DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #9

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I had a little symbol of hope today that I thought I would share with you all.

While walking the dog on this beautiful morning, a pink balloon drifted down out of the sky and bounced in the street. Flowing too and fro. A car stopped at the stop sign and the wind carried the balloon back up into the air and over the oak tree tops into the mountains.

Relisha came to mind with all of the balloons released in her honor.

I pray that she is at peace wherever she is.

:heartluv: #FindRelisha :heartluv:

Google images: popvillecom/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/renaudpng

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Thanks so much, Kimi.
I needed sunshine and happiness today for Relisha.
No radio, no arguing.
Just this beautiful young lady.
Per the RRTF page, there will be a show tonight at 8PM, also a new number to call.
I am at work and on my phone so this will be brief and probably riddled with typos but I also wanted to thank Astrokitty for the very poignant picture that she painted of poverty in America. I am originally from New England but moved to the DC metro region about 10 years ago. I am an African American woman with several degrees who chooses to work in the impoverished areas DC. Washington, DC in itself is a tale of two cities separated between the haves and have nots. Poverty in DC is about race, and ethnicity, and culture....but mostly money, education, and accessibility. I guess I have become numb to the tales of abuse, and neglect, and parents not giving a damn, and parents not knowing the difference between right and wrong because their concepts of life and existence are on a completely different level from anything you or I could imagine. I see Relisha, and Shamika, and Melissa everyday. Their real names may be different but their story is the same. They have no way out....or at least that is their perception. And, all of these people who judge them atop their mighty thrones will go home to their glass palaces while poverty will linger, and gentrification will persevere and the mentality of hopelessness will pervade until the next Relisha. I was supposed to be brief. I guess I am so passionate about this topic because I work in education and these children and their families are my life. I truly am Relisha.

Born at Providence Hospital, having lived in a few shelters as a baby, and raised in SE DC near The Shrimp Boat, I agree with you 100%. That life is not easy. It was nothing for a friend's mother to be a crackhead, to see drunks and addicts in the alley, to hear a couple cursing and physically fighting. My sister's best friend became a mother at the age of 14; continuing the family cycle of teenage pregnancy. It wasn't uncommon to for an uncle or someone you knew very well to be locked up. Fights everyday, gunshots the norm, and abuse prevalent.

I sit back and look at my life and thank God I had parents determined not to allow us to become products of our environment. Our house was the "safe" house where a lot of the neighborhood kids came for a meal, peaceful surrondings, and the hugs from my mother. So many yearned to be in the presence of someone who treated them well and genuinely loved them. I remember 3 siblings, a high school aged girl, her elementary aged sister, and their 3 year old brother. The whole neighborhood knew their mother abused them; she constantly fought the older daughter like an enemy from the street. She came to our house with deep bite marks, and puntures on her shoulder. Her mother beat her with the piece of wood that's placed in the the threshold of a doorway, a nail was still attached. They very rarely had food and the 3 year old would often eat the dogs' food. This is the reality of people like Relisha and her family. This was my reality.

It's easy to judge what you see, without knowing what they know. Sorry for the rambling.

Thank you, AndieS, from the bottom of my heart. Those kids need people like you who have faith in them and WANT them. I remember the people like you :loveyou: You ARE making a difference.

-This Chocolate SE DC Girl
I knew he couldn't wait till Thursday to have a show! Can someone alert a mod to open the thread?

At least it's at 8 and over by the time RuPaul's drag race finale is on. Totally not performing tonight so I can watch my show :)
Per the RRTF page, there will be a show tonight at 8PM, also a new number to call.

I'm not surprised. I received an email early this afternoon about his sex blog radio show. He said due to popular demand he was going to be doing them again.. next one starting in an hour.

I knew he couldn't wait till Thursday to have a show! Can someone alert a mod to open the thread?

At least it's at 8 and over by the time RuPaul's drag race finale is on. Totally not performing tonight so I can watch my show :)

RuPaul Rules!!:loveyou:

Sorry, couldn't help my darn self.
RuPaul Rules!!:loveyou:

Sorry, couldn't help my darn self.

Agreed! I'm an old clubkid from NYC and so she has a special place in my heart. I never got to work with her but I worked along side Amanda Lepore then and do so now when I'm in nyc :)

Sorry for the o/t guys! I love that show!!

So wait (back to this radio show): Is the one tonight his "task force" show or his sex talk show? It takes all my patience to listen to his task force show and I can absolutely do without his sex talk program. I have no interest in even being nosy enough to tune in for that. Nope nope nope.

Something that's bugged me since the start of this case is that there's never been released a photo of Relisha with her mother and brothers, you know - a family photo. Unless I missed it of course. Before Shamika shut her FB down I was all over it and there were few photos of Relisha in comparison to the boys and I can't think of a single one that was Shamika and Relisha, can anyone else?
Born at Providence Hospital, having lived in a few shelters as a baby, and raised in SE DC near The Shrimp Boat, I agree with you 100%. That life is not easy. It was nothing for a friend's mother to be a crackhead, to see drunks and addicts in the alley, to hear a couple cursing and physically fighting. My sister's best friend became a mother at the age of 14; continuing the family cycle of teenage pregnancy. It wasn't uncommon to for an uncle or someone you knew very well to be locked up. Fights everyday, gunshots the norm, and abuse prevalent.

I sit back and look at my life and thank God I had parents determined not to allow us to become products of our environment. Our house was the "safe" house where a lot of the neighborhood kids came for a meal, peaceful surrondings, and the hugs from my mother. So many yearned to be in the presence of someone who treated them well and genuinely loved them. I remember 3 siblings, a high school aged girl, her elementary aged sister, and their 3 year old brother. The whole neighborhood knew their mother abused them; she constantly fought the older daughter like an enemy from the street. She came to our house with deep bite marks, and puntures on her shoulder. Her mother beat her with the piece of wood that's placed in the the threshold of a doorway, a nail was still attached. They very rarely had food and the 3 year old would often eat the dogs' food. This is the reality of people like Relisha and her family. This was my reality.

It's easy to judge what you see, without knowing what they know. Sorry for the rambling.

Thank you, AndieS, from the bottom of my heart. Those kids need people like you who have faith in them and WANT them. I remember the people like you :loveyou: You ARE making a difference.

-This Chocolate SE DC Girl

I logged out last night and decided to go back to lurk mode for a while.This case has me so passionate, so crazy, I just can't trust what comes out of my mouth, or rather from my fingers, and I don't want to get banned. I thought it was best to just lurk for a while, as a guest, where I can't post.

But, after reading your post, I just had to log back in and reply to you, fitmix. The thanks button is just not enough. Your post made me cry! Thank you for sharing. And God bless your mother for offering a safe house to the abused and neglected children in your neighborhood. Honestly, I can not imagine that type of life, but from relatives and friends, I do get a peek into that world...and it's not pretty. I thank God everyday that my mother, despite the sexual abuse I endured as a child, provided a "good" life, though honestly that's a debate in my head as to how good it was. Won't get into that. Just wanted to say THANK YOU for a very insightful, powerful post!

And to AndieS, THANK YOU for what you do. You are awesome.

:loveyou: to both of you!
Per the RRTF page, there will be a show tonight at 8PM, also a new number to call.

:waitasec: And last night he said no show for a couple of days while he re-boots everything. :bang:

Interesting that he is getting a new number. Wonder what that's all about?

I'm done with listening to him. :sigh: There has not been anything he has brought to that radio show worth listening to in weeks. In my opinion he is "setting up" these shows like they where a flea circus under a big top with all of the same tactics for nothing other than the sole purpose of getting himself attention. :shakehead:

I'll :shutup: about him now.
I'm not surprised. I received an email early this afternoon about his sex blog radio show. He said due to popular demand he was going to be doing them again.. next one starting in an hour.



You know there isn't even a smilie that comes close
The sex talk show was this afternoon. I have no idea why the notice was sent to my email.
One of the reasons I stopped listening was because he has access to our phone numbers...easy to stalk from there...
the radio show host I believe has a little popup that shows all the callers waiting in the que. The host has buttons whereby they can mute or activate a caller. Mute while on hold, activate the call to speak with them on air.

So I take it the experience continues.

I will check in tomorrow for news updates. :sigh:

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