***Day 6 -Committal Hearing*** 18th,19,20th March 2013***

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After seeing the photos of GBC's injuries, I can only imagine what Allison's injuries must have looked like by the time he'd murdered her. We will never see photos of those injuries but Allison certainly did leave her mark on him. The word 'branded' comes to mind. She branded him with the evidence needed to charge him with her murder.

TM needs to get a life. She loved GBC! So did Allison Toni! Allison fought for her marriage and then fought for her life! Did you not question GBC about all of the injuries on his body? Of course you did! Has it ever crossed your mind that it could have been you laying dead in the mud at Kholo Creek?

Olivia Walton, go home to your children FFS.

I'm going for a walk along the beach now. I need some fresh air.

My opinion only and not that of Websleuths.

Very well put Makara. especially OW go home to your children....I couldn't agree more.

Makara enjoy your walk along the beach.....wish I was there to walk with you, but in spirit a lot of us here are there and I feel if there is any way Allison knows what we have all stood for and how our anguish had been for justice for her, her parents, her children, her friends, and all women in such horrid circumstances.

Allison our hearts break for what you had to endure, we will stay strong for you and find the justice you so deserve, god willing.

A few drops of rain here in The Upper Hunter NSW....to me it is tears from Allison knowing we are all thinking of her. How we will continue to find answers.

My congratulations once again to the incredible effort every one on this site has put in...given time too...and dedicated hours and hours of their free time.
Same to QP and all involved in the search and ongoing investigating...

Now I'm crying again.....Cheers all you good wonderful human beings...:moo:
Channel 9 have completed quite a long interview with OW at her parent's home in Kenmore, which no doubt will go to air tonight.

Great to hear! Hopefully she will have put her foot in it and said something very incriminating
Would have been great to see the photo of his hand? You know the one he did when changing a light globe with a ratchet thingy??????
My thoughts on NBC being involved... This is all MOO!

I think GBC killed Allison and made a complete bumbling mess of it and freaked out. He contacted NBC for help and he turned up and went straight into damage control and whilst horrified and disgusted, he started calling the shots. I believe GBC would have been whingeing and whining and poor me etc and NBC would have been 'well son , you've <modsnip> this one up well and truly... I'm here and involved now so I might as well fix this up so that neither of us get caught out'. I think he would also have been <modsnip> off about having been dragged into it.

I think that NBC told EBC the truth and he wanted to confess all as he was so furious that he'd been dragged into it and wished he'd just have walked away. EBC being the Matriarch has put her foot down and said that no one is breaking up her family. She wouldn't allow NBC to talk to police and has convinced him not to for the so called good of the family!
I believe that this is the real reason for the granny pash! NBC is struggling with what he saw / knows / did and EBC, being a loving wife was merely cuddling and kissing him as a thanks for being so strong and to remind him that he's doing it for them all so that he's not going to go off to jail . Just do as I say and no one will go to jail... The timing was because they were being bombarded with media attention and she knew that he was feeling particularly fragile at that time. I also think this is why there is a local rumor (posted on WS by a verified insider) that if he is called up as a witness he will end his life, this to him is a better option than lying in court and / or going to jail!

There have also been sightings of NBC looking like he's aged since this all happened and that he's looking a lot more frail. I believe that the stress of that night and the months since have done this to him.

Anywho, that's just my 2cents worth :) I'd really like to hear thoughts on this!

Also, someone asked earlier if the police were now free to arrest an accomplice now that GBC has been committed to trial? I'd love to know this as I believe there very well could be another arrest...
A Current Affair does, doesn't it?

In this instance, no

Theres too much at stake to pay someone for an interview prior to trial.

I think thats as much as you'll hear from her.

EDIT: So Ch 9 got her, wow...
Rambling thought...

OW standing there staring at her brother at each and every opportunity, such odd behavior! BUT what if her look is more of a 'keep strong, I'm here for you, just stick to the plan and it'll be all OK' kind of a stare /glare?

Like when you and your sibling get into trouble and they take the rap and you're petrified of being busted and keep on staring at them when they're getting in trouble so you can make sure that they know not to dob you in.

Now I've not actually thought previously that OW was involved (though I wouldn't be shocked to hear she was) I actually have a theory about NBC which I'll share when I get through this thread. But just reading a post early in this thread and this popped into my mind.

I've thought the same thing, covering up something
So they are allowed to pay someone who may be called as a witness?

Does anyone have an instance of this happening before?
So they are allowed to pay someone who may be called as a witness?

Does anyone have an instance of this happening before?

They can pay and interview anyone they like, but what can actually be said and broadcast is obviously subject to whatever legal action is in progress.
OW like Thinking said was doing her usual showing of sisterly support for GBC. Looking at him wistfully at a distance through the safety glass that kept him safely hidden from view of most of the courtroom.

During a break a friend of OW's went up to ask the bailiff (security) to speak to GBC but she was told to leave GBC alone. And she quickly ran off up to the back of the court room. This 'friend' was with her as OW was making her statement to police in the photo below.

When the judge asked GBC to stand up and face the charges - his shaking head reminded me of the times when GBC was in that interview with the pretty blonde reporter shaking his head while he was saying 'we are doing all we can - we have to trust in the police at this stage' very early on in Allison's disappearance.

While Davis was cross examining Caniffe about if he had told TM about the other mistresses -Davis kept calling one of the mistresses Hamilton even though he had been corrected the previous day and was told it was Hammond.

I think TM has left a lot out of her testimony - she told Davis on Monday that the police had informed her about the mistresses. My guess is that she knew. I think she told this version of her story DELIBERATLY -because by that time Allison would have been dead and if she finds out officially after the fact about these mistressses she wouldn't have an extra motive to see Allison out of the picture or take vengeance on GBC. Hell she was happy getting whatever she could get with GBC - she could have dealt with any attention he gave her. But now suicide is not flying for the defense and I think Toni better get smart and get her story out there.
Well, I am still intrigued as to why Mummy and Daddy aren't around - have they walked away from him - surely not, even if you knew he was guilty you couldn't do that to your child. I don't know enough about the law, but if there was a chance of charges still being investigated against the senior Baden Clay's would they be excluded from attending the Committal Hearing?

Mummy & Daddy where at home glued to WEBSLUETHS
couldn't miss a great thread like todays :floorlaugh:
wonder what ow means about the truth coming out?
i guess she can only say that as shes defending him, but could it be possible gbc is covering for nbc, willing to sit it out in prison for his father.
i feel nbc knows everything and was there when allison died, but what if he dealt the final fatal blow or pushed her too hard?
could it be possible and fit in with the evidence we have so far?
i just feel there is a very big secret and coverup, hope the trial is soon!
my opinion only
Been following the news, glory HALELUJAH - he's going to trial !
Those photos got mixed emotions from me, those scratches are the result of Allison fighting for her life, so sad to see them, thinking what state she must have been in at the time, but oh so glad she (as another posted said) branded him with battle she made for her life.

All MOO.
Hey all,
Back again, have followed the whole way through but not posted as I didn't have anything extra to add to your fine comments.

What struck me is that it appears that the parents were painfully aware of GBCs shortcomings early on in the piece - they owned most of Century 21 - probably to try and teach their bumbling son how to run a business (that didn't turn out so well) and instilled that boundary that he was to be home at 5.30pm to be with Allison and the girls. Maybe, at that time, they were trying to help Allison and channel Gerard into being a decent human citizen. I'm only bringing up this theory because I know so many parents that have propped their (loser) kids up. ie they've known he was a loser all this time.

When they sold out of the business perhaps they thought GBC was coping well on his own, that they'd done the right thing and groomed him for success.

Was Toni McHugh stating that she thought the older BCs didn't haven't a clue about the affair? It's quite possible at the time, they were so "family focused" they really didn't have a clue. Or was she lying? It seems there was lack of disclosure to the police.

Their absence at their son's committal hearing speaks volumes of what they might really be thinking. They could have possibly added it all up (as have all of us) and realised that their troublesome son has taken "loser" to a level that they can't fix or even hope to start fixing.

I ran into NBC and EBC at the girls' ballet concert last year. I watched as they made a big fuss over the BC girls. At the time I thought it was disgusting, but now I'm wondering if they're out to prove that although their son is the rotten egg in this, that they love and support their grandchildren. He looked drawn, yet quietly confident in his relationship with the girls. Just my observation though.

Of course this flies in the face of the bus stop theory which I've asked Squizzey and several other locals in the area about - which would make my observations above completely redundant.

I guess the prosecution will reveal more at the trial.
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