Darlie Innocent? Then how do you explain... ?

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There s nothing to indicate PTSD. She is the criminal, not the victim.

She told 16 different versions of the story. That is not amnesia. She remembered details days later, weeks, months.

She told her "story" on the stand. Only when details of the "stranger" and all of the inconsistencies in her "story" surfaced on cross is when "she could not remember. She recalls "fabricated" details that have no basis in reality.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Dissociative Amnesia - formerly Psychogenic Amnesia, is a pervasive loss of memory of significant personal information. This disorder is characterized by a blocking out of critical personal information. Dissociative amnesia, unlike other types of amnesia, does not result from other medical trauma, such as a blow to the head. The predominant disturbance is one or more episodes of inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.[/FONT]

Let me see 16 different versions of an event does not even come close to amnesia.

It is just too "lame" when the defense gets the whole story that casts their client in a "victim" state. But when the DA asks "they can't remember"

It is a hallmark, yet again of a guilty person. Even 6 months to a year after the event, Darlie was telling different stories to different people, Much different stories.......it all depended upon who her audience was.

Typical con.......con women and convict.
There is so much speculation about why she can remember some things and not other things, and all of her stories... and that it leads to guilt and nothing but.
I'm not sure if I have told you guys this or not, but incase I haven't I will go through it again. It's a very hard thing for me to live and relive but I do it all of the time with one of my best friends.
4 1/2 years ago my friends husband deployed to Iraq. They had just bought a house but had not yet moved when they found out he was leaving, so the moving was left completely up to her. One night she put her 3 year old daughter to bed and went to the other end of the house to unpack boxes. She was listening carefully to her as she played with her toys in bed. After awhile she was quiet, and my friend assumed she had fallen asleep. She finished unpacking a box and went to check on her. She was gone from her bed. She went through the house calling her name.
A couple of things about her story has even changed up to this point. But after this point she has so many different memories all clumped together, and there is just no way they can all be true.
To the best of my ability I will tell you the rest of the story.
At some point she picked up the phone and called 911. At some point she saw that a chair was pulled over to the back door and the dead bolt was unlocked. She told the 911 operator that her daughter was gone. As she walked outside she saw that Ally's toy was on the ground. At some point she told the 911 operator "OMG she's in the pool" and dropped the phone on the ground. In some instances there was no toy on the ground, and she doesn't know how she knew she was in the pool. One day she will be adamant that she jumped into the pool and pulled Ally's dog off of her, who was trying to save her. Another day she will be just as adamant that the dog wasn't in the pool. She started CPR in the pool, then sometimes, remembers pulling her out and continuing on the grass. In no memory of hers does she recall bringing her inside, yet when the paramedics arrived she was on the floor in the sunroom doing CPR.
And it goes on and on and on.
Did she kill her baby? NO WAY WHATSOEVER!
The problems, I think, stem from being in complete shock. On top of that she was questioned immediately and "I don't remember" wasn't enough for the investigators. She also has PTSD. She has had countless nightmares. She tries to fill in what she can't remember. All of these things change "her reality" of what really happened. To this day she has no idea. From the time of the accident she had no idea. Though she still "remembers" new things. Though we don't know if she really remembers them, or if it's from a nightmare, or perhaps something that ran through her head while she was trying desperately to remember.
At the funeral she stood up next to her daughters open casket and read the longest, most heartwrenching "goodbye" letter to her baby girl. My friends were the only dry eyes in the place. Yet at other times she was crying unconsolably. Sometimes she would be TOO fine, and the next she was ready for a straight jacket. Not many people saw the straight jacket moments, and there was some speculation...
But there is NO WAY that she killed her baby girl.
Because of this experience, there is no way I can say that because of Darlie's different accounts or inappropriate behavior she is guilty.
I also think, on top of these things that would make her remember different scenerios, we also have the possibility that she "woke up" twice. I think Damon shaking her awake was before Damon was stabbed. I think that she passed out from lack of oxygen.
Of course she has different wounds than the boys. The perp had different "plans" for her. She has wounds consistent with a man holding a knife to her throat as he began to touch her. When she fought back she was slashed. He just wanted the boys out of the way.
YES I know the rape kit was negative, I didn't say she was raped. I don't think it got to that point. Perhaps she yelled for Darin and the perp realized there was someone else in the house.

Yes, you have told us before AW. But your post sounds like a fantasy. Don't sexual predators usually scope out the victim prior to attacking? Do they just walk past a house like Darlie's and decide to break in and attack? Ridiculous, he wanted the boys out of the way. Why? Did they ride their bikes too close to his lawn? And it's not her many stories or her inappropriate behaviour that spells out her guilt, it's the physical evidence that is not consistant with the story she told..it's the blood evidence that proves to me she is guilty. I don't care that she jumped around the graveyard like a goof and making a fool of herself. She doesn't know any better, just like Scott Peterson at the candlelight vigil, neither of them can feel remorse, they were just happy the source of their stress was gone.

Darlie admits and agrees that she was never "passed out." She was never in shock, she was given a shock test at the scene. Her vitals at Baylor were stable. She had no head injuries. This proves to me that that she wasn't fighting with anyone at all, no broken bones, no facial injuries, no cuts to palms or fingers or the underside of her arms......nothing. If she was holding her arms up to cover her face, why doesn't she have any injuries but one arm blackened?
Disassociative amnesia occurs when the subject is suffering from PTSD (again, Psych 101) because the subject has had a particiularly stressful and severe event, both mentally and emotionally, occur in his/her life.

Using your events mentioned in your post above: "when a person is injured unless they are unconscious, in a coma, or other "altered" state of consciousness, then when their throat is cut, and they are beaten black and blue" -- that, my friend, would be considered a severly stressful event by any armchair psychologist, as well as the real ones.

Darlie was not suffering from PTSD. She's the killer, not the victim. She was certainly oriented to time and place that night, not in shock, not unconscious, nothing to deter her from remembering. She's a liar that's why she claims she can't remember. She claims sleeping downstairs because her baby rolling in the crib keeps her awake..but her two boys being slaughtered inches from her doesn't wake her!!!! That's why she invented the TA, IMO.

And any psychologist will tell you that TA does not last this many years. Memory should have filtered in by now.
Just starting to get more interested in this case. I've read up on it some, and I appreciate what all of you have to say.

JMO, the bruises on her arms don't seem like evidence of innocence to me.

One day while washing my tile floor I slipped. The only way I could stop myself from coming down hard was to slide down leaning on the kitchen counter as my feet slipped out from under me. It hurt, but I didn't see any bruises right after. The next day my arm and back near the arm pit were all black and blue much like Darlie's. IMO, it would not take much to create those bruises on yourself.

Also, the pattern of those bruises and the knife wound to the throat look self-inflicted. I need to do more homework on this case though. Did she say she was standing or laying down when her throat was cut? A tall man would not likely make a downward slice to the throat if they were standing up. How convenient the knife somehow missed the crucial artery.

Puzzling also why the two murdered boys had stab, stab, stabbing wounds, but Darlie had such superficial wounds. Hard to believe the stranger actually changed his knife style when it came to Darlie.

The screen was cut using a knife from inside the house. There was no indication anyone actually forced themselves through that cut in the screen. Dust was not even disturbed.

The husband sets off my hinky meter as well. So far, I don't see much evidence of innocence. I am open to newer testing being done though, and a new trial only if there is any new evidence of innocence.
Just starting to get more interested in this case. I've read up on it some, and I appreciate what all of you have to say.

JMO, the bruises on her arms don't seem like evidence of innocence to me.

One day while washing my tile floor I slipped. The only way I could stop myself from coming down hard was to slide down leaning on the kitchen counter as my feet slipped out from under me. It hurt, but I didn't see any bruises right after. The next day my arm and back near the arm pit were all black and blue much like Darlie's. IMO, it would not take much to create those bruises on yourself.

Also, the pattern of those bruises and the knife wound to the throat look self-inflicted. I need to do more homework on this case though. Did she say she was standing or laying down when her throat was cut? A tall man would not likely make a downward slice to the throat if they were standing up. How convenient the knife somehow missed the crucial artery.

Puzzling also why the two murdered boys had stab, stab, stabbing wounds, but Darlie had such superficial wounds. Hard to believe the stranger actually changed his knife style when it came to Darlie.

The screen was cut using a knife from inside the house. There was no indication anyone actually forced themselves through that cut in the screen. Dust was not even disturbed.

The husband sets off my hinky meter as well. So far, I don't see much evidence of innocence. I am open to newer testing being done though, and a new trial only if there is any new evidence of innocence.

Wait until you get to the blood evidence. It clearly proves the story Darlie told (or stories that is) are lies. It's the meat of the case for me but then I've always been interested in it.

She says she was asleep on the living room couch when she was stabbed and bruised!
I found that part, that she was supposely sleeping on the couch when the stranger sliced her throat. But not much blood on couch, correct? Thanks Cami, I'll check out more on the blood evidence.

So. do you think she has some crucial evidence that would prove her innocence? I do need to do more homework on this case, but --- What they do have on her seems plenty. (her husband sets off my hinky meter too) What would be the main premise that she might be innocent now?
I have honestly never been able to make up my mind about this. Why would the intruder go after the children first as opposed to an adult in the same room? I also never understood how the husband could sleep while things were breaking and being knocked over during a struggle downstairs. When I'm upstairs asleep I can hear my dog sneeze downstairs. To this day I feel that the husband was involved.

The bruises may very well have been self-inflicted; she could have done that by repeatedly banging her arm against her hospital bed rails.

This is a very low-crime area, too. The worse that happens around here are auto break-ins and the occassional spray-painted mailbox.
About blood evidence, one guy on the program "Women on Death Row" said that the blood on Darlie's nightshirt ran down and that she was standing when the neck was cut and not lying on the couch. The blood would have ran off to the side if she were lying down when cut. I've always thought the whole thing was planned and that her number of wounds were similar in number to the boys but of course just not as fatal or deep.
I have went back and forth in my opinion on this case for years. I read the book when it first came out and initially thought, slam the door, lock her up. Then some years later I was reading some of the stuff on her website and had second thoughts. But with all the light that has been shed on PPD recently, I think this may have played a part. Add the possible drug use and financial stress and it could have been a recipe for disaster. She just snapped. I have always wondered, if the baby had not been upstairs with Darin would he have been killed too?

I think LE was right on in suspecting her from the get-go. The intruder superficially stabs her but kills TWO kids and then takes off? What is the motive in that? Can you think of a single case which is similar to this? I don't think Darin was involved. We live in a single story home, but I sleep with a fan on high for white noise and the door closed (fan also helps to drown out hubby's snores). I can't hear anything from the living room, not even the dogs barking. If Darlies story/sequence of events does not make sense there is a reason! Lie's are being told to cover something up. Just another crappy Mom who killed her kids. What is Darin up to these days, any links someone?
Hey Knox, I will give you a case similar when an intruder breaks in kills the child and the mom is convicted of murder and then finally set free. Julie Rae Harper from Illinois. I am from Illinois not far from where this happened and she was set free because they finally KNEW it was Tommy Lynn Sells that broken into the house, killed the child, stabbed Julie and got away with murder while she went to prison. Actually quite similar circumstances, however, they do differ in some ways and Tommy was ruled out as the killer of Darlie's kids... But makes you wonder and think???

Sorry, I misspoke, she was not stabbed as I said, she was knocked out of the doorway as he fled. My BAD, sorry for the mistake, I just thought of it...
I'd like to research the case thanks, do you have a link?
I found that part, that she was supposely sleeping on the couch when the stranger sliced her throat. But not much blood on couch, correct? Thanks Cami, I'll check out more on the blood evidence.

So. do you think she has some crucial evidence that would prove her innocence? I do need to do more homework on this case, but --- What they do have on her seems plenty. (her husband sets off my hinky meter too) What would be the main premise that she might be innocent now?

No, I don't see any crucial evidence that would prove her innocence. She's guilty as sin in my opinion. I can bump up my blood paper I did on her case here for you to read.
Hey Knox, I will give you a case similar when an intruder breaks in kills the child and the mom is convicted of murder and then finally set free. Julie Rae Harper from Illinois. I am from Illinois not far from where this happened and she was set free because they finally KNEW it was Tommy Lynn Sells that broken into the house, killed the child, stabbed Julie and got away with murder while she went to prison. Actually quite similar circumstances, however, they do differ in some ways and Tommy was ruled out as the killer of Darlie's kids... But makes you wonder and think???

Sorry, I misspoke, she was not stabbed as I said, she was knocked out of the doorway as he fled. My BAD, sorry for the mistake, I just thought of it...

Tommy Lynn Sells has never been charged with this crime nor does LE take him very seriously as the killer. Julia got a new trial on a technicality, nothing more. Tommy Lynn Sells was in prision when Damon and Devon were killed making it impossible for him to be their killer.
I have went back and forth in my opinion on this case for years. I read the book when it first came out and initially thought, slam the door, lock her up. Then some years later I was reading some of the stuff on her website and had second thoughts. But with all the light that has been shed on PPD recently, I think this may have played a part. Add the possible drug use and financial stress and it could have been a recipe for disaster. She just snapped. I have always wondered, if the baby had not been upstairs with Darin would he have been killed too?

I think LE was right on in suspecting her from the get-go. The intruder superficially stabs her but kills TWO kids and then takes off? What is the motive in that? Can you think of a single case which is similar to this? I don't think Darin was involved. We live in a single story home, but I sleep with a fan on high for white noise and the door closed (fan also helps to drown out hubby's snores). I can't hear anything from the living room, not even the dogs barking. If Darlies story/sequence of events does not make sense there is a reason! Lie's are being told to cover something up. Just another crappy Mom who killed her kids. What is Darin up to these days, any links someone?

Darin was asleep upstairs and LE conducted hearing tests, he couldn't have heard anything. Their house was approx 3500 sq ft.

Darin is now a wedding photographer in Lubbock.
Oh please, there is zero, nada, zlich evidence of innocence(I mean actually evidence that can be entered into court.) Never has been any evidence of innocence and never will be.

Darlie is on death row where she belongs.....as simple as that.

Oh by the way, I suffered an event when I was 5. Guess what I remember it like it was yesterday. I can recall every small detail. That was 40 years ago.

Darlie has "very selective memory loss, you see it kicks in when it is self serving and "she can't remember" when it is not self serving.

OK, sure. She remembered all of the details , days, weeks and months after the crime, but at trial "she can't remember". Especially during cross examinatio of "her many stories".

Gee just like so many other criminals......like Roger Coleman........he swore up and down, left and right, that was was innocent like Darlie. That he was framed, the DA was wrong, every one was wrong. He even had the Pope, movie stars and a very well known religious man "trying to overturn his conviction and death sentence.

Guess what after his execution, DNA was done at the expense of the Religious man. Roger Coleman was guilty as heck. He duped everyone into "believing" he was innocent and wrong imprisioned.

Again, the justice system got it right, the conning and manipulative "criminal" was rightly convicted.

So again, I seldom believe criminals as when I watch 20/20 or Primetime the first words out of a criminals mouth is "I am innocent".

Well guess what, you are a criminal, the justice system sentenced you behind bars or death and now you, the convicted criminal say you are innocent.

Gee I wonder who has to gain by claiming their innocence. That is right Ladies and Gents, the criminal and I for one am not "easily" conned.

Give me a break.......

While I have no way to know Darlie's innocence or guilt in this crime...I do know that each person's brain, unique chemistry and experiences all make up different ways that we respond, react and remember traumatic events. She might not remember the way you do...because she is not you.
Tommy Lynn Sells has never been charged with this crime nor does LE take him very seriously as the killer. Julia got a new trial on a technicality, nothing more. Tommy Lynn Sells was in prision when Damon and Devon were killed making it impossible for him to be their killer.

Yes as a matter of fact Cami, LE took him very serious, however, when it came to the table of the same old story of the death penalty, he backed out. I did not IN ANY REFERENCE compare the case to Darlie's, KNOX was simply stating that there were no other cases such as someone coming in and killing the children for no apparent reason (which was similar)!!!!!!!! Julie Rae Harper spent time in prison for the murder of her child which she did not commit and it has been proven that Tommy Lynn Sells was in the town the EXACT NIGHT WHICH THIS HAPPENED!!!!!!!!! So sorry to set you straight, and it truly was not a technicality, it was the Illinois LE covering their ASSES as they do very, very often....Many cases I can quote and unless you live here, please don't think you know something when you don't!!!:furious:
Thanks Annkitty ... This is totally weird! Last night I caught a 20/20 re-run. The last segment was about Julie Rae Harper, lol. I did not hear enough facts to really make a decision, but obviously the jury did. I was fascinated by her facial expressions and demeanor, so it was hard to pay attention to her words. I thought she seemed mentally unbalanced truthfully. I do appreciate you bringing the case to my attention though, thank you. I'll read more on the links you supplied. I think Darlie is guilty, but the discussion and debate is why we are here, so I enjoy hearing others views as to why they think she is innocent.

Thanks Cami for the info you supplied. I would be very interested in reading your blood paper, bump up for me please.
:behindbarThat is truly odd, talk about a small world that they were showing a re-run... I believe it is to each's own to make up your mind as to how you feel about a case... I have been on the fence about Darlie for years and years and I am still not truly locked in a guilt/innocence verdict yet. There are many uncertain aspects of the investigation I still question, however, I continue to read daily. My biggest one at the moment is the WM3, which are 100% INNOCENT and I will stand by that forever... Take care and sorry if I came on to strong about Julie Rae because I have always know she was innocent and as I stated it has been proven that Tommy Lynn Sells was in the town and around her child before he was murdered, know what anyone to the contrary says!!! Ann
Annkitty, never apologise my friend for going with your gut instinct and what you believe the truth to be. You may change your mind or not, it's your journey. Plan to read in bed tonight on the Julie Rae case ... Bought a notebook and a new air card, hubby thought it was a great idea, with what I spent on books at BN he thought it should entitle him to stock ownership :crazy:

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