Darlie Routier asks for DNA testing

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
That's false. The Tshirt was tested.

However, the defense (after the verdict and as part of a later effort for more DNA testing and using advanced DNA testing since the murders) asked for *additional testing* of some individual stains that were not tested. Not every single stain on an item of clothing that has dozens of stains is necessarily going to be tested by the state. They only have so many resources and decisions have to be made on priority of items to test, how much to test, etc.

The jury heard and saw everything presented to them in the courtroom. They heard and saw all witnesses. The jury, at its discretion, can choose to believe or not believe any witnesses testimony in whole or in part. They can choose to put weight on any evidence, or not. Totally up to them to decide.

And decide they did.

Exactly what did they test on the nightshirt? It sure wasn't the blood. They argued that the blood on the back of Darlie's nightshirt was castoff blood from stabbing the children, am I right? Then if they tested the blood on the back of the nightshirt for the Y- chromosome (meaning a males blood), and they found NONE with the Y- chromosome, how can they argue it is Devon's and Damon's cast off blood in court? What evidence did the prosecution have that this cast off blood was Devon;s and Damon's? Absolutely none!! only Bevel's testimony. Which is worthless without something to back it up. This technology existed in the 80's.
Again, they did not want this blood evidence placed into the trial, because if it was Bevel's testimony about his expertise would have been shot to h***. So, if it was tested for the Y-chromosome, then the prosecution withheld the results.
When defense supporters' only argument (after the trial is over) is "the prosecution and all the witnesses lied", then they are indeed desperate. Why weren't the defense attorneys raising all these questions during the trial, in front of the jury? (Doug Mulder's defense allowed the obviously-guilty Walker Railey to walk free, which is why Mulder was chosen by Darlie's family.) The appellate process was followed to the full extent after the trial - when questions about the defense could be brought forth if warranted. Multiple appeals failed.

If the prosecution, law enforcement, medical community and appellate courts all conspired together to frame Darlie, what was their reason?
Why would you try an Alford plea when the only real solid evidence-the blood on the nightshirt says you didn't do it. The prosecution has no solid evidence. Only the stiry they made up. Even the federal judge says the prosecutions theory in convoluted and ridiculous.
When defense supporters' only argument (after the trial is over) is "the prosecution and all the witnesses lied", then they are indeed desperate. Why weren't the defense attorneys raising all these questions during the trial, in front of the jury? (Doug Mulder's defense allowed the obviously-guilty Walker Railey to walk free, which is why Mulder was chosen by Darlie's family.) The appellate process was followed to the full extent after the trial - when questions about the defense could be brought forth if warranted. Multiple appeals failed.

If the prosecution, law enforcement, medical community and appellate courts all conspired together to frame Darlie, what was their reason?

Of course there was a conspiracy to convict Darlie. Why was there there a rehearsal presented by the prosecution? There is only a rehearsal so they can get there story right, so they can get a conviction. You know, why you have a rehearsal before the wedding- to get it right, so they are all on the same page.

That in my book is exactly why they had a rehearsal. So, they would all be on the same page to get a conviction. Blood spatter expert- WRONG!!!, Bevel a know liar and will say anything for a buck- NOT an expert witness- police taking the 5th, errors in the transcripts, a knife missing, bloody print does not belong to the Routiers, etc. Exactly what PROOF do they have that was backed by forensics- absolutely none. What did they test on the hightshirt? Blood. NOT. If they did they would have known there was none of any of the Routier's, who are male, on the nightshirt. DNA was able to be sequenced in 1980 with relative easy using Southern blotting. And, in 1981 DNA sequencing time had increased to better than 10 times the ability of 1980.

What hard evidence does the prosecution have? Now, the defense has one solid piece of evidence- nobody's but Darlie's blood is on the nightshirt. How do you explain this if she stabbed her children, and had to fight with them so she could stab them again and again, yet she did not get any of their blood on her? I'd really like to hear this explanation.

Go ahead, make another story to help the prosecution. It just is NOT possible.
Well, that is all the defense had. They didn't have any iformation except what the prosecution gave them. Sort to hard to win when most of the evidence given to them was false.

I could convict anyone too, if all they had was the information I chose to give to the defense.
Why would you try an Alford plea when the only real solid evidence-the blood on the nightshirt says you didn't do it. The prosecution has no solid evidence. Only the stiry they made up. Even the federal judge says the prosecutions theory in convoluted and ridiculous.

Why would you try an Alford plea when the only real evidence says you didn't do it? Simple - because you're on death row.

Pretend different if you want, but if you were facing execution and the prosecution offered you an Alford plea in exchange for your life, I bet you would plead to guilty to a cannibal holocaust. I know I would.
Go ahead, make another story to help the prosecution.

It's over. She's on death row, running out of things to test. Eventually, at some point, she will have lost her last appeal & then her date with the executioner will be set.
It's over. She's on death row, running out of things to test. Eventually, at some point, she will have lost her last appeal & then her date with the executioner will be set.

So, you just want her executed even if she is innocent. That is the problem with Texas. No one wants the truth.

There is absolutely no way Darlie could stab the boys, and fight with them (as many say that is how she got the bruises), and not got their blood on the nightshirt. But, this evidence doesn't give you any doubt at all that she killed the boys, right?

As far as you're concerned she's guilty no matter what the physical evidence says, right?

I have never seen so much hatred from people who don't like someone because they dyed their hair, had a boob job, had money at one time, and chewed gum like a cow, etc. But, the actual evidence says Darlie did not kill the boys. If you still believe she did, may I ask how she avoided getting the boy's blood on her nightshirt? I'll await for your explanation, Madeleine.
Texas would love to get this Alford plea, because it would help them save face after all the botched trial and evidence by the state.
That's what I believe as well, because of her desire to totally deny and complete inability to admit the heinousness of her crime of murdering her own children, she's actually convinced herself she didn't do it in her own narcissistic mind. Which amounts to nothing but lying to herself, in addition to lying to the rest of the world. Nothing new though among people like her, IMO.

If she had stabbed the boys she would have had blood on her nightshirt from them. She does not. Ther is no evidence that she stabbed either Damon or Devon. Only the testimony of liars like Cron and bevel who can be bought. Cron convicted before he even looked at the evidence. Sure, he looked at all the things that were visually available to him, but not the scientific evidence he couldn't see. He just ignored them as did the state. There is no way she could stab the boys and not getlood on her nightshirt. And, there is unknown DNA in the bloody fingerprint that Darlie has been excluded as the contributor.

The total police effort to gather evidence was a complete failure in this case. And, the prosecutions theory of what happened and why is not only totally ridiculous to a federal judge, bu tto anyone who knows anything about the science of genetics. Mulder should have been canned and she should have had a scientist defens her. Most lawyers do not understand the sciences very well. Oh, they know the law, but what little they know about DNA can surely get one convicted.

Sorry, but from what has been found so far as far as the DNA testing, there is a 99% chance darlie will be exonerated. You cannot stab someone in the chest and not get blood on you. Blood will gush! you see the largest vessels are in the chest, and when they are severed blood gushes. It is not like you cut a finger.
If she had stabbed the boys she would have had blood on her nightshirt from them. She does not. Ther is no evidence that she stabbed either Damon or Devon. Only the testimony of liars like Cron and bevel who can be bought. Cron convicted before he even looked at the evidence. Sure, he looked at all the things that were visually available to him, but not the scientific evidence he couldn't see. He just ignored them as did the state. There is no way she could stab the boys and not getlood on her nightshirt. And, there is unknown DNA in the bloody fingerprint that Darlie has been excluded as the contributor.

The total police effort to gather evidence was a complete failure in this case. And, the prosecutions theory of what happened and why is not only totally ridiculous to a federal judge, bu tto anyone who knows anything about the science of genetics. Mulder should have been canned and she should have had a scientist defens her. Most lawyers do not understand the sciences very well. Oh, they know the law, but what little they know about DNA can surely get one convicted.

Sorry, but from what has been found so far as far as the DNA testing, there is a 99% chance darlie will be exonerated. You cannot stab someone in the chest and not get blood on you. Blood will gush! you see the largest vessels are in the chest, and when they are severed blood gushes. It is not like you cut a finger.

She does have blood on the back of her nightgown and the spatter showed quite clearly that she had to be raising something above her head again and again.
If she had stabbed the boys she would have had blood on her nightshirt from them. She does not. Ther is no evidence that she stabbed either Damon or Devon. Only the testimony of liars like Cron and bevel who can be bought. Cron convicted before he even looked at the evidence. Sure, he looked at all the things that were visually available to him, but not the scientific evidence he couldn't see. He just ignored them as did the state. There is no way she could stab the boys and not getlood on her nightshirt. And, there is unknown DNA in the bloody fingerprint that Darlie has been excluded as the contributor.

The total police effort to gather evidence was a complete failure in this case. And, the prosecutions theory of what happened and why is not only totally ridiculous to a federal judge, bu tto anyone who knows anything about the science of genetics. Mulder should have been canned and she should have had a scientist defens her. Most lawyers do not understand the sciences very well. Oh, they know the law, but what little they know about DNA can surely get one convicted.

Sorry, but from what has been found so far as far as the DNA testing, there is a 99% chance darlie will be exonerated. You cannot stab someone in the chest and not get blood on you. Blood will gush! you see the largest vessels are in the chest, and when they are severed blood gushes. It is not like you cut a finger.

Devon's and Damon's blood WAS identified in four places on Darlie's nightshirt in the original DNA testing and that evidence was presented at the 1997 trial.

1) In the trial transcript of January 22, 1997, beginning around page 3337, Tom Bevel testifies about the boys blood spatter on the shirt.
2) Starting on page 3370, he testifies about meeting with Darlie's defense team on December 30, 1996 and turning over his notes to them, including the locations and IDs of the various blood tests on of the shirt. (Note, by law, the testing results had already been given to the defense; these were just Bevel's notes).
3) During the long cross-examination of Bevel on that day, the defense countered the testimony about the reason for the boys' blood splatter on the shirt. IMO they did a pretty good job countering Bevel's testimony by arguing that the splatter on her shirt could have come from spittle or other emanations and not necessarily knife wielding.

Thus, the defense was well aware of the boys' blood on Darlie's shirt and discussed it during the trial.

The trial was recorded and mistakes in the transcripts were corrected by a second court reporter (Susan Simmons) from the recordings. The Simmons transcripts are now on record as the corrected transcripts.

I would encourage anyone who is following this case to read the trial transcripts, as there is much misinformation floating around. The sections mentioned above are too lengthy to duplicate here but I tried to put as many directions to get to these sections as possible so you don't have to search.

The trial lasted a month and there are almost 6,000 pages of transcripts. The jury decided on the preponderance of evidence, not just one or two testimonies.
I must have missed something! So the blood on Darlies nightshirt was only her blood and not the boys????? Is that correct? If so how in the world did that get messed up?
That is correct. There is no male blood on her nightshirt , with the maybe exception of ONE small dot on her back. All the other blood found on the nightshirt belongs to Darlie. If Darlie had stabbed the boys show would jhave had a lot more blood on her from them, than one small dot.
How did that get messed up you ask? Poor lab work, manipulation of evidence, withholding evidence, and actually relying on so called expert witness rather than real evidence. Like I said- it was a theatrical trial by the prosecution to get a conviction. There was NO solid evidence presented in court. The only thing they presented was expert witnesses (Not really experts though), and they tried to destroy Darlie's credibility, reputation, and lifestyle to get the jurors to see her as an evil person. Which they did. Now that the federal judge has required the state of Texas to allow testing of the evidence, things are now starting to come about, that there could easily have been done an intruder.With the way this trial went, they could have convicted anybody they wanted.
The state of Texas even convicted a person of murder while he was in jail during the period of the murder. He is also on death row to this day as far as I know. Even by presenting the fact that he was in the custody of the state of Texas, he was convicted.
Hi Jennifer, please go to this link: http://darlielynnroutier.com/wp-con...-DNA-Motions-and-Results-of-first-testing.pdf

and then page 17 and 18 with the lab results. And you will notice all the males blood from the Routier family is EXcluded as a contributing source.

This assertion is not 100% true for all samples. The DNA profile for samples LS-1 and LS-3 is consistent with a mixture. Damon, Devin and Darin are only excluded as contributors from the major component. Due to the low level of data present above their analysis threshold, no comparisons were made in regards to the minor component. During the trial the prosecution indicates that sample LS-1 was identified as being a mixture of Damon and Darlie's blood, and sample LS-3 as being a mixture of Devon and Darlie's blood (excerpt of transcript below). The basis for these statements was DNA testing done in 1996 (http://darlielynnroutier.com/sample-page/1996-dna-report-gene-screen/).

5 Q. Okay. Now, I want to turn your
6 attention to the stains on the left shoulder area, Mr.
7 Bevel. These were marked as LS-1 and LS-3. And you see
8 the indications that we have there. LS-1, you see we
9 have a mixture between, again, Damon Routier and Darlie
10 Routier on LS-1 and on LS-3 we have indicated a mixture
11 between Devon Routier and Darlie Routier.
12 A. Yes, sir.
That is correct. There is no male blood on her nightshirt , with the maybe exception of ONE small dot on her back. All the other blood found on the nightshirt belongs to Darlie. If Darlie had stabbed the boys show would jhave had a lot more blood on her from them, than one small dot.

Where are you getting that the cast-off blood on the back of her shirt was not the boys?

This is 150% false.

The new testing was on different blood stains on the shirt, along with other items. No UNIDENTIFIED male blood was found. The male blood that WAS discovered cannot exclude Darin, Damon, or Devon as contributors.

I think you are completely misinterpreting the DNA results.

There is no unidentified male blood. There is unidentifiABLE blood but that doesn't mean Devon & Damon are excluded. It means they can't get a DNA profile for testing from it.

And the cast-off blood on the back of the shirt is STILL Devon's and Damon's DNA. It didn't suddenly become someone else's blood. It was always theirs and it still is.
Ture - the procesuting team is not looking so hot right now. But, people are stubborn, so I would not be surprised if Darlie was 'invited' to submit an Alford plea. Thoughts?

How in the world is the prosecution not looking hot right now?

So far, the DNA results have confirmed what they always said. There is no DNA from an intruder because there never was an intruder.

Not one bit of the new DNA test results that I have seen has been favorable for Darlie. So how does that make Texas look bad?
I must have missed something! So the blood on Darlies nightshirt was only her blood and not the boys????? Is that correct? If so how in the world did that get messed up?

No, you didn't miss anything.

Of course the blood on the nightshirt is Devon's and Damon's!

All this talk about the blood not being theirs is 100% incorrect. People have either misunderstood the test results or someone is lying.

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