Defense Expert Barry Logan Resigned in 2008 with controversy

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Well, taking a guess based on the fact that JB couldn't get most of his experts to call him back, I'd say the top experts aren't saying what the defense needs them to say. I bet if you look long enough you'll find someone who will agree with you.

How much is Barry Logan getting paid for his testimony?
Has anyone sent this info to Kathi B? I'm sure that the new agencies would love to run a story on this.
Ok, I think I have it figured out now. This defense team does have a strategy - you can see a very clear pattern emerging from the "investigators" to the " experts" - it's called PICK A PATSY!! :floorlaugh:
I think it's interesting that he was originally used by LKB to interpret scientific results...he had no idea he was going to be an expert witness and had to write a report. No wonder he wasn't calling JB back. He was probably like Jose who?
Dr. Logan had no idea who he was tangling with. Ashton rocks! I believe these Frye hearings can be summed up in these depositions we have been reading as well as in this one, Jose's "we have no questions."
I just have this mental picture of Jose, going through the motions, eating , snoozing, snoring, snorting, etc. during these depositions. I get the impression that LDB, FG, and JA are the grown-ups and Baez and Mason act the toddlers. The irony is indeed rich.

LOL - and Mr. Baez - is your mike on? Could you turn it off - we are getting feedback.....LOL.

I guess Jose kept thinking he wanted to jump in and object and then decided he also would be shredded if he did.
Then other errors came to light involving the same issue: how the lab tests an ethanol-water solution used to make sure breath-test machines give accurate readings. The solution is critical in tens of thousands of drunken-driving cases each year because if it’s off, people may face charges based on faulty results.

Isn't this just exactly what Logan was saying that Voss did wrong? On the other hand, since Ashton didn't bring up his resigning in the depo, will it come out in trial?
So, in Mr Logans deposition he is allowed to render an "opinion" based on his knowledge. But Mr Hall is not?

Pot meet kettle?!
Three District Court judges questioned Logan's ability to serve as state toxicologist and found that the lab was fraught with ethical problems, scientific errors and carelessness — making all breath tests unreliable.

I'm not sure this makes Logan a very good judge of what standards are acceptable and what are not, when that's what he (and his team) were doing wrong. Not sure why Ashton didn't bring it up- maybe waiting until trial for more impact?
:maddening: :seeya: Just for the heck of it: here's another reference to the unique Barry Logan, Ph.D.

:twocents: my :innocent: absolutely favorite quote from the Dr.
"We trust people doing casework to do the work professionally," Logan said.

:twocents: directly followed by THIS one: "Blind proficiency tests would be too costly to design and administer, said Barry Logan, director of the Washington crime lab system"

Somebody should clue him into the fact that creating proficiency testing modules FUND some accreditation groups!

:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: As said before, you can't make this stuff UP!:woohoo:
2008 story re: Defense expert Barry Logan resigningas Head of State Crime and Toxicology Lab
Story Published: Feb 14, 2008 at 3:38 PM PDT

-- Dr. Barry Logan, head of the state crime and toxicology labs, has resigned following the discovery of deficiencies in the way DUI testing was conducted at the toxicology lab.
Logan's resignation is effective March 14.

As head of the Washington State Patrol's Forensic Laboratory Services Bureau, Logan was responsible for operation of the state crime lab and toxicology lab.

.....In King County, three judges referred to what they called ethical lapses and a climate of compromise in the state toxicology lab.

And another article addressing the same resignation :
Resignation of Crime-Lab ChiefBarry Logan resigned his position as director of the Forensic Laboratory Services Bureau, two weeks after a King County panel of judges ruled that the state toxicology lab engaged in “fraudulent and scientifically unacceptable” practices in the preparation and analysis of breath tests that are used to help prosecute Washington drunk drivers. Frankly, Dr. Logan’s actions, as well as those the state toxicology lab, particularly as they relate to Washington DUI cases involving breath or blood tests, are a complete embarrassment to crime labs around the country.

Thank you for pulling this up! I forgot that you had previously posted this. I apologize. :)
I'm not sure this makes Logan a very good judge of what standards are acceptable and what are not, when that's what he (and his team) were doing wrong. Not sure why Ashton didn't bring it up- maybe waiting until trial for more impact?

I'm not sure if you have read the SA's depo of him that was released today - but Mr. Ashton blew him out of the water and tore him to shreds.

He was trying to pass his opinion as an expert witness against Dr. Vass, without any backing, experience or education to challenge him.

It was the most ridiculous depo I have ever read. Give the man a clown suit and send him on his way! :banghead:

Ashton was brilliant of course.

Logicalgirl, am I dreaming or didnt hhJP.mention when Ashton questioned Logan he (Logan) could speak at the hearing but is not qualified for trial? I know Ashton ripped him apart. DT.seems to enjoy picking "winners".

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