***Day 3 -Committal Hearing*** 11th,12,13th March 2013

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I have been in a caring and loving relationship for 8+ years. Most of our emails/texts start off with affection (e.g. GMD = Good Morning Darling). Most of our messages are ended with another form of affection such as *advertiser censored* , or, xox. My partner and I have probably been very consistent with this on-going type of display of affection over the 8 years of our relationship. It will be very interesting to discover if the txt exchanges from GBC to ABC are consistant in the affection he displayed in the two txt messages that have reached MSM on the morning of her disappearance. That to me, would be very telling.
I am just home from being in court this morning. I haven't read the whole thread so apologies if I repeat anything. Apologies also if this is not of interest. I thought those that can't go might like to get a feel for it.

Might just do it in point form for speed

- I think GBC looked like he was quite puffy in the face. He certainly makes an effort to hide in the corner although when he first came out this morning I saw him have a quick look at the public gallery area.

- Olivia Walton was there. She came and spoke to the barristers before the proceedings started and then sat I a chair to the side, directly opposite GBC. I could see her smiling to him every so often. I actually thought she was going to stay there except she left at the very last minute when the judge walked in.

- there was a lady in the front row, far side wearing a white top. I would love to know who she was as she kept glaring at GBC. When she left the room when we had the first 15 minute break she made a point of walking past and staring in at him. If looks were daggers .....

- in that same front row were quite a few older people taking notes. I imagine these must be friends or relatives of the Dickies.
In the row behind them were woman who I imagine would be Alison's friends. Several of them were also taking notes.
I also saw the lady who told GBC yesterday that she hated him.

- the first break for 15 minutes was because the defence only had 2 of the 3 statements made by Dr Hoskins. This gave them time to read up on the copy given to them

- my impression of Mr Davis questioning Dr Hoskins was that he was grasping at straws and trying to put words into his mouth. We seemed to be going around in circles for a while. Why a brand new court complex couldn't include a pointer of some sort for the photos on the screens is beyond me.

- Mr Davis asked for a longer lunch break to be able to read/ discuss some of the accountants information. He said this could possibly shorten his time needed with this witness.The judge commented he was happy to spend time to save time.

- After each discussion with the witness's Mr Mahoney went to the glass box and spoke with GBC. at one stage GBC gave him a paper which he took back to Mr Davis. I gather GBC is taking his own notes

That's all I can recall so far.

I left my iPad at work, so I am using my iPod to catch up with today's events as I know I can't wait until the morning, it all very very tiny and I was just about to give up, until I read your brilliant summation. One of the best posts ever, thanks hardly seems enough, but THANKS!!!!!
Just wondering when the $1 payment was? Was it after allison went missing? If so, it's irrelevant isn't it? Because before she went missing the debt was there and he was desperately trying to raise funds to pay it. If it all went spectacularly south after she went missing, it was only because of this fact. Of course if this was happening while she was still alive then I see your point.

Sorry just not sure when the timing was on this. Does anyone know?

According to my notes taken today this was in Feb 2011.
The lady that yelled at him yesterday was sitting - I think - front row, far side. So sort of in the corner. She had a yellow ribbon pinned to her top. Hair pulled up. The whole front row appeared as though they knew each other. Of course this could just be because they have been sitting together the last couple of days.

Did anyone notice if the lady who yelled at GBC got his attention? Did he react, did he look as though he recognized her? Thanks.
Did anyone notice if the lady who yelled at GBC got his attention? Did he react, did he look as though he recognized her? Thanks.

Doesn't he only recognise women who 'want' him? Doubt if he'd notice one who seems to dislike him.
I only saw GBC when he stood to whisper to Mr Mahoney through the glass. ( Facing forward, back to the gallery ) Also when he was led in and out of the glass area.

I just googled to see what Alison's sister looked like. No she wasn't the white top lady. But I have decided that after looking at that close up wedding photo of Allison this lady looks just like her only older.

The lady that yelled at him yesterday would have been able to see him today for sure. And he her if he chose to look.
Did anyone notice if the lady who yelled at GBC got his attention? Did he react, did he look as though he recognized her? Thanks.

If she did, and judging by the amazing WS reporters she was right in his face, he must have a very steely resolve not to react!
I only saw GBC when he stood to whisper to Mr Mahoney through the glass. ( Facing forward, back to the gallery ) Also when he was led in and out of the glass area.

I just googled to see what Alison's sister looked like. No she wasn't the white top lady. But I have decided that after looking at that close up wedding photo of Allison this lady looks just like her only older.

The lady that yelled at him yesterday would have been able to see him today for sure. And he her if he chose to look.
Maybe a cousin? Gee that would spook GBC having someone that looks like his wife there.
<modsnip> I did introduce myself in yesterday's thread. I'm from Brisbane and very interested in this case. Allison was a young mother just like myself.

Gerard Baden-Clay&#8217;s extramarital affair contributed to the demise of his business in the months before his wife Allison disappeared, a court has heard.

The former business partners faced each other for the first time since the agency&#8217;s demise across a Brisbane court room on Wednesday afternoon.

Jocelyn Frost says she's still paying off Gerard Baden-Clay's business debts.

Ms Frost told the court the affair was &#8216;&#8216;one of the main reasons&#8217;&#8217; the partnership failed.
She and Mr Broom gave Mr Baden-Clay an ultimatum, Ms Frost said: " ... that he must either leave his wife or leave Toni, or we would not continue," she said.
The pair both walked away from the business last year.
Ms Frost said she became aware of the affair within two months of joining the Kenmore-based real estate agency in 2008.

If OW does genuinely believe her brother is innocent, I wonder who she thinks did it or she just doesn't ever want to think about that because she wouldn't like what she comes up with.
Oh, I am wondering from those of you who have been into the court... In your opinion as objectively as you can, how does it look for GBC? Do you think from what you've seen so far he'll be sent to trial?
<modsnip>I did introduce myself in yesterday's thread. I'm from Brisbane and very interested in this case. Allison was a young mother just like myself.

<modsnip> Your posts have been brilliant and we are here for justice Allison because of our strong conviction that justice will be served
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