Day 2 The Pineapple in the Bowl/ 12 Days of JonBenet

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Sep 13, 2003
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If you watched the A&E Special you noticed not one single thing was said about the pineapple. Since this was all Michael Tracey and his buddy David Mills this is not the least bit surprising.

They barely mentioned the ransom note too.

The pineapple in the bowl left out on the table. Burke's prints and Patsy's prints are found on the bowl.

JonBenet was found to have pineapple in her small intestine meaning she ate the pineapple shortly before her death.

PMPT Page 433

"The police had to piece together the findings of the various pathologists, who had explained to them that when food is swallowed, it goes first to the stomach, then passes to the duodenum, and from there to the lower small intestine. Eventually, the digested food passes into the large bowel, from which it exits. Food found in the stomach and intestines can sometimes be used to estimate the time of ingestion and to narrow the time of death.

In the Ramseys' dining room, just steps away from the kitchen, the police had found a bowl with fresh pineapple in it. Meyer noted in his report that the pineapple in JonBenét's small intestine was in near-perfect condition -- it had sharp edges and looked as if it had been recently eaten and poorly chewed.

Based on the condition of the pineapple in her intestine, the experts estimated that JonBenét had eaten it an hour and a half or two hours before she died, most likely after the family returned home that night. If she had eaten the pineapple after 10:30 P.M., that made the approximate time of death not earlier than midnight."

From the Today show interview March 24th, 2000:
Mr. RAMSEY: Let's deal with the facts that I know. The facts are that JonBenet was asleep when we brought her home, we put her to bed, and neither Patsy or I fed her anything, because she was asleep. Those are the facts.

Let's make this simple. The Ramsey's want you to believe the intruder fed JonBenet pineapple before he killed her. The pineapple was in a bowl with Burke's and Patsy's prints.


If you are reading this and can really believe that an intruder went and woke up JonBenet, JonBenet didn't make a peep, then fed pineapple to JonBenet while everyone in the house slept, then I am at a loss for words.

Feel free to add to this thread about the pineapple. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Remember, September 18th, on CBS is the real docu-series you need to watch. This docu-series has James Kolar, Henry Lee and more. The real experts.

It's day 2 in the 12 Days of JonBenet as we work up to the CBS show.

Thank you,

If you watched the A&E Special you noticed not one single thing was said about the pineapple. Since this was all Michael Tracey and his buddy David Mills this is not the least bit surprising.

They barely mentioned the ransom note too.

The pineapple in the bowl left out on the table. Burke's prints and Patsy's prints are found on the bowl.

JonBenet was found to have pineapple in her small intestine meaning she ate the pineapple shortly before her death.

From the Today show interview March 24th, 2000:

Let's make this simple. The Ramsey's want you to believe the intruder fed JonBenet pineapple before he killed her. The pineapple was in a bowl with Burke's and Patsy's prints.


If you are reading this and can really believe that an intruder went and woke up JonBenet, JonBenet didn't make a peep, then fed pineapple to JonBenet while everyone in the house slept, then I am at a loss for words.

Feel free to add to this thread about the pineapple. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Remember, September 18th, on CBS is the real docu-series you need to watch. This docu-series has James Kolar, Henry Lee and more. The real experts.

It's day 2 in the 12 Days of JonBenet as we work up to the CBS show.

Thank you,

thanks for bringing this up
I cant comment anything unless someone enlightens me re the following

who is the source of the new info regarding cherries and grapes being found during the autopsy?
if the info is correct does this mean that the AR made public is incomplete and other crucial info is missing as well?

sorry but am a bit confused
If you watched the A&E Special you noticed not one single thing was said about the pineapple. Since this was all Michael Tracey and his buddy David Mills this is not the least bit surprising.

They barely mentioned the ransom note too.

The pineapple in the bowl left out on the table. Burke's prints and Patsy's prints are found on the bowl.

JonBenet was found to have pineapple in her small intestine meaning she ate the pineapple shortly before her death.

From the Today show interview March 24th, 2000:

Let's make this simple. The Ramsey's want you to believe the intruder fed JonBenet pineapple before he killed her. The pineapple was in a bowl with Burke's and Patsy's prints.


If you are reading this and can really believe that an intruder went and woke up JonBenet, JonBenet didn't make a peep, then fed pineapple to JonBenet while everyone in the house slept, then I am at a loss for words.

Feel free to add to this thread about the pineapple. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Remember, September 18th, on CBS is the real docu-series you need to watch. This docu-series has James Kolar, Henry Lee and more. The real experts.

It's day 2 in the 12 Days of JonBenet as we work up to the CBS show.

Thank you,

Perhaps JB snuck downstairs that night, and found the bowl of pineapple, and the intruder got her while she was eating!

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ACANDYROSE.COM has a FANTASTIC PAGE all about the pineapple.

You can read everything about the pineapple at this link:

If you do use ACANDYROSE.COM at all please remember she does all this work because her heart is in getting to the truth.

ACANDYROSE.COM has a PayPal button. If everyone who uses her page gave 1 dollar it would be an enormous help.

Thank you,
Perhaps JB snuck downstairs that night, and found the bowl of pineapple, and the intruder got her while she was eating!

Sent from my SM-G928T using Tapatalk

maybe she came down and surprised him in the kitchen having some tea while calmly composing the RN

sorry couldnt help it *)

reminds me of that show those three ridiculous mediums did in the Ramsey home
No mention of the pineapple, well that's kind of inconvenient, any mention of dna, how about Ramsey dna on JonBenet's clothing, is it listed?

The big question on the pineapple is really this: who prepared the pineapple for JonBenet, since she was too small to fetch it for herself, i.e. she could not reach up into the freezer, etc?

Was it Burke, Patsy, or JR?

Now if Patsy prepared the pineapple snack, why did she forget to cleanup behind her when doing the staging, since she knew the story was : we all went to bed?

Similarly with JR why bother with a neat version of events, which includes stuff about suitcases, broken windows and autonomous chairs, when you forget to cleanup at the breakfast bar?

That leaves Burke as the obvious candidate for preparing the pineapple snack, and once JonBenet was severely injured the breakfast bar was totally forgotten about, even the following morning's guests did not pick up on it's importance leaving it free from their cleaning routine.

Watch out for Patsy telling so many lies, e.g. the size-12 underwear, stuff on the breakfast-bar table: I don't recognize them, etc. In essence Patsy lies about stuff upstairs and JR about stuff downstairs, i.e. they are both attempting post-hoc explanations for stuff they either were ignorant about or plain forgot!

It discredits the Ramsey's story. Too many people try to parse what John and Patsy said that night looking for a lie. She had pineapple in the house when they got home. John and Patsy found the easy lie, embellished a little by over explaining, and finally managed to stick with the most simple story. "She was asleep."

That includes Steven Pitt, a nationally recognized forensic psychiatrist in Arizona who worked on the investigation. And he says there is a single piece of evidence from the case that is key for him:

A piece of fruit – specifically, a pineapple.

In this week's issue, PEOPLE takes a new look at the evidence in the case, as well as the suspects and the questions that endure nearly two decades after JonBenét's killing. Pitt says the 6-year-old's autopsy showed there was pineapple in her digestive tract, suggesting the fruit hadn't had time to fully digest before she was killed.

But Pitt says Patsy Ramsey, JonBenét's mother, told investigators her daughter hadn't had any of the tropical fruit in the hours before her disappearance.

The fingerprints on the bowl or cup that were used to give JonBenét the pineapple were Patsy's fingerprints," Pitt tells PEOPLE. "It suggests someone is not telling the truth about what happened at that home that night."

"It has been solved," Pitt tells PEOPLE. "I think in the minds of lots of people, the case is solved. The question is, Do I think anyone will ever be criminally charged? No."


Clemente thought that JR was the only one who knew what happened there?And definitely knows JR has the evidence?
can we PLEASE have separate threads for every single upcoming show?
its difficult to chose where to post links or comments or videos

Regarding the pineapple something just occurred to me about what maybe happened to JBR.

I believe there was a planned trip the next morning by PR and JR and so they probably wanted to get right to bed as soon as they got home. Is it possible that PR put sedative medicine or herbs in the pineapple to make sure JBR went to sleep and maybe too much was used and when PR went to check on her later that night that they realized she had stopped breathing. So the elaborate plan was hatched to coverup what had happened. And maybe whatever was used was not checked for in the autopsy.

Pineapple could hide the bitter taste of medicine.
Madeline, thank you for posting this! I can't *wait* for the CBS documentary -- I hope millions watch it as I think this will be the closest thing to the truth that the media has ever covered regarding this case. SO many people are misinformed about the evidence and what the evidence shows, and without mass media exposing this we'll never have the public outcry we need to try and get justice for JonBenet.
Madeline, thank you for posting this! I can't *wait* for the CBS documentary -- I hope millions watch it as I think this will be the closest thing to the truth that the media has ever covered regarding this case. SO many people are misinformed about the evidence and what the evidence shows, and without mass media exposing this we'll never have the public outcry we need to try and get justice for JonBenet.

I know....I am excited...hopeful and pessimistic at the same time, if it makes will be a media madness....what about actions?we will see.
I like Clemente though...he has this style....the public will like him I think....more than they will like Burke?who knows....cause a lot of people will watch everything for FUN not hoping she will finally get justice...

what I am worried about is them going BDI and BDI only....Kolars presence and them focusing so much on the train tracks....dunno.....
the most exciting part for me wont be who did in their opinion but finally see the crime scene and everything that was found there cause they claim to have made the exact replica of the wine cellar/ crime scene using crime scene photos and videos.
still shocked to have seen that tiara next to the blanket in the second trailer....IF that is true and that image isnt just for show then everything might chance.again.
Like Tricia said, I noted that the A&E documentary didn't say a peep about the pineapple either. (How convenient, right?).

when I went back and reviewed some of the "never-before-seen secret documents" that the show included, I froze the screen and did see mention of the pineapple in the memo that was written from the DA's office to the Boulder PD outlining the holes they thought existed in trying to make a case against the parents.

If you freeze the screen at 46 minutes into the program, you'll see the memo. One of the headings is "Pineapple Photo." Below that it says:

"The pineapple is not evidence that the Ramseys were lying.
  • What is in the Tupperware?
  • It is in the stomach generally 2 hours.
  • It is then in the small intestines 3 to 24 hours.
  • Dr. Michael Graham said it could have been eaten the day before."

So it would appear that the DA office had found an expert (Dr. Graham) who gave the opinion that the pineapple wasn't necessarily "a smoking gun" (so to speak) that could be used to prove the Ramseys were lying.

What we know for sure: raw pineapple WAS found in JonBenet's upper intestine during the autopsy. The fact that it could still be identified as raw pineapple suggests that it had only entered the small intestines recently as opposed to a day before, but this might be tough to prove irrefutably. Don't get me wrong -- I'm one who absolutely believes she ate that pineapple only a few hours before she was strangled to death. I'm hoping that the CBS documentary can give us Henry Lee or a similar uber-expert to tell us definitely when she ate that pineapple!
That tiara has to be for show, otherwise it is a revelation. This looks to be the best special out there, all these interviews come over as a bit staged, after all, nobody is going to say, Well I did it, I killed JonBenet! LOL, live on air.


ahh but I am still hoping dr. phil is one of the good guys and slipped some truth serum into B's tea before the interview

if not maybe we can bribe Barbara to do it next time she sits down for a lovely full of emotion chat with John

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