DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #9

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What do most think of AT, KLT's wife's possible role in all this? Did AT know what KLT was doing to Relisha, and if so, did she condone it, or did she not know what was going on? I don't know, for a long time I thought she probably didn't know, but I'm starting to wonder more about whether she knew or not. If she did know and did nothing, why was she murdered? And why did KLT file for Seperation/Divorce? The role of AT, whatever it was, has always bothered me.

Still waiting for someone to be held accountable for what happened to Relisha.

Not really sure but.... it would stand to logic that AT had probably given KT the benefit of the doubt more than once over the years.

From outward appearances of the things that we know; KT was working, both were driving, he had a car, she had a car, she had managed to concur her drug addiction and was moving forward. She was going to church, both were dressing nice, they had an apartment and a credit card.
On the outside all things that made it look like he was becoming a model citizen.
Something changed. We don't know what that was and we don't exactly know when, but if based on the separation papers ,which IIRC were no-fault, it meant that there should have been, at minimum, 12 months of them not living together to do so. If I am reading the Maryland Law about divorce correctly, I don't think it matters all that much who actually filed the paperwork at that point, as long as both were in agreement.

I almost get the sense that there may have been some type of an attempt at reconciliation by KT and AT decided to hear him out.

Everyone being at the RRI that night is really strange to me and leaves me with the same questions as you.
Was AT aware of what KT was doing and now that the LE was looking for him she just wanted out?
Had she just started to put 2 and 2 together and wanted no part of it?
Did AT threaten KT?
Did KT go to AT expecting her to help him and she said no?
Were both of them involved and with LE looking for KT did he panic feeling that she would be a week link?
What did the others have to with it?
Not really sure but.... it would stand to logic that AT had probably given KT the benefit of the doubt more than once over the years.

From outward appearances of the things that we know; KT was working, both were driving, he had a car, she had a car, she had managed to concur her drug addiction and was moving forward. She was going to church, both were dressing nice, they had an apartment and a credit card.
On the outside all things that made it look like he was becoming a model citizen.
Something changed. We don't know what that was and we don't exactly know when, but if based on the separation papers ,which IIRC were no-fault, it meant that there should have been, at minimum, 12 months of them not living together to do so. If I am reading the Maryland Law about divorce correctly, I don't think it matters all that much who actually filed the paperwork at that point, as long as both were in agreement.

I almost get the sense that there may have been some type of an attempt at reconciliation by KT and AT decided to hear him out.

Everyone being at the RRI that night is really strange to me and leaves me with the same questions as you.
Was AT aware of what KT was doing and now that the LE was looking for him she just wanted out?
Had she just started to put 2 and 2 together and wanted no part of it?
Did AT threaten KT?
Did KT go to AT expecting her to help him and she said no?
Were both of them involved and with LE looking for KT did he panic feeling that she would be a week link?
What did the others have to with it?
Being married for so long, I don't know how AT couldn't be aware of what KT was doing. She may have also been raised in the same type of environment and just thought of the pimping as a way of life. But, she and KT must have had some influence in their lives that convinced them what they were doing was wrong. I'm inclined to think that AT and KT made a pact with each other to start their lives anew in a positive manner. Sounds to me like AT was probably very sincere in the changes she made, but KT could not make good on the effort -- and, well, made only a half-hearted effort.

I think it was based on that -- the premise that AT changed her lifestyle for the better but KT could not make good on his end of the bargain, that KT separated and filed for divorce from AT because she put his "business" at risk due to her disapproval of it. I wonder if KT set up a meeting between himself and AT and the visitors to the room at RRI under a false premise -- AT led to believe the meeting was for something else, but instead the others began discussing their "business" dealings, after which AT and KT got into an argument and it turned fatal for AT.

Wish we could know the conversation at the RRI. It would probably provide some clues about Relisha's fate.
What do most think of AT, KLT's wife's possible role in all this? Did AT know what KLT was doing to Relisha, and if so, did she condone it, or did she not know what was going on? I don't know, for a long time I thought she probably didn't know, but I'm starting to wonder more about whether she knew or not. If she did know and did nothing, why was she murdered? And why did KLT file for Seperation/Divorce? The role of AT, whatever it was, has always bothered me.

Still waiting for someone to be held accountable for what happened to Relisha.

Speculation: AT knew something illegal was going on re: KLT. AT would have to be the dumbest woman on the planet to NOT know something was amiss. I think it's all part of the same mindset of little Relisha's relatives. But, did AT get "religion", sort of like jailhouse religion? Did she finally decide she had to confront KLT? I'm not buying anything that anyone around KLT says. That includes the dude first mentioned in the Amber Alert (Ricky?). IMOO there will be layers upon layers of nefarious people involved Relisha's disappearance and probable murder.
Here's the reality of the situation: The children who aren't reported missing aren't missing to their family because 90% of the time it's the family "business". I have explained it in other threads, maybe even in this one but the girls I encounter are often turned out by their own mothers. Typically it's to pay off drug debt because the mother is too strung out to work or because she's aging out. Other times it comes down to the child having a child of it's own and the "mother" tells her she needs to go get her hustle up.

The pimps are men regarded as cousins/uncles and sadly "daddy".

Thanks AstroKitty for consistently explaining the reality of prostitution in North America now. From what you've seen and heard, would the pimps "vet" the customers they put the little kids with in order to protect their investment? Would it be within the realm of possibility that KT unintentionally allowed Relisha to be given to a "bad date"?
I'd like to know RSL's role in all this. Somehow I doubt we'll ever know.
Not really sure but.... it would stand to logic that AT had probably given KT the benefit of the doubt more than once over the years.

From outward appearances of the things that we know; KT was working, both were driving, he had a car, she had a car, she had managed to concur her drug addiction and was moving forward. She was going to church, both were dressing nice, they had an apartment and a credit card.
On the outside all things that made it look like he was becoming a model citizen.
Something changed. We don't know what that was and we don't exactly know when, but if based on the separation papers ,which IIRC were no-fault, it meant that there should have been, at minimum, 12 months of them not living together to do so. If I am reading the Maryland Law about divorce correctly, I don't think it matters all that much who actually filed the paperwork at that point, as long as both were in agreement.

I almost get the sense that there may have been some type of an attempt at reconciliation by KT and AT decided to hear him out.

Everyone being at the RRI that night is really strange to me and leaves me with the same questions as you.
Was AT aware of what KT was doing and now that the LE was looking for him she just wanted out?
Had she just started to put 2 and 2 together and wanted no part of it?
Did AT threaten KT?
Did KT go to AT expecting her to help him and she said no?
Were both of them involved and with LE looking for KT did he panic feeling that she would be a week link?
What did the others have to with it?

BBM. ITA. Very strange, imo, 5 grown folks in a hotel room...especially on the night that the AA was issued for Relisha. I've always thought that "meeting" at the RRI was a key factor in Relisha's disappearance. Also, another question on my list:

Did KT actually kill AT? Or did one of the other 3 people in the room kill her and then threaten KT? I know LE interviewed the others, and apparently LE believed them when they said AT was alive when they left. And LE thought KT killed his wife, so that's that. But, IDK, that RRI meeting continues to bug me...
BBM. ITA. Very strange, imo, 5 grown folks in a hotel room...especially on the night that the AA was issued for Relisha. I've always thought that "meeting" at the RRI was a key factor in Relisha's disappearance. Also, another question on my list:

Did KT actually kill AT? Or did one of the other 3 people in the room kill her and then threaten KT? I know LE interviewed the others, and apparently LE believed them when they said AT was alive when they left. And LE thought KT killed his wife, so that's that. But, IDK, that RRI meeting continues to bug me...

It bothers me too. I think that meeting was a key factor in what happened to Relisha too. And AT. Something was important enough for these people to all meet-up in a hotel that night. What was it? I would like to know if LE ever investigated AT's murder or did they assume KLT did it and didn't put much effort into finding out what happened. I still think RSL knows what happened. The sad part is that unless Relisha's body is found, and even if it is, she more than likely will never receive earthly justice. :(
Go to sleep, sleep, Relisha,
Sleep beside the swaying trees.
Go to sleep, sleep in moonlight,
Dream of stars that kiss the seas.
Go to sleep, sleep, Relisha,
Close your lovely, sleepy eyes.
Go to sleep, sleep Relisha,
Let your spirit touch the skies.
Go to sleep, sleep, Relisha,
Sleep beneath the blankets warm,
Go to sleep, sleep, Relisha,
Angels keep you safe from harm.

G'night little girl.
Just FYI'ing... I guess the RRTF is starting up again on July 1st (from the We Love You Relisha FB Page.)

I know I know... cue the groans... ;)
Just remember your first instinct of watching this video of Relisha' - Seeking 8-Year-Old Relisha Tenau Rudd - YouTube - walking down the hotel hallways at 7:30pm in the middle of the week with a grown man not related to her and knowing she would eventually enter a room Alone just the two of them undisclosed info after that.

Andrea' never got to see this hotel video but, Andrea' did watch her husband walk in her own home with this 8 yr old innocent child with her own eyes repeatedly brought there by her husband. Four people verify Relisha' was at the Tatum's home multiple times. One anon. phone call to Kahlil's job could have stop this by Andrea. No doubt in my mind Andrea' was involved of either not stopping this or tying to hold on to her man and standing down in silence.
I had a procedure done in Feb. got tubes put in my ears, the employees at the center were Amazing!! and we all joked and carried on for hrs because the children went in first for their procedures. I'm such a silly girl and was extra nervous so that carried over to extented* anxiousness, but the crew there made me feel welcomed, I wanted the (tubes) removed they drove me crazy and this Wednesday I had them taken out.

After the removal I woke up in tears and remembering sitting up on the table, the tears falling out of both eyes and asking the staff (all crazy like) "What did I say, did I say anything, did I say where she was??" I got woken up to soon, this is the only time I seen Relisha's beautiful face and wanted to hold on to what I was dreaming.

These poor people had no idea what I was talking about, and after it happened I did feel odd. I explained best I could to them what my words I were referring too my (dream I just had ) what I was talking about and three staff member's in the recovery were aware she's still missing and her story. We're not alone people just because many do not share her postings or comment on her story this baby is "IN THE HEARTS OF MANY!!!

I dreamed Relisha' was standing to the left of my mind I could see her but she couldn't talk and in the right side of my mind I seen Andrea & Kahlil' standing side by side not speaking just looking back at me , it scared me so bad.

I have never seen Relisha' in my dreams, but every night I ask her to send me a sign "where are you sweetheart? and that never has happened. Wednesday she was sent to me in my dream, we need to find her. Never give up take days off and away from day in and day out readings , but never give up. We love you Sweet Girl!!!!
I had a procedure done in Feb. got tubes put in my ears, the employees at the center were Amazing!! and we all joked and carried on for hrs because the children went in first for their procedures. I'm such a silly girl and was extra nervous so that carried over to extented* anxiousness, but the crew there made me feel welcomed, I wanted the (tubes) removed they drove me crazy and this Wednesday I had them taken out.

After the removal I woke up in tears and remembering sitting up on the table, the tears falling out of both eyes and asking the staff (all crazy like) "What did I say, did I say anything, did I say where she was??" I got woken up to soon, this is the only time I seen Relisha's beautiful face and wanted to hold on to what I was dreaming.

These poor people had no idea what I was talking about, and after it happened I did feel odd. I explained best I could to them what my words I were referring too my (dream I just had ) what I was talking about and three staff member's in the recovery were aware she's still missing and her story. We're not alone people just because many do not share her postings or comment on her story this baby is "IN THE HEARTS OF MANY!!!

I dreamed Relisha' was standing to the left of my mind I could see her but she couldn't talk and in the right side of my mind I seen Andrea & Kahlil' standing side by side not speaking just looking back at me , it scared me so bad.

I have never seen Relisha' in my dreams, but every night I ask her to send me a sign "where are you sweetheart? and that never has happened. Wednesday she was sent to me in my dream, we need to find her. Never give up take days off and away from day in and day out readings , but never give up. We love you Sweet Girl!!!!

Bless you . Thanks for sharing :)
I looked at the video again posted by "Adopt Don't Shop". I originally had thought Relisha was carrying items such as clothes ....but it appears to be groceries to me. Were the contents ever talked about (apologies if they were). I enlarged and froze the video several times and the bag appears to be heavy (she switches hands). Then the outline took the form of something like a half gallon of milk (in a carton)? Her walk reminded me of my own daughter when I ask her to carry a bag of groceries...the stagger/sway/hand switching. I usually only ask her to carry something if I am truly bogged down with other bags. The fact that KT didn't carry that bag himself indicates to me that 1) the contents were her own belongings (and maybe not groceries) or 2) uncaring or clueless behavior on his part....you can see she is struggling a bit. Also - did anyone see any signs of them talking to each other...even enlarged - their faces seemed to just be motionless around the mouths.

Any other speculation on the items they are carrrying? KT seems to be carrying a brief case. Someone else here posted that they thought it could have been an electronic device with a cord but I could not see a cord.

I used to have the timeline memorized but it's been so long. Was the video of KT leaving that room ever released? We speculated that perhaps it did not go public because if he had Relisha in a blanket, bag, etc. - it would be used later as evidence...but since he is dead....I think the video of his/their exist is key in knowing if she was alive or not when she left.
Russ Ptacek, WUSA9 ‏@RussPtacek 9m
#RelishaRudd: A viewer just tweeted me asking where the media's been on Relisha's story. I promise more.
I looked at the video again posted by "Adopt Don't Shop". I originally had thought Relisha was carrying items such as clothes ....but it appears to be groceries to me. Were the contents ever talked about (apologies if they were). I enlarged and froze the video several times and the bag appears to be heavy (she switches hands). Then the outline took the form of something like a half gallon of milk (in a carton)? Her walk reminded me of my own daughter when I ask her to carry a bag of groceries...the stagger/sway/hand switching. I usually only ask her to carry something if I am truly bogged down with other bags. The fact that KT didn't carry that bag himself indicates to me that 1) the contents were her own belongings (and maybe not groceries) or 2) uncaring or clueless behavior on his part....you can see she is struggling a bit. Also - did anyone see any signs of them talking to each other...even enlarged - their faces seemed to just be motionless around the mouths.

Any other speculation on the items they are carrying? KT seems to be carrying a brief case. Someone else here posted that they thought it could have been an electronic device with a cord but I could not see a cord. At the door when he's tying to open it you'll see (circle eight) white cord by his leg

I used to have the timeline memorized but it's been so long. Was the video of KT leaving that room ever released? We speculated that perhaps it did not go public because if he had Relisha in a blanket, bag, etc. - it would be used later as evidence...but since he is dead....I think the video of his/their exist is key in knowing if she was alive or not when she left.

Thank you Shcmae :)

PLT' I'm not sure what's in the bags but yes could be milk carton, but is heavy to her and she is struggling. Walk from parking lot/check in/maybe elevator/hallways then room and what's he do? Open the door to the room and walks in first (real compassionate kinda guy) NOT!!!. Do you see where she tried to hold his hand it kinda looked like, but he knows camera's all over so he plays cool.

I watched this video on a 55inch tv and I'm so positive this is a dvd/vcr and also a blue bag on the side of it the device (maybe the bathing suit?). Now if KT' is bringing his item this means he's been here before and know he has to bring his own device with him. I called this hotel back couple ago they do not have dvd/vcr players in any rooms.

What you're seeing is Two camera's here - Seeking 8-Year-Old Relisha Tenau Rudd - YouTube (camera 6' first then camera 5' will come into play once they walk past camera 6. and out of range - You will notice the fire exstingu* on the left is no longer on the wall once they come back in to the camera 5 (different) hallway.

Off to bed shortly to ask the same as every night, GN all!!
Where are you Sweetheart?
PLT' even if you're not viewing from TV' a very easy 100% view of the white cable is seen when both Relisha & KT' are standing by the door look down at his right leg (circle eight formation of the strong white cable).

Do we know the exact date KT' would have taken Relisha' to Disney On Ice?
Does anyone have the warrant's for RRI' the ones I have have been removed from articles?
Scroll small video with Kt's face ' New details emerge" "Memorial pamplet" reporter's are smart they showed the address -- http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=htt...issing-relisha-rudd#axzz2xB3txfVa&h=sAQHAWjWJ - You will find KT' pastor's both names on video
Living Word Christian Center
Outreach Ministries
1215 Good Hope Rd
Whoever gave this gave this info on article was a close friend to both AT & KT and would know the families history.

Quote " A family friend who spoke on the condition of anonymity said that Tatum was a hard worker at the shelter and that his wife had many friends from her church. The friend, who requested anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the case, said Andrea Tatum was a successful graduate of a substance abuse recovery program and that hours before the police found her body, “She was headed to church.”
Article - http://wapo.st/1lfdS65

Obit's many people had very nice comments on here - https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct...=_4gsV4de4o_zhUABGD2K3w&bvm=bv.69837884,d.aWw

Added - "She was headed to church always got too me, so late at night, Church?
Then I realized the address above has Wednesday night "Narcotics Anon". meetings 8:30 & 10:00 on Wednesday nights.
FEB. 26 Wednesday - (supposed) Pool party 7:30 pm enter hotel
March 19 Wednesday - enter hotel room after 10:00pm
I'm begging to think about who the other TWO people who were at the hotel, and if they were brought there by innocence and have nothing to do with this missing baby?
Done added ^^
It's back. Posted today on KW FB. A link to the "Grand Reopening of the RTTF". It's an open group, should be able to find. Also announcement that the Radio "show" will be reopened. Ugh. Just Ugh.
From my FB feed. Hope its ok to post.


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