Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

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dasgal said:
Well Jeana, I DO remember Ms. Kee telling me that "if Darlie did it, we forgive her."
That was one of the first things to turn my head.
I can understand a mother saying that. Doing it might have been more difficult, but how does a mother who truly loves her child just stop loving that child when they do something horrible? I can't even begin to imagine having to accept something like that about my children, but I don't think forgiving Darlie has anything at all to do with the love and grief they feel for the boys. I think forgiving Darlie is the only thing they could do because the whole thing was so far out of Darlie Kee's control.
Goody said:
I can understand a mother saying that. Doing it might have been more difficult, but how does a mother who truly loves her child just stop loving that child when they do something horrible? I can't even begin to imagine having to accept something like that about my children, but I don't think forgiving Darlie has anything at all to do with the love and grief they feel for the boys. I think forgiving Darlie is the only thing they could do because the whole thing was so far out of Darlie Kee's control.
Well Goody, you are partly right.....it also shows that no matter what, she is going to take up for Darlie and try to get her out of there.
dasgal said:
Well Goody, you are partly right.....it also shows that no matter what, she is going to take up for Darlie and try to get her out of there.
Agreed, but I am not so sure we can blame her for that. No one wants to see their baby in prison, esp if you believe that she was not herself when she did such a horrible thing and would never do it again, let alone see her executed. By now, DK may be satisfied with just saving her life. I don't see that happening unless the defense comes up with a really good federal appellate argument, which it doesn't look like they are or they'd be rushing to file it.
Goody said:
Agreed, but I am not so sure we can blame her for that. No one wants to see their baby in prison, esp if you believe that she was not herself when she did such a horrible thing and would never do it again, let alone see her executed. By now, DK may be satisfied with just saving her life. I don't see that happening unless the defense comes up with a really good federal appellate argument, which it doesn't look like they are or they'd be rushing to file it.
I would not say a word if my little darling was in prison for the brutal butchery of my grandbabies. Instead of trying to get her out, I would be trying to get her meds. JMO.
dasgal said:
I would not say a word if my little darling was in prison for the brutal butchery of my grandbabies. Instead of trying to get her out, I would be trying to get her meds. JMO.
Maybe so, but I can't say I would be or could be that harsh against my own flesh 'n blood. After all, mothers never want to admit that their babies are ugly.
dasgal said:
I would not say a word if my little darling was in prison for the brutal butchery of my grandbabies. Instead of trying to get her out, I would be trying to get her meds. JMO.
hello----!!! nobody loves their kids more than me-- but if they butchered their own children... i would not be on the band wagon to get them out of prison..i would still love them, somehow......but forgive??? i dont believe i could-
Goody said:
Agreed, but I am not so sure we can blame her for that. No one wants to see their baby in prison, esp if you believe that she was not herself when she did such a horrible thing and would never do it again, let alone see her executed. By now, DK may be satisfied with just saving her life. I don't see that happening unless the defense comes up with a really good federal appellate argument, which it doesn't look like they are or they'd be rushing to file it.
what do you think of scott petersons family then? his crime was as horrendous, his parents are on the not-guilty bandwagon-- would you feel the same loyalty to him if you were his mother?
j2mirish said:
what do you think of scott petersons family then? his crime was as horrendous, his parents are on the not-guilty bandwagon-- would you feel the same loyalty to him if you were his mother?

I think the Peterson's are a class unto themselves. 'Folks without class'.
I know very little about this case, but the Peterson's???
At least DK said ''IF Darlie did it - we forgive her.'' The Peterson's would not acknowledge for a second that their little prince was capable of swatting a fly.

I am childless, but I agree that it would be very hard to click your fingers and stop loving your child even if they did something awful. I don't believe I would campaign for their freedom and protest their punishment, but who can tell?
I can only pray that something this heinous will remain in the news and not in my home.
Goody said:
Agreed, but I am not so sure we can blame her for that. No one wants to see their baby in prison, esp if you believe that she was not herself when she did such a horrible thing and would never do it again, let alone see her executed. By now, DK may be satisfied with just saving her life. I don't see that happening unless the defense comes up with a really good federal appellate argument, which it doesn't look like they are or they'd be rushing to file it.
Goody, I'm not saying she doesn't love Darlie, but I think she's more worried about the family's image than Darlie's guilt. She is also a grandmother, not just a mother. She seems to have forgotten that.
It's one thing to love your child... but to do anything that in any way condones the murder of an innocent life, whether it's an adult or a child, is another whole ballgame, IMO. The Mark Hacking family is a good example of a family that has stood behind their son with love and support but understands he has to be punished for his crimes. To deny your child's crime and to spend every waking minute proclaiming their innocence puts it into another realm for me. Love is one thing and justice is another. Crimes against humanity have to have a punishment, and love does not preclude that from happening.
j2mirish said:
what do you think of scott petersons family then? his crime was as horrendous, his parents are on the not-guilty bandwagon-- would you feel the same loyalty to him if you were his mother?
No, but I think their approach is different than Darlie Kee's. The Peterson's were willing to sacrifice the whole family to help Scott get away with murder, to help him flee, then still want to fight Laci's parents for insurance money, personal possessions, etc. I feel sorry for Jackie because of her illness, but I really think she needs to wake up and smell the roses. Surely she loved Laci, too. Where is that love now?

Darlie Kee, I think, just wants to get Darlie off of death row. What has she done really to free her daughter? She didn't fix her up with cash and supplies to flee the country, that is for sure. As far as I can see, the only thing she does is say her daughter is not guilty. I think DK knows different but she just can't admit it publicly.
beesy said:
Goody, I'm not saying she doesn't love Darlie, but I think she's more worried about the family's image than Darlie's guilt. She is also a grandmother, not just a mother. She seems to have forgotten that.
I don't think so. She doesn't owe us any form of public statements about the kids. In short, the worst thing you can say about DK is that she is in denial. I will bet that she grieves much more over those two kids than either of their parents do.
HeartofTexas said:
It's one thing to love your child... but to do anything that in any way condones the murder of an innocent life, whether it's an adult or a child, is another whole ballgame, IMO. The Mark Hacking family is a good example of a family that has stood behind their son with love and support but understands he has to be punished for his crimes. To deny your child's crime and to spend every waking minute proclaiming their innocence puts it into another realm for me. Love is one thing and justice is another. Crimes against humanity have to have a punishment, and love does not preclude that from happening.
DK doesn't have much choice. If she stands behind her daughter with love and support and admits she did it, she will just be helping them pull the switch on Darlie's life. She has to claim innocence because innocence is the only thing that will get Darlie off of death row. I just don't like blaming DK for anything. She has not done anything wrong. This is Darlie's and Darin's doing, maybe only Darlie's. Either way, DK doesn't have a horse in this race. I don't think we can blame her for wanting to save her daughter's life. If she knew Darlie could get her sentence commuted to life with a full confession, I will bet you that she would be begging Darlie to confess.
Goody said:
I don't think so. She doesn't owe us any form of public statements about the kids. In short, the worst thing you can say about DK is that she is in denial. I will bet that she grieves much more over those two kids than either of their parents do.
No, she doesn't have to deliver anything formal, but have you ever heard her mention the boys without saying Darlie's name in the same sentence? We know very little about the boys, just the basics. Have you ever heard any of them tell cutesy stories? It's all about Darlie. I have never even heard anybody mention if either boy was in school or preschool yet. Even though I've read and studied this case again and again, the boys are strangers to me. Do you know anything about their schooling or their hobbies cause I sure don't...only as it relates to Darlie's mothering skills.
dasgal said:
Well Jeana, I DO remember Ms. Kee telling me that "if Darlie did it, we forgive her."
That was one of the first things to turn my head.

HOW on earth did I forget about that??? :doh:
Goody said:
[color=indigo I think DK knows different but she just can't admit it publicly. [/color]

Me too. But I think it would be hard to admit you raised a child killer.
beesy said:
No, she doesn't have to deliver anything formal, but have you ever heard her mention the boys without saying Darlie's name in the same sentence? We know very little about the boys, just the basics. Have you ever heard any of them tell cutesy stories? It's all about Darlie. I have never even heard anybody mention if either boy was in school or preschool yet. Even though I've read and studied this case again and again, the boys are strangers to me. Do you know anything about their schooling or their hobbies cause I sure don't...only as it relates to Darlie's mothering skills.
Unfortunately, anything she says about the boys will be used against her or Darlie or both. Her focus right now is to save Darlie. Her first commitment is to her daughter. She can't help the boys, all she can do is try to save their mother.
cami said:
Me too. But I think it would be hard to admit you raised a child killer.
Of course,it would. I can't imagine having to say something like that out loud. Can you?
Originally Posted by cami
Me too. But I think it would be hard to admit you raised a child killer.

Goody-Of course,it would. I can't imagine having to say something like that out loud. Can you?

depends-- is the parent saying their child killed, or is the parent saying it is becuase of the way i raised my child, he or she killed? i wouldnt want to admitt either- but the first sure would be easier to have to spit out- are we going back to the reasons why people kill??? the way they were raised, so the excuses can kick in? i had to get an argument in there goody- i agrreed with you on the other thread!!! )
Goody said:
Unfortunately, anything she says about the boys will be used against her or Darlie or both. Her focus right now is to save Darlie. Her first commitment is to her daughter. She can't help the boys, all she can do is try to save their mother.
Easy out Goody. Does that mean you don't know any more about the boys than I do? Does anybody know beyond the basics?

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