Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
deandaniellws said:
Beesy, down here in Texas flat headstones are common. In fact, some of the newer cemetery's, flat ones are all they allow. You can also buy little vases that screw into the flat headstones.
There is a picture of the cemetary on that same link and you can see headstones. I never said anything about there being a headstone. Where my grandfather is buried they only allow markers, but not so where Damon and Darin are. Anyway, I've never seen this one justice and Goody are talking about and I looked on several different sites. I don't know how old the picture on Find a Grave is.
beesy said:
There is a picture of the cemetary on that same link and you can see headstones. I never said anything about there being a headstone. Where my grandfather is buried they only allow markers, but not so where Damon and Darin are. Anyway, I've never seen this one justice and Goody are talking about and I looked on several different sites. I don't know how old the picture on Find a Grave is.
This is off the subject...but another thing that really bugs me...is the box of pictures that Darin left in the attic. I can't imagine him leaving them....and the selling of all the toys, and the pair of tennis shoes on the front porch? I don't know. I would have saved things like that. I still have things like that from when my first husband died. It just seems so strange to me how he seems to not care about stuff like that.
I'm OK your OK ,

If I tell you more about Darlie that is personal then good, bad, or ugly, ANYONE can come to this site and put it out there all twisted and perv like I've seen. Even the portrayal of Toby makes me sick on 1 site.

I had no more intentions of doing so as even the well documented space flight a classmate of mine died on is disputed as a lie. I don't care they won't be invited to the reunions anyway--- just in case, My husband and I are the ball and chain award winners cause we've been married the longest.

I have always stated and will state again, I want something besides personal profiling information.

I thought that a lot of the posters who are here now had a better handle on the blood evidence than we had in the past when MTJD first came out. I debated this issue over 6 years ago here on this very site. I was very pro Darlie and believed all the information in MTJD but found several faults of mine own in Chris's book, I remember DP from the old days..... I e mailed her who I was and even told her my true name when I came back. I trust her . If evidence fell from the sky that proved Darlie was innocent DP would get it to the right people and do the right thing even if it blew her mind. This time I decided to look for truth in the evidence and try and not consider any of my own personal ideas about Darlie. If she did it the blood would tell as they say.

I'm having my doubts about her innocence due to cast off. I will explore this further, The DR mentioned in the post who testified for Darlie is about the BEST in Texas. I've heard of him before and just cause the person testifies for the defense doesn't make him any less of a DR. If we are going to have an open mind we have to listen to both sides equally. But we have to go by what is more reasonable to believe too. I do appreciate all the links and information it is a lot more than we used to have in the old forum days.
Goody said:
Actually, I need to go back and reread Dr DiMaio's testimony because you are right. He is very highly respected in his field, something I did not appreciate the first time out. The fact that he says he would list Darlie's wounds as defense wounds in an autopsy does not mean they were actually defense wounds, though I am inclined to believe she got everything but the neck wound during the crime. Cami thinks the arm wound was deliberate as do others here. I think it could be either or. Nonetheless, it wouldn't change my mind about her role in the crime. BTW, Can the assailant also get defense wounds?
Goody, I guess anyone could get defense wounds. If two people were slapping each other around, I assume that one would put their hands up or duck to avoid getting hit, stabbed...ect. So yeah, unless one person was much stronger than the other and didn't put up a fight, both would have defensive wounds.
beesy said:
Would you just leave me alone!!! Why are you including me in all of this crap? I am not a newcomer to this freaking case. How many times do I have to tell you that? I got the books, all 4, when they came out in '99. For some reason, I even had 2 copies of MTJD. If I was just a board *advertiser censored*, then I wouldn't have had those books in the first place! Alot of the people who post on here do not even have a copy of MTJD. I have the first printing. I guess you just figure I'm lying about studying this case since '99? I even emailed Babs when she changed her mind. When she first posted that letter, she had a "contact me". She was answering quetions about why she changed her mind and the additional evidence she found. I asked her about the blood in the sink. So please stop referring to me as a newcomer. I've only been on WS since June of '05, but I am not newcomer to Darlie. Please leave me out of your temper tantrums. Thank you! I will not be replying to anymore of your posts to me. Leave me alone!
Now you know what makes him so huggable,.
deandaniellws said:
No one said the Challenger flight was a lie. I said a flag WAS NOT found whole and that your information you provided was a lie. It could not happen as you say. I have provided the links. It is scientific fact how this happened. Read and learn. People here are not stupid. You can't tell folk stories here and think that it will be taken as fact. Did you bother to read the links? I think not or you would not have brought this up again.
I don't remember much about the challenger but wasn't it televised and didn't the whole country see it explode before it left the earth's atmosphere? Or am I getting space shuttles mixed up?
It is old news and quickly forgotton. Even the bad joke I heard was years ago.
I only gave you back ground on me as I felt it necessary to give you a picture not only of Darlie but the person it is coming from. Thats what I mean about honesty. It does make me vunerable to discussion as well but I have never murdered anyone and especially not a child. I'm doing a lot of research on this case right now and I don't have a problem with ANYONE CORRECTING FAUTLY FACTS.

I am a big girl and I can take it my goodness I lived in a hut:woohoo:

What could be worse than that Snooty, compared to what happened to Devon and Damon.
I just want to know as much truth as possible and if my information is incorrect please feel free to correct me. If your facts aren't right you aren't going to come to the right conclusion.

I may be basing something I believe to be correct ,and I know it makes
beesy like this:banghead: , Sorry, you have been somewhat kind with all your proof, compassionate for the boys, and I feel terribly for your loss. If you want information about me just ask, to those who want to call me a liar about who I am and that my own life experiences are untrue. State your doubts I will clarify if need be, or ask me nicely, I'll kindly respond. There is no need to poke integrity issue buttons here unless you have proof, isn't that what the pro-Darlie side claims anyway. That the prosecution construed and screwed truth instead of seeking it in the first place. If we do that here then we prove what the pro-Darlie side as said all along-- Darlie is judged on character and not evidence she is easy to hate by shallow determinations.

Right now I'm reading Bevels testimony it is in 2 books but the 2nd one is where he gives his testimony. It is in volume 39.

I need if can be found the exhibits TB-3, T-10 ,TB-2 ,T-9.
Are they in MTJD.

Can anyone help in this information
Goody said:
I don't remember much about the challenger but wasn't it televised and didn't the whole country see it explode before it left the earth's atmosphere? Or am I getting space shuttles mixed up?
Yes. I was teaching school then. Most of the world saw it after the fact when it was being replayed and thought they were seeing it in real time. My school was one of the ones (Huffman ISD) that was on the PBS program. We were test driving a new program that NASA was doing..... trying to get elementary and middle schools involved in science. At that time, Texas science scores were horrid. We studied the space program for two years. It was joint adventure to see if the use of TV broadcasting and off site teachers coming in once every other week could improve test scores. Then, if successful, Texas was going to rewrite their science curriculum. I just busted into tears when it happened. Of course, most of the girls in my class did too. Not a day to forget.
deandaniellws said:
Yes. I was teaching school then. Most of the world saw it after the fact when it was being replayed and thought they were seeing it in real time. My school was one of the ones (Huffman ISD) that was on the PBS program. We were test driving a new program that NASA was doing..... trying to get elementary and middle schools involved in science. At that time, Texas science scores were horrid. We studies the space program for two years. It was joint adventure to see if the use of TV broadcasting and off site teachers coming in once every other week could improve test scores. Then, if successful, Texas was going to rewrite their science curriculum. I just busted into tears when it happened. Of course, most of the girls in my class did too. Not a day to forget.
I remember. For a long time I thought the teacher was from Tennessee because they covered so much of it here. Had me totally confused for years. LOL!

I was just wondering if you guys weren't being unnecessarily rough with Jane. I sense a writer in Jane and distinct storytelling style in her posts. I doubt if she is being deceptive as much as just spinning a colorful tale for our amusement. What do you think? Can we cut her a little slack?
Goody said:
I remember. For a long time I thought the teacher was from Tennessee because they covered so much of it here. Had me totally confused for years. LOL!

I was just wondering if you guys weren't being unnecessarily rough with Jane. I sense a writer in Jane and distinct storytelling style in her posts. I doubt if she is being deceptive as much as just spinning a colorful tale for our amusement. What do you think? Can we cut her a little slack?
It is one thing to embellish and make a story colorful..It is quite another thing to out right lie. That Challenger post was a lie. Nothing else can be said about that. Look at the facts of the case. There is no way that she even got CLOSE to the facts there. I will just ignore her. The hospital story was the same. I have had cancer several times. I know how the hospital works. Some things are just not acceptable to lie about. As I said...I will just ignore her.:hand:
deandaniellws said:
It is one thing to embellish and make a story colorful..It is quite another thing to out right lie. That Challenger post was a lie. Nothing else can be said about that. Look at the facts of the case. There is no way that she even got CLOSE to the facts there. I will just ignore her. The hospital story was the same. I have had cancer several times. I know how the hospital works. Some things are just not acceptable to lie about. As I said...I will just ignore her.:hand:
If you insist, but I suspect you are making a mountain out of a molehill. Country people don't always phrase things the way cityfolk do. And sometimes truth is more perception than fact.
Goody said:
If you insist, but I suspect you are making a mountain out of a molehill. Country people don't always phrase things the way cityfolk do. And sometimes truth is more perception than fact.
Come ON Goody! Finding a flag from the Challenger when nothing was left inside of the Challenger? Read my post on that. NOT possible! That is not perception...that is a bold face lie. Ordering tests and the hosptial not KNOWING she wasn't a doctor? Again, not a perception issue. Those things are lies. No other way around it. :laugh:* The cabin hit the water at a speed greater than 200 mph, resulting in a force of about 200 G’s — crushing the structure and destroying everything inside* Either you see something or you don't. Like I said...nothing to do with perception...everything to do with lying. Then she states we feel threatned? Nope. I can spot Bulsh*t when I see it. I live on a farm remember?
beesy said:
There is a picture of the cemetary on that same link and you can see headstones. I never said anything about there being a headstone. Where my grandfather is buried they only allow markers, but not so where Damon and Darin are. Anyway, I've never seen this one justice and Goody are talking about and I looked on several different sites. I don't know how old the picture on Find a Grave is.
Ok guys, I call a headstone and a marker the same thing, a headstone. It's placed at the head of the grave ... I'll have to watch the videos again and find where they show the grave. You can see the airplane in the one at find a grave. I'll let you know if the one in the video is different from this one.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Get off my case I don't make personal coments about your theories, ideas or life experiences cause at least you have the guts to put them out there. If you are as honest as you claim then you could admit that you have faults and so does Darlie and every other living human out there. You should take with a grain of salt everything you hear until you know for a fact that it is true. That goes for about all information in life. I really don't care if you respond of not I didn't come here to win friends and influnce people. I would rather discuss the evidence.

You're the one who brought it up. You can't expect posters to NOT ask questions. I personally don't care about what Darlie did when she was four years old. I think its fine if you don't want to discuss it. Just don't make statements and expect posters NOT to ask questions about them.
G.I.RattlesnakeJane said:
Don't kid me Darlie could be a silver tongued devil when she got old enough to join the womens circle at the table with her mother and her mothers friends. She teased plenty and was quick with a comeback. I never got my feelings truly hurt and she never did either. Some of it was hilarous, None of the close women friends was abusive to Darlie. Its probably the same stuff you do with your close friends. Darlie would tease us older women about gravity and such.
We would tease her about being young dumb and not really a true blonde. That wasn't they only conversations we had at the table, playing cards usually, but its the ones I remember most cause we were happy and we were ALL laughing. It was good times not bad. Thats what I mean about y'all reading into what I say what you want it to mean not what it really is. Haven't you ever been to a HEN PARTY-- I mean thats all it is in the beauty parlor in Steel Magnolias

Darlie never had a dark side in her childhood years, she could socialize with her own peers as well as older friends of the family. She was self assured enough to give and take in all relationships she had, her marriage, her friends, her parents friends. Her closest friends have always been her sisters. Her Mom was her best friend when she got older. Just like mine is to me now. She'll never lie to me, she's my mama.

Post No. 20, you're telling people you only want to talk about the EVIDENCE and now this. You're going to have to make up your mind darlin because I'm not going to deal with the backlash because you're wishy-washy.
SnootyVixen said:
Rattlesnake, Goody speak with forked tongue. Actually all speak with forked tongue. They want all the personal info you can give them on Darlie and her family so they can add it to the fuel when they ridicule and write their know it all despicable posts about them. Please don't tell them a thing more. They are using you and they will such you dry and toss away the husk and move on. And also it's fun to keep them in the dark about so much that they want to know. So have a little fun. If you will send me your email by IM I will send you to a Darlie forum you will like better.
This bunch of people has been together for years now and all totally believe her to be guilty and so every newcomer only gets the guilty side when learning about the case. Sorry Beesy but you never had a chance at a balanced view. And this group seems to never get it's fill of posting to each other about what a horrible mother Darlie was, and what great mother's they are. What a vicious killer Darlie was and how they never would do something like that. How trampy Darlie looked and how lady like they all look. How ugly Darin is and how handsome their husbands are etc...etc...etc. I think you get the picture.
Except for Jeana. I do have to say this about Jeana. She's a nice person and she's actually a beautiful woman with nice kids and a hunka hunka hubby. But I think she's more convinced of Darlie's guilt because of her friendship with Toby Shook than her own reasoning. JMO though. Her I like.

But this ain't the place for you Rattlesnake.

It ain't the place for you either Jeff. You're gone.
Goody said:
I sense a writer in Jane and distinct storytelling style in her posts. I doubt if she is being deceptive as much as just spinning a colorful tale for our amusement. What do you think? Can we cut her a little slack?[/color]

If we don't, some posters will be taking a vacation. I've had just about enough.
Goody said:
If you insist, but I suspect you are making a mountain out of a molehill. Country people don't always phrase things the way cityfolk do. And sometimes truth is more perception than fact.

I'm not calling Jane a liar or anything and no offense, but people in Lubbock aren't country people. It's a town of about 200,000 and mostly people in professions or university students. There are some old cotton farmers here who are very wealthy but are still educated and do not talk like country people. I bet you are right about descriptions being written like a short story and that is why I am seeing things differently.
txsvicki said:
I'm not calling Jane a liar or anything and no offense, but people in Lubbock aren't country people. It's a town of about 200,000 and mostly people in professions or university students. There are some old cotton farmers here who are very wealthy but are still educated and do not talk like country people. I bet you are right about descriptions being written like a short story and that is why I am seeing things differently.
That's a very good question. It's probably better to ask Jane something more specific like that anyway. It's hard to know what to say when people just ask you for anything you know. If we are specific then she can say "well, I didn't talk to her much at that point in her life" that sort of thing.
Yall aint country folks down thar in Lubbuck? I thought yalls was

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