanted to get rid of her and planned to murder her. The info we received throughout the case shows me that casey used chloroform to do it. She is selfish, vicious and a master of deception. Sure, she seemed like a loving mom. I don't think it was all an act. I don't think she routinely neglected or abused her child. I even think she was fond of her baby, for the most part. But, that was until Caylee began to replace her as the family princess and began to get in her way of a life without responsibility. Then, she decided she wanted her baby gone. She got what she wanted.
Ummmm...my grandmother had dark circles, my mom has them. I have them. My daughter has them. Gosh, I hope people don't think I drug her on a regular basis...

Someone did ask her the other day who gave her black eyes...it's genetic and she also has allergies which makes them even worse.

I think a lot of people are looking for things that aren't there.
OR some folks are looking over things that ARE there...

We must remember that just because we have experienced something for one reason or another or one of our children has does not mean that is why Caylee is experiencing similar things. Of course there are people who naturally have dark circles under their eyes, I am one of them, but that does not mean that Caylee IS...Of course there are people with skin rashes that are common and ordinary...but that does not mean that Caylee's ARE. The difference in US and OURS and HER is that she was murdered by her mother, thrown away in a garbage bag and had her mouth duct taped shut as far as we know right now. Her mother did searches of chloroform and neck-breaking as far back as March...so looking closely at ANY marks on Caylee is not trying to make something of nothing, it is trying to make sure we do miss something in the tidal wave of information. Yes, she could naturally look that way...but just as easily, it COULD be from a more sinister action from her murdering mother...This is what we look for...This is what we seek. Not what is common and normal in US, but what MAY be uncommon and abnormal in HER...
OR some folks are looking over things that ARE there...

We must remember that just because we have experienced something for one reason or another or one of our children has does not mean that is why Caylee is experiencing similar things. Of course there are people who naturally have dark circles under their eyes, I am one of them, but that does not mean that Caylee IS...Of course there are people with skin rashes that are common and ordinary...but that does not mean that Caylee's ARE. The difference in US and OURS and HER is that she was murdered by her mother, thrown away in a garbage bag and had her mouth duct taped shut as far as we know right now. Her mother did searches of chloroform and neck-breaking as far back as March...so looking closely at ANY marks on Caylee is not trying to make something of nothing, it is trying to make sure we do miss something in the tidal wave of information. Yes, she could naturally look that way...but just as easily, it COULD be from a more sinister action from her murdering mother...This is what we look for...This is what we seek. Not what is common and normal in US, but what MAY be uncommon and abnormal in HER...

Yes, but I do think that sometimes some of us are making more out of things than need be. This is a crazy enough case without adding more. Yes, it could be a more sinister action causing the slightly dark circles that we can see in one or two photos, but the case is sinister enough without going down that route. And actually, if casey was routinely drugging Caylee so casey could party, that would lead us to believe that Caylee's death was a result of abuse gone too far, accidentally. And that is less sinister than what I think really happened: Months of planning to use chloroform on one occasion for the express purpose of killing a 2 year old little baby.
I have to say I went and looked at these facebook photos of her again today, her eyes are soo sad in most all of the ones that her mom is in. Poor little thing looks lost. I am so sad for her :( There are so few pictures of her that she looks genuinely happy in.

The black circles can also happen to abused children simply because they never sleep well.. they are always sort of half awake listening. I have seen this personally. Very sad to have to try and help a child learn to really sleep again.

I disagree there are a gazillion photos out there of Casey and Caylee and Caylee looks happy in most of them.
This is why this case perturbs me the most because it looks like they BOTH love each other to pieces in so many photos

I have VERY dark circles and so does my daughter - its a genetic thing.
The video of Caylee with Grandpa.....I always feel a little sick....there is something about the way she acts and looks at times in that video...that bothers me....I keep thinking that KC really had left the home around the 9th .....and I feel thats when things could have turned for the worst in KC care.....and then Caylee went for a visit that day to see grandpa on the 15th.....and then all broke loose.....

I agree with Jane.....most of the pics....Caylee and KC seem very happy....thats what makes this whole case crazy!

now some of the other videos bug me as well....when Caylee is trying to get the attention of who ever is filming and there is no response....
The video of Caylee with Grandpa.....I always feel a little sick....there is something about the way she acts and looks at times in that video...that bothers me....I keep thinking that KC really had left the home around the 9th .....and I feel thats when things could have turned for the worst in KC care.....and then Caylee went for a visit that day to see grandpa on the 15th.....and then all broke loose.....

I agree with Jane.....most of the pics....Caylee and KC seem very happy....thats what makes this whole case crazy!

now some of the other videos bug me as well....when Caylee is trying to get the attention of who ever is filming and there is no response....

There is a photo of Lee with her that I do not like at all - she is clearly distressed and trying to get away

It gave me the creeps
yes I seen that one too....and I wonder why anyone would keep a pic like that....I would have just thrown it out..
The eyes do not appear dilated to me. Also, there are tons of pictures of Caylee. In most, she looks happy. I'm sure you can find one in almost every family's stack in which their child looks pensive, sad or tired. I do not believe casey routinely drugged little Caylee. From the very moment I heard of this case, I felt she wanted to get rid of her and planned to murder her. The info we received throughout the case shows me that casey used chloroform to do it. She is selfish, vicious and a master of deception. Sure, she seemed like a loving mom. I don't think it was all an act. I don't think she routinely neglected or abused her child. I even think she was fond of her baby, for the most part. But, that was until Caylee began to replace her as the family princess and began to get in her way of a life without responsibility. Then, she decided she wanted her baby gone. She got what she wanted.

I don't get it though, she had PARENTS that were more than willing to take Caylee and raise her.

Unless I have missed something ?

But from what I have perceived CA and GA would have raised Caylee.

I dont get why they didnt just take care of Caylee and protect her whilst Caylee went through her "me me me party party party" stage

(better to be raised by grandparents than dead)

They could have told Casey to behave responsibly or get out and live her single life but to leave Caylee where she would be well taken care of.

No its not right, and Casey should have taken full responsibility of Caylee like an adult but as I said better that she went off and lived her party life that what has happened.

Why didnt CA And GA take a more proactive step with Casey about Caylee?
people are tending to read too much into things trying to find a reason or a pattern. I dont think there was a history like most seem to which is a whole nother thread I guess...

But as a pro photographer and with massive photoshop experience myself, I have to say that these dark circles, red rashes, etc are really hard to see, I mean if no one said anything no one notices because it's kinda more suggestion than really there.

and the dilated pupils? these are photos....photos arent life I think we all realise that by now with the advent of digital..mixed light and flash especially with small children can cause weird eye effects. their pupils do not shrink as fast in reaction to light as adults' do. so they are dilated even with flash, especially with a consumer point and shoot camera as these were - unless you are aware of this fact, it seems really odd.

There is a photo of Lee with her that I do not like at all - she is clearly distressed and trying to get away

It gave me the creeps

I suppose you all will find me creepy but occasionally my husband is holding my boy (21 month) who is really happy until he reaches for the camera and realises he isnt getting the camera, so the pic is taken at the same moment he reaches out and starts fussing.

they all look just like caylee and lee, husband laughing and baby reaching out and looking upset. I probably have a thousand of them. but I have thousands from before that moment and thousands after. they probably did too. Still just trying to say a picture IS worth a thousand words but they arent always the right thousand.
(Please don't throw tomatoes at me.....)

I wouldn't have picked out anything from the photos of Caylee if we had been talking about a child that wasn't missing. Maybe we're all looking too hard for evidence. I bet Caylee was happy for the most part... with the A's anyway... not sure about KC. The A's brought her in the pool, took her on outings (to the nursing home, anyway).

My kids get a little bit scuffed up now and then. In fact, my one year old has a cut on his forehead that is pretty prominent! But he's a very happy kid!
She does have circles, but my kids did, too--any time they weren't feeling quite up to snuff, or their allergies were bothering them, or they were tired. I don't think it's necessary an ominous sign.

Really, most kids I know look that way even when naptime rolls around.

Far more disturbing to me are pictures of Casey. Always all smiles---smiles that never extend up to her eyes. Just plastered-on smiles because she's playing a role. THAT is what scares me.

Because that is what tells me that Caylee experienced fear with her mother.
Ummmm...my grandmother had dark circles, my mom has them. I have them. My daughter has them. Gosh, I hope people don't think I drug her on a regular basis...

Someone did ask her the other day who gave her black eyes...it's genetic and she also has allergies which makes them even worse.

I think a lot of people are looking for things that aren't there.

Ditto. I have the dark circle and my husband who is lighter skinned and his family have the "red" rimmed eyes. No drugging here. Also I agree all families have pics of when the kids look"sad" or gazing off as in deep thought. I think we all forget little ones have their own "moods" also. JMHO
I think someone needs to look up the symptoms of someone that is repeatedly being drugged or chloroformed. I was saving pictures of Caylee for a video that I want to make in dedication to her and came across one where she has really dark circles around her eyes. It also looks like her eyes are dialated or something in this picture. If you are being drugged could it cause that?

Look at this picture:


She may have allergies, my eyes look like that some days and it's due to allergies. It's just a thought.
people are tending to read too much into things trying to find a reason or a pattern. I dont think there was a history like most seem to which is a whole nother thread I guess...

But as a pro photographer and with massive photoshop experience myself, I have to say that these dark circles, red rashes, etc are really hard to see, I mean if no one said anything no one notices because it's kinda more suggestion than really there.

and the dilated pupils? these are photos....photos arent life I think we all realise that by now with the advent of digital..mixed light and flash especially with small children can cause weird eye effects. their pupils do not shrink as fast in reaction to light as adults' do. so they are dilated even with flash, especially with a consumer point and shoot camera as these were - unless you are aware of this fact, it seems really odd.

I suppose you all will find me creepy but occasionally my husband is holding my boy (21 month) who is really happy until he reaches for the camera and realises he isnt getting the camera, so the pic is taken at the same moment he reaches out and starts fussing.

they all look just like caylee and lee, husband laughing and baby reaching out and looking upset. I probably have a thousand of them. but I have thousands from before that moment and thousands after. they probably did too. Still just trying to say a picture IS worth a thousand words but they arent always the right thousand.

I have to agree. I have those photos too--actually one of me with my goddaughter who loves me but I'm looking at the camera smiling and she's sobbing heartbrokenly because she dropped her toy at that moment. I don't see anything sinister at all.

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