Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

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Casey sitting on the computor, she's gonna get a whole lot of truth.....and she reads more specifics about Cindy wanting custody & counseling behind her back........I suprized they havent already had a big blow out in that house....its about...

""Hammer time!!!"" LOL, and someones gonna get hurt.


I totally agree. For Cindy to hold her cool for so long, it is amazing. I am sure when "It hits the fan" the roof will pop off. I cannot imagine sitting in that house day in and day out not talking about what has happened in those days when Caylee disappeared. Betcha it is quite tense in there. :nerves:
I'm wondering if after Cindy told Casey she wanted her to take responsibility/stand on her own two feet and in light of the fact that George did have a new job and neither Cindy or George would be able to babysit if Casey turned to her grandmother (Cindy's mom) as a baby sitting source. Could be Cindy went to visit her dad on F Day and Cindy's mother was already there with Caylee. This might really set CIndy off and that was part of the fight on Father's Day evening. If Cindy told her she couldn't use the grandmother as a sitter Casey didn't have anyone else to turn to. Caylee would definitely been an obstacle to her new plan to play house with TonE at that point. Just thought I'd ask...................
I've only picked through a few of the recently (11/26 docs) and a bit of NG...not quite fully pixelated yet, but, some things that are just bouncin' 'round in my noggin'. Not necessarily anything new...jus giving this more serious consideration than in the past...


*Best sourced info regarding the "fight" I've seen to-date is Lee telling Jesse. News reports, IIRC, stated neighbor overhearing, but, I have seen nothing of that in LE docs (yet). I can't wrap my head around Cindy telling Lee that Cindy had her hands around Casey's neck. I CAN wrap my head around Casey telling Lee that Cindy had her hands around Casey's neck. I can envision Casey telling Lee this version about a "fight". I CAN see Cindy accepting Casey's version post-7/15 as-needed.

*I CAN'T envision Casey staying overnight @ G&C's (and certainly not getting tucked in by Cindy) after a "fight" that escalated to the point that is being described. I CAN buy that Casey stayed @ Lee's that night (as her cell pings would be indistinguishable from Lee's) and we are NOT being told of that fact as was agreed by Lee and Cindy (George's stories being adapted to go along w/ Cindy is further supported by today's release) since omitting it, along w/ the choice of 6/9 originally would add emphasis to the conflict 6/15.

*Casey had been prepping the story to friends that G had an affair and G&C were divorcing. The outfall would be Casey assuming ownership & payments of the house, and Amy would be moving in by mid-June. Important to note that some version of this story was told to both circle of friends (Amy & Tony L.)

*Revealed as reported on NG that among other things, "neck breaking" had been searched on the computer.​

SPECULATION: Casey attempted to murder Cindy @ the Anthony home upon Cindy's return from the nursing home Sunday 6/15 with the intent of staging it to appear that George had committed the crime since he would be the one that would report it, had financial issues and pending divorce (hearsay) as a motive when he returned from work. If executed successfully the end result would be:
1) Casey free of Cindy completely
2) Casey free of George via imprisonment
3) Casey the benefactor of insurance & assets (including the home)
4) Casey having live-in roomate to provide Caylee-care​
Something did not go as planned 6/15 (e.g. chloroform dose insufficient or Cindy successfully defended herself), hence, Casey spun "the fight" story to Lee to quell what Cindy would likely tell him later. Lee may or may not have been at home 6/15PM...perhaps Casey had a key to his house.

Casey may have (a) picked up Caylee from Cindy, taken Caylee to Lee's and sedated her so Casey could return to G&C's to carry out the murder, or (b) Casey may have sedated Caylee after putting her in the Pontiac carseat so Casey could return into the house and carry out the murder, or (c) Caylee may have witnessed the attempted murder. Any one of these three situations could've resulted in Caylee being accidentally overdosed in the act, intentionally overdosed to eliminate witness, or intentionally overdosed out of rage when the murder went awry (iow...if "spitefull b**ch" couldn't murder Cindy she'd do the next best thing...take Caylee away from her.)

Since Casey's lifestyle would've been positively reinforced if Cindy took custody of Caylee, I have difficulty seeing Cindy's threat for custody as a sufficient motive to exact revenge by murdering Caylee.

I do believe there is a compelling story that Casey's motivations (listed 1,2,3,4 above) drove her attempt to murder Cindy...with the eventual consequence of murdering Caylee.

All, IMHO.
I've only picked through a few of the recently (11/26 docs) and a bit of NG...not quite fully pixelated yet, but, some things that are just bouncin' 'round in my noggin'. Not necessarily anything new...jus giving this more serious consideration than in the past...


*Best sourced info regarding the "fight" I've seen to-date is Lee telling Jesse. News reports, IIRC, stated neighbor overhearing, but, I have seen nothing of that in LE docs (yet). I can't wrap my head around Cindy telling Lee that Cindy had her hands around Casey's neck. I CAN wrap my head around Casey telling Lee that Cindy had her hands around Casey's neck. I can envision Casey telling Lee this version about a "fight". I CAN see Cindy accepting Casey's version post-7/15 as-needed.

*I CAN'T envision Casey staying overnight @ G&C's (and certainly not getting tucked in by Cindy) after a "fight" that escalated to the point that is being described. I CAN buy that Casey stayed @ Lee's that night (as her cell pings would be indistinguishable from Lee's) and we are NOT being told of that fact as was agreed by Lee and Cindy (George's stories being adapted to go along w/ Cindy is further supported by today's release) since omitting it, along w/ the choice of 6/9 originally would add emphasis to the conflict 6/15.

*Casey had been prepping the story to friends that G had an affair and G&C were divorcing. The outfall would be Casey assuming ownership & payments of the house, and Amy would be moving in by mid-June. Important to note that some version of this story was told to both circle of friends (Amy & Tony L.)

*Revealed as reported on NG that among other things, "neck breaking" had been searched on the computer.​

SPECULATION: Casey attempted to murder Cindy @ the Anthony home upon Cindy's return from the nursing home Sunday 6/15 with the intent of staging it to appear that George had committed the crime since he would be the one that would report it, had financial issues and pending divorce (hearsay) as a motive when he returned from work. If executed successfully the end result would be:
1) Casey free of Cindy completely
2) Casey free of George via imprisonment
3) Casey the benefactor of insurance & assets (including the home)
4) Casey having live-in roomate to provide Caylee-care​
Something did not go as planned 6/15 (e.g. chloroform dose insufficient or Cindy successfully defended herself), hence, Casey spun "the fight" story to Lee to quell what Cindy would likely tell him later. Lee may or may not have been at home 6/15PM...perhaps Casey had a key to his house.

Casey may have (a) picked up Caylee from Cindy, taken Caylee to Lee's and sedated her so Casey could return to G&C's to carry out the murder, or (b) Casey may have sedated Caylee after putting her in the Pontiac carseat so Casey could return into the house and carry out the murder, or (c) Caylee may have witnessed the attempted murder. Any one of these three situations could've resulted in Caylee being accidentally overdosed in the act, intentionally overdosed to eliminate witness, or intentionally overdosed out of rage when the murder went awry (iow...if "spitefull b**ch" couldn't murder Cindy she'd do the next best thing...take Caylee away from her.)

Since Casey's lifestyle would've been positively reinforced if Cindy took custody of Caylee, I have difficulty seeing Cindy's threat for custody as a sufficient motive to exact revenge by murdering Caylee.

I do believe there is a compelling story that Casey's motivations (listed 1,2,3,4 above) drove her attempt to murder Cindy...with the eventual consequence of murdering Caylee.

All, IMHO.
WOW! I think you are definitely on to something. We would NEVER know what really transpired the night of the 15th from any of the Anthony's, and this would make sense why no one answered her calls on the 16th in the afternoon. It explains WHY she was saying her parents were having problems, how the house would be available for her to move into, etc. I've always enjoyed your posts, by the way! Thanks for sharing your insights!
I've only picked through a few of the recently (11/26 docs) and a bit of NG...not quite fully pixelated yet, but, some things that are just bouncin' 'round in my noggin'. Not necessarily anything new...jus giving this more serious consideration than in the past...


*Best sourced info regarding the "fight" I've seen to-date is Lee telling Jesse. News reports, IIRC, stated neighbor overhearing, but, I have seen nothing of that in LE docs (yet). I can't wrap my head around Cindy telling Lee that Cindy had her hands around Casey's neck. I CAN wrap my head around Casey telling Lee that Cindy had her hands around Casey's neck. I can envision Casey telling Lee this version about a "fight". I CAN see Cindy accepting Casey's version post-7/15 as-needed.

*I CAN'T envision Casey staying overnight @ G&C's (and certainly not getting tucked in by Cindy) after a "fight" that escalated to the point that is being described. I CAN buy that Casey stayed @ Lee's that night (as her cell pings would be indistinguishable from Lee's) and we are NOT being told of that fact as was agreed by Lee and Cindy (George's stories being adapted to go along w/ Cindy is further supported by today's release) since omitting it, along w/ the choice of 6/9 originally would add emphasis to the conflict 6/15.

*Casey had been prepping the story to friends that G had an affair and G&C were divorcing. The outfall would be Casey assuming ownership & payments of the house, and Amy would be moving in by mid-June. Important to note that some version of this story was told to both circle of friends (Amy & Tony L.)

*Revealed as reported on NG that among other things, "neck breaking" had been searched on the computer.​

SPECULATION: Casey attempted to murder Cindy @ the Anthony home upon Cindy's return from the nursing home Sunday 6/15 with the intent of staging it to appear that George had committed the crime since he would be the one that would report it, had financial issues and pending divorce (hearsay) as a motive when he returned from work. If executed successfully the end result would be:
1) Casey free of Cindy completely
2) Casey free of George via imprisonment
3) Casey the benefactor of insurance & assets (including the home)
4) Casey having live-in roomate to provide Caylee-care​
Something did not go as planned 6/15 (e.g. chloroform dose insufficient or Cindy successfully defended herself), hence, Casey spun "the fight" story to Lee to quell what Cindy would likely tell him later. Lee may or may not have been at home 6/15PM...perhaps Casey had a key to his house.

Casey may have (a) picked up Caylee from Cindy, taken Caylee to Lee's and sedated her so Casey could return to G&C's to carry out the murder, or (b) Casey may have sedated Caylee after putting her in the Pontiac carseat so Casey could return into the house and carry out the murder, or (c) Caylee may have witnessed the attempted murder. Any one of these three situations could've resulted in Caylee being accidentally overdosed in the act, intentionally overdosed to eliminate witness, or intentionally overdosed out of rage when the murder went awry (iow...if "spitefull b**ch" couldn't murder Cindy she'd do the next best thing...take Caylee away from her.)

Since Casey's lifestyle would've been positively reinforced if Cindy took custody of Caylee, I have difficulty seeing Cindy's threat for custody as a sufficient motive to exact revenge by murdering Caylee.

I do believe there is a compelling story that Casey's motivations (listed 1,2,3,4 above) drove her attempt to murder Cindy...with the eventual consequence of murdering Caylee.

All, IMHO.

Hmn.....Wow. I need to sit on this for a few.......Good points though!!!!
I know most won't agree with me, but I feel so sorry for Cindy. She tried to do the right thing in attempting to throw Casey out and keep Caylee. I'm sure she feels quite a bit of guilt - if she hadn't confronted Casey none of this would have happened. I wonder if that's why she refuses to believe Casey harmed Caylee. If she accepts the truth, she has to accept that her actions (although they were right) started the whole string of events that led to Caylee's disappearance and likely her death.
I also feel very sorry for Cindy, but not for the reasons you state. Guilt is natural response to losing a loved one, especially when you were the primary care giver.
She has refused to accept Caylee's death from "day one" thus causing friction with LE and frankly the whole world. She stated on the Today show today, that she is Caylee's voice. This is why she can't accept Caylee's death. She is continuing to protect and provide for her as best she can. LE should continue to follow up leads. It would give her some peace of mind. They don't seem to have any problems spending it on TES, so why not. Until they find a body, or Casey is convicted in a court of law, they should follow up leads. MOO
One more thing, if Casey was plotting and planning Caylee's death as far back as March, as is suspected from internet searching, then your statement that it wouldn't have happened if Cindy simply hadn't confronted Casey is in error. just saying.
I've only picked through a few of the recently (11/26 docs) and a bit of NG...not quite fully pixelated yet, but, some things that are just bouncin' 'round in my noggin'. Not necessarily anything new...jus giving this more serious consideration than in the past...

*Best sourced info regarding the "fight" I've seen to-date is Lee telling Jesse. News reports, IIRC, stated neighbor overhearing, but, I have seen nothing of that in LE docs (yet). I can't wrap my head around Cindy telling Lee that Cindy had her hands around Casey's neck. I CAN wrap my head around Casey telling Lee that Cindy had her hands around Casey's neck. I can envision Casey telling Lee this version about a "fight". I CAN see Cindy accepting Casey's version post-7/15 as-needed.

*I CAN'T envision Casey staying overnight @ G&C's (and certainly not getting tucked in by Cindy) after a "fight" that escalated to the point that is being described. I CAN buy that Casey stayed @ Lee's that night (as her cell pings would be indistinguishable from Lee's) and we are NOT being told of that fact as was agreed by Lee and Cindy (George's stories being adapted to go along w/ Cindy is further supported by today's release) since omitting it, along w/ the choice of 6/9 originally would add emphasis to the conflict 6/15.

*Casey had been prepping the story to friends that G had an affair and G&C were divorcing. The outfall would be Casey assuming ownership & payments of the house, and Amy would be moving in by mid-June. Important to note that some version of this story was told to both circle of friends (Amy & Tony L.)

*Revealed as reported on NG that among other things, "neck breaking" had been searched on the computer.
SPECULATION: Casey attempted to murder Cindy @ the Anthony home upon Cindy's return from the nursing home Sunday 6/15 with the intent of staging it to appear that George had committed the crime since he would be the one that would report it, had financial issues and pending divorce (hearsay) as a motive when he returned from work. If executed successfully the end result would be:
1) Casey free of Cindy completely
2) Casey free of George via imprisonment
3) Casey the benefactor of insurance & assets (including the home)
4) Casey having live-in roomate to provide Caylee-care
Something did not go as planned 6/15 (e.g. chloroform dose insufficient or Cindy successfully defended herself), hence, Casey spun "the fight" story to Lee to quell what Cindy would likely tell him later. Lee may or may not have been at home 6/15PM...perhaps Casey had a key to his house.

Casey may have (a) picked up Caylee from Cindy, taken Caylee to Lee's and sedated her so Casey could return to G&C's to carry out the murder, or (b) Casey may have sedated Caylee after putting her in the Pontiac carseat so Casey could return into the house and carry out the murder, or (c) Caylee may have witnessed the attempted murder. Any one of these three situations could've resulted in Caylee being accidentally overdosed in the act, intentionally overdosed to eliminate witness, or intentionally overdosed out of rage when the murder went awry (iow...if "spitefull b**ch" couldn't murder Cindy she'd do the next best thing...take Caylee away from her.)

Since Casey's lifestyle would've been positively reinforced if Cindy took custody of Caylee, I have difficulty seeing Cindy's threat for custody as a sufficient motive to exact revenge by murdering Caylee.

I do believe there is a compelling story that Casey's motivations (listed 1,2,3,4 above) drove her attempt to murder Cindy...with the eventual consequence of murdering Caylee.

All, IMHO.
Interesting speculation, but I don't agree with it. fwiw.
sorry. Fantasy is one thing. Attempting to murder your mom is quite another. I know people think Casey is a sociopath uncapable of feeling or emotion, but I see the one thing she feels is the need to be loved and accepted by her mother. I could be wrong. I could be being played, but it's what I see.
Furthermore her lies aren't really planned in adance. They are spun on a dime, and easily added to. Her actions seem very short sighted imho, and I find it unreasonable that Caylee hasn't been found yet. She doesn't plan well ie, she is always running out of gas! I mean really. With all the trouble it takes to fix that problem, just go to the gas station, but she doesn't think a mile down the road. I believe her lies reinforce that. Caylee shouldn't be hard to find. Not with her words, but with her character, and actions. sorry for spewing here. This case is seriously getting to me. I'm sorry.
I've only picked through a few of the recently (11/26 docs) and a bit of NG...not quite fully pixelated yet, but, some things that are just bouncin' 'round in my noggin'. Not necessarily anything new...jus giving this more serious consideration than in the past...


*Best sourced info regarding the "fight" I've seen to-date is Lee telling Jesse. News reports, IIRC, stated neighbor overhearing, but, I have seen nothing of that in LE docs (yet). I can't wrap my head around Cindy telling Lee that Cindy had her hands around Casey's neck. I CAN wrap my head around Casey telling Lee that Cindy had her hands around Casey's neck. I can envision Casey telling Lee this version about a "fight". I CAN see Cindy accepting Casey's version post-7/15 as-needed.

*I CAN'T envision Casey staying overnight @ G&C's (and certainly not getting tucked in by Cindy) after a "fight" that escalated to the point that is being described. I CAN buy that Casey stayed @ Lee's that night (as her cell pings would be indistinguishable from Lee's) and we are NOT being told of that fact as was agreed by Lee and Cindy (George's stories being adapted to go along w/ Cindy is further supported by today's release) since omitting it, along w/ the choice of 6/9 originally would add emphasis to the conflict 6/15.

*Casey had been prepping the story to friends that G had an affair and G&C were divorcing. The outfall would be Casey assuming ownership & payments of the house, and Amy would be moving in by mid-June. Important to note that some version of this story was told to both circle of friends (Amy & Tony L.)

*Revealed as reported on NG that among other things, "neck breaking" had been searched on the computer.​

SPECULATION: Casey attempted to murder Cindy @ the Anthony home upon Cindy's return from the nursing home Sunday 6/15 with the intent of staging it to appear that George had committed the crime since he would be the one that would report it, had financial issues and pending divorce (hearsay) as a motive when he returned from work. If executed successfully the end result would be:
1) Casey free of Cindy completely
2) Casey free of George via imprisonment
3) Casey the benefactor of insurance & assets (including the home)
4) Casey having live-in roomate to provide Caylee-care​
Something did not go as planned 6/15 (e.g. chloroform dose insufficient or Cindy successfully defended herself), hence, Casey spun "the fight" story to Lee to quell what Cindy would likely tell him later. Lee may or may not have been at home 6/15PM...perhaps Casey had a key to his house.

Casey may have (a) picked up Caylee from Cindy, taken Caylee to Lee's and sedated her so Casey could return to G&C's to carry out the murder, or (b) Casey may have sedated Caylee after putting her in the Pontiac carseat so Casey could return into the house and carry out the murder, or (c) Caylee may have witnessed the attempted murder. Any one of these three situations could've resulted in Caylee being accidentally overdosed in the act, intentionally overdosed to eliminate witness, or intentionally overdosed out of rage when the murder went awry (iow...if "spitefull b**ch" couldn't murder Cindy she'd do the next best thing...take Caylee away from her.)

Since Casey's lifestyle would've been positively reinforced if Cindy took custody of Caylee, I have difficulty seeing Cindy's threat for custody as a sufficient motive to exact revenge by murdering Caylee.

I do believe there is a compelling story that Casey's motivations (listed 1,2,3,4 above) drove her attempt to murder Cindy...with the eventual consequence of murdering Caylee.

All, IMHO.

:clap: Excellent points! I've always had a strong & persistant feeling myself that KC had her sights set on "others" as well and her plans didn't quite go the way that she expected - any thoughts on AH? I have had a nagging feeling that I just can't seem to shake in which she may have been in more danger then she knew or suspected...?
:clap: Excellent points! I've always had a strong & persistant feeling myself that KC had her sights set on "others" as well and her plans didn't quite go the way that she expected - any thoughts on AH? I have had a nagging feeling that I just can't seem to shake in which she may have been in more danger then she knew or suspected...?

I too have for a long time believed that KC had sinister plans for AH and her parents!
I too have for a long time believed that KC had sinister plans for AH and her parents!

OK, good I'm not the only one (lol) I've never mentioned it on here before but just can't shake the feeling and I'm not one to buy into conspiracy theories. Although its tragic "beyond enough" that a child died at her hands I think there are others who escaped the same fate and will probably never know. (and we won't either)
Actually, I do not agree with this theory because I do not see how Casey could overpower Cindy. Cindy has lost a lot of weight, but she was pretty healthy looking in the beginning of this case. We have witnessed Cindy's anger waving the hammer around and also when she was pushing George back from a protester.
I do not, however, doubt Casey planned to kill Caylee. Casey does her dirty deeds when no one is looking. The victim of her thefts do not even know they have been 'had' right away.
Actually, I do not agree with this theory because I do not see how Casey could overpower Cindy. Cindy has lost a lot of weight, but she was pretty healthy looking in the beginning of this case. We have witnessed Cindy's anger waving the hammer around and also when she was pushing George back from a protester.
I do not, however, doubt Casey planned to kill Caylee. Casey does her dirty deeds when no one is looking. The victim of her thefts do not even know they have been 'had' right away.

I agree that KC may not have been able to overpower Cindy but chloroform can help with that... we'll never know unless something surfaces like a document showing a recent change in someones life insurance policy, such as making KC the beneficiary. But like I said its more likely something none of us will ever know.
I wonder if Casey didn't see her dad as the source of all the family problems.
It sounds as though he had problems in Ohio and Florida maintaining employment and with gambling/risky investments. There may have been an odd family triangle dynamic that needed GA eliminated. He was onto Casey. Cindy was seeing a therapist and beginning to set boundaries to improve her life and or her and GA life together. Was he a liability; financially, emotionally, to her future plans? her mothers future plans? Other friends of Casey's say that she disliked her father. (GA going to jail would solve this problem as stated in the above theory - however I have always thought that maybe the chloriform was meant for him)
I wonder if Casey didn't see her dad as the source of all the family problems.
It sounds as though he had problems in Ohio and Florida maintaining employment and with gambling/risky investments. There may have been an odd family triangle dynamic that needed GA eliminated. He was onto Casey. Cindy was seeing a therapist and beginning to set boundaries to improve her life and or her and GA life together. Was he a liability; financially, emotionally, to her future plans? her mothers future plans? Other friends of Casey's say that she disliked her father. (GA going to jail would solve this problem as stated in the above theory - however I have always thought that maybe the chloriform was meant for him)

KC certainly has issues with men! She threw GA and LA under the bus with her friends. She uses sex to attract men. She seemed to crave a one-on-one relationship with a man. And she killed her daughter for the freedom to be with a man/men. Perhaps her hatred for men was why she killed Caylee. GA is too huge to overpower, Caylee was not.

:confused: We need to bring NG's psych team in on this one! LOL
Interesting speculation, but I don't agree with it. fwiw.
sorry. Fantasy is one thing. Attempting to murder your mom is quite another. I know people think Casey is a sociopath uncapable of feeling or emotion, but I see the one thing she feels is the need to be loved and accepted by her mother. I could be wrong. I could be being played, but it's what I see.
Furthermore her lies aren't really planned in adance. They are spun on a dime, and easily added to. Her actions seem very short sighted imho, and I find it unreasonable that Caylee hasn't been found yet. She doesn't plan well ie, she is always running out of gas! I mean really. With all the trouble it takes to fix that problem, just go to the gas station, but she doesn't think a mile down the road. I believe her lies reinforce that. Caylee shouldn't be hard to find. Not with her words, but with her character, and actions. sorry for spewing here. This case is seriously getting to me. I'm sorry.
I totally agree that Casey can not plan in advance....she had a month to come with a plausible story regarding Caylee's disappearance instead of the nonsensical, easily disproven lies that she eventually spewed.

What is really frustrating is that LE thought she was on the brink of telling the truth a couple of times and her lawyer talked her out of it. This speaks directly to the sloppy police work in the beginning particularly her first interviewers. They were completely ineffective and then they compounded their stupidity by charging her with "economic crimes and child neglect", which guaranteed her lawyering up.

Jose Baez should hang his fat head in shame if he has silenced her from disclosing Caylee's whereabouts instead of plea bargaining a lesser charge. It's a damned shame he can't be disbarred for it.
I wonder if Casey didn't see her dad as the source of all the family problems.
It sounds as though he had problems in Ohio and Florida maintaining employment and with gambling/risky investments. There may have been an odd family triangle dynamic that needed GA eliminated. He was onto Casey. Cindy was seeing a therapist and beginning to set boundaries to improve her life and or her and GA life together. Was he a liability; financially, emotionally, to her future plans? her mothers future plans? Other friends of Casey's say that she disliked her father. (GA going to jail would solve this problem as stated in the above theory - however I have always thought that maybe the chloriform was meant for him)

I still think that KC chloroformed Caylee and killed her, but my thoughts
was that KC wanted them ALL gone.........GA she stated she hated.......
CA was to controlling and Caylee was in the way of her fun time.......if they all were dead, she and LA would inherit everything and be free as a bird.
Evil mind in that KC. She had been up to a plan, just happened to fast and only Caylee suffered in all this mess! IMO, :behindbar
If KC was so uncomfortable with brother why would she want to share the wealth with him? She did acuse him of sexual misconduct.
I've only picked through a few of the recently (11/26 docs) and a bit of NG...not quite fully pixelated yet, but, some things that are just bouncin' 'round in my noggin'. Not necessarily anything new...jus giving this more serious consideration than in the past...


*Best sourced info regarding the "fight" I've seen to-date is Lee telling Jesse. News reports, IIRC, stated neighbor overhearing, but, I have seen nothing of that in LE docs (yet). I can't wrap my head around Cindy telling Lee that Cindy had her hands around Casey's neck. I CAN wrap my head around Casey telling Lee that Cindy had her hands around Casey's neck. I can envision Casey telling Lee this version about a "fight". I CAN see Cindy accepting Casey's version post-7/15 as-needed.

*I CAN'T envision Casey staying overnight @ G&C's (and certainly not getting tucked in by Cindy) after a "fight" that escalated to the point that is being described. I CAN buy that Casey stayed @ Lee's that night (as her cell pings would be indistinguishable from Lee's) and we are NOT being told of that fact as was agreed by Lee and Cindy (George's stories being adapted to go along w/ Cindy is further supported by today's release) since omitting it, along w/ the choice of 6/9 originally would add emphasis to the conflict 6/15.

*Casey had been prepping the story to friends that G had an affair and G&C were divorcing. The outfall would be Casey assuming ownership & payments of the house, and Amy would be moving in by mid-June. Important to note that some version of this story was told to both circle of friends (Amy & Tony L.)

*Revealed as reported on NG that among other things, "neck breaking" had been searched on the computer.​

SPECULATION: Casey attempted to murder Cindy @ the Anthony home upon Cindy's return from the nursing home Sunday 6/15 with the intent of staging it to appear that George had committed the crime since he would be the one that would report it, had financial issues and pending divorce (hearsay) as a motive when he returned from work. If executed successfully the end result would be:
1) Casey free of Cindy completely
2) Casey free of George via imprisonment
3) Casey the benefactor of insurance & assets (including the home)
4) Casey receiving victim-hood status & attention from peers, etc. following a George-killed-Cindy scenario
5) Casey having live-in roomate to provide Caylee-care​
Something did not go as planned 6/15 (e.g. chloroform dose insufficient or Cindy successfully defended herself), hence, Casey spun "the fight" story to Lee to quell what Cindy would likely tell him later. Lee may or may not have been at home 6/15PM...perhaps Casey had a key to his house.

Casey may have (a) picked up Caylee from Cindy, taken Caylee to Lee's and sedated her so Casey could return to G&C's to carry out the murder, or (b) Casey may have sedated Caylee after putting her in the Pontiac carseat so Casey could return into the house and carry out the murder, or (c) Caylee may have witnessed the attempted murder. Any one of these three situations could've resulted in Caylee being accidentally overdosed in the act, intentionally overdosed to eliminate witness, or intentionally overdosed out of rage when the murder went awry (iow...if "spitefull b**ch" couldn't murder Cindy she'd do the next best thing...take Caylee away from her.)

Since Casey's lifestyle would've been positively reinforced if Cindy took custody of Caylee, I have difficulty seeing Cindy's threat for custody as a sufficient motive to exact revenge by murdering Caylee.

I do believe there is a compelling story that Casey's motivations (listed 1,2,3,4 above) drove her attempt to murder Cindy...with the eventual consequence of murdering Caylee.

All, IMHO.

...appreciate the feedback on both the pro's & con's. continue down this path a bit.

*A chloroforming of Cindy would not have been a physical altercation. Casey would have been @ the home to pick up Caylee upon Cindy returning from Mt. Dora. Casey would've laced a drink, perhaps. IIRC, 4-5 drops req'd and either waited for that to take effect before attempting to murder Cindy, or, took Caylee to Lee's for sedation and returned to do the deed on a sedated Cindy. However, if the dosage was wrong or wasn't all consumed (more plausible)...then, Casey may've had her hands full.

*Consider that IF Casey was framing George it had to look like a crime of passion physically carried out by a man. This would support why she'd want to break Cindy's neck, and thought she could accomplish it if Cindy were disabled/unconcious.

*If you've never lived with a completely dominating person of Cindy's apparent make-up I can certainly understand not believing Casey would rise to the level of rage necessary to plan & carry this out. Not excusing Casey's actions...only understanding them.

*Caylee's murder would have been the unintended result of overdose, or, crime of passion revenge following the foiled murder of Cindy. That would help to explain why Casey hadn't set things up better for a Caylee kidnapping.

...still plenty to look @ in terms of how Casey would've been setting up an alibi for herself, as well as her actions immediately following (e.g. flurry of calls, etc.) Noted before, but, also in line w/ this is the dramatic change in Casey's communication w/ Cindy. She went from calling to texting for the first time, then, they relied almost solely on texting. Enough phone time to have some real fights.

...still all IMHO, of course.
I wonder if Casey didn't see her dad as the source of all the family problems.
It sounds as though he had problems in Ohio and Florida maintaining employment and with gambling/risky investments. There may have been an odd family triangle dynamic that needed GA eliminated. He was onto Casey. Cindy was seeing a therapist and beginning to set boundaries to improve her life and or her and GA life together. Was he a liability; financially, emotionally, to her future plans? her mothers future plans? Other friends of Casey's say that she disliked her father. (GA going to jail would solve this problem as stated in the above theory - however I have always thought that maybe the chloriform was meant for him)

Heh. Can you imagine if CA stumbled across a dead GA with a chloroform rag still on his face... That's one 911 call she wouldn't have made! High five KC!
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