Deaths of Male College Students-General Discussion #3

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There were two others who had wrecks or disabled vehicles before they went missing. He wouldn't be the first to be in a vehicle and confused about his whereabouts either. Not saying it is associated to the others, but the scenario sounds familiar.

I question why the father didn't call for a tow truck in the 45 minutes he was talking to his son. This would be the first thing I would do if my child were stuck in a ditch. I would tell him to stay inside and lock his doors until I notified LE and a tow truck. Even if he had been drinking...going to jail for DUI as opposed to going missing would be preferable.

Also, since he was supposed to have met someone...they could not have been that far away. Why didn't they go get him?!

I won't be surprised if they do find him in the water away from where his car was found.

Glad you posted this, Fran.
I read in one of the articles that he was supposed to meet family, think the dad, at a local watering hole/store, when he got back into town.

His dad has said he didn't sound impaired just confused. The last phone call was long and they were disconnected.

Wouldn't it be weird if they used the cell phones for tracking? So many of these students were using their cell phone just prior to going missing.

It is a thought, but how would they know he was crashed in a ditch and not just pulled over talking? Besides, don't you need a phone number of a person to track them this way? I don't see it being plausible.
I've been watching this case since I believe Friday. We have a thread in the missing section. IF he ends up in the river, or they never find him, I personally think he should be added to this group.

FWIW, I've made up a list of 25, or 26 if you count this one, of 'missing' or 'drowned' young men from just this school year. All but 6 were out drinking. There are 4 or 5 that could be attributed to a local incident. IMO, foul play and one I believe was truly an accident (weather related) But the rest, well,..............suspicious.

These go to SEVERAL states. What bothers me, AND makes it honestly look like a 'serial' sort of thing, is IF you look at the case from the beginning, sort the incidents according to the school year, it started in one state, two states, more, and more.

When it comes to this sort of thing, which COULD involve murder, I'm not one for 'coincidence.'

Think about it. The majority of serial killers that had the most victims, were able to commit so many times, because they struck in different areas. LE didn't even realize they had a 'serial killer,' for quite some time, or that it could be the SAME person.

The only PERFECT CRIME is when 'no one knows a crime has been committed.' These incidents fit that to a 'T.' THAT'S why IMO, LE really, really, needs to collect all this data, reinterview witnesses, and MAKE SURE this isn't a group of 'serial killers.'

IMO, they owe it to these families. They owe it to the 'victims.'
I'm not sure if I would say that the people that are into metal and punk are really jealous of "preps". I do agree that a lot dislike them though. quote]

That's what I meant; a fair amount of punk rockers or metal heads have a dislike for preppy looking white kids. You're right though; jealousy is not the right word; its just a general dislike. The thing that I find disturbing and the reason I mention this as one of several angles to consider; is that the message of the 1970's and early '80's punk and metal bands; as I see it; has changed over the years from mainly a general attitude of rebellion; to a mix of rebellion with some satanistic ideas with some of the bands. Ozzy Osbourne is nothing compared to what's out there today and the early roots of punk, with bands like The Clash or The Sex Pistols were mainly about harmless rebellion and anti-government ideas; but for the vast majority; they were without all of these satanistic ideas. That's why I thought this is one of many angles worth looking at because there doersn't appear to be any motive except that someone or some group has a real hatred for clean cut young white men who have their act together and are enjoying life. So if these cases all connect; the only motive appears to be pure evil
It is a thought, but how would they know he was crashed in a ditch and not just pulled over talking? Besides, don't you need a phone number of a person to track them this way? I don't see it being plausible.

GPS............that's how they play Geocaching, I believe.

It COULD be something imbedded in their phone?

Who knows HOW they would pick their victim. PLUS, there's some that weren't students, just 'fit the physical profile.'

Just things to throw around.

I don't see a connection, Fran. They aren't hunting down cell phones and in real time...I don't know how they could go about finding a particular cell that quickly.

Sure they could, IMO. They could 'locate' their prey, then stalk them until an opportune moment.

Walking alone late at night.............lot's !
On a lonely road.....................some of those too!
Or................'opportunity,' ..........right place, right time............late at night on campus,...............late at night in area 'known to be frequented by college students.'

Just somethin' to think about.

NOT one MO fits all. Perhaps they could be using more than one MO.

Just to add to the intrigue, there's at least two bartenders and two restaurant owners (missing without a trace, autos located).

Interesting that as he is walking he is on the phone talking to his parents for 45 minutes. He tells them that his car crashed in a ditch in the area of Lynd. But when police got the cellphone records, none of the calls were from that area. I wonder if he was slipped something in his drink that would have had him so confused about an area that he knew well.
Great Post SL- I LOVE when you post.... Great Job.

Thanx Blink. I thought you and SuzieQ and a few others didn't like me, but I guess I'll stick around for a couple more days...Here's a link to Anderson Cooper's page. He does his smiley face story tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern time; he's one of the few in the media who's got the guts to tackle the story
I've been watching this case since I believe Friday. We have a thread in the missing section. IF he ends up in the river, or they never find him, I personally think he should be added to this group.

FWIW, I've made up a list of 25, or 26 if you count this one, of 'missing' or 'drowned' young men from just this school year. All but 6 were out drinking. There are 4 or 5 that could be attributed to a local incident. IMO, foul play and one I believe was truly an accident (weather related) But the rest, well,..............suspicious.

These go to SEVERAL states. What bothers me, AND makes it honestly look like a 'serial' sort of thing, is IF you look at the case from the beginning, sort the incidents according to the school year, it started in one state, two states, more, and more.

When it comes to this sort of thing, which COULD involve murder, I'm not one for 'coincidence.'

Think about it. The majority of serial killers that had the most victims, were able to commit so many times, because they struck in different areas. LE didn't even realize they had a 'serial killer,' for quite some time, or that it could be the SAME person.

The only PERFECT CRIME is when 'no one knows a crime has been committed.' These incidents fit that to a 'T.' THAT'S why IMO, LE really, really, needs to collect all this data, reinterview witnesses, and MAKE SURE this isn't a group of 'serial killers.'

IMO, they owe it to these families. They owe it to the 'victims.'

well said and I agree
Interesting that as he is walking he is on the phone talking to his parents for 45 minutes. He tells them that his car crashed in a ditch in the area of Lynd. But when police got the cellphone records, none of the calls were from that area. I wonder if he was slipped something in his drink that would have had him so confused about an area that he knew well.

Good Point, DD.

I have a theory- in the cases where the vic was talking on the phone, or when there are calls made that are incoherent or in some cases no speaking on behalf of the vic, that there was some sort of slip up on behalf of the perps. ie: not enough drug was given and the vic was able to get further or in this case back to his own car and was followed. Could be as simple as the "lookout" guy got distracted, etc.. But there are too many coincidences with regard to the phone. Incidentally, have they said when/if they stopped receiving a signal from his phone?
Thanx Blink. I thought you and SuzieQ and a few others didn't like me, but I guess I'll stick around for a couple more days...Here's a link to Anderson Cooper's page. He does his smiley face story tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern time; he's one of the few in the media who's got the guts to tackle the story

It's not personal- we just want everyone to contribute based on facts and known information. It's when people give opinions that is denied by the facts and it derails the process here that it gets frustrating.

Yes, Anderson will have an interview with Kevin Gannon. Worth the watch.
Sure they could, IMO. They could 'locate' their prey, then stalk them until an opportune moment.

Walking alone late at night.............lot's !
On a lonely road.....................some of those too!
Or................'opportunity,' ..........right place, right time............late at night on campus,...............late at night in area 'known to be frequented by college students.'

Just somethin' to think about.

NOT one MO fits all. Perhaps they could be using more than one MO.

Just to add to the intrigue, there's at least two bartenders and two restaurant owners (missing without a trace, autos located).


Interesting idea and plausable. It would definitely make it more of a "game" to the killers. Hunting their prey. I would not discount the idea.
Thanx Blink. I thought you and SuzieQ and a few others didn't like me, but I guess I'll stick around for a couple more days...Here's a link to Anderson Cooper's page. He does his smiley face story tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern time; he's one of the few in the media who's got the guts to tackle the story

SL- you were seconds from a clear get away. When you quote someone, you must not abbreviate it. I said that .."I love it when you post just the facts.." not I love it when you post as you indicated here. Not an issue, just a stickler on accuracy of any quotes coming from me
Bill Szaostak was on the radio this morning talking about updates with his son's death. Nothing "fascinating" as I was told there would be, but I didn't expect there would be. He said the detectives are not 100% sure his son's death is connected to the smiley face crimes, but they think it probably is; they were back in Albany reinvestigating last week and now they're in Pennsylvania and investigating both the Tommy Booth case and the other Pa case(both PA police departments have reopened their cases for now). The detectives will be on CNN I think tomorrow night(Anderson Cooper I think he said). Szostak has the strongest praise for the detectives. Here's a link to Al Roney's WGY page and if you look a bit down the page and to the to left; you can listen to Bill Szostak from the link that says podcast. Nothing fascinating but a few interesting things like toxicology found his son to be maybe just a bit of the limit

Thank you for this link. I listened to the show and Bill Szostak said that the detectives say they are about 90% sure that his son's case is connected to the group they are investigating.
His Dad also said that 2 PA cases had been reopened and the police were speaking with the detectives.
I also wonder, because the individual has not been named , who is the other PA vic? We know of Tom Booth, we know of a few other college men that have drowned in PA during the time frame of these incidents. But they have not released the other vic's names. I wonder if it is in the same general area as Tommy or in another part of the state? And what body of water the other vics were found in?
I guess I didn't realize that there was a way to real life time track a cell phone so specifically except for LE. If this is the case...then why aren't missing people found immediately if they have a cell on them? I don't understand. Is this something new?
SS, I have friends who have that ability with their teens ..they can actually track it on a map. I think it has something to do with the Disney company coming up with that technology. I don't know the cost or exactly how it works, but if they call and say were shopping at so and so, they can log on to the computer and track where they really are. Wish I would have had that a few years ago when mine were teens..LOL.
I guess I didn't realize that there was a way to real life time track a cell phone so specifically except for LE. If this is the case...then why aren't missing people found immediately if they have a cell on them? I don't understand. Is this something new?

Lots of factors:
You CAN live track a GPS enabled phone, if it is REGISTERED with your provider to do that. Yes, LE can immediately, but not without probable cause. You can live track yourself any of the registered phones in your plan if it is available. If the phone is off, you can only ping and will get the nearest towers. Those are the only real time options I know of.

Some employers have real time track GPS, but employee must be aware and it can only be used for approved use under the employer's stated policy, which is consented to by the employee.
SS, I have friends who have that ability with their teens ..they can actually track it on a map. I think it has something to do with the Disney company coming up with that technology. I don't know the cost or exactly how it works, but if they call and say were shopping at so and so, they can log on to the computer and track where they really are. Wish I would have had that a few years ago when mine were teens..LOL.

Most cell phones have GpS capability-I remember, humorously now, that someone in my life set my phone on GpS rather than just 911 (meaning that instead of just 911 being able to track your cell phone location, anyone can.) much to my surprise that person turned up in nyC, many states away from where i resided, standing right behind me. It was very spooky...
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