Darlie Innocent? Then how do you explain... ?

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Link: http: //law.jrank.org/pages/3712/Darlie-Routier-Trial-1997-Deadly-or-Doting-Mother.html

Copied from link:
In the years since Darlie's conviction, renewed media attention—including an investigation by the television news program 20/20—has raised questions about her guilt. Among the media findings: Jurors received a trial transcript with 33,000 errors and omissions; jurors never saw photographs of Routier's arm bruises; and an unidentified bloody fingerprint was found on the Routiers' kitchen counter after the murder.

I still cannot get into the transcript site GRRRR. But the above is why I have grave concerns about this case.

I do agree that Darlie had very outrages behavior and my heart says yes fry her but my mind says does that make her a murderer so then I say no.

See if this link works for the transcripts:

Link: http: //law.jrank.org/pages/3712/Darlie-Routier-Trial-1997-Deadly-or-Doting-Mother.html

Copied from link:
In the years since Darlie's conviction, renewed media attention—including an investigation by the television news program 20/20—has raised questions about her guilt. Among the media findings: Jurors received a trial transcript with 33,000 errors and omissions; jurors never saw photographs of Routier's arm bruises; and an unidentified bloody fingerprint was found on the Routiers' kitchen counter after the murder.

I still cannot get into the transcript site GRRRR. But the above is why I have grave concerns about this case.

I do agree that Darlie had very outrages behavior and my heart says yes fry her but my mind says does that make her a murderer so then I say no.

Errors were typos and spelling errors, all fixed up by the time of the appeal. Jurors don't get a trial transcript.
No unidentified bloody fingerprint was found on the kitchen counter.
Jurors saw the photos of the arm bruises as confirmed by the trial transcript
It's not Darlie's behaviour that convicted her, it was the overwhelming physical evidence at the scene.

A. There's a large amount of bruising to
4 the right arm, but I don't see any -- actually by
5 laceration, there's none. But there is evidence of
6 bruising to the arm.
7 Q. Okay. And that's a pretty large
8 bruise, isn't it?
9 A. Yes.
10 Q. Where does it extend from?
11 A. It appears to go from her wrist to
12 right below where her hand is, past her elbow, up toward,
13 almost into her armpit.
14 Q. Okay. And then 52-E, that's an even
15 more close-up photograph of that bruise?
16 A. Yes, correct.
17 Q. If you could take these two
18 photographs and go along the jury rail so all the jurors
19 can see.
20 A. Okay.

Wonders, I don't know if you ever saw this, but it's American Justice Episode 152; there are five parts:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gZXcF7oQZo&NR=1"]YouTube - American Justice 152 Part 1[/ame]

You may find part five especially interesting. :)
Again, the photos thing is a myth. They got all the photos, as far as I'm aware. And if I'm not mistaken, the "bloody fingerprint" couldn't be matched. It doesn't mean that it was from an unknown. It was merely distorted to the point where a clear match couldn't be made.

As far as the errors in the juror transcript go, I don't know if they mean typos or bad page breaks or spelling errors or if the integrity of the evidence within was damaged. I'd like to know more about that.

Yes, they were typos and spelling errors. Notice how these tv programs focus on non evidence and try to make it look as if Darlie was railroaded. As if 20/20 reinvestigated this crime.

There's actually two bloody smudged fingerprints...one on the sofa table and one on the utility room door. Both are partial prints and most likely to remain unidentified. Darlie has only been excluded by her defence team...so it's expert against expert. However, you need to look at what led up these prints and what's around them before you can say they don't belong to anyone in the Routier household.

Darlie has now won the right to have these prints sent to the FBI to run through their database.

I understand that Darlie did not get government funding for the dna tests? Does anyone know if this is true?
Wonders, I don't know if you ever saw this, but it's American Justice Episode 152; there are five parts:

YouTube - American Justice 152 Part 1

You may find part five especially interesting. :)

Mostly everything presented in Part 5 is distorted to try and show the prosecution did something unfair in Darlie's trial.

i.e. The surveillance tape......given to the defence under the rules of Discovery in November 1996. Up to the defence not the prosecution to enter it into evidence to impeach the SS tape.

And it was a microphone they planted at the gravesite, not a video camera. It's standard operating procedure in most departments to film the funerals of murder victims.

2 THE COURT: There was a videotape done
3 by Channel 5. I think everyone in the country has seen
4 out there.
5 MR. RICHARD C. MOSTY: Well, you know
6 what they didn't see, was the funeral service. The State
7 has illegally intercepted the funeral service where they
8 stand around and pray. The State offers the Silly String
9 part of the day, and they have the prayer there, where
10 the first part of it is the prayer where they illegally
11 intercept a prayer at a grave side. And we can't offer
12 that?
13 THE COURT: Well, I think that has
14 already been offered.

15 MR. GREG DAVIS: You know, your
16 Honor --
17 MR. RICHARD C. MOSTY: We have a video
18 of it.

19 MR. GREG DAVIS: I don't think there
20 is any problem with Mr. Mosty or Mr. Mulder offering that
21 videotape. I mean, whatever was visually recorded out
22 there, we certainly don't have a problem with them doing
23 that. It's just the circumstances under which that was
24 gathered. You know, if they can show what happened out
25 there, if they want to show that videotape.
Sandra M. Halsey, CSR, Official Court Reporter

1 MR. DOUGLAS MULDER: But we can't ask
2 the --
3 MR. GREG DAVIS: So they have that
4 option. And they still get to show what they feel is
5 important for them to show to this jury.

Seems pretty definite, the defence had the tape and could have played it for the jury but they chose not to. I wonder why?

Darlie was not convicted on the SS tape Darin, she was convicted on overwhelming blood and fibre evidence found at the crime scene. From the cast-off blood of both boys on the back of her nightshirt to the cleaned up kitchen counters and sink.
:waitasec: Cami, did you refer to me as Darin? Or was that a typo?
Wonders, here is a link to author Barbara Davis's statements about how she feels she was wrong about Darlie's guilt after publishing her book Precious Angels:



"He assured me he could afford the time and we met. As I examined piece after piece of evidence I found myself convinced beyond any doubt that Darlie Routier was not the one who murdered her children and inflicted her own wounds on June 6, 1996. I found the State's case against her to be immersed in cover-ups, lies, false representations and evidence that was tampered with, tainted and even created to suit particular purposes.The police and prosecutorial tactics and the work they produced is questionable at best and criminal at worst. I cried. I trembled. I became sick at my stomach to the point that when I got home I threw up."

Dear Ms. Davis:

I'm very interested in learning what the "cover ups, lies, false representations and evidence that was tampered with, tainted and created to suit the prosecution's purposes."

All this you can tell by looking at the CS photos?

Since you have never spoken publicly about the above, I can only assume you are incorrect in your assessment or CWB has managed to pull the proveriable wool over your eyes.

When might you be going to the authorities in Texas? Or better yet, the best way to get this out there is to bring it to the media. You've never done either. The power of the media is so strong in bringing these cases to the public, i.e. the Nanny case in Boston, I am surprised neither you nor Chris Brown has used the media to get this case overturned.
Wonders, I don't know if you ever saw this, but it's American Justice Episode 152; there are five parts:

YouTube - American Justice 152 Part 1

You may find part five especially interesting. :)

Thank you so much PassTheMotrin, Wow...That juror says they convicted her on the silly string tape...(Shocked) but if they had seen the rest of the tape they may not have. DEFENSE fault.
Finger prints of the boys weren't taken at Autopsy. I am in shock over that.
The officer on the scene had made up his mind before he left that house that Darlie did it. I also read this today in the transcripts.

Just on this show alone this women needs a new trial.

ETA: I am going to watch that again later to make sure of what I said.
Thank you so much PassTheMotrin, Wow...That juror says they convicted her on the silly string tape...(Shocked) but if they had seen the rest of the tape they may not have. DEFENSE fault.
Finger prints of the boys weren't taken at Autopsy. I am in shock over that.
The officer on the scene had made up his mind before he left that house that Darlie did it. I also read this today in the transcripts.

Just on this show alone this women needs a new trial.

ETA: I am going to watch that again later to make sure of what I said.

You're right; that is what he said. He also said the photos of the black bruises were not shown to the jury, either. Just because they were entered into evidence does not mean they were shown to the jury.
Thank you so much PassTheMotrin, Wow...That juror says they convicted her on the silly string tape...(Shocked) but if they had seen the rest of the tape they may not have. DEFENSE fault.
Finger prints of the boys weren't taken at Autopsy. I am in shock over that.
The officer on the scene had made up his mind before he left that house that Darlie did it. I also read this today in the transcripts.

Just on this show alone this women needs a new trial.

ETA: I am going to watch that again later to make sure of what I said.

:innocent::innocent::waitasec::waitasec::banghead:Thanks for finally getting to what I believe in this case. When a juror states that a "Silly String Tape" convinced him of her guilt when LE held back the serious part of the taping of the private service (in which they were scolded) why should we not bring forth a new trial to see what other jurors might say in the case. The bruises have always been an issue with me because they do not necessarily show up the same day, probably a few days later if at best some times. The court reporter in the case was sanctioned for the errors in the transcripts so there will never be a complete recording of the trial now matter what other people may say. There have been to many inconsistencies in this trial for me personally to put a person to death... NO WAY, NO HOW!!!! IMHO the Death Penalty is reserved for those proven BEYOND any doubt whatsoever!!! She is not the case, she deserves life in prison over death till this is all played out. This is Texas, they put people to death quicker than any state. This happened in 1996, this is 2009, are they having problems resolving their own issues?????? Again, JMO... Take Care All!!!
:innocent::innocent::waitasec::waitasec::banghead:Thanks for finally getting to what I believe in this case. When a juror states that a "Silly String Tape" convinced him of her guilt when LE held back the serious part of the taping of the private service (in which they were scolded) why should we not bring forth a new trial to see what other jurors might say in the case. The bruises have always been an issue with me because they do not necessarily show up the same day, probably a few days later if at best some times. The court reporter in the case was sanctioned for the errors in the transcripts so there will never be a complete recording of the trial now matter what other people may say. There have been to many inconsistencies in this trial for me personally to put a person to death... NO WAY, NO HOW!!!! IMHO the Death Penalty is reserved for those proven BEYOND any doubt whatsoever!!! She is not the case, she deserves life in prison over death till this is all played out. This is Texas, they put people to death quicker than any state. This happened in 1996, this is 2009, are they having problems resolving their own issues?????? Again, JMO... Take Care All!!!

I am really distrubed by this case. I do believe that Darlie deserves a new trial at this point. I just feel it's a mess of misconduct on everybodies part.

Taken from link that PassTheMotrin posted:
During the trial I amassed over 40 steno pads filled with trial testimony and notes. After I reduced the evidence and trial testimony gathered to writing and sent "Precious Angels" to my publisher, I did what I always do when I finish a book, I went on as usual with my life. But my life decided not to go on as usual with me. My world wrapped securely in my beliefs of justice and fairness was shaken to the very core one day shortly after my book was released. Christopher Brown, author of "Media Tried, Justice Denied" called and asked me if I would keep an open mind and let him show me the true facts gathered by him in Darlie's case. I can honestly tell you that I was more than annoyed with him. After all, he hadn't sat in court day after day, week after week, but I sure had. And who did he think he was dragging this thing on while trying to convince me of something I already knew everything about. I told him he was wasting his time because there was no way I'd ever...I repeat, EVER, believe that Darlie was innocent. He assured me he could afford the time and we met. As I examined piece after piece of evidence I found myself convinced beyond any doubt that Darlie Routier was not the one who murdered her children and inflicted her own wounds on June 6, 1996. I found the State's case against her to be immersed in cover-ups, lies, false representations and evidence that was tampered with, tainted and even created to suit particular purposes.The police and prosecutorial tactics and the work they produced is questionable at best and criminal at worst. I cried. I trembled. I became sick at my stomach to the point that when I got home I threw up.

How awful is the above. Even my stomach is upset by all of this. Gosh I feel terrible for this woman right now.

I gotta check something out. I'll be back.

I had to look at the escape window again. Are there better pic's of that area if anyone knows?
Again PassTheMotrin thank you. I forgot to than you earlier when I read it.

You're welcome! :blowkiss: Other things that stand out to me are:

The fact that they said the glass top of the coffee table was knocked over by Darlie while "creating" the crime scene; yet, in the crime scene photos, the table is upright with the flower vase in place. One LE testified that not only was the table in place; there was no damage to the flowers or the vase when they entered the crime scene.

The jewelry on the breakfast bar wasn't stolen - Because that's not what the "intruder" was there to do to begin with. They weren't interesting in stealing anything.

The screen was reportedly cut from the inside? There was nothing to keep a resident from cutting a screen with their own knife, going out the front door, dropping a sock in the alley, then climbing back in through said cut screen.

How did Darin sleep through the chaos and the baby was left unharmed?

One more thing you might find interesting - One of the responding LE officers on this case is now our Chief of Police.

All IMO, of course.

"He assured me he could afford the time and we met. As I examined piece after piece of evidence I found myself convinced beyond any doubt that Darlie Routier was not the one who murdered her children and inflicted her own wounds on June 6, 1996. I found the State's case against her to be immersed in cover-ups, lies, false representations and evidence that was tampered with, tainted and even created to suit particular purposes.The police and prosecutorial tactics and the work they produced is questionable at best and criminal at worst. I cried. I trembled. I became sick at my stomach to the point that when I got home I threw up."

Dear Ms. Davis:

I'm very interested in learning what the "cover ups, lies, false representations and evidence that was tampered with, tainted and created to suit the prosecution's purposes."

All this you can tell by looking at the CS photos?

Since you have never spoken publicly about the above, I can only assume you are incorrect in your assessment or CWB has managed to pull the proveriable wool over your eyes.

When might you be going to the authorities in Texas? Or better yet, the best way to get this out there is to bring it to the media. You've never done either. The power of the media is so strong in bringing these cases to the public, i.e. the Nanny case in Boston, I am surprised neither you nor Chris Brown has used the media to get this case overturned.



Did you mail that letter to Barbara Davis?
:waitasec: Cami, did you refer to me as Darin? Or was that a typo?

Actually I reread that and no I wasn't calling you Darin sorry, I was talking to Darin's allegations on the American Justice program that Darlie was arrested and convicted on the Bday party tape.

Another thing he lies about.....he states that he was consistently making more money than he had the year before and they had no money problems..."what's the problem" Then six years later he's signing an affidavit for the court that he was broke and looking for someone to rob his house for the insurance money. That's why I think Darin should have been charged with obstruction of justice.

You're welcome! :blowkiss: Other things that stand out to me are:

The fact that they said the glass top of the coffee table was knocked over by Darlie while "creating" the crime scene; yet, in the crime scene photos, the table is upright with the flower vase in place. One LE testified that not only was the table in place; there was no damage to the flowers or the vase when they entered the crime scene.

The jewelry on the breakfast bar wasn't stolen - Because that's not what the "intruder" was there to do to begin with. They weren't interesting in stealing anything.

The screen was reportedly cut from the inside? There was nothing to keep a resident from cutting a screen with their own knife, going out the front door, dropping a sock in the alley, then climbing back in through said cut screen.

How did Darin sleep through the chaos and the baby was left unharmed?

One more thing you might find interesting - One of the responding LE officers on this case is now our Chief of Police.

All IMO, of course.


Yet Darin testified that the glass table was on it's side when he first ran downstairs and thought that that was what had cut Devon.

Q. Yes, sir. What did do you when you
9 saw Devon there, near the glass table?
10 A. Well, the first thing I did was, I was
11 looking for any glass that could have been -- fallen, or
12 broken, or went into him, and I couldn't see anything and
13 I was --
14 Q. Where was the table?
15 A. The table was completely down. It was
16 fallen. The flowers had completely fallen off of the
17 table.
18 Q. All right. The table wasn't sitting
19 slightly askew, and on its base?
20 A. No, it wasn't on its base, it was
21 completely down to the ground.

The CS is first video taped as is, then photographed as is, then the investigators start to move things around, like pillows and tables, in order to look for more evidence.

The screen was first reported to be cut from the outside but after more tests, they realized it had been cut from the outside.

The screen was cut with a knife from the Routier kitchen as the screen fibre and debris on it prove.

I won't comment on the jewellery...that would leave no motive for a stranger to attack two sleeping boys.

Sound tests conducted on the house prove Darin would hear nothing from downstairs.



Did you mail that letter to Barbara Davis?

If Ms. Davis is going to accuse the authorities of malfeasance, then it would be wise for her to offer some proof to back up those allegations or no one is likely to take her seriously. It's possible as well that she won't be believed in future.

If she and CWB have or had proof of these serious accusations she has levelled, then I would expect they would have contacted Darlie's appellate attorneys with such proof or at the very least an investigative journalist who could blow this wide open.

That Darlie has lost all of her appeals in the past 13 years leads me to believe there is no truth to these allegations.
I am really distrubed by this case. I do believe that Darlie deserves a new trial at this point. I just feel it's a mess of misconduct on everybodies part.

Taken from link that PassTheMotrin posted:
During the trial I amassed over 40 steno pads filled with trial testimony and notes. After I reduced the evidence and trial testimony gathered to writing and sent "Precious Angels" to my publisher, I did what I always do when I finish a book, I went on as usual with my life. But my life decided not to go on as usual with me. My world wrapped securely in my beliefs of justice and fairness was shaken to the very core one day shortly after my book was released. Christopher Brown, author of "Media Tried, Justice Denied" called and asked me if I would keep an open mind and let him show me the true facts gathered by him in Darlie's case. I can honestly tell you that I was more than annoyed with him. After all, he hadn't sat in court day after day, week after week, but I sure had. And who did he think he was dragging this thing on while trying to convince me of something I already knew everything about. I told him he was wasting his time because there was no way I'd ever...I repeat, EVER, believe that Darlie was innocent. He assured me he could afford the time and we met. As I examined piece after piece of evidence I found myself convinced beyond any doubt that Darlie Routier was not the one who murdered her children and inflicted her own wounds on June 6, 1996. I found the State's case against her to be immersed in cover-ups, lies, false representations and evidence that was tampered with, tainted and even created to suit particular purposes.The police and prosecutorial tactics and the work they produced is questionable at best and criminal at worst. I cried. I trembled. I became sick at my stomach to the point that when I got home I threw up.

How awful is the above. Even my stomach is upset by all of this. Gosh I feel terrible for this woman right now.

I gotta check something out. I'll be back.

I had to look at the escape window again. Are there better pic's of that area if anyone knows?

Do you have the book MTJD? It has the CS photos in it. They used to have them in the gallaries on the .net site...you might see them there.

In the AJ program it shows the CS video of the window. One thing that stood out to me when I saw it was the amount of junk in front of that window. A animal carrier right underneath it and a big animal cage right beside it. Hard to believe a stranger, unfamiliar with the house, came through that dark crowded garage without knocking something over, but that's just my opinion not a fact.

Have you ever seen the Forensics Files about this case? It's the state's case. It certainly changed my mind from believing she was innocent...that and the reading of the trial transcripts.

Another thing that stands out to me is the amount of blood running down the door leading to the garage, yet no blood dripped in the garage or anywhere outside and no indication the alleged intruder wiped his hands.


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