Dellen Millard: Innocent Dupe? Alternative Theories

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DM has a red mohawk in some of the photos of him seen online...he is also "a direct descendant of Chief Joseph Brant," the Mohawk leader who aided the British forces during the American Revolution in the mid-1700s.

I looked up the meaning of "red mohawk" and it does have some significance -- possibly to his state of mind when he made the choice to shave and dye his hair that way.

Red Color Meanings and Symbolism: The color of red symbolised violence, war, blood, wounds, strength, energy, power and success in war paint.

The 'Mohawk' Hair style is a form of war preperation by the Kanienkehaka or Mohawk Nation. Shaving one's hair was a both a physical and spiritual declaration of war. Leaving a strip of hair was seen as a sign of armed neutrally but a willingness to show agression.
AM also had a mohawk that day I think it was all just part of the race
I'm curious. How does this theory play out?

Well, yanno, I haven't figured that out yet. Yet here we have a chap who, on one hand, knows nothing about the family while on the other, apparently knows a great deal about them. modsnip> The nature of his business and experience is such that he may well have had some previous relationship involving WM or even CM. This may all be a collision of happenstance and coincidence. Such things happen. On the other hand, it might be useful to try to figure out some more about this somehow. What exactly alarmed him and when? Did he go over and knock on the door to find out if any help was needed, you know, a little snooping foray to allay anxiety?
How do we really know it was D M. Who came up that driveway. , did Mrs bosma meet and identify at later date, I've never heard ...
We did hear about simular interest in another truck with interested party having Imagine tatoo..
But that don't make place him in ancaster that night. Not defending here, just asking.
So here's the alternate theory of all alternate theories.... If it's also the craziest one well, what can I say? Stuff happens.

Excerpt from Hamilton Police Presser on Wednesday online at their FB page:

We have deployed as many as 120 officers to participate in the investigation, and searches, most notably at the Dellen Millard farm located on Roseville Road. The forensic analysis of two locations in the Waterloo Region are now complete and at this point in the investigation there is no confirmation that other human remains have been located. We are convinced that the remains found were those of Tim Bosma.

I had been wondering what the terms "barely recognizable" or "unrecognizable" remains or "burned beyond recognition" means? Does it mean a body is mostly there but is in such a gruesome state that it'll take a while to determine who it is? Or does it mean there's a pile of ashes in a field and we're not entirely certain what they represent?

As I understand it, this property was previously a hog farm and pigs bones are rather frequently mistaken for human remains. Hopefully the investigation so far has not been some kind of colossal mistake.

Oh, settle down. I warned you this would be the alternative theory to top all.
So here's the alternate theory of all alternate theories.... If it's also the craziest one well, what can I say? Stuff happens.

Excerpt from Hamilton Police Presser on Wednesday online at their FB page:

We have deployed as many as 120 officers to participate in the investigation, and searches, most notably at the Dellen Millard farm located on Roseville Road. The forensic analysis of two locations in the Waterloo Region are now complete and at this point in the investigation there is no confirmation that other human remains have been located. We are convinced that the remains found were those of Tim Bosma.

I had been wondering what the terms "barely recognizable" or "unrecognizable" remains or "burned beyond recognition" means? Does it mean a body is mostly there but is in such a gruesome state that it'll take a while to determine who it is? Or does it mean there's a pile of ashes in a field and we're not entirely certain what they represent?

As I understand it, this property was previously a hog farm and pigs bones are rather frequently mistaken for human remains. Hopefully the investigation so far has not been some kind of colossal mistake.

Oh, settle down. I warned you this would be the alternative theory to top all.

Some of the things TB had with him would not burn: wedding ring, engineer's ring, steel toes and soles in workboots...
So here's the alternate theory of all alternate theories.... If it's also the craziest one well, what can I say? Stuff happens.

Excerpt from Hamilton Police Presser on Wednesday online at their FB page:

We have deployed as many as 120 officers to participate in the investigation, and searches, most notably at the Dellen Millard farm located on Roseville Road. The forensic analysis of two locations in the Waterloo Region are now complete and at this point in the investigation there is no confirmation that other human remains have been located. We are convinced that the remains found were those of Tim Bosma.

I had been wondering what the terms "barely recognizable" or "unrecognizable" remains or "burned beyond recognition" means? Does it mean a body is mostly there but is in such a gruesome state that it'll take a while to determine who it is? Or does it mean there's a pile of ashes in a field and we're not entirely certain what they represent?

As I understand it, this property was previously a hog farm and pigs bones are rather frequently mistaken for human remains. Hopefully the investigation so far has not been some kind of colossal mistake.

Oh, settle down. I warned you this would be the alternative theory to top all.

FACT: LE have not revealed at this time where TB's remains where found, only that they were found on a property in Waterloo. HTH
snipped for focus
I had been wondering what the terms "barely recognizable" or "unrecognizable" remains or "burned beyond recognition" means? Does it mean a body is mostly there but is in such a gruesome state that it'll take a while to determine who it is? Or does it mean there's a pile of ashes in a field and we're not entirely certain what they represent?
I can share some photos with you if that would help.

Dental records are often used to ID burn victims.

PDF-Identification of a charred corpse through dental records

So here's the alternate theory of all alternate theories.... If it's also the craziest one well, what can I say? Stuff happens.

Excerpt from Hamilton Police Presser on Wednesday online at their FB page:

We have deployed as many as 120 officers to participate in the investigation, and searches, most notably at the Dellen Millard farm located on Roseville Road. The forensic analysis of two locations in the Waterloo Region are now complete and at this point in the investigation there is no confirmation that other human remains have been located. We are convinced that the remains found were those of Tim Bosma.

I had been wondering what the terms "barely recognizable" or "unrecognizable" remains or "burned beyond recognition" means? Does it mean a body is mostly there but is in such a gruesome state that it'll take a while to determine who it is? Or does it mean there's a pile of ashes in a field and we're not entirely certain what they represent?

As I understand it, this property was previously a hog farm and pigs bones are rather frequently mistaken for human remains. Hopefully the investigation so far has not been some kind of colossal mistake.

Oh, settle down. I warned you this would be the alternative theory to top all.

I don't know how they identified the unrecognizable remains that quickly (dental records?) but you can bet that they are 100% sure it is TB's remains. They never would have told his family he was dead if they were not sure.
How do we really know it was D M. Who came up that driveway. , did Mrs bosma meet and identify at later date, I've never heard ...
We did hear about simular interest in another truck with interested party having Imagine tatoo..
But that don't make place him in ancaster that night. Not defending here, just asking.

That's what I've been wondering too.
More stuff for sale per K, still actually on board by end of March or (more probably) cut loose but available to handle transactions on behalf of DM.
so who is the contact person here? (rk) if you click on email in the ad you referenced, this is the salesperson-
only my second post...anyone know why i can post but cant search for carli or anyone else's posts?
The $1 was probably because he signed a binding contract and someone would have to take possession at the closing date, etc. I take it like a power of attorney type of thing. IMO

He was likely advised to transfer all property and assets to his mother immediately after arrest.
Folks, I think the only reason why there is a dupe thread is because we ask ourselves "could anyone be that stupid"? to show up at someone's doorstep completely undisguised (while his accomplices are partially concealed or hidden), not even a hat!, and allowing all the evidence to point to every property he has, plus his mother's.

And when you think about the contrast in body language and demeanor between the two suspects in court, it carries on the idea that one is looking forward to the truth and the other is afraid of it.

Suspect #3 - how can police say this person has not been identified at the same time as saying the threat to the public is out of the way (not in those words)? If they don't have enough reason to arrest someone, how can you verily believe the threat is out of the way? Even if they highly suspect it is a particular person and that person is already in custody on unrelated charges therefore deemed not a danger to the public, either arrest that person or you can't deem them to not be a threat to the public because if you don't have enough to arrest them then it still could be someone else, IMO (and this is a hypothetical situation his already-in-custody angle). We're all looking forward to the final arrest (and hopefully more if anyone else even knew about this and concealed the information or parties).

Anyway suspect #3 is either the true mastermind who was smart enough to not be seen at all, or just another pseudo-gangsta who may have just done anything for some drugs and street cred (among the other Oakville gangstas - lol for all who know what Oakville is like!). It could also be an easily influenced person or gf who agreed to do the driving as long as they didn't have to "do" anything.

And I end this post like all the others - shrugging and thinking WHO KNOWS?????
But common among the variations on the alternate theory we're poking at is that DM was truly looking not to steal a truck, but to buy a truck and thought he did so.

I suppose we'll have to wait for actual admissible evidence presented at trial before we get any closer to understanding the motivation.

Incidentally, it seems to me, given the nation-wide coverage of this crime, LE and/or the prosecution is treading very dangerously close to making it impossible to assemble an impartial jury in this case = no trial.

Any speculation on DM thinking he purchased the truck is ridiculous. In Ontario the ownership of the vehicle has to be signed by the seller, dated, and the purchasers info filled out on the doc at the time of sale. Also the seller has to write a letter stating who he sold the truck to, when and for how much for tax purposes. If DM had either of these completed by TB then the charge of theft over should never have been laid as the truck would have legally belonged to DM. There was obviously no legal turn over on the truck for these chages to be laid.
What if someone wanted to take out TB for whatever reason and DM was blackmailed to be a part of this via organized crime? There would be no direct link between TB and DM obviously.

OC had warned DM via many ways already - possibly LB's disappearance, WM's suicide, and finally he relents because he has no choice. I think this was mentioned before that the trailer on his mom's driveway was a message from OC that they knew where his mom lived, which is why he continued to keep silent behind bars. This would also explain why he didn't run and hide immediately after MSM's news about TB missing - because he was being watched by OC.

And MS, being part of that OC, thinks that since the got DM and DM has not been talking he is safe. This would help me get my head around why the two did not run immediately after the crime, and why both did not put up much resistance when they were arrested.

I'm with you on a possible OC connection with MS being a toy-boy apprentice. He'll find out the OC will care less about him now. I wondered, when the paper said he looked around the courtroom as though he was looking for someone--if he were looking for his OC buddies. IMO

After writing my theory about a "conspiracy" from a competitor, I woke up the next day with this quote from the obituary on my mind

His hope was for a time when...competition was only friendly.

That speaks volumes. IMO
I understand some of these firms get contracts from Boeing and the Military. I can see the idea of MRO entering the game being a problem--but you'd have to be really corrupt to try to stop a competitor!IMO
One more post and I'm going out to garden. Just saying, that photo of DM at MS house with his green car. DM might have been buying drugs from him, dropping the guy off...etc. Doesn't mean they were buddies. And who the heck took the photo anyhow? Was DM under surveilllance?IMO

IMO DM buys properties, this kid paints concrete with graffiti. I don't think the two brains mix. IMO

(Now if I could meet DM in person and read his body language I might know how much of a liar he is or isn't.)IMO
respectfully snipped for focus
Folks, I think the only reason why there is a dupe thread is because we ask ourselves "could anyone be that stupid"? to show up at someone's doorstep completely undisguised (while his accomplices are partially concealed or hidden), not even a hat!, and allowing all the evidence to point to every property he has, plus his mother's.
This was never intended to be a "dupe thread". In the general discussion threads, before we opened the sub-forum, a few members actively engaged in debate over alternative theories, i.e., circumstances under which the crime occurred and left an innocent DM standing falsely accused. Proponents of "alternative theories" were clashing heads left and right with members who took the more common view (and perfectly acceptable for the purpose of discussion in this community) that LE nabbed the right guy. The conflict disrupted the discussion, and when we were able to set up separate threads, the obvious solution was to assign one to exploration, if you will, of the opposing view. Therefore, this thread should be used for that purpose, and that purpose only. It's not a debate thread, and members who believe DM and MS are the actual perps should hash out their theories in one of the other threads.

I would also remind anyone posting "alternative theories" that you own your words and are personally responsible for any indiscretions.

[ame=""]Terms of Service Terms of Service - Long, Detailed Version - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

That said, WS does not allow posts which implicate known third parties who've not been named as suspects by LE. If that is your intention, then you're wasting your time.
Any speculation on DM thinking he purchased the truck is ridiculous. In Ontario the ownership of the vehicle has to be signed by the seller, dated, and the purchasers info filled out on the doc at the time of sale. Also the seller has to write a letter stating who he sold the truck to, when and for how much for tax purposes. If DM had either of these completed by TB then the charge of theft over should never have been laid as the truck would have legally belonged to DM. There was obviously no legal turn over on the truck for these chages to be laid.

Respectfully TLC, this was throughly hashed out on another thread replete with ample links to the Ontario regulatory authority describing the necessary procedure. I'm unaware of this letter that is required, though. A link would be appreciated. In any case, please note, in putting forward this theory I've never for a moment suggested that a legal turn over of the truck took place - only that DM, having paid and probably signed something, may well have thought he bought the truck. IMO.
Respectfully TLC, this was throughly hashed out on another thread replete with ample links to the Ontario regulatory authority describing the necessary procedure. I'm unaware of this letter that is required, though. A link would be appreciated. In any case, please note, in putting forward this theory I've never for a moment suggested that a legal turn over of the truck took place - only that DM, having paid and probably signed something, may well have thought he bought the truck. IMO.

Seller needs to provide to buyer:
- Used Vehicle Information Package (printout from gov't of vehicle history)
- bill of sale (e.g., could be a letter as TLC described, but there is a form in the UVIP you can use)
- Vehicle permit with transfer portion filled out (as TLC described, signed by the seller)

It is possible for the seller to complete all these forms on the hood of a truck. They are all short and sweet.
I don't think he'd "allow" it. It is possible he was unaware that it was all put on his properties. Since he has so many, he may not have noticed things (truck, body, etc) on properties that he doesn't frequently visit.

Is there any information the DM mother saw him at her home around the time trailer was left there?
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