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I did a bit of googling and found that Lou and Linda are in the midst of bankruptcy proceedings, which have apparently been going on for some time. Their situation is "pending," which means who-knows-what. Any Websleuthers out there with expertise in bankruptcy law?
Still no new postings on whether their home is in or out of foreclosure since the auction was cancelled in January. The weather has been so horrible in CT since then that I am not surprised if it alone were the reason to postpone a foreclosure auction, but I cannot be sure.
For those who do not believe there is such a thing as Munchausen by proxy, the recent conviction of Lacey Spears for murdering her 5-year-old son is a wake-up call.

"A woman who blogged for years about her son's constant health woes was convicted Monday of poisoning him to death by force-feeding heavy concentrations of sodium through his stomach tube...."
Google her name for the whole sad story. I am posting this just to say that here was a case where Child Protective Services did NOT step in, and the poor little boy died horribly.
Slate.com has a very interesting piece relating to the Lacey Spears story that mentions a new version of Munchausen by proxy....it's Munchausen by Internet, in which disturbed parents (mostly mothers) get the support and attention they seek by blogging about the child they are secretly making ill and in some cases, killing. It's worth reading.
It's at

Slate.com has a very interesting piece relating to the Lacey Spears story that mentions a new version of Munchausen by proxy....it's Munchausen by Internet, in which disturbed parents (mostly mothers) get the support and attention they seek by blogging about the child they are secretly making ill and in some cases, killing. It's worth reading.
It's at


Thread for another MBI case, in Oregon.
It is really shocking (and I do not shock easily) how many of these cases are out there.

I don't know what their existence says about America, motherhood or the still-not-clued-in medical world, but IMO, it sure does not say anything good.
It is really shocking (and I do not shock easily) how many of these cases are out there.

I don't know what their existence says about America, motherhood or the still-not-clued-in medical world, but IMO, it sure does not say anything good.

It demonstrates to me how in the past, crazy people were pretty much isolated from one another. Being around mostly "normal" (emotionally and mentally healthy, functional) people forced them to reign in their imaginations, words and behaviors. With the advent of the internet, anyone - no matter how crazy - can find like-minded souls and false "information" to strengthen their flawed perceptions & beliefs while also encouraging the formation of new ones just as illogical and mentally unhealthy, if not more so. They can spend 24 hours a day with other paranoid, delusional, conspiracy theorists and the quacks who are willing to exploit their mental illness.

I had a run-in with one woman who fell into such a rabbit hole recently. She used to act quite normal, I thought. Our children have been best friends for years. I won't go into her delusions but it's a whole "movement." One day she refused to allow my child to return home. To my home. Me, the mother. Then she started making all of these outrageous claims about (her obsession) and I flat told her she was crazy as a loon. Her response? "It's true. You can even look it up on the internet yourself!" I confess, I did not handle it well. I burst out laughing which only made her more furious. The cops ended up having to be called to get my child out of her house. He has not been back.

eta - What is that called, Group Hysteria?
Dang!!! Will you press charges? Sounds like imprisonment to me... (Flase imprisonment or kidnapping)
Dang!!! Will you press charges? Sounds like imprisonment to me... (Flase imprisonment or kidnapping)

She wanted to have me charged with a crime! (LOL, she doesn't have a very firm grasp on the whole Castle Doctrine thing.) I said go ahead and charge me, put the cuffs on and book me into jail... but my child will never be allowed around her again. That was her whole reason for threatening to have me charged: to keep me from "depriving her child of his best friend." If I would let the friendship continue, she wouldn't have me arrested for "Castle Doctrine."

I felt sorry for the deputies who responded to that call! They handled it very diplomatically and professionally while she rambled on and on and on for almost 2 hours.

ETA - the charge (against her) would have been interference with custody.
I did a bit of googling and found that Lou and Linda are in the midst of bankruptcy proceedings, which have apparently been going on for some time. Their situation is "pending," which means who-knows-what. Any Websleuthers out there with expertise in bankruptcy law?
Still no new postings on whether their home is in or out of foreclosure since the auction was cancelled in January. The weather has been so horrible in CT since then that I am not surprised if it alone were the reason to postpone a foreclosure auction, but I cannot be sure.

Information about their bankruptcy proceedings. https://www.docketalarm.com/cases/C...91/Louis_G._Pelletier_and_Linda_D._Pelletier/

There's mention of them being "repeat filers" which, as far as I can tell, refers to people who have already declared bankruptcy in the past and may prevent them from being able to do it again.
She wanted to have me charged with a crime! (LOL, she doesn't have a very firm grasp on the whole Castle Doctrine thing.) I said go ahead and charge me, put the cuffs on and book me into jail... but my child will never be allowed around her again. That was her whole reason for threatening to have me charged: to keep me from "depriving her child of his best friend." If I would let the friendship continue, she wouldn't have me arrested for "Castle Doctrine."

I felt sorry for the deputies who responded to that call! They handled it very diplomatically and professionally while she rambled on and on and on for almost 2 hours.

ETA - the charge (against her) would have been interference with custody.

Those folks always make so much sense. The government is trying to take over our lives! Now hold on while I try to get the government to interfere in your personal affairs.
Information about their bankruptcy proceedings. https://www.docketalarm.com/cases/C...91/Louis_G._Pelletier_and_Linda_D._Pelletier/

There's mention of them being "repeat filers" which, as far as I can tell, refers to people who have already declared bankruptcy in the past and may prevent them from being able to do it again.

From what I have read, repeat filers abuse the system by, well, repeatedly filing bankruptcy in the hope that each time they do, debt collection will be put on hold. But the courts usually step in when it becomes obvious and cancel any automatic stays of collection. It's a way of gaming the system by people trying to get out of paying what they legitimately owe.
From what I have read, repeat filers abuse the system by, well, repeatedly filing bankruptcy in the hope that each time they do, debt collection will be put on hold. But the courts usually step in when it becomes obvious and cancel any automatic stays of collection. It's a way of gaming the system by people trying to get out of paying what they legitimately owe.

Can filing a bankruptcy claim be a reason for a foreclosure to be put on hold?
The Internet is without doubt a wonderful tool in many ways, but it surely does encourage the mentally unwell to rant and rave to likeminded posters. As I have pointed out in other posts, reading the hysterical, belligerent and totally misinformed responses posted on the Miracle site and the comments that follow many media reports is just frightening. And nothing you could say to any of these people would convince them that they are wrong. Scary.
Interestingly, they filed for bankruptcy just two days before their home was supposed to be auctioned off. Hmm.
Interestingly, they filed for bankruptcy just two days before their home was supposed to be auctioned off. Hmm.

Was that just before the Jan. 24 foreclosure auction that was cancelled? I am still trying to determine whether that cancellation was because of the impending blizzard here or because they finally paid off the liens....or some other reason.

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