Defense Witness List

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
It means the consumer changed his mind about buying the finished product. Yeah RH said it too. The lawyers are consumers in this case. They want a finalized report they get one. If they don't want one or refuse to pay, they don't. All of the data that would have been included in a finalized report, the lab values, the DNA sequencing, the toxicoloy etc. etc. etc. exists and comparisons were drawn based on those finding, and an expert opinion made.
No doubt the verbal opinions offered based on the findings were not what the consumer desired.
Had foreign male DNA been the source of the hair with the death band in the car for example, these same lawyers would have requested the report in triplicate, leather bound and they'd be discussing it on Geraldo today. If the SAO's experts were playing the same game, JB would be apopleptic and rightly so. It would mean there probably wasn't any forensic evidence of value to the case.
So yes, I have no doubt all this is very normal in the world of criminal defense if the experts aren't saying what you want them to. It's not normal at an academic research facility or at the FDA labs for example though. Imagine if the lawyers at Pfizer advised the FDA not to produce a report on Lipitor?

I'm pretty hot under the collar about this...can you tell?? LOL Day one of Nursing School we were taught all about the importance of the patient record. If it isn't documented, it wasn't done.
The experts will look and feel like idiots on the stand. Unlike us, they don't obsess over this case and will need lots of pieces of paper to remind them what they found where and when.

JB starts off by saying that he did not ask for reports as it would be extra work for the experts, some of whom are working Pro Bono and some are working to JAC payment rules, but at 8.55 minutes into the video he says 'there are no reports back that experts may have prepared' and he glides over this - so there obviously are reports but he hasn't wanted them written.
I am sure that if an investigator asked you about a patient you had cared for last week you would want to consult your Nursing Notes for the exact time you documented an observation, or an action you took- even the 'train-wreck' patients you think you'd never forget, you would need to review your comments and not rely on memory of the event and expect to be taken seriously.
For whatever reason he does not want the SA to get hold of the reports...
But on the other hand it is pretty hard to find an expert today who hasn't written a book. They are all writing something. lol

In defense of Kathy Reichs, she has been writing fiction for a long time and she has a whole bunch of books out as far back as 1997. I think the book 206 Bones had been in the works long before the Casey case came along. If I remember correctly - and yes I do read her books and think they are well written - she puts out one book per year, but I could be wrong.

I was VERY disappointed when I heard that she had joined the defense team as not only do I enjoy her books, but I have seen her interviewed a number of times and was very impressed. Sort of tarnished the enjoyment I get out of her books now. By the way, there is a new one just out - can't remember the name of it though. So I don't think she is taking advantage of any publicity this case garnered, she is just sticking to the schedule she has always had about when books are published.
If I recall correctly he will not be testifying about any hair samples because when JB was trying to get money for all his experts he asked for a hair expert and Judge Perry asked him could HL not do the hair testing and JB told him no he was not an expert in hair. Judge Perry told JB ok but that may come back at you later. Soooooooo in other words, I dont think Judge Perry will let HL testify as an expert on hair and since there is no blood that we know of I am not sure what he will testify on.

Which sort of brings up another question. Money. Are we to assume that all of these witnesses have agreed to work pro bono, and will be flying to Florida at their own expense to testify? Because with the exception of Dr. Lee and Dr. Huntington and most likely Dr. Logan, none of the others have been approved, and none of them are in state resources so would be disallowed under JAC rules unless some truly compelling case could be made for an execption (such as the touch DNA testing and lab certifications). heck, some of these, such as the Eikenblooms have already been specifically disallowed! (I assume Dr. Logan is the one who examined the actual evidence and will testify on their subject instead?)

So the question is, how many of these were signed up/rounded up from LKB's Rolodex of amiable and reliable defense witnesses before the whole show went "ward of the state". Back when there was money and media deals to be had? It's not like any family member or members of the defense could elect to pay these people out of their own pocket, as the JAC would block that and seize any such funds to recompense KC's defense costs.

I can just hear the conversations around the dinner table of the experts homes. "Yeah hun' I'm gonna blow a years worth of the kids college tuition to fly to Florida for a week and defend this child murdering mom because her really slimy and incompetent lawyers want me to do it for free. But don't worry she is really famous. OK you got me there, she's more infamous. Alright she is just about the most hated evil woman in North America. So the publicity might damage me except in the eyes of shady lawyers looking to pay me off to say whatever they want for the most heinous and evil people on the planet. But that can be a viable niche market, so long as I can choke down my morals ethics and bile. Oh? Who got me into this? LKB or AL, but they bailed awhile back when they weren't going to get paid and had to foot the bill themselves. What's that hun? You want me to go what myself?!?!"
The defense filed a motion on 11/30 to approve prior travel, Out of state experts.
In defense of Kathy Reichs, she has been writing fiction for a long time and she has a whole bunch of books out as far back as 1997. I think the book 206 Bones had been in the works long before the Casey case came along. If I remember correctly - and yes I do read her books and think they are well written - she puts out one book per year, but I could be wrong.

I was VERY disappointed when I heard that she had joined the defense team as not only do I enjoy her books, but I have seen her interviewed a number of times and was very impressed. Sort of tarnished the enjoyment I get out of her books now. By the way, there is a new one just out - can't remember the name of it though. So I don't think she is taking advantage of any publicity this case garnered, she is just sticking to the schedule she has always had about when books are published.

Agree entirely, and I too was disappointed to see her name on the list two years ago. However, we haven't seen any mention of her actually doing anything since then, so I suspect JB has just left her name on to ride her coattails, and she won't actually take any part in the case.
Which sort of brings up another question. Money. Are we to assume that all of these witnesses have agreed to work pro bono, and will be flying to Florida at their own expense to testify? Because with the exception of Dr. Lee and Dr. Huntington and most likely Dr. Logan, none of the others have been approved, and none of them are in state resources so would be disallowed under JAC rules unless some truly compelling case could be made for an execption (such as the touch DNA testing and lab certifications). heck, some of these, such as the Eikenblooms have already been specifically disallowed! (I assume Dr. Logan is the one who examined the actual evidence and will testify on their subject instead?)

So the question is, how many of these were signed up/rounded up from LKB's Rolodex of amiable and reliable defense witnesses before the whole show went "ward of the state". Back when there was money and media deals to be had? It's not like any family member or members of the defense could elect to pay these people out of their own pocket, as the JAC would block that and seize any such funds to recompense KC's defense costs.

I can just hear the conversations around the dinner table of the experts homes. "Yeah hun' I'm gonna blow a years worth of the kids college tuition to fly to Florida for a week and defend this child murdering mom because her really slimy and incompetent lawyers want me to do it for free. But don't worry she is really famous. OK you got me there, she's more infamous. Alright she is just about the most hated evil woman in North America. So the publicity might damage me except in the eyes of shady lawyers looking to pay me off to say whatever they want for the most heinous and evil people on the planet. But that can be a viable niche market, so long as I can choke down my morals ethics and bile. Oh? Who got me into this? LKB or AL, but they bailed awhile back when they weren't going to get paid and had to foot the bill themselves. What's that hun? You want me to go what myself?!?!"

So Dr. Petraco, who is no longer on the witness list wants payment for July travel.
So Dr. Petraco, who is no longer on the witness list wants payment for July travel.

Shucks, was Dr. Petraco's name ever on the defense witness list? And, why was it necessary for him to travel to Florida?
Thanks nums! Do you mean this entry?

One postmortem hair banding expert - a cap of 20 hours

...and for that other expert,I'm still searching on CJPerry's order, and nowhere does it approve any funds for an out-of-the-country expert.

Yes, I did mean that entry, sorry :blushing:

I don't see anything approving the out of country travel either!
Yes, I did mean that entry, sorry :blushing:

I don't see anything approving the out of country travel either!

I'm still experiencing a steep learning curve of matching up names with their areas of specialty. So, all help this way is greatly appreciated.
I'm pretty sure HL claims to be an expert in appropriate laboratory standards as well; perhaps he will testify that the FBI failed to properly process the evidence.

:::narrows eyes::: Something wrong here ala OJ maybe?
In defense of Kathy Reichs, she has been writing fiction for a long time and she has a whole bunch of books out as far back as 1997. I think the book 206 Bones had been in the works long before the Casey case came along. If I remember correctly - and yes I do read her books and think they are well written - she puts out one book per year, but I could be wrong.

I was VERY disappointed when I heard that she had joined the defense team as not only do I enjoy her books, but I have seen her interviewed a number of times and was very impressed. Sort of tarnished the enjoyment I get out of her books now. By the way, there is a new one just out - can't remember the name of it though. So I don't think she is taking advantage of any publicity this case garnered, she is just sticking to the schedule she has always had about when books are published.


" This is a bit more resistance than I'm used to seeing" Kathy Reichs 12/15/08

Gotta say, after hearing this interview, I was disappointed in Reichs.......She is talking here 3 days after the remains were found. Caylee had not been formally identified, yet she seems to be adding to the Baez/Baden spin.
Thanks nums! Do you mean this entry?

One postmortem hair banding expert - a cap of 20 hours

...and for that other expert,I'm still searching on CJPerry's order, and nowhere does it approve any funds for an out-of-the-country expert.
That's ok...I think he comes with CBS.

Seriously...what can he testify to now that he's not doing the testing?
I'm still experiencing a steep learning curve of matching up names with their areas of specialty. So, all help this way is greatly appreciated.
The guy from the Netherlands...touch dna.

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