Deborah Bradley's Estranged Husband Speaks - Where Is Baby Lisa?

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Yes, the husband could be presumed to be the legal father. But since he hasn't seen his bio son in a couple of years I really doubt he'd want to have anything to do with a child that is not his.
Depends on where you are I think. My ex-dh and I divorced 10 years ago. We had 2 minor children at the time. We did not have lawyers and did it on our own. Cost us all of $250.

This is in no way concerning SB & DB, just responding that it depends on what state you are living in at the time of the divorce.

You are right, it all depends on the state that has jurisdiction over the children of the divorce. However, I live in Missouri and have done numerous dissolution cases in Clay County (where DB resides) and Jackson County (where SB resides).
Yes, the husband could be presumed to be the legal father. But since he hasn't seen his bio son in a couple of years I really doubt he'd want to have anything to do with a child that is not his.

I agree. A lot has been discussed in this thread about benefits DB may be receiving NOW. Trust me she's very aware of benefits. Anyone consider the fact that IF something would happen to SB while deployed she and TWO children would collect? Sly like a fox, this one....why divorce?
I think it really does just depend on where you live. I looked into moving where my mom lives now when dh was deployed a couple years back. I would've had to change to Tricare Standard because it's outside of a prime service area. It was part of the reason why I decided to stay where he was stationed. I don't know if there's any rhyme or reason to how they determine that. My stepdaughter lives outside of a prime area as well, and she's only about a 1-1.5 hours from a post (although it's really small.) :crazy:

The way it works is if the service member is stationed more than a certain number of miles away from a military medical facility, the soldier and his/her family enroll in Prime Remote. If the soldier is stationed near enough to a military medical facility, then he/she and family enroll in Prime. Whether the Tricare Prime enrollment is Remote or not is tied to the location of the service member's assignment not to the location where his/her family lives.

When my husband is deployed (on a ship, though, not to a war zone) our Tricare benefit categories don't change from Prime no matter where in the world either of us may be temporarily residing.

However, as a spouse of an activated reservist who was not living with the spouse at the time he activated, DB's and any other of her husband's dependants' level of eligibility for Tricare coverage is too complicated for me to figure out. Free medical may not have been available to her, even though that makes no sense. What??!! Something in the military making no sense???!!!
gotta love that quarter thing for the shopping cart :floorlaugh:

ohhh that's cause aldi's is an EU company, that's par for the course over here...also that you have to pack your own bags if you brought em.

on topic: I feel bad for him, he's got to be worried about his son. what a nightmare to wake up into.
ohhh that's cause aldi's is an EU company, that's par for the course over here...also that you have to pack your own bags if you brought em.

on topic: I feel bad for him, he's got to be worried about his son. what a nightmare to wake up into.


Only here it's £1 which is equal to $1.59!!! And some shops I guess (not in my area) are actually charging for grocery bags now. Sorry for the O/T - I couldn't resist - and I blame 2gold. ;)
BBM There are 2 Aldi stores within a few minutes of her house, that would be the cheapest for her to shop rather than commissary.

I've been to Aldi's and I've been to the commissary. No comparison.

Only here it's £1 which is equal to $1.59!!! And some shops I guess (not in my area) are actually charging for grocery bags now. Sorry for the O/T - I couldn't resist - and I blame 2gold. ;)

Good Grief! Can you just purchase one of those folding shopping carts for yourself, like this:

The State I live in is considering charging twenty cents per plastic bag, I guess that covers paper bags too. I think that is just nuts, as high as groceries are and the fact that the counter would be even more germ filled with people flopping their unwashed, who knows where it has been, cloth bags on there. :sick:

Also noted at an an airport, think it was Dallas or Chicago, they charge $5 for push carts for luggage. Crazy greedy world we live in.

As far as DB's ex goes, I don't guess we know if he has talked with his son. For some reason, I would think he has at least talked with him. Maybe he and DB don't talk, but they have a way of allowing the child to talk with the dad. Don't know what arrangements they have for now that he is back in the States for visitation, but I'd think something was in the works before this. If not, then he really didn't make the time to clear it up, but all of this we do not know.
I agree. A lot has been discussed in this thread about benefits DB may be receiving NOW. Trust me she's very aware of benefits. Anyone consider the fact that IF something would happen to SB while deployed she and TWO children would collect? Sly like a fox, this one....why divorce?

Really?,,,If that was her thinking she could very well have easily called the baby Lisa Bradley! But no she called her Irwin after her Father and a DIFFERENT name to herself her son and her husband. She was obviously NOT trying to pass off baby Lisa as her estranged husbands. Think..think!
Really?,,,If that was her thinking she could very well have easily called the baby Lisa Bradley! But no she called her Irwin after her Father and a DIFFERENT name to herself her son and her husband. She was obviously NOT trying to pass off baby Lisa as her estranged husbands. Think..think!

She's not "trying to pass off" anything, it's a legality. SB is the legally presumed father.
Previous posters were discussing reasons why DB never divorced her husband. The possibility that she benefits financially is valid.
I've been to Aldi's and I've been to the commissary. No comparison.

The commisary is definitely cheaper; we were taking about Aldi's because of how close 2 of them are to where DB/JI live, the fact that she doesn't drive and she has a baby to take along. To go to a commisary is a further, in distance, option for her.
The commisary is definitely cheaper; we were taking about Aldi's because of how close 2 of them are to where DB/JI live, the fact that she doesn't drive and she has a baby to take along. To go to a commisary is a further, in distance, option for her.
And I am thinking the closest commissary is probably Ft. Leavenworth area. I am not aware of any closer. Maybe someone can validate this or not.
I have been called into work as I was reading this thread, so I don't know if anyone has touched on the possibility of marital pay as opposed to pay if divorced, etc, benefits and such... I knew a gal who was considering marrying a soldier because the benefits were better for a married couple (she didn't thank God, it's despicable and we told her so)... and this (supposedly) extended to step children? Any military members out there have any info on that? Could be the reason neither of them really WANTED a divorce... gotta run ..
I dont usually go to commisary. I live about 30 min away. I dont find it that much cheaper. It used to be but not so much anymore. I will run to aldi for fruit and veggies. lol!
10/25/2011 (TODAY): Deborah Irwin's Estranged Husband Speaks - Where Is Baby Lisa? - YouTube

Sean Bradley says:
---he and Deborah are still married b/c they simply can’t afford to get a divorce
---she has always been a good mom
--"I’m still confused by what’s going on, this is craziness to me".
---has been interviewed by the FBI
---hasn’t spoken to Deborah, or seen their son in 2 years
--"I’m concerned about him and want to make sure he’s safe".
--"I miss him and would love to have him back".

Peeps, we are not going to sleuth SB.... thank you ....also attack the post *respectfully* and do not attack fellow posters. :seeya:

Bumping the OP and nurse's warning.
I agree. A lot has been discussed in this thread about benefits DB may be receiving NOW. Trust me she's very aware of benefits. Anyone consider the fact that IF something would happen to SB while deployed she and TWO children would collect? Sly like a fox, this one....why divorce?

For her to benefit from his death, he would have to have her still listed as a beneficiary. He should have updated that right before he deployed. Even if they are divorced, he could still list DB as the beneficiary.

As far as her benefiting because of Two children: The servicemember would have had to list Lisa Irwin as a dependent. Without a power of attorney, a spouse can not have anyone added to DEERS. Even if he is the "legal" father vs. the bio dad, I don't see a reasonable person doing this, especially considering they hadn't spoken in 2 years... Not to mention, I don't think they would add Lisa to DEERS with Jeremy Irwin listed as the father. JMO

Since he was a reservist, DB would've needed a copy of his orders to take advantage of the medical benefits. She might not even know what unit he's in to call the unit and get a copy if SB didn't send her orders. If they haven't talked in 2 years, I would imagine this was the case. MOO

I really believe that DB cut her ties for the most part as a military spouse except for just dealing with the benefits her son gets as a dependent. I think she stated at one point that she didn't get divorced due to $$ as well. Am I dreaming that? This case makes my head spin. :crazy: IMO, the reasons for them not getting divorced are the ones that they've both stated. MOO
And I am thinking the closest commissary is probably Ft. Leavenworth area. I am not aware of any closer. Maybe someone can validate this or not.
Ft. Leavenworth is the closest commissary (36 miles). Whiteman AFB in MO is about twice as far away.

ETA Just saw that there's a commissary at the Marine Corps Mobilization Command about 15 miles south of her house. There's a clinic there where she could get medical care, too.
KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Isabelle Zehnder reporting) -- In yet another twist in the case of missing Missouri baby Lisa Irwin, has just learned that in 2008 the baby's mother's husband, Sean Bradley, was reportedly arrested and charged in a drive-by shooting in Lee's Sumit.


This was news to me.

I wish the article included the disposition of these charges (were they dropped, pled down...?).

Note: Isabelle Zehnder is the author of this Examiner article. Ms. Zehnder's pieces have been approved to be linked by Weblseuths administration.
Where does the idea that SB is deployed come from? He is described as army reservist, I don't think he is deployed anywhere.
Where does the idea that SB is deployed come from? He is described as army reservist, I don't think he is deployed anywhere.

I do believe it was NG that stated it a week or so ago.

However, they wouldn't re-deploy him after this incident, would they?

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