Death Penalty Vs Life in Prison and Why

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do you want Casey to get the death penalty?

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    Votes: 106 59.2%
  • no

    Votes: 73 40.8%

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Just wanted to comment on the line up of pictures in your siggy, OMG from the first pic to the last. The progression of evilness in her eyes just drills right through me. Crazed! Makes my skin crawl.

DP to me was always a tough one, my point of view has always been legalized murder. But since I've joined WS, no questions asked, hands down pedophiles and baby/childern killers need 357 mag right between the eyes. They can not be rehabilitated!!!!!!!!!

You are so right! They can not be rehabilitated! They are sick in the head and there is no such thing as reversing it. They need to be removed from the gene pool so other children are not harmed.

I'm Vindictive as well. The only reason I would hope for the DP is so that I will never have to hear anymore about her. So that I dont need to see future news reports on her, about her love life in jail, about her commisarry, about her whining and snivelling about her treatment in prison. I dont ever want her to have a life or a potential for parol. I dont WANT TO SEE OR HEAR FROM HER AFTER THIS TRIAL. So i can only hope that she gets the DP for my own selfish reasons.

Why wouldn't you hear about Casey after the trial if she got DP? Richard Ramirez is on Death Row and he got married. DP has the appeals process so you would hear about that. Being sentenced to DP would probably increase her notoriety because of how rare it would be for a woman (especially one who is Casey's age) to receive that punishment.
Add me to the list of people that thinks ICA would enjoy prison. I was always kind of iffy on the DP, sometimes even felt more against it than anything, but ICA/this case has changed my mind. She deserves the DP - no if's, and's, or but's about it. I think some of the strongest evidence in this case, is ICA, herself. Her cold demeanor, never showing an ounce of remorse or sadness for her dead baby, her overwhelming sense of entitlement, etc.....
I would hope for LWOP. My philosophical beliefs prevent me from condoning the DP. But beyond that I feel that living out the rest of her natural life behind bars would be very fitting for her. In my opinion she murdered her daughter to gain her own personal freedom. Having that freedom taken forever would be punishment. In some cases I have thought "lock them up and let them spend the rest of their lives tortured by what they did." In ICA case I don't think she is even slightly bothered by her actions. However, lock her away and never let her have a drink, go on vacation, seduce a man, etc. All of her life she will be aware that those on the outside are getting on with their lives, doing all the fun things she thought she was going to do, while she rots away in prison.
Also, I don't think she'll do well there. A someone else stated, the prison will be filled with mothers who would give anything to spend time with their children. They will not look to kindly upon her and I would suspect her days would be very long and hard.
Besides, the DP will give her notability. Every appeal will be one more chance to get her mug on camera. With LWOP she will just fade from the public eye and become just one more inmate in the FL prison system.
100% yes, Casey has adapted VERY well in jail and there is NO doubt what so ever Prison will mirror that image.

She'll be having one huge party in Prison if she gets LWOP.
I would go for the lesser charge of manslaughter with mitigating circumstances. I do not think she should be put to death or lwop. They are way to severe for a case such as this. The mitigation, which I hope will be proven in Court, far outweighs any aggravating circumstances in my opinion. There was a complete lapse in parenting and her disorder was allowed to fester. IMO, that is child abuse.
For some reason I feel if KC gets LWOP she will somehow put in her mind that she will get out somehow one day. She will still breathe, eat, have media interested her, she can enjoy her infamy etc. But I think KC really didn't value Caylee's life that even now in her mind it wasn't a big deal she was barely old enough to remember anything. Like she killed a pet or something. The horror in taking the future away from a 2 year old when she had so many people who would have taken her is just too evil to excuse.

Someone as cold as KC will not understand a lesser punishment than death. The end of doing her hair, enjoying a meal or making friends, growing old..etc.

If it is proven that she is responsible for not only killing her child but also taking her lies so far as to accuse her dad, then that's pure evil and the punishment fits the crime.

She is dangerous, that long evil look she gave Jose yesterday sent shivers through me.

I'm Vindictive as well. The only reason I would hope for the DP is so that I will never have to hear anymore about her. So that I dont need to see future news reports on her, about her love life in jail, about her commisarry, about her whining and snivelling about her treatment in prison. I dont ever want her to have a life or a potential for parol. I dont WANT TO SEE OR HEAR FROM HER AFTER THIS TRIAL. So i can only hope that she gets the DP for my own selfish reasons.

On the OTHER hand I would hope that she spends the rest of her sad and pathetic, ugly and disgusting life, rotting in some cell somewhere. BACKACNE, Crappy prison food, Miserable cold uncomfortable cell.. THE WHOLE NICE YARDS. I want her life to SUCK and be as AWFUL and uncomfortable as possible.... FOR AS LONG AS POSSIBLE... So if she gets LWOP I will have the sweet justice of seeing her LIVE forever in a cell...MISERABLE.

I dont know which i prefer... DP saves florida tax payers.. and saves the world from having to hear about ICA ever again... LWOP ensures that she suffers... as much as a person can suffer with food in their bellies and a roof over their head.. there are free peoples of this world who dont have that much going for them... :'(

Casey will still be in a cell miserable being on DR. so you can have your cake and eat it too. :)
I would go for the lesser charge of manslaughter with mitigating circumstances. I do not think she should be put to death or lwop. They are way to severe for a case such as this. The mitigation, which I hope will be proven in Court, far outweighs any aggravating circumstances in my opinion. There was a complete lapse in parenting and her disorder was allowed to fester. IMO, that is child abuse.

I value your opinion but it seems to me she was really the abuser, she stole and lied to her parents many times to extreme points and lacked remorse for those actions. She pinned mom against dad, her mother shielded her from being confronted because IMO she was scared of KC and they walked on eggshells around her until boiling points.

Lee was raised in the same house and is not a killer.
I value your opinion but it seems to me she was really the abuser, she stole and lied to her parents many times to extreme points and lacked remorse for those actions. She pinned mom against dad, her mother shielded her from being confronted because IMO she was scared of KC and they walked on eggshells around her until boiling points.

Lee was raised in the same house and is not a killer.

I disagree. Cindy knew she was a sociopath and said to Ryan Paisley stay away from her I don't want you to get hurt. Yet, she let KC take Caylee. So it was a recognized disorder that started way back in early highschool, if not earlier and it was not addressed. This is the sole responsibility of the parent. This is the reason why KC is here today, because it was not addressed. Cindy lets Ryan know that she is a sociopath and stay away, but it is okay for Caylee to be in her care?

Lee is not a sociopath. KC is. Huge difference. Also if it is addressed, it can be dealt with.
Yes I know I've answered this question before so the thread might be buried in the scads of threads we have on this subforum.

I'll answer as I did then, I want KC to get the sentence that the Jury, after seeing all the evidence against her and the defense's presentations, decides is the appropriate sentence.

I don't wish for any particular sentence just justice as it is seen by the eyes of the jury who will see the state's evidence and get to hear the defense's as well.

I disagree. Cindy knew she was a sociopath and said to Ryan Paisley stay away from her I don't want you to get hurt. Yet, she let KC take Caylee. So it was a recognized disorder that started way back in early highschool, if not earlier and it was not addressed. This is the sole responsibility of the parent. This is the reason why KC is here today, because it was not addressed. Cindy lets Ryan know that she is a sociopath and stay away, but it is okay for Caylee to be in her care?

Lee is not a sociopath. KC is. Huge difference. Also if it is addressed, it can be dealt with.

I don't think Cindy could have imagined that she would kill Caylee. I think a sociopath IF KC is one is good at convincing people of what they want them to think. CA is no doctor and KC is not a diagnosed sociopath. This is a story of a girl who was spoiled and never made to face consequences she is a born liar and user of people, she had a problem which was a 2 year old that everyone kept expecting her to take care of and after being unsuccessful in getting her parents to continue to take the burden on, she decided to get rid of the problem and I strongly believe in KC's brain she had every right to do so, being the mother and all.

Cindy is not to blame for what happened, just for continuously trying to protect her monster daughter and keeping up appearances which she has been doing for years. Used by her daughter like a tool.

LWOP so that she can get put into general population. That may take her smirk off.
I don't think Cindy could have imagined that she would kill Caylee. I think a sociopath IF KC is one is good at convincing people of what they want them to think. CA is no doctor and KC is not a diagnosed sociopath. This is a story of a girl who was spoiled and never made to face consequences she is a born liar and user of people, she had a problem which was a 2 year old that everyone kept expecting her to take care of and after being unsuccessful in getting her parents to continue to take the burden on, she decided to get rid of the problem and I strongly believe in KC's brain she had every right to do so, being the mother and all.

Cindy is not to blame for what happened, just for continuously trying to protect her monster daughter and keeping up appearances which she has been doing for years. Used by her daughter like a tool.


I believe you hit the nail on the head when saying she was spoiled and never made to face the consequences. Exactly what Cindy and George were supposed to make her do.

Now she is because of their failings. She is not deserving of the dp or lwop in my opinion and I hope the jury sees this.

I am not the only one calling her a sociopath; several psychiatrists on the beloved Nancy Grace show have called her this. She needed help and did not get it. Her mother ignored it.

IMO, Cindy wanted a grandchild and did not care that her extremely malfunctioning daughter could not take care of her; yet Cindy let her do that. She is so culpable, imo.

Hopefully, the jury will take into consideration these obvious mitigating factors.
Generally, I'm opposed to the DP. Because of in the past, folks were framed. Innocent folks were sent to jail. DP is rather permanent. No getting free, if a mistake is found. Small town courts, it was easier to send folks up river.

Then I hear stories like the Manson girls asking for parole. Those folks should never be released. Life, should be just that. And they should be thankful they didn't get DP. Life shouldn't include school and nice things. They should have NO life, besides being locked up. There should be ho hope of getting out.

Since I personally believe that a person feels nothing, knows nothing after death, then DP would be close to letting them out of their misery. LWOP would have them living a daily hell.

In places were the isn't LWOP, DP is really the only option. Florida does have LWOP

So, no, I don't really hope she gets it. I think LWOP would be more painful for her. However, if I was on the jury and they rules stated that A+B+C=DP, I would follow the rules and give a DP sentence. I wouldn't consider it being ME that gave her or anyone else that. I would consider it that THEY chose it, buy doing the crime that came with such sentence.
Here is what I posted about this last night. And I still stand firm on it. I'm not against the DP and I'm not always for it either.

Although I agree that life is precious I'm not certain that Caseys life is worth the fight. Casey is a human being that gets a lot of pleasure out of causing pain for others. She really does revel in it. She gets immense pleasure in torturing her parents. I won't be upset if she doesn't get the DP I just dont want her out so she can continue to cause so much pain to others. And Caseys sense of entitlement is so outrageous Casey would certainly kill again in a heartbeat, no doubt at all. Casey can NOT and should NOT ever be free again.

By what mode her death comes is no concern of mine. Either way she needs to come out of jail only in a casket or pine box. Which I might add is more dignity than she allowed her VICTIM.

ETA: I disagree with others that life in prison would be more painful for Casey. She would adapt and learn to love being in prison and she would love the opportunity to still be alive to cause pain for her parents.
I believe you hit the nail on the head when saying she was spoiled and never made to face the consequences. Exactly what Cindy and George were supposed to make her do.

Now she is because of their failings. She is not deserving of the dp or lwop in my opinion and I hope the jury sees this.

I am not the only one calling her a sociopath; several psychiatrists on the beloved Nancy Grace show have called her this. She needed help and did not get it. Her mother ignored it.

IMO, Cindy wanted a grandchild and did not care that her extremely malfunctioning daughter could not take care of her; yet Cindy let her do that. She is so culpable, imo.

Hopefully, the jury will take into consideration these obvious mitigating factors.

I so agree with you. What bothers me is that CA wanted her grandchild but didn't seem to want to be burdened with her on a daily basis, so she had a problem with ICA for not being a good mother. The A's should have gotten custody of beautiful Caylee a long time ago. They knew exactly what was important to ICA and it sure wasn't them or her daughter!
I so agree with you. What bothers me is that CA wanted her grandchild but didn't seem to want to be burdened with her on a daily basis, so she had a problem with ICA for not being a good mother. The A's should have gotten custody of beautiful Caylee a long time ago. They knew exactly what was important to ICA and it sure wasn't them or her daughter!

As a judge said in another case I saw where a 21 year old was sentenced to lwop, there was a complete lapse of parenting.

There was. Cindy obviously wanted the grandchild but she wanted her very sick daughter to take care of the baby and then give her to the parents when the parents 'wanted' Caylee. How one lets a sociopath take a grandchild every day especially one who is stealing huge amounts of money and lying about working is something that I take into consideration.
I believe she is guilty, but I think the mitigating factors are huge in this case and I would never vote first degree. Never.
Personally, I'm not a fan of the death penalty; I find it to be rather barbaric and unbecoming of a civilized society. Put her in General Population with no chance of ever getting out and I'll feel justice has been done. What happens in Gen Pop to her is not my problem, but hers.
I so agree with you. What bothers me is that CA wanted her grandchild but didn't seem to want to be burdened with her on a daily basis, so she had a problem with ICA for not being a good mother. The A's should have gotten custody of beautiful Caylee a long time ago. They knew exactly what was important to ICA and it sure wasn't them or her daughter!

You would be surprised at how common that is. These G-parents to be, saying anything to get their daughter to keep the child. Even promising to 'raise' the child and do 'everything". Not realizing what they are saying is impossible. Then shocked that their daughter holds them to it. Then blame the Daughter for taking them up on the baby setting, child care, etc for being a bad Mom.

They never ment to be the Mom. Most case, were not even allowed to be the Mom until Granny decided the Daughter should be the Mom.
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