Delay revealed-Motion to determine competency filed by defense

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Gosh just looked at the video, thanks for posting it. I sure wish someone had it from another angle and we could see what she was saying. True ICA is all I have to say.
This may have already been posted, but I don't get to check in very often and haven't seen it yet.

On Saturday, what happened to get ICA into a rant? She was clearly building up to burst ... video shows it more clearly.


Thanks for posting that. I missed that tantrum on Friday but after the ensuing developments I wondered if that was the final straw for CM before he took action with the competancy motion.
These stills from the other thread capture it even better...

ICA looks a LOT like CA with the hammer or at Morgan Depo when she snarls and loses it -- both have violent tempers.
Honestly, this video reminded me of a post I made months ago. I posted that I would not be surprised if we get to see Casey rolled into court strapped on a dolly with a straight jacket on and a face shield like Hannibal Lecter was on the Hannibal movies. Now, it seems even more possible. :crazy:
Does anyone know if the decision to have ICA tested for competency was strictly on CM's say so or did HHJP talk to ICA too?
Does anyone remember when Casey told Amy that she felt like she was "losing it" & may need to be hospitalized?
When I first saw this picture I thought that maybe it is just one of those photos that just catches our expression out of context.

I was just able to review this video - thanks for posting it. OMG! is all I have to say. About 1:08 mark. She looked absolutely demonic there for a second . . . uhh . . . anger management issues?? This is why her family tippy toes around her - to avoid THAT!! If I had any doubts before about her innocence or guilt, those few seconds sealed the deal for me.

If she is acquitted there is no longer any doubt in my mind that she will commit more crimes and in some form self-destruct. No doubt at all.

Just my opinion, of course.

ITA GA and CA better sleep with one eye open if she is out...scary
I don't know which sickens me more. KC's revolting snarl face when she's throwing a hissy fit ...or JB's perpetual smug face/grandiose sense of self.
Does anyone remember when Casey told Amy that she felt like she was "losing it" & may need to be hospitalized?

Yes,then she had a talk with CA and got over it.
Drama Queen.
NG is onto this & is showing video of her 'scary' look towards Baez over&over.

eta..funny the minute he turns around she knows ENOUGH to stop it! Incompetent my foot!
I think that ICA watched her mom get up and calmly lie, in detail, this past Friday, with her lawyers blessing and without any impunity (at least so far) and figured she could do the exact thing.

She watched her mother have no respect for the court and the grave seriousness of the situation and therefore she has no understanding either.

I really do not believe ICA has a clue.
Oh my word. The video is scarey. I wonder how many of the juror's saw it. Can a defendant force the DT to put her on the stand?
okay... STILL reading this morning's trial thread and came across this:

Story/updates to come RT @BiancaMPrieto: And now I've got answers. Motions filed re #caseyanthony competency are in my oscaseyanthony via twitter at 10:04 AM

and this thread has 11 pages already to 'see' if this has been answered - so just wonder WHO and WHERE can I find to read this??!! Or IF answered here - just say that, and I'll go back and look!! TIA!!!!! :seeya:
:waitasec::waitasec: I am wondering this :

Is it possible that ICA told these 3 physicians that she WAS "sexually molested" by LA and GA (which I do not believe) ...

And maybe the DT needed to get it "ON THE RECORD" -- coming from ICA's "mouth" to a "professional" ... because as we know, there is NO RECORD of "sexual molestation" because if there was, the DT would have brought it into Court by now.

We know ICA "lies" but I was wondering if this is the DT's strategy -- to get it on record with the physicians and bring them on the stand to testify instead of ICA ?

Just thinking out loud ... my brain is on "overtime" from this trial ...

I was thinking the same thing. If that is the case do you think on cross the state can just ask "When were you asked to evaluate KC?, oh, yesterday? No further questions"
Looking back on Saturday (and the minute by minute video), I don't think ICA wanted to be evaluated, and it was JB that wanted her to have it. She was so angry at him. IMHO a last ditch effort by the DT and this went against ICA wishes. Being the narcassist that she is, she cares about what others think about her. The last thing she wanted out there was that she was crazy for coco puffs.



I think her reaction had to do with her just finding out that her lawyers were asking for her competency to be evaluated. I think that came as a surprise to her.
Oh my word. The video is scarey. I wonder how many of the juror's saw it. Can a defendant force the DT to put her on the stand?

I want to day "yes", they can take the stand but the defense may state something to the effect it is against their recommendations or something to that effect. I know the accused has the right to testify or to refuse to testify in their defense, so that to me says.
I have a feeling that she is "helping" her DT just like she "helped" investigators find Caylee and "helped" searcher look for her daughter!!!

Yep. They did this because they can't handle all. I mean she is nuts, just not in the legal sense.
If indeed CM was behind this motion about competency, he has completely proven his value to this defense team. Jose seems to have been willing to roll with however ICA was behaving, saying, thinking, whatever. No lawyer has to do that, no competent defense would do that, either.

And all I can say besides WOW, is whoever interpreted Ashton's look as "OMG, OMG" at that sidebar was dead on. Could you imagine standing there and hearing JB and CM argue about this with each other then to the judge?

I said that on Saturday! Although I may not have been the only person that observed his reaction and made the same comment because there really was no other way to describe it. HAHA! :)
okay... STILL reading this morning's trial thread and came across this:

Story/updates to come RT @BiancaMPrieto: And now I've got answers. Motions filed re #caseyanthony competency are in my oscaseyanthony via twitter at 10:04 AM

and this thread has 11 pages already to 'see' if this has been answered - so just wonder WHO and WHERE can I find to read this??!! Or IF answered here - just say that, and I'll go back and look!! TIA!!!!! :seeya:

Here is the Motion:

Looks like only CM signed it.....hmm?

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