DE DE - John 'Jack' Wheeler, 66, Wilmington, 30 Dec 2010

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DNA Solves
Her not hearing from him for 3 days is not out of the ordinary for his line of work. Military, retired Military, that consults and was expected to be in DC she wouldn't think twice, probably thought he was in meetings, something came up. Military wives, like me knew not to call, because he might be in meetings, traveling, something. We knew he would call.

If you lived the life is what I'm saying, you would understand this wouldn't be out of the ordinary. Maybe not for lower ranking Military, but pentagon connected for sure. He has a huge electronic trail, and he has very high security clearances and worked in cyber security. He was the best and most expert person in this field. Trust me he was a busy man.
I'd take that more seriously if it wasn't one specific type of bird.

I believe there are a couple different kinds now,but I get what you are saying.(maybe osm species are more suseptable?) I researched the guy alittle and he did indeed write some manual about the use of biological weapons,and was adamnetly apposed to the US using them. He also consulted for Mitre Company. It does make you wonder. If I lived in Arkansas,I'd be wondering if they are truelly doing testing there and was there any reports of military planes malfunctioning?
So we got what?..took train from DC to Wilm. on Tues am, south to north passing his house in New Castle and near Newark, some say in the Wilm. area Tues PM, didnt go to New Castle to sleep? warm was the body will tell the death time to some telling where murdered...dumb disposal, most know trash is reviewed about everywhere...did he have contacts/babe/mad husband in Newark?'d take a strong man to haul & dump messy leaking body..a street robber/or tuff guy wouldn't care where body was where was his car or transport...until we know more, its less likely he was done in Wilm, cause perp would have to haul him 15 mi and could get caught via broken taillite traffic it would be more likely he went to Newark on his own and killed there by someone he knew..people with his background know the security level of their has sorta personal radar... subject: change, have the BHPD confirmed scientific Chasen gun ballistics...?
I believe there are a couple different kinds now,but I get what you are saying.(maybe osm species are more suseptable?) I researched the guy alittle and he did indeed write some manual about the use of biological weapons,and was adamnetly apposed to the US using them. He also consulted for Mitre Company. It does make you wonder. If I lived in Arkansas,I'd be wondering if they are truelly doing testing there and was there any reports of military planes malfunctioning?



A mysterious event that caused thousands of red-wing blackbirds to rain down from the sky New Year's Eve in the Arkansas town of Beebe may have occurred when loud noises or fireworks frightened a flock that roosts in a neighborhood, causing them to fly into buildings and other obstacles, a state ornithologist said.

In Louisiana now they're finding blackbirds and some starlings.

So we got what?..took train from DC to Wilm. on Tues am, south to north passing his house in New Castle and near Newark, some say in the Wilm. area Tues PM, didnt go to New Castle to sleep? warm was the body will tell the death time to some telling where murdered...dumb disposal, most know trash is reviewed about everywhere...did he have contacts/babe/mad husband in Newark?'d take a strong man to haul & dump messy leaking body..a street robber/or tuff guy wouldn't care where body was where was his car or transport...until we know more, its less likely he was done in Wilm, cause perp would have to haul him 15 mi and could get caught via broken taillite traffic it would be more likely he went to Newark on his own and killed there by someone he knew..people with his background know the security level of their has sorta personal radar... subject: change, have the BHPD confirmed scientific Chasen gun ballistics...?

I never knew til now that they reviewed trash.
Brotherly thats funny!!!..the Dolphins will try to get Vick, that'll help..
So, the Friday sighting at about 3:30 in the afternoon in Wilmington, means that about 19 hours later his dead body was being dumped in a landfill in Wilmington after being dumped in a dumpster in Newark. ...
In my haste, I read the article wrong and had the dates wrong.

"Newark Police said that Wheeler was seen in the area of 10th and Orange streets in Wilmington, Delaware - near the Hotel du Pont - around 3:30pm on Thursday, December 30th."

"Wheeler's body was uncovered one day later, around 10:00 a.m. on Friday the 31st, when a garbage truck emptied its contents at the Cherry Island landfill in Wilmington."

Still, + / - nineteen hours.

Since they know all of the dumpsters that were emptied by that particular truck that they'd take cadaver dogs to each one to see if they get a hit. IIRC, a cadaver dog hit on a trash bin near Hayleigh Cummings place but the body wasn't in it, at the time.
Ron Roark, who has lived next door to Wheeler in New Castle for seven months, said Monday he had met Wheeler only once and rarely saw him. But for four days around Christmas, he said he and his family heard a loud television in Wheeler's home that was constantly on, but no one appeared to be home, The News Journal of Wilmington reported.

"It was so loud, we could hear it through the walls, and we found that strange," Roark told the paper.

Also more info on the last time he was seen. He had been emailing friends just before death.;contentBody
Ron Roark, who has lived next door to Wheeler in New Castle for seven months, said Monday he had met Wheeler only once and rarely saw him. But for four days around Christmas, he said he and his family heard a loud television in Wheeler's home that was constantly on, but no one appeared to be home, The News Journal of Wilmington reported.

"It was so loud, we could hear it through the walls, and we found that strange," Roark told the paper.

Also more info on the last time he was seen. He had been emailing friends just before death.;contentBody

I find it a bit strange that Mr. Roark & Co. didn't contact the police if it was that loud; obviously something could have been amiss.
Exclusive: Witness In John Wheeler Case

This is a Fox29 of Philadelphia report. There is a video at the link also.
Things are just getting more confusing to me. Anyhow...

"Our Claudia Gomez spoke with Iman Goldsborough, a parking lot attendant who encountered a man she believes was Wheeler a day before he officially disappeared. (That woman had already spoken to police about the incident before we spoke with her.)"

Apparently, the story goes that she saw him after he had gotten off a train. Although the train station is away from this parking lot, so I am not sure how she knew he had just gotten off the train, unless he told her. However, her description of the encounter is very unusual. And, according to the story, this took place on Wednesday, December 29 near the intersection of 10th and Orange where it has also been reported that he was seen on Thursday at about 3:30 pm.

From the report: "Goldsborough says a man matching Wheeler’s description came up to her looking for help finding his car, but he appeared disheveled and disoriented.

The man was wearing a suit and tie, but was also only wearing one shoe.

Goldsborough told Gomez she thought the man seemed like he was suffering from dementia.

There is further description and then she says: "“Mr. Wheeler left the garage and he just kind of walked up, out the driveway and I just kind of stared at him until I couldn't see him anymore, until he was out of my sight. Then after I got off I kind of followed his footsteps and I still didn't see him anymore. So like the next morning when I got back to work I called Wilmington Police.”

The police told her there was nothing they could do, and of course, this was all before he turned up in the landfill.

It also says: "Wheeler actually parked his car at the Doubletree hotel garage a few blocks away, which is closer to the train station."

So, at this point, I think its just further information, and that's about it.

Some of the reporting on this case is kind of 'iffy'. I have read that there was a smoke bomb thrown into the Wheeler house, and I have read there was a smoke bomb thrown into the home being built across the street that the Wheelers are suing about.
I find it a bit strange that Mr. Roark & Co. didn't contact the police if it was that loud; obviously something could have been amiss.

Some people leave the radio or TV on when they are gone, maybe he thought that was what happened.

The sighting of a man confused and with only one shoe should have gotten a 911 call, it's too cold outside for that.
Some people leave the radio or TV on when they are gone, maybe he thought that was what happened.

The sighting of a man confused and with only one shoe should have gotten a 911 call, it's too cold outside for that.

Certainly true, but the volume level itself was rather an advertisement to passersby: "I am pretending to be home. Go in fear." And to be loud enough to be heard next door, in what I assume is an area with very solid walls? Ah - the neighbor should have made the effort to pinpoint the trouble.

Agree wholeheartedly with your comment on the incident noted in i.b.nora's post above.
Sometimes TVs are turned up extra loud to drown out other noises. I've seen this alot in crime movies,etc. I know this isn't a movie......just throwing the thought out there.
Im getting the feeling that he lived a double life. Sadly, I wont be surprised if it comes out that he had some shady personal relationships.

I dont mean any disrespect towards the victim here, he clearly has a stellar resume and career, and was a very accomplished individual just a hunch im getting.
In Nancy's link above:

Police have also searched Wheeler's home, but don't consider it a crime scene, Farrall said.

Also the TV was on for 4 days over Christmas, maybe they left it on to appear home but the volume increased with a change in shows or comcercials.
Since they know all of the dumpsters that were emptied by that particular truck that they'd take cadaver dogs to each one to see if they get a hit. IIRC, a cadaver dog hit on a trash bin near Hayleigh Cummings place but the body wasn't in it, at the time.

Evidently a cadaver dog hit on a dumpster is hard to interpret since getting rid of bodies via dumpsters is so effective. It was said somewhere in the past that cadaver dogs will make a positive hit on most dumpsters out there.
I wish we knew the COD. This could be about a man who had a stroke or something, was confused and eventually crawled into a dumpster to stay warm. A compacting trash truck could cause trauma and make it appear he was beaten or something. Many homeless people die this way and are never seen again. If someone at the dump hadn't seen the body fall out of the truck, we would probably never know where this guy ended up.

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