Defense wants prosecutor Jeff Ashton held in contempt

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I get it now, they're p!ssed that they aren't making money off of that woman like they thought they would.

from link:

Cheney Mason kept saying over and over how he was working pro bono and after the trial he said he LOST over $600,000

From out Twitter Thread
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Mason worked pro Bono on #caseyanthonytrial. He says he lost out on $600,000
Have you ever noticed that just about the time we are hanging around feeling all sorry for ourselves because nothing is happening - then WHAM!!!

The Defense serves us up yet another plate of nonsense so we can...:laugh:
It's amazing!!! :great:

I know LG..I've been :giggle: all day
I would think those depos would be damaging to her appeal. It's on paper, two legal depositions, a completely different scenario than what she told the police of what happened. It shows that she is a prolific liar, and that can't look good for her appeal. I think the DT is scared of those depos being unsealed. And as usual, they're trying to distract, saying hey, this guy talked about them! That's not fair! After all, Jeff Aston talking about them (even though he made sure he could do so legally) did bring about the motion to unseal them. Maybe they're hoping that bringing up this controversy will keep those depos sealed.

I'm also sure we're about due for another Post-It Note Bandit assassination attempt so that they can say Casey is still in danger, too. I'm sure that's going to play in them begging for the depos to remain sealed. Just you wait.

Playing catch up - but this just really tickled me.
Ya have to admit, that "Post-It Note Bandit" assassin was one slippery, slimy, sneaky devil to have pulled that one off and "not" get the job done! {yeah, I know it was debunked and denied by the Dreamy Team ~ LOL}

Anyway, something is certainly in the Florida winter breeze, that they have come out once again to attract attention to themselves, during a holiday so that there are some down days for people to talk and speculate, get all worked up; etc.

The little grinch is stealing everyone's Christmas, is probably beside herself that she is still unmarketable, and, her team is tired of seeing their money slowly drain from their accounts while they have to take care of her.

Something is about to happen.
This is the rattle before the snake strikes. Now, whether the venom packs a punch is beside the point.
If it even serves as a small distraction, it will have been worth it in their eyes.

They've got quite a few fires that they are chasing right now by standing by their Mother of the Year.
When will the water run dry??
Cheney Mason kept saying over and over how he was working pro bono and after the trial he said he LOST over $600,000

From out Twitter Thread
CFNews13Casey Casey Anthony News13
Mason worked pro Bono on #caseyanthonytrial. He says he lost out on $600,000

Well, now that just plain makes me sad and I could almost cry...let me see, how did C____y do that famous cry of her's......

Nope, can' quite get the right angle of finger to eye.
What finger do you favor CM????
Oh yeah... right back at ya!!:floorlaugh:
Playing catch up - but this just really tickled me.
Ya have to admit, that "Post-It Note Bandit" assassin was one slippery, slimy, sneaky devil to have pulled that one off and "not" get the job done! {yeah, I know it was debunked and denied by the Dreamy Team ~ LOL}

Anyway, something is certainly in the Florida winter breeze, that they have come out once again to attract attention to themselves, during a holiday so that there are some down days for people to talk and speculate, get all worked up; etc.

The little grinch is stealing everyone's Christmas, is probably beside herself that she is still unmarketable, and, her team is tired of seeing their money slowly drain from their accounts while they have to take care of her.

Something is about to happen.
This is the rattle before the snake strikes. Now, whether the venom packs a punch is beside the point.
If it even serves as a small distraction, it will have been worth it in their eyes.

They've got quite a few fires that they are chasing right now by standing by their Mother of the Year.
When will the water run dry??
ITA. They are making themselves heard.
But they're about as see-through as a sheet of glass aren't they?
LOL With the ferocity of a coiled snail and the stealth of a crouching elephant .... they STRIKE!
Mr. Ashton strikes me as a multi-tasker; perhaps after he and his attorneys kick the DT's hiney, he can then run right across the street and host yet another standing room only, received to resounding applause, Imperfect Justice book signing. Its a win-win situation.

This would also give Chaney Mason a chance to finally get around to reading Mr. Ashton's book, and get a personalized autographed copy to boot!

p.s. I just bet OCA, the veteran event planner, would have thought of this first, that is if she was not so busy reflecting.

BBM :floorlaugh:
I had been thinking a lot about my dear grandma right before I opened this thread. The first thing that came to my mind as I read it was one of the phrases I'll always remember her by, "Don't that beat all! Well, blesshisheart".


I think it's just out of pure jealousy. CM was planning on writing his own "tell all" book about the case which he planned to have out by the end of this year....

that didn't work out for him and the huge success that JA has had with his book on the NY Best Seller list and with multiple printings is probably really getting to him. That and they have been hoping on raking in cash from selling an interview with KC... which also appears to be going no where.

Ahhhh the smell of sour grapes is in the air.
LOL I feel sort of sorry for CM (NOT!)


Sour grapes makes for some pretty bitter whine.
sorry OT question-- OCA?


i stopped reading this forum for the most part after the verdict and don't recall this acronym... thanks !



I think the point being missed here, is that he didn't kill anybody, nor did he profess to know who molested whom, nor did he point fingers and blame innocent people, and he didn't do all those things and then turn around and try to sell snake oil to a bunch of sick people who would spend their hard earned money to believe his bull monkey nonsense for his own personal and unrepentant gain.

What he did do was write a book from his perspective, and he told truths that hadn't yet seen the light of day. If he makes money off it, it's well deserved. He put his life, love, blood, sweat, tears, brain and career on the line for Caylee. And with justice NOT having been served in verdict, that 'imperfect justice', he turned it around and told Caylee's truth, to the best of his ability.

He dedicated his book to Caylee, not his wife or his own kids, not to the very special person in his life that got him started in law enforcement, not to his best friend or something as trivial as his dog. He dedicated it to Caylee. A dedication is taken seriously by an author, it shows one has pondered and given consideration to someone, it's treated with respect by the author and held in high regard by the publisher. That's why it gets its own page.

As I was reading it I could feel Caylee's presence, I could actually hear her breathing while I was reading some parts of the book, and struggling to breath in other parts. Every time he's interviewed on TV or holds a book signing, I feel Caylee getting stronger, because she finally has a voice.

Ashton isn't the first one to do this. Prosecutors write books every day. It's perfectly acceptable, necessary in fact, I think, so people can have a well rounded perception of what happened in a case.
As far as CM writing a book, when and if he does, it will be written by him, not co-authored.

really? to insult someone b/c they chose to use a co-author?

i do believe JA stated in their book that he was thankful for LP assisting with putting his thoughts together cohesively (paraphrased). he was awesome in his prosecution of KC so we all know he doesn't have articulation or logic or reasoning issues. some of the things mentioned in his book -- his thought process-- BLEW ME AWAY! so what if he had help putting it all together? doesn't make him ANY LESS of an author. HIS NAME is ON A BOOK !!!:woohoo:

btw, links re: benefits of co-authorship :rocker:
sorry OT question-- OCA?


i stopped reading this forum for the most part after the verdict and don't recall this acronym... thanks !

I think most people mean offender, but there are so many Os that could go there. Odious, outcast and obnoxious, for instance.

BTW, I love your little Shiba in your avi. So adorable!


I think the point being missed here, is that he didn't kill anybody, nor did he profess to know who molested whom, nor did he point fingers and blame innocent people, and he didn't do all those things and then turn around and try to sell snake oil to a bunch of sick people who would spend their hard earned money to believe his bull monkey nonsense for his own personal and unrepentant gain.

What he did do was write a book from his perspective, and he told truths that hadn't yet seen the light of day. If he makes money off it, it's well deserved. He put his life, love, blood, sweat, tears, brain and career on the line for Caylee. And with justice NOT having been served in verdict, that 'imperfect justice', he turned it around and told Caylee's truth, to the best of his ability.

He dedicated his book to Caylee, not his wife or his own kids, not to the very special person in his life that got him started in law enforcement, not to his best friend or something as trivial as his dog. He dedicated it to Caylee. A dedication is taken seriously by an author, it shows one has pondered and given consideration to someone, it's treated with respect by the author and held in high regard by the publisher. That's why it gets its own page.

As I was reading it I could feel Caylee's presence, I could actually hear her breathing while I was reading some parts of the book, and struggling to breath in other parts. Every time he's interviewed on TV or holds a book signing, I feel Caylee getting stronger, because she finally has a voice.

Ashton isn't the first one to do this. Prosecutors write books every day. It's perfectly acceptable, necessary in fact, I think, so people can have a well rounded perception of what happened in a case.

*you made me tear up, Gnat*
Here is the link.

I normally, do not get pizzed off enough to let it rip-but-this has me SO fried.

I think Cheney Mason is despicable to the enth degree-and I told him so.

We will never get rid of the evil and evil doers in this world. BUT, we can certainly tell them off! Thank you Steve Jobs.
So, yes. go to this link and let Cheney Mason, know what you think about him. It's a free digital world.
Don't worry, he can't sue you for speaking you mind. :)
ITA. They are making themselves heard.
But they're about as see-through as a sheet of glass aren't they?
LOL With the ferocity of a coiled snail and the stealth of a crouching elephant .... they STRIKE!

ferocious as a coiled snail, stealth as a crouching elephant, I am lmao! That is comic gold. Mind if I steal those euphemisms for use in my own life! LOLOL!
I think most people mean offender, but there are so many Os that could go there. Odious, outcast and obnoxious, for instance.

BTW, I love your little Shiba in your avi. So adorable!

I got a few!


Take your pick!
This sounds like something FCA pressured Mr. Mason into doing. You know it must chap her hide that Mr. Ashton has a book out and a movie deal.

I wonder if there is a hand-written addition by KC that states "Mr. Ashton is just mad because he couldn't get to kill me and now he's trying to make me look bad because he lost the case because he tried to accuse me of something that I DIDN"T DO!!"

Of course it is all about money. Can you imagine Casey's Christmas list she handed her lawyers? I'm pretty sure a brand new car is on that list since Daddy Dearest had hers destroyed.

Edited and BBM

The Pontiac was destroyed? I missed that.
Edited and BBM

The Pontiac was destroyed? I missed that.

Yep.....crushed. GA and his attorney had it crushed. JA claims the carpeting still smelled of decomp after 3 years so IMO the car did, too. Hard to believe those jurors were in the room with the carpet sample and could not smell that carpeting. JA claims the carpet still smelled like decomposition. jmo

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