DCF Shelter and Custody Hearings #2

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I agree 100% with everything you said, until the last paragraph. Being "older" myself I know the challenges we face. Though good genes are a blessing to me, I'm also extremely active for my age. (With 9 acres, 6 horses, 3 dogs, 2 goats, a swimming pool, a full time job, 4 grand babies ages 5-11 living next door, & NO hired help, what choice do I have? Lol). Point being, I have my grandies frequently. They're the loves of my life yet I'm inevitably EXHAUSTED both mentally and physically when they leave, and I'm not even in charge of their day to day care, getting them where they need to be, etc. Though I do wish the Sievers girls had a younger caretaker (for the sake of Mags as well as them), being put in the care of someone outside of Teresa's family is the worst scenario I can imagine. It's my belief if there was someone else in the family willing AND able to take custody, they would have petitioned for such by now. Based on this belief, being in MAG's care is the best solution. Just my opinion....

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I agree with you Daisy47. I remember TS wanted a sibling to take care of the girls....however, the siblings are all close to TS's age....they have stabile jobs where they live now, homes and families. IF the girls could have moved out of state NOW, I am sure any one of the siblings would have asked for custody. However, we know MS thinks only of himself, not of the girls. He would not let them go for their own good, the girls are his money ticket. For MAG to move to take care of the girls was the best choice for now. MAG is not tied down, no job, no young family....yes she has other responsibilities but she was the best choice and stepped up to the plate when her granddaughters needed her.

MAG loves the girls, is selfless giving up her retirement years, and STILL tries to work visiting rights out with the other paternal relatives no matter what MS does or tries! I do not know I would be so kind.

We will have to wait until after the trial to see what happens. IF MS loses all his parental rights, IF MAG gets permanent custody, the girls can move out of state, Then MAG will have the support of aunts and uncles, cousins and others. I am sure there is a back up relative of TS that would take the girls if MAG could not....that family is on the ball and has a back up plan. For the younger relatives to move their career and family for five years or so may not work....Then move back to their home dtate sith the girls. MS would not allow it.....so leave them in FL with MAG and then move if he loses rights.

We really do not know the entire story of why MAG could not watch the girls when TS was visiting with family, the week she was murdered. It could be MAG had a cold, had other plans, MS surprised her with the last minute request or any other reason....I just hear MS whiny side. He probably had a 'date'.

As for BS getting the girls....age is a factor there too. She has no permanent room for the girls, ghey sleep on a couch, nor even made an comments that she would get a larger home. Infact she said she did not have the money, nor could handle the girls care.....lol....because according to MS lawyers, MS's family has been paying the attorney fees until now....probably with hidden MS money.....money that could have been used for the girls.

Money is the root of all of this....TS murder, MS whining and complaining about the girls...etc...HE caused all of this!!!

MAG is dealing with whiny MS, the grandgirls she loves who are brain washed by MS, MS harrassment....just keep adding all the reasons. Yet there is MAG still there for the beautiful girls.

I know some grandparents, heck you dont have to be a grandparent, just a family member or friend, cannot handle the care of younger relatives, for many reasons. I do understand that. IF MAG could not she would have said so....and those that cannot they will say so, I hope, not everyone is the same and can take care of younger kids and that is okay. BS was honest and said she could not care for the girls....that is okay too.

The Judge is on top of things....because MS is watching and will try anything. The girls are best where they are. This is a hard and terrible case.....I know TS family is trying their best and I am sure in her own way BS is trying to....I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, MS is driving her. MAG needs to keep the girls IMO.....so far the Court agrees
I agree with you Daisy47. I remember TS wanted a sibling to take care of the girls....however, the siblings are all close to TS's age....they have stabile jobs where they live now, homes and families. IF the girls could have moved out of state NOW, I am sure any one of the siblings would have asked for custody. However, we know MS thinks only of himself, not of the girls. He would not let them go for their own good, the girls are his money ticket. For MAG to move to take care of the girls was the best choice for now. MAG is not tied down, no job, no young family....yes she has other responsibilities but she was the best choice and stepped up to the plate when her granddaughters needed her.

MAG loves the girls, is selfless giving up her retirement years, and STILL tries to work visiting rights out with the other paternal relatives no matter what MS does or tries! I do not know I would be so kind.

We will have to wait until after the trial to see what happens. IF MS loses all his parental rights, IF MAG gets permanent custody, the girls can move out of state, Then MAG will have the support of aunts and uncles, cousins and others. I am sure there is a back up relative of TS that would take the girls if MAG could not....that family is on the ball and has a back up plan. For the younger relatives to move their career and family for five years or so may not work....Then move back to their home dtate sith the girls. MS would not allow it.....so leave them in FL with MAG and then move if he loses rights.

We really do not know the entire story of why MAG could not watch the girls when TS was visiting with family, the week she was murdered. It could be MAG had a cold, had other plans, MS surprised her with the last minute request or any other reason....I just hear MS whiny side. He probably had a 'date'.

As for BS getting the girls....age is a factor there too. She has no permanent room for the girls, ghey sleep on a couch, nor even made an comments that she would get a larger home. Infact she said she did not have the money, nor could handle the girls care.....lol....because according to MS lawyers, MS's family has been paying the attorney fees until now....probably with hidden MS money.....money that could have been used for the girls.

Money is the root of all of this....TS murder, MS whining and complaining about the girls...etc...HE caused all of this!!!

MAG is dealing with whiny MS, the grandgirls she loves who are brain washed by MS, MS harrassment....just keep adding all the reasons. Yet there is MAG still there for the beautiful girls.

I know some grandparents, heck you dont have to be a grandparent, just a family member or friend, cannot handle the care of younger relatives, for many reasons. I do understand that. IF MAG could not she would have said so....and those that cannot they will say so, I hope, not everyone is the same and can take care of younger kids and that is okay. BS was honest and said she could not care for the girls....that is okay too.

The Judge is on top of things....because MS is watching and will try anything. The girls are best where they are. This is a hard and terrible case.....I know TS family is trying their best and I am sure in her own way BS is trying to....I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, MS is driving her. MAG needs to keep the girls IMO.....so far the Court agrees

DITTO everything you just said!!

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I agree with you Daisy47. I remember TS wanted a sibling to take care of the girls....however, the siblings are all close to TS's age....they have stabile jobs where they live now, homes and families. IF the girls could have moved out of state NOW, I am sure any one of the siblings would have asked for custody. However, we know MS thinks only of himself, not of the girls. He would not let them go for their own good, the girls are his money ticket. For MAG to move to take care of the girls was the best choice for now. MAG is not tied down, no job, no young family....yes she has other responsibilities but she was the best choice and stepped up to the plate when her granddaughters needed her.

MAG loves the girls, is selfless giving up her retirement years, and STILL tries to work visiting rights out with the other paternal relatives no matter what MS does or tries! I do not know I would be so kind.

We will have to wait until after the trial to see what happens. IF MS loses all his parental rights, IF MAG gets permanent custody, the girls can move out of state, Then MAG will have the support of aunts and uncles, cousins and others. I am sure there is a back up relative of TS that would take the girls if MAG could not....that family is on the ball and has a back up plan. For the younger relatives to move their career and family for five years or so may not work....Then move back to their home dtate sith the girls. MS would not allow it.....so leave them in FL with MAG and then move if he loses rights.

We really do not know the entire story of why MAG could not watch the girls when TS was visiting with family, the week she was murdered. It could be MAG had a cold, had other plans, MS surprised her with the last minute request or any other reason....I just hear MS whiny side. He probably had a 'date'.

As for BS getting the girls....age is a factor there too. She has no permanent room for the girls, ghey sleep on a couch, nor even made an comments that she would get a larger home. Infact she said she did not have the money, nor could handle the girls care.....lol....because according to MS lawyers, MS's family has been paying the attorney fees until now....probably with hidden MS money.....money that could have been used for the girls.

Money is the root of all of this....TS murder, MS whining and complaining about the girls...etc...HE caused all of this!!!

MAG is dealing with whiny MS, the grandgirls she loves who are brain washed by MS, MS harrassment....just keep adding all the reasons. Yet there is MAG still there for the beautiful girls.

I know some grandparents, heck you dont have to be a grandparent, just a family member or friend, cannot handle the care of younger relatives, for many reasons. I do understand that. IF MAG could not she would have said so....and those that cannot they will say so, I hope, not everyone is the same and can take care of younger kids and that is okay. BS was honest and said she could not care for the girls....that is okay too.

The Judge is on top of things....because MS is watching and will try anything. The girls are best where they are. This is a hard and terrible case.....I know TS family is trying their best and I am sure in her own way BS is trying to....I am trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, MS is driving her. MAG needs to keep the girls IMO.....so far the Court agrees

I hope that she has help with housework and cooking. I hope she has some time to herself. I hope they have friends and can do things with them .

If MS agreed, could the girls move to Connecticut? They would have more family there and more opportunities. But then BS would ve limited in her time to see them. What a nightmare. If they had a father who cared, there could be solutions. Of course, a father who cared would nave not murdered their mother.
I hope that she has help with housework and cooking. I hope she has some time to herself. I hope they have friends and can do things with them .

If MS agreed, could the girls move to Connecticut? They would have more family there and more opportunities. But then BS would ve limited in her time to see them. What a nightmare. If they had a father who cared, there could be solutions. Of course, a father who cared would nave not murdered their mother.

The way Mark is behaving and from what i have dealt with in the past with old cases, he will never agree to anything!

Until he is fully stripped of his parental rights he will fight back and make ppl misersble. He has nothing to lose by his actions he's displaying since he was incarcerated.

Even though Mary has physical custody she still needs to walk a fine line with social services and Marks rights. He will appeal like crazy until he has exhausted all legal avenues with his case. Sad but true.

I just worry about the girls and their sanity. Trial has not even started yet and Mark is creating a freak show . There is a small chance that the girls might never get over this mess he created and unfortunately Mark seems to have more legal rights then the girls.

Mary is stuck in FL for a long time because this case will drag on with Mark being a jerk
See this is another instance of me not understanding the legal system. Here, we have a lady with NO criminal charges pending, who is their grandma, and stepping forward willingly to take custody of the girls, and raise them. The girls have NO criminal charges against them. AND YET, they all are a prisoner of Florida! Then, we have the Moorers in the Heather Elvis case who are BOTH charged with CRIMINAL cases pending, and yet, they were allowed to MOVE out of South Carolina to FL!!!! HOW???

It makes no sense at all! MAG and the kids have done nothing illegal! MAG should be allowed to move the girls wherever she sees fit. Phone calls can occur from state to state! Let them try to pick up the pieces of their completely shattered lives and learn to live! Let their healing begin for gosh sakes! This monster called MS has done enough damage to them for a lifetime! He does NOT need nor deserve to ever see or speak to them again! Get him away from those kids!!!
See this is another instance of me not understanding the legal system. Here, we have a lady with NO criminal charges pending, who is their grandma, and stepping forward willingly to take custody of the girls, and raise them. The girls have NO criminal charges against them. AND YET, they all are a prisoner of Florida! Then, we have the Moorers in the Heather Elvis case who are BOTH charged with CRIMINAL cases pending, and yet, they were allowed to MOVE out of South Carolina to FL!!!! HOW???

It makes no sense at all! MAG and the kids have done nothing illegal! MAG should be allowed to move the girls wherever she sees fit. Phone calls can occur from state to state! Let them try to pick up the pieces of their completely shattered lives and learn to live! Let their healing begin for gosh sakes! This monster called MS has done enough damage to them for a lifetime! He does NOT need nor deserve to ever see or speak to them again! Get him away from those kids!!!

The girls cant move yet. They are wards of the state. FL has legal rights to them. Transferring to another state can't happen. Their Dad is still has rights. Mark knows that he has the upperhand right now
See this is another instance of me not understanding the legal system. Here, we have a lady with NO criminal charges pending, who is their grandma, and stepping forward willingly to take custody of the girls, and raise them. The girls have NO criminal charges against them. AND YET, they all are a prisoner of Florida! Then, we have the Moorers in the Heather Elvis case who are BOTH charged with CRIMINAL cases pending, and yet, they were allowed to MOVE out of South Carolina to FL!!!! HOW???

It makes no sense at all! MAG and the kids have done nothing illegal! MAG should be allowed to move the girls wherever she sees fit. Phone calls can occur from state to state! Let them try to pick up the pieces of their completely shattered lives and learn to live! Let their healing begin for gosh sakes! This monster called MS has done enough damage to them for a lifetime! He does NOT need nor deserve to ever see or speak to them again! Get him away from those kids!!!
Exactly what you said!! I would like to add the word EVIL MS monster.

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I hope that she has help with housework and cooking. I hope she has some time to herself. I hope they have friends and can do things with them .

If MS agreed, could the girls move to Connecticut? They would have more family there and more opportunities. But then BS would ve limited in her time to see them. What a nightmare. If they had a father who cared, there could be solutions. Of course, a father who cared would nave not murdered their mother.

The father still has rights Now but the girls are 'wards' of the state. Until the end of the trial, it is as it is. The girls spend almost every weekend with BS. It appears grandma 1 and 2 try to work it out when other relatives come into town so the girls can see them. This is info from way back here on WS. MAG, I believe has all the rights on who the girls see. No matter how MAG feels inside she is trying to let the girls see the Sievers side of the family....how hard that must be.

I also remember a comment about the girls seeing 'friends'...but remember since their moms murder, MS has kept them pretty isolated unless he was 'seeing and meeting up' with someone, who may have had kids too...again info from way back on WS.

The girls are home schooled....a continuous of the prior year....however, before that, the girls did go to a school with other children at one time. Again this is info that was here on WS a long time ago. I wonder which parent wanted them home schooled? Yes, they both had to agree, but who brought it up? IMO this may have been part of MS plot along....

Cleaning...I hope she has help too. money could help pay for this help..as it helps the girls. Maybe the girls are now given chores to do like other children...don't know....just thinking. Cooking, I bet she does a lot herself because of health issues of one of the girls.

I know MAG's son...I forgot his name, sorry, is fighting for MS to be removed from family trust so insurance money can go to the girls. I would imagine this money could be used to help grandma in this case....but there is the ******** monies that can be used to help grandma. IMO the monies are being spent wisely, receipts are kept, etc...this money is for the girls...although MS thought he would get it. He signed over to TS's family. The uncle (TS brother)is taking care of finances...again here on WS.

If and/or when the girls can move out of state...BS can travel to see them or move by them...why not? Did she not move to FL until MS request "to be closer to grand girls", but then rarely saw them? Again info was on WS. BS could move back to Missouri or by her own family, stay in Florida...or travel with her partner...who knows. I do not see her staying in FL if MS is convicted, JMO. As far as the girls seeing their dad in prison....if that is where he goes, that is up to the courts. What is best for the girls matters not what is best for MS.

Moving, they could go to a school, make new friends, a somewhat fresh start,....and lots and lots of counseling with MONITORED phone calls....IMO...maybe once a month to start. MS starts with his codes and foreign languages, he loses that Privilege.

Just wish, MS would get it through his thick skull, the girls are what is important, not him....a wish never to be fulfilled.
MsJosie.... great post this morn, 7/29/16, 8:00AM. You wrapped it up pretty good, I remembered most all you stated that went on & was known here on WS. I pray for MAG.... for strength & peace as she goes thru this journey. It's hard enough rearing kids under the best of circumstances. Getting close to entering the teen years, even the best of kids push the envelope. Add to this situation... a selfish, sick, murderer, so-called "father" has had NO TELLIN' what sort of negative influence on these young minds. Parents all end up in the "bad guy" position, as their kids see them during times of guidance, discipline, etc. TS's extended family will help MAG but I will REJOICE with all WS here when she can take the kids HOME up north for a fresh start, etc FAR from the "madding crowd"!

Heading to Estero tomorrow. Will probably drive by Jarvis since we shop, eat, etc in the Bonita area. Will be watching local news, etc but WS keeps us up-to-date better than MSM... LOL! Wish the trial was almost underway BUT it will be a while before that happens. Prayers for MAG & all family.
Cannot MAG petition the court to allow her to take the girls home to Connecticut, enroll in school far from the media in the best interest of the girls? Communication would still be there as I assume (I hope) the girls cannot visit him in jail. For bs back to the show me state of Misery a quick flight away if visitation is needed. They can be monitored by the Cn DCS with no problem. The girls need stability
If they are wards of the state, the transferring to another state would work how?
It has been my opinion that none of the siblings, including TS's dear sister AL, petitioned for custody of the girls due to MS. The interactions they would have to go through with him, would tear their own lives apart.

IIRC, her will listed her brother in Florida as their guardian if both she and MS were deceased. Of course, that is not applicable, however, it has raised a question, in my mind, as to why he did not step forward to take custody when MS was arrested. Again, I believe it falls back to no one wanting to deal with MS and the bullsh$$ he would create.

My opinions only.
If they are wards of the state, the transferring to another state would work how?

It cant happen. FL is the only one that has jurisdiction. Until the dcf case is closed, They have to remain here. Mark still has parental rights.
Just for accuracy, DCF absolutely can and does place children with relatives out of state. The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children is enacted by every state in the U.S. It is a state law and a contract among party states. It ensures uniform procedures for sending/receiving interstate placements and ensures that uniform services are provided to children who are placed in another party state. The sending state maintains jurisdiction and has the same legal authority and responsibilities it would have if the child remained in-state.

If there was no Bonnie and had MAG not moved to FL, the girls would most certainly have been placed with her or another approved relative in CT. But since there is a Bonnie and since MAG wanted the girls, she relocated. So here we are. :)
Just for accuracy, DCF absolutely can and does place children with relatives out of state. The Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children is enacted by every state in the U.S. It is a state law and a contract among party states. It ensures uniform procedures for sending/receiving interstate placements and ensures that uniform services are provided to children who are placed in another party state. The sending state maintains jurisdiction and has the same legal authority and responsibilities it would have if the child remained in-state.

If there was no Bonnie and had MAG not moved to FL, the girls would most certainly have been placed with her or another approved relative in CT. But since there is a Bonnie and since MAG wanted the girls, she relocated. So here we are. :)

Thanks GT.

The man has his wife killed. But tried to have the kiddies placed where he wanted them placed.


Especially since she was the bread winner for years. Jmo.
What is it going to take for this judge to understand the mind control MS has on these girls?

The best thing that can be done is to limit MS phone calls to one a day or one every other day, while limiting visits to every other weekend. Someone from DCF needs to step up to the plate now and take some control away from MS, The therapist can then work with them on respecting and listening to their grandmother as the boss.

This matter of MS running the show must stop or the girls will be lost and I fear will turn to the wrong groups of people in a few years. JMO.

My opinions only.
See this is another instance of me not understanding the legal system. Here, we have a lady with NO criminal charges pending, who is their grandma, and stepping forward willingly to take custody of the girls, and raise them. The girls have NO criminal charges against them. AND YET, they all are a prisoner of Florida! Then, we have the Moorers in the Heather Elvis case who are BOTH charged with CRIMINAL cases pending, and yet, they were allowed to MOVE out of South Carolina to FL!!!! HOW???

It makes no sense at all! MAG and the kids have done nothing illegal! MAG should be allowed to move the girls wherever she sees fit. Phone calls can occur from state to state! Let them try to pick up the pieces of their completely shattered lives and learn to live! Let their healing begin for gosh sakes! This monster called MS has done enough damage to them for a lifetime! He does NOT need nor deserve to ever see or speak to them again! Get him away from those kids!!!

Agree 1 trillion percent.

They should be allowed to move. Now Mark may have rights. But he temporarily lost his rights to see his kids since he is in jail and can't get out.

I never knew of a law that mandated kids to visit their parent in jail.

They don't do it to the other parent. So why do it to the grandmother.

I wonder how many kids in the Dcf system are forced to visit their incarcerated parent. And who takes them.
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