Dede defends Terri - People Magazine

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Well after giving this mucho consideration, I have decided either TH, TH and DD, TH - DD and a as yet unidentified person, or a complete and unknown person has committed the crime of depriving KH and DY of their son. :banghead:
She hasn't been granted immunity that we have heard. That was why I phrased it the way I did. :) That has been a subject of debate by many a talking head and in the papers. That she may be seeking immunity.

The link is here..... about the phones.

The woman added she and her friends wanted some level of privacy with their conversations, which they felt were being monitored by law enforcement. They also wanted to use phones with numbers not known to the press.
I'm not believing her story... The farm that she was working at has a road that cuts around the property.. She could have jumped in a vehicle easily. Her not hearing them calling her could excuse her.. but not answering her cell phone doesn't...


I do not believe her story either. I am just now catching up on this thread.

Wasn't it reported that the person tried to call DeDe for lunch and she did not respond? DeDe says she did not leave the property that day. Did she have lunch? Did she bring her lunch? What did she do - weed a little bit and drag her lunch bag/box around with her - then plant a little bit - then drag her lunch bag/box again?

I would not think that DeDe worked on a property all day and did not have lunch. So, what did she do for lunch is my question. Why was she so isolated that no one saw her? No, I am just not buying this at all.

I have not been posting very much on Kyron's thread lately because everyone had already stated what I wanted to state. This People article makes me sick with her holier than thou attitude.


Is that the whole article or just a teaser for the magazine?

That wasn't what I expected to hear. Of course, I didn't expect to hear from Dede at all.

What on earth is she doing talking to People Magazine? She's a GJ witness in a criminal investigation, and hasn't been to the GJ yet for Pete's sake. She KNOWS her friend's lawyer has a gag order on her friend.

I tell ya what. I wasn't before, but NOW, I'm skeered of Dede. Her counsel can't control her - neither can Houze. I realized People cherry-picked her statements, but this statement to People points the finger at law enforcement. Pretty BOLD stuff for a cop's daughter.

Given this cavalier appearance in People, I'm guessing, she's got what I like to call a judgement problem. And, perhaps, an authority problem.

whoooo-weeeeee, buckle yer seat belts! :cow::cow:
TH apparently has a much better lawyer than DD.

IMO, innocent or not, neither one of these two woman seem to have anything constructive or useful to add to helping find Kyron. So, IMO, they should then keep their mouths shut ,stay out of the way and just accept what people are saying or thinking about them.
July 29, 2010 -- Updated 0918 GMT (1718 HKT)

He added that Spicher is not speaking to Terri Horman.

Thank you. I couldn't find the link that she was no longer speaking to Terri.

IMO, she cannot speak to Terri. DeDe is in the middle of "testifying" before the Grand Jury Once you start your testimony, you are not allowed to speak to anyone involved in the case so your testimony or the other person's testimony cannot be influenced and/or aligned with each other.
I don't know if she is lying or not, but I know I would not have a phone on me if I was working on my hands and knees or with a rake or whatever she was supposed to be doing.

90% of the time I have my phone in my pocket while working at the farm
too many pics I'd miss if I didn't...
I don't know if she is lying or not, but I know I would not have a phone on me if I was working on my hands and knees or with a rake or whatever she was supposed to be doing.

If I were working on a big property away from everyone else, I would definately have had my cell phone on me in case something happened and I was needed in an emergency. I would want my cell phone in case I had been bitten by a snake and needed help, or if there had been an accident. I can think of any number of reasons why I would never be without my cell phone.

I would have it in my pocket or on my belt. It would not interfere with my work. I always have my cell phone with me when I am in my yard. Just sayin'.

I think Terri has been effectively muzzled by her lawyer, who I believe is known not to try his least the media. That may change down the road. It may be as simple as him saying I'll take your case but you muzzle it up or I'm out of here and we'll work out the cost which could be as much as $350,000. He is reputedly good at his job. If Terri doesn't know what happened they just like others could be waiting to see what comes up. If Terri doesn't know, he most likely has his own investigators working.
As to the interview, my copies of People have been pretty skinny Inot clear if this was just an online piece) lately. Certainly questions were asked that aren't reported.....she may have expressed all sorts of concern...that's not the story or the perspective of this piece. I'm very amazed overall about the rush to, I'm just interested in the facts and the twists and turns.

you just made the point i was going to make....the online stories are generally just snippets of the paper version (clever they are, they want you to buy a mag). regardless, the entire interview will be summarized by the reporter, with their spin on the story. i wouldn't read too much into what is not "said" online.
Thanks for the link to Dede's twitter!! The ONLY thing she mentions regarding Kyron's disappearance is this '@Rosemont_Farm This is my friend's child. I know him. It's so so scary!' on June 6th....2 days after he disappeared. The rest of her twitter is complete light & fun. Kinda strange if this is your frined's child. You know, the friend who's house you moved into after her husband left?? The friend who was found to have a MFH plot against that husband which is why he left?? This woman does not appear to care that Terri's son has just disappeared off the face of the earth. Anybody care to explain why?

I long for the day my poor farm's name never is mentioned again on this forum. No offense.

She hasn't been granted immunity that we have heard. That was why I phrased it the way I did. :) That has been a subject of debate by many a talking head and in the papers. That she may be seeking immunity.

The link is here..... about the phones.

The woman added she and her friends wanted some level of privacy with their conversations, which they felt were being monitored by law enforcement. They also wanted to use phones with numbers not known to the press.

To me, that seems reasonable. With the information the friends had at the time.
Thank you. I couldn't find the link that she was no longer speaking to Terri.

IMO, she cannot speak to Terri. DeDe is in the middle of "testifying" before the Grand Jury Once you start your testimony, you are not allowed to speak to anyone involved in the case so your testimony or the other person's testimony cannot be influenced and/or aligned with each other.


And so it follows that you speak to them through People Magazine? :waitasec:
For someone that knew TH and Kyron since 02, she sure comes across very cold. No pleas for whoever did something to Kyron to come forward. No pleas about Kyron, at all. Just total lack of emotion about Kyron.

A slight acquaintance that saw TH in FM had more compassion for Kyron.

We don't know all that she said to the reporter.

We don't know how long the reporter talked to her.

We don't know what the reporter asked her.

We don't know what DeDe volunteered.

A reporter is *not* a court recorder who transcribes and provides everything said. A reporter chooses the questions they ask, chooses any other questions based on the responses, with tabloids especially often have an "angle" for the story planned before they ever talk to the interviewee, and the reporter chooses which quotes to use and how.

Then an editor can be involved and delete some quotes, or ask to add others,or ask that the story be rewritten and quotes get moved around.

A brief tabloid-style article from People isn't, IMHO, a true indicator of anyone's total state of mind. Nor is it a total record of everything they said and how they said it.

People has a certain "style." The length of this article and the quotes selected fit in perfectly for that style.

Set say, a Washington Post reporter, or a Christian Science Monitor reporter down, and the questions and responses will vary. In fact, you could use the same set of questions and the articles would then vary according to the style of that publication and also the individual reporter.

I'm pointing this out because a short blurb reflects the reporter and the publication's choices, not what the interviewee wanted shared.
If Kaine Horman was telling the entire company to not speak to media, it is only logical to assume that he told his wife to make sure none of her friends would be talking to the media either. Why would he control only one part of the investigation, especially in light of the fact that he had the two largest news sources kicked out of pressers because they weren't team players? I'm truly puzzled why anyone would be shocked to not see much on a friend of Terri's twitter.
let's take that logic in another direction: what if it was Terri asking Kaine to put that in the email. We all know what she had to say on her facebook about the media... and nothing was being said about her at that point
We don't know all that she said to the reporter.

We don't know how long the reporter talked to her.

We don't know what the reporter asked her.

We don't know what DeDe volunteered.

A reporter is *not* a court recorder who transcribes and provides everything said. A reporter chooses the questions they ask, chooses any other questions based on the responses, with tabloids especially often have an "angle" for the story planned before they ever talk to the interviewee, and the reporter chooses which quotes to use and how.

Then an editor can be involved and delete some quotes, or ask to add others,or ask that the story be rewritten and quotes get moved around.

A brief tabloid-style article from People isn't, IMHO, a true indicator of anyone's total state of mind. Nor is it a total record of everything they said and how they said it.

People has a certain "style." The length of this article and the quotes selected fit in perfectly for that style.

Set say, a Washington Post reporter, or a Christian Science Monitor reporter down, and the questions and responses will vary. In fact, you could use the same set of questions and the articles would then vary according to the style of that publication and also the individual reporter.

I'm pointing this out because a short blurb reflects the reporter and the publication's choices, not what the interviewee wanted shared.

I would hope, hope, that if I agreed to do an interview with an entertainment magazine I would make is a condition of the interview that it at least mentions information about the missing child to keep his cause out there...But then, I know, I wouldn't be doing such an interview just to make money...Not saying that's why she did it, just saying there are certain conditions certain people insist upon, up front, for interviews which if denied might cause them to say, "No, thanks...Not doing it then." JMOO...
Thanks for the link to Dede's twitter!! The ONLY thing she mentions regarding Kyron's disappearance is this '@Rosemont_Farm This is my friend's child. I know him. It's so so scary!' on June 6th....2 days after he disappeared. The rest of her twitter is complete light & fun. Kinda strange if this is your frined's child. You know, the friend who's house you moved into after her husband left?? The friend who was found to have a MFH plot against that husband which is why he left?? This woman does not appear to care that Terri's son has just disappeared off the face of the earth. Anybody care to explain why?

Why is anyone expecting more from a friend than the parents themselves did?

IMO, the parents were oddly quiet when Kyron went missing. We NEVER heard them out pleading for his return. We know that Kaine asked his fellow employs to not speak to the media. Maybe the family asked everyone to not be too outspoken to avoid the "media" speculation about family members. Maybe DeDe was just being a great friend by respecting the families wishes to keep the focus on Kyron but not giving fuel to the media.
It's reported that DeDe was working at a nursery or a farm and they were preparing for a tour the next day.

Yesterday I went to a huge nursery in a rural area of the county where I live. I thought about this case while I was there as it's close to the description of the place DeDe was working. I'd say the nursery I went to was about 15 - 20 acres.

This rural nursery was so huge that it was impossible to walk the entire nursery area, and had green houses in addition to shade protected areas. In all the walking I did, I didn't come anywhere close to covering even a 1/10 of the nursery. The workers there had golf carts to go from one area to another, and they all had cell phones and were in contact with each other. I saw them using their cell phones frequently.

I asked about a specific plant I was looking for and the guy I spoke to had to use his cell phone to call another worker to ask if they had any. After a few more calls, another cell phone call to the "growing grounds" a separate parcel of land some miles from the main nursery, where plants are grown from seed collected or from cuttings. Yes, they had the plants I was looking for, and they could have them brought to the main nursery on I'll be going back to pick them up.

Across the road from the nursery was another huge area with a chain link fence around it. That area had trees in anywhere from 25 gallon cans up to 100 gallon containers, and other landscape plants in various sized containers. That was part of the nursery, too. This nursery is a wholesale nursery and many landscapers come there and load up their trucks with plants for a landscape job.

I can understand where the owners of the place where DeDe was working would know that she was on the nursery grounds that day and probably had a good idea when she arrived at work. I can also understand the confusion over how long she was missing. She may have been assigned to a particular area, and it took interviewing all the workers that were there that day, asking each one when they saw her, in order to determine that no one saw her between certain hours, but her car was still parked where she had parked it that morning.
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