Defending a pathological/habitual liar

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I know I could never do it. I know me..after three days of trying to reason with this pathological liar with no success...I'd slap her good and hard in the face,and dramatically slam the jail door with a thunderous bang as I exited.

I suspect JB is aware he will not win this case, but he'll still keep on keeping on. It's advantageous to him to drag it out as long as possible in order to keep his name in lights, so I don't see a plea deal anytime soon, but a plea may happen towards the bitter end to head off an outright loss. This case is the best thing that has ever happened to him, regardless of the outcome. When it's over, he'll shrug and move on - hopefully to other high profile (and paying) clients.

Casey is a stepping stone to him, not a mission.
JB is doing exactly what he is supposed to do, force the State to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that KC killed Caylee and to make sure that she gets a fair trial, an impartial judge and a jury of her peers. He can say whatever he wants about her innocence and how everyone will understand what is going on after he gives his opening statment but his words are not evidence and he does not have to deliver on those promises. Geragos made lots of promises too, but none were kept.

Even though I think she is guilty as charged, I could vigorously defend her and would do so to the utmost of my ability. Having someone's life in your hands is an awesome responsiblity and not something you do half-azzed.

Emergency room doctors save the lives of criminals every day and they don't give half-azzed care to the patient/scum bag. It is the same thing. Life is life and trained professionals do their job without judgment or emotion.
How do you defend a pathological liar?

Just follow these easy steps.

1. Sell soul to devil

2. Drink the Kool-aid

3. Keep repeating the phrase "My client is innocent" until you actually begin to believe it.

4. Throw anyone you can think of under the bus (your grandmother and the Pope included)

5. Hire only those who have also sold their souls to the devil.

6. Wait for the Anti-christ to show up because the "end of the world" is the only way KC's going to get out of the sh*thole she's dug herself into.

7. Close your eyes, do you hear that swirling sound? That's your career being flushed down the toilet.

See, it's easy. Don't even need to go all the way through 12 steps!

JMHO as always.
Whenever I get feisty about the defense role, I try to remember this interview with Alan Dershowitz. It helps. Well a little. lol ...

Q. But ultimately you felt that being on the defense, you were on the right side?

Well, you're on the right side if you think of your role as making it hard for the government to prosecute people and making them overcome a very, very heavy burden. But sometimes you lose sleep at night. You say to yourself: "What am I doing? Why did I go to college and law school, and why have I been doing all this? Is it to simply help the process work? Aren't I entitled to think about whether I'm on the right side of the particular case here?"

And every lawyer who's also a good person has these ambivalences, and then you have to stop and think, I have a role in the process. I'm like a priest, and when somebody confesses to a priest, the priest doesn't think of himself as a member of society who immediately goes on television and says, "Let me tell you what my penitent told me in confidence." You know you have a role to perform; your role is as a priest. My role is as a defense attorney, and we each have to have a different morality, a role morality, if we're going to perform our role in the way that we're supposed to.

I know and appreciate your reasons for posting this, but his likening himself to a priest takes one h*ll of a lot of ego and nerve. True, a priest doesn't go on television and say, "Let me tell you what my penitent told me in confidence."

But NEITHER does a priest go on television and attempt to shift the blame for a heinous crime onto other people he knows are innocent, and in the process, destroy their reputations and lives-- Deliberately, knowingly and without so much as a qualm of conscience.

A different "morality." It sure is.

BTW Indigo, I hope I didn't sound snarky. I'm just frustrated that the word "defense" -- a good, even noble-sounding word -- has been so degenerated by attorneys that it includes the act of dragging innocent bystanders into the battle, using them for human shields, putting them through bloody hell, and--ideally--making one of them sacrifice their freedom or even their lives.

In my opinion, that's not defensive, its offensive--literally and figuratively. Unfortunately, I have no solution to suggest. :)
I know and appreciate your reasons for posting this, but his likening himself to a priest takes one h*ll of a lot of ego and nerve. True, a priest doesn't go on television and say, "Let me tell you what my penitent told me in confidence."

But NEITHER does a priest go on television and attempt to shift the blame for a heinous crime onto other people he knows are innocent, and in the process, destroy their reputations and lives-- Deliberately, knowingly and without so much as a qualm of conscience.

A different "morality." It sure is.

BTW Indigo, I hope I didn't sound snarky. I'm just frustrated that the word "defense" -- a good, even noble-sounding word -- has been so degenerated by attorneys that it includes the act of dragging innocent bystanders into the battle, using them for human shields, putting them through bloody hell, and--ideally--making one of them sacrifice their freedom or even their lives.

In my opinion, that's not defensive, its offensive--literally and figuratively. Unfortunately, I have no solution to suggest. :)

ITA :clap::clap::clap:
I know and appreciate your reasons for posting this, but his likening himself to a priest takes one h*ll of a lot of ego and nerve. True, a priest doesn't go on television and say, "Let me tell you what my penitent told me in confidence."

But NEITHER does a priest go on television and attempt to shift the blame for a heinous crime onto other people he knows are innocent, and in the process, destroy their reputations and lives-- Deliberately, knowingly and without so much as a qualm of conscience.

A different "morality." It sure is.

BTW Indigo, I hope I didn't sound snarky. I'm just frustrated that the word "defense" -- a good, even noble-sounding word -- has been so degenerated by attorneys that it includes the act of dragging innocent bystanders into the battle, using them for human shields, putting them through bloody hell, and--ideally--making one of them sacrifice their freedom or even their lives.

In my opinion, that's not defensive, its offensive--literally and figuratively. Unfortunately, I have no solution to suggest. :)

Eloquently stated. For this defense, the end justifies the means, which means offenses against humanity if need be. That's why the defense doesn't blink an eye at the notion of selling photos and videos of a baby and her mother who was viciously murdered by that same mother to pay his salary.
It has been established that Casey lied about things that are irrelevant and unimportant to everyone around her. That in itself is not a crime, just an annoyance. Her friends seemed to accept this as part of her personality, but were very aware of her lies. I think they didn't take Casey very seriously.

But when it came to something of the utmost importance - her daughter's very life, Casey told the biggest lies of all. And admitted that she lied. And it's on tape. And she was charged with lying about it. I see no way around that fact, except to plea bargain.

Remember that Casey had a whole new bunch of friends? She had probably used the old friends up by stealing and lying to them and they didn't want to hang around with her anymore.
For the most part, the lying is a mute point. It just means that her verbal comments will not stand on their own, without proof. (no one would believe her). In most cases, that is no different when a person is being tried in a court of law. Their comments have to be proven factual.

We heard alot of 'storys' from her that are lies. Shocking that a person would tell such stories.

But it will be up to the State to prove that a murder happened and that KC did it. They will be showing evidence to back up their statements.

Her lawyer doesn't have to defend every comment she made. He only has to prove what the state is saying, is false.

The lies are grouped up there with those dancing and parting pictures. It will come to play when trying to impress to the jury that his client is a 'nice girl' and wouldn't do that. That she is a 'good mother' , etc. THAT sort of stuff does have sway on wither a jury believes the states evidence, etc.

WE are all yacking about the horrable stuff (gossip) in this case. But when it comes court room time, it will be about the evidence, etc. the stuff in the investigation threads. Dealing with the who/what/when/where of this case.

I would think that the Pros can play the video tapes where Casey is talking to the FBI and she lies her way through that whole interrogation and admits it and keeps going. The FBI agents can take the stand but it isn't hearsay if it is on tape. That would be quite a eye opener for the jury. Also the tape where she is angry...for the first time... and every time George and Cindy try to talk about Caylee Casey starts in about herself.

I could never be a defense attorney even though most say they never ask their client if they are guilty or not. The evidence should show guilt or innocense. I could never defend a killer. No way would I want to help put a killer back on the streets to kill again. Defense attorneys make a lot more then Pros do but I like to sleep at night and have peace of mind.
I think LP has the decency to wait until this child is buried.
A lot haven't.

What does Leonard P. know that he is going to tell? Did Baez tell him what the big awakening is that will really open our eyes and then we will understand why things happened like they did?
What does Leonard P. know that he is going to tell? Did Baez tell him what the big awakening is that will really open our eyes and then we will understand why things happened like they did?

Not a Padilla fan, I take it?

I like him ok but he has such a bad habit of tooting his own horn. Nancy will ask him a question and he ignores that and starts talking about himself! I think he has a big heart though or he seems to anyway.
Very neutral on that subject!!

I think right now he is being given a try out to play the doh! on the NG show. LOL!!!

Play - Dough?

On another note, he he is kinda a comphy clown in the circus.

ooooo clay animation comes to mind now!

Sorry, it just happened.

I messed up. I meant

Who is the person talking about with the initials of LP that will have the decency to wait until after Caylee's service? Did she really mean Baez and said LP instead? I'm confused.
I messed up. I meant

Who is the person talking about with the initials of LP that will have the decency to wait until after Caylee's service? Did she really mean Baez and said LP instead? I'm confused.


Leonard Padilla

I said he would wait until Caylee is buried.

I don't think he has anything of value to say at this point honestly, but if so - I do believe he might be respectful enough to wait until she is buried.

No - I meant LP .... that is the reason this got started. I responded to an post about LP.

Leonard Padilla

I said he would wait until Caylee is buried.

I don't think he has anything of value to say at this point honestly, but if so - I do believe he might be respectful enough to wait until she is buried.

No - I meant LP .... that is the reason this got started. I responded to an post about LP.

Sorry for all of the confusion. It is 3:44 am here and I'm about half here reading these posts. Afraid I might miss Guess I'd better call it a night and finish reading tomorrow when I'm all here :blushing:

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