Denver Post, 5-2-97:John's Mission

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Ramseys: We didn't do it
By Marilyn Robinson
Denver Post Staff Writer

May 2 - "I did not kill my daughter, JonBenet.''

So proclaimed John Ramsey, father of 6-year-old murder victim JonBenet Ramsey in an unusual meeting Thursday in Boulder with selected journalists.

"I'm appalled that anyone would think that John or I would be involved in such a hideous and heinous crime. Let me assure you I did not kill JonBenet," said Patsy Ramsey, JonBenet's mother.

In a 30-minute meeting with The Denver Post and representatives of a half dozen other local media outlets, the Ramseys also vowed to catch their daughter's killer.

Just as Boulder District Attorney Alex Hunter did earlier in a similarly dramatic televised news conference, they warned that the killer can't get away.

"We'll find you. I have that as a sole mission for the rest of my life," said John Ramsey.

"God knows who you are and we will find you," said Patsy Ramsey.

In answer to a reporter's question, the Ramseys said they want the killer to get the death penalty.

"I would absolutely want (that)," said John Ramsey.

Patsy Ramsey, too overcome with emotion to speak, nodded in agreement.

Seated beside his wife, Ramsey spoke calmly, showing little emotion. Tears occasionally welled up in Patsy Ramsey's eyes and her lips quivered as she spoke about her daughter.

She placed her hand on his knee as he described his relationship with his youngest child.

"JonBenet and I had a very close relationship. I will miss her dearly for the rest of my life.''

He stated unequivocably: "I did not kill my daughter JonBenet.

"There also have been innuendoes that she had been or was sexually molested. I can tell you those were the most hurtful innuendoes to us as a family. They are totally false.''

His wife was just as emphatic.

"Let me assure you that I did not kill JonBenet. I did not have anything to do with it. I loved that child with the whole of my heart and soul.''

When she started to cry a few moments later, her husband reached over to hold her hand.

The Ramseys said they resolved not to speak until they completed formal interviews with police. Those interviews were completed Wednesday.

"We felt there was really an obligation to talk with the Boulder police," said John Ramsey. "Now we have a little more freedom to talk out and address some issues.''

But the couple's attorneys refused to let reporters ask questions about the events of Dec. 26, the day JonBenet's body was found, or Wednesday's interviews, which John Ramsey referred to as "formal interrogation of us as suspects.''

Authorities haven't named any formal suspects in the murder. District Attorney Hunter has said the Ramseys are the focus of the investigation but the investigation is "open-minded.''

"At first we were shocked, then outraged," the father said. "Apparently in the majority of cases like this, family members - parents - are involved. We accepted being suspects, but any time spent looking at us is wasted.''

His wife agreed. "I wish they had not spent so much time investigating us," said Patsy Ramsey. "They have assured us they are doing a broad-reaching investigation. That is all we need to know.

Neither the district attorney's office nor the police department had any comment on the Ramseys' remarks at the news conference.

"There is nothing to comment on really," said police spokeswoman Leslie Aaholm.

The Ramseys also asked Thursday for help in finding the killer.

"An arrest is absolutely necessary in our lives for closure. An arrest must be made for us to go on," said John Ramsey.

"We need your help from this moment on," said Patsy Ramsey, holding up a copy of an advertisement offering a $100,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the killer.

"We'll find you. I have that as a sole mission for the rest of my life," said John Ramsey.

John starts a lot of projects and doesn't follow through....JBR foundation, SHOES, hot line numbers for clues, reward money all seem to fall by the wayside once the Ramseys have squeezed the maximum amount of publicity out of the projects.

By the way how many paperback editions of DOI sold? Anyone know? The foundation should be rolling in money since all profit was going into the foundation coffers.
In, I believe, Schiller's book, Patsy's sister (?) said Patsy said "We didn't mean for THIS to happen."

As if they really do know who did it, some "faction" too powerful to expose and they're stuck with the coverup, at least until maybe the child-borrowers will be out of whatever kind of power they might be in.

I get the impression they're having to bide their time. The people might get caught for something else and fired from whatever they're into, and/or may get senile or something. Seems like they do somehow know there will be a break eventually, everyone's hands tied for now.

Seeker, about the safety deposit box, aren't you just assuming all bank employees go by the rules, and there's no corruption anywhere? I think it could happen. I bet Watergaters could get into one.

Has anyone read "Daddy's Little Princess" at slightly crazy-looking It's all about CIA fun and games.

There's also a famous prophecy about a series of 8 heads of state in 42 yrs, which we've had since JFK's murder. I think in Nov. 2005 we will have had 8 presidents in exactly 42 yrs. Someone will be revealed who may have been running Charles Manson and told him he could be Apollyon.

It's more than a year to wait, and probably will take a while to unravel, but we've waited longer so let's just have faith that truth will out. He could have all kinds of "factions", reason the R's said "We didn't mean for THIS to happen " as if they know exactly who they allowed to borrow JonBenet, which most of us parents wouldn't have done. He may have immunity right now so they have to wait like all of us.
No Eagle, I'm not assuming any such thing. I know for a fact there are only 2 keys issued and available for each saftey deposit box. If Beauf says the medical records were stolen from the box that means he had to have gone to the bank to find that out. That also means that the locks were not changed as would be required for someone else to get into his box without his knowledge. IMO Beauf is a liar and either hid, or destroyed the medical records himself. Why is open to suggestion.
Was there something in there that incriminated him? Or something that he didn't report that incriminated someone in the family...
What I'd like to know Seeker, is why Beouf felt the need to LOCK up JB's medical records. I've never found out if the BPD made copies or not. I think Beouf may have destroyed the records himself...or the FBI go them.

Eagle...The statement, 'We didn't mean for this to happen." is soooo suspicious to me, indicating Patsy and John and perhaps Burke was involved in an 'accident.'
I am very interested in these comments:

" I did not kill my daughter, JonBenet."

"JonBenet and I had a very close relationship. I will miss her dearly for the rest of my life."

"We felt there was really an obligation to talk to the Boulder police."

John stated "I" did not kill JonBenet.

He also stated,"JonBenet and 'I" had a very close relationship. "I" will miss her dearly for the rest of "my" life.

"We felt there was really an "obligation" to talk to the Boulder police."

The above statements alone tell me John knows what happened. He know that he will miss JonBenet and that he had a close relationship with JonBenet. However, he also felt that it was an obligation to talk to the police.
So, did Patsy and JonBenet have a close relationship? Why feel obligated to talk to the police, wouldn't you want to?
Good points Gretchen....Hodges had a lot to say on the wording of John's sentence.

I agree with you....appears John is definetly hiding 'guilty knowledge'.
Seeker said:
IMO Beauf is a liar and either hid, or destroyed the medical records himself. Why is open to suggestion.
Was there something in there that incriminated him? Or something that he didn't report that incriminated someone in the family...

Since his patient had died, all he could do was state what he saw when she came in. He probably realized that the questions and speculation was going to be never ending. Knowing that there was opinions and speculation that she had undergone chronic abuse, sooner or later people would be asking him why he didn't report it as required by CO. law. Looks like he had his self interest in mind, not wanting to face possible centure for allegations of not reporting child abuse.
vicktor said:
Since his patient had died, all he could do was state what he saw when she came in. He probably realized that the questions and speculation was going to be never ending. Knowing that there was opinions and speculation that she had undergone chronic abuse, sooner or later people would be asking him why he didn't report it as required by CO. law. Looks like he had his self interest in mind, not wanting to face possible centure for allegations of not reporting child abuse.

Yep....I think you are right Vicktor. What I'd like to know is WHY Beuof did not refer JonBenet to a specialist? Sheesh....if our doctor can't help us with in one or two trips to his office. He refers us to a specialist who can help.
Seeker said:
If Beauf says the medical records were stolen from the box that means he had to have gone to the bank to find that out. That also means that the locks were not changed as would be required for someone else to get into his box without his knowledge. IMO Beauf is a liar and either hid, or destroyed the medical records himself. Why is open to suggestion.
Was there something in there that incriminated him? Or something that he didn't report that incriminated someone in the family...

Beuf is a :liar: . The police have to obtain a court order to get access to a safety deposit box. They are only allowed to do this when someone is hiding something illegal.

"Can law enforcement authorities access my safe deposit box without my knowledge or permission"?

"If a local, state or federal law enforcement agency persuades the appropriate court that there is "reasonable cause" to suspect you're hiding something illegal in your box (guns, drugs, explosives, stolen cash or money obtained illegally), it can obtain a court order, force the box open and seize the contents".
Hmmm...Shawna, thanks for the post. The LE could very well be in possession of JonBenet's medical records.
Show Me said:
Yep....I think you are right Vicktor. What I'd like to know is WHY Beuof did not refer JonBenet to a specialist? Sheesh....if our doctor can't help us with in one or two trips to his office. He refers us to a specialist who can help.

Show Me: You may have misconstrued my post about Beuf and the records. I don't think that he saw evidence of past abuse when he saw JB, and if he had, he would have reported it, because he cares for a patient, not her parents. If he did destroy records, it was to avoid 2nd guessing by others and possible unfair centure on a case where he acted in good faith.
vicktor said:
Show Me: You may have misconstrued my post about Beuf and the records. I don't think that he saw evidence of past abuse when he saw JB, and if he had, he would have reported it, because he cares for a patient, not her parents.
Not in this case. He was a good bud of the Ramseys and was summoned to look after Patsy and keep her doped up. Obviously, he was caring for Patsy.

If he did destroy records, it was to avoid 2nd guessing by others and possible unfair centure on a case where he acted in good faith.
lol... uh huh. Doctors don't need to destroy (or alter) records when they've acted in "good faith."
Oh sorry Vicktor-....I disagree with you on this point. :doh:

As Britt posted, doctors in good faith do not need to destroy or alter records.
IMO theres obviously a reason JBR's records went "missing" and there was no "good faith" involved on that quack Beuf's part-he was covering his *advertiser censored* and the Ramsey's.

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