Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 1

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I lean towards, CA and GA were placing blame on the bad "new friends" very soon after KC was arrested. I always thought the meeting CA called, of the friends of KC, was extremely weird and sinister. There's no other way to describe it, I doubt most people would even think of calling the friends, possible witnesses, to a criminal investigation, over for a meeting of the minds. I believe CA was looking for people, friends, to lay blame on from the very beginning, or very soon after.

Not trying to argue here...but....I have (as you well know, I say it all the time, lol) a daughter who has a huge issue with splitting and patholiogical lying. It happens occasionally that those in her orbit and her Father and I will get together to suss out what the reality is v/s the content of her stories. It is not so abnormal for parents of BPD children (minors or adults) to do this. Our support group and counselor recommend it to hold the child accountable for each untruth. Should there ever have been anything iffy such as the Anthony's had to face, my first instinct after calling LE would have been to call anyone with valid info to find out what the truth was.
Friday.....regarding "BOLD" .....Casey's time with Tony Lazzaro was limited" and why she spent foolishly at target and didn't "just leave" Tony. First, I think she really LIKED Tony. She REALLY DIDN'T WANT to leave him, but she knew she had no choice since Caylee was now dead. She knew she had to just DISAPPEAR.

My thoughts about that is that in the first week or so after Caylee died, she was trying to dispose of Caylee's body, figure out what to do...what lie to tell and then she realized it wasn't going to fly and started contacting that guy in the military in California the 2nd or 3rd week after Caylee died. Knowing she couldn't keep the "Caylee's with the nanny at the beach, disney, etc." up too much longer with TL or her other friends, she started working on "PLAN B"....which was to ditch everyone she knew and escape to California. Only, she had to have a reason for the guy in California to "keep her whereabouts secret" from her family and friends, so she invented this conversation with the guy in California on the internet, that stated "she had always liked him" in one text or myspace chat, then she baited him with "I need to talk to about something really important", and probably she was planning on making up some stupid story about incest in her family or rape or whatever to him, and she was desperate to disappear from Florida, so he'd want her to flee Florida and come live with him. But the whole scheme didn't quite "take hold" before Cindy got to her on July 15th. Personally, I really don't think at that point Cindy thought anything about Caylee being missing, but only was confronting Casey about the car and, after she got into the car with Casey, told her to take her (Cindy) to see Caylee...she wanted to see Caylee. When Casey refused, RED FLAGS, RED FLAGS, RED FLAGS went up with Cindy, and that's how the story unfolded.
Friday, Thoughts on George going Home??:waitasec:

If they're uninsured, I think Cindy told him to get his *advertiser censored** home.

If paying for the hospitalization wasn't the prohibitive issue, then I think he let Cindy convince him he should be home with her, and I think that was the stupidest, most self-destructive, move he could have made. But then, nothing the Anthonys do seems right to me.

Here's a question for you now. :) As late as last night, wasn't BC saying George was not going home, he was going to a hospital closer to where he lived...and that the specific hospital was going to be kept a secret from the media if possible.

And the next thing I heard is that Cindy picked him up last night and he's going to stay home and have out-patient therapy.

What do you make of that?

PS At times I truly feel sorry for BC; he makes a statement on behalf of his clients and they promply leave him blowing in the wind looking foolish.
What do you think about BPD and the nature/nuture/childhood trauma debate? Curious as one of my daughters has BPD and looking back I can see developmental and behavioral symptoms as early as 4-6 months.

My sister displayed symptoms at the age of 2. far as we know ONLY Cindy & KC were the only adults there at the time of this fight....

If you attempt to keep up with all the lies/mis-truths in this saga, something I see is...

When Cindy lies, she always tries to make KC look good..."We had an arguement the 15th but then I tucked them in."

When KC lies she tends to make other people look bad & herself a 'victim'...
"I had to leave home Mom has even tried strangling me".

Since 'rumor' of this fight includes 'strangling' I tend to think, it's another of KC lies that was told to Lee or the female bodyguard.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit if you're got it exactly right. :smile:
If they're uninsured, I think Cindy told him to get his *advertiser censored** home.

If paying for the hospitalization wasn't the prohibitive issue, then I think he let Cindy convince him he should be home with her, and I think that was the stupidest, most self-destructive, move he could have made. But then, nothing the Anthonys do seems right to me.

Here's a question for you now. :) As late as last night, wasn't BC saying George was not going home, he was going to a hospital closer to where he lived...and that the specific hospital was going to be kept a secret from the media if possible.

And the next thing I heard is that Cindy picked him up last night and he's going to stay home and have out-patient therapy.

What do you make of that?

PS At times I truly feel sorry for BC; he makes a statement on behalf of his clients and they promply leave him blowing in the wind looking foolish.

I personally don't make anything of it other than the news reporters got the story wrong...which isn't out of the rehlm.
What do you think about BPD and the nature/nuture/childhood trauma debate? Curious as one of my daughters has BPD and looking back I can see developmental and behavioral symptoms as early as 4-6 months.
OT: I think the brain is the most amazing thing! As far as medical science has advanced to map and figure it out...we are still in the earliest stages of understanding it.
If they're uninsured, I think Cindy told him to get his *advertiser censored** home.

If paying for the hospitalization wasn't the prohibitive issue, then I think he let Cindy convince him he should be home with her, and I think that was the stupidest, most self-destructive, move he could have made. But then, nothing the Anthonys do seems right to me.

Here's a question for you now. :) As late as last night, wasn't BC saying George was not going home, he was going to a hospital closer to where he lived...and that the specific hospital was going to be kept a secret from the media if possible.

And the next thing I heard is that Cindy picked him up last night and he's going to stay home and have out-patient therapy.

What do you make of that?

PS At times I truly feel sorry for BC; he makes a statement on behalf of his clients and they promply leave him blowing in the wind looking foolish.

Bold is mine
I just wrote in the George Update thread on this. Seriously S made a great point, saying, Why didn't they just put a neon sign in the window?

My thought was maybe he is at another facility & this is a curve to throw off the media & asking them to stay away from the house?? Who Knows:waitasec: As far as BC goes, it's obvious who is still RUNNING the show:furious:
Here is what I don't understand. CA found AH (whom she never met before) to take her to KC who was at AL's (whom CA didn't even know existed) several hours after paying to have the stinking Pontiac released. CA had not seen nor heard from Caylee in a month and her car seat was in the Pontiac along with the Mama doll. However, CA stayed outside the apartment to talk to KC for about 30 minutes, then when they entered the apartment, no one mentioned Caylee. There was no "where is Caylee, have you seen Caylee, do you know Caylee, is Caylee here?" Just KC bashing about stealing money.

I don't know, I just find it strange. I guess CA was just so overwhelmed and confused she didn't know what to do or say.
Here is what I don't understand. CA found AH (whom she never met before) to take her to KC who was at AL's (whom CA didn't even know existed) several hours after paying to have the stinking Pontiac released. CA had not seen nor heard from Caylee in a month and her car seat was in the Pontiac along with the Mama doll. However, CA stayed outside the apartment to talk to KC for about 30 minutes, then when they entered the apartment, no one mentioned Caylee. There was no "where is Caylee, have you seen Caylee, do you know Caylee, is Caylee here?" Just KC bashing about stealing money.

I don't know, I just find it strange. I guess CA was just so overwhelmed and confused she didn't know what to do or say.

Cindy DID ask Casey where Caylee was when she went to Tony's and confronted Casey, and all Casey would say was "she's fine mom, she's with the nanny!". Then Cindy said "take me to her right now!" Casey replied "NO....I'll take you there tomorrow....she's fine" ! Cindy wouldn't hear of that. Kuddo's to Cindy as far as I'm concerned. The lying Bi*ch would have fled to California had Cindy not persisted in Casey leaving immediately with her.
Cindy DID ask Casey where Caylee was when she went to Tony's and confronted Casey, and all Casey would say was "she's fine mom, she's with the nanny!". Then Cindy said "take me to her right now!" Casey replied "NO....I'll take you there tomorrow....she's fine" ! Cindy wouldn't hear of that. Kuddo's to Cindy as far as I'm concerned. The lying Bi*ch would have fled to California had Cindy not persisted in Casey leaving immediately with her.
Is this in AH's sworn statement? Did Tony hear this exchange?
Here is what I don't understand. CA found AH (whom she never met before) to take her to KC who was at AL's (whom CA didn't even know existed) several hours after paying to have the stinking Pontiac released. CA had not seen nor heard from Caylee in a month and her car seat was in the Pontiac along with the Mama doll. However, CA stayed outside the apartment to talk to KC for about 30 minutes, then when they entered the apartment, no one mentioned Caylee. There was no "where is Caylee, have you seen Caylee, do you know Caylee, is Caylee here?" Just KC bashing about stealing money.

I don't know, I just find it strange. I guess CA was just so overwhelmed and confused she didn't know what to do or say.

Well, you know Cindy & Amy talked on the way to Tonys.....

Cindy prolly hearing many new lies told in the last month, Amy's moving in, CA's moving out, Ga had a stroke, Amy 'lost' 400 bucks.....etc.

KC prolly told CA she would take her to Caylee if she didn't call cops to come to Tonys........KC thinks a few more lies will pacify CA, notice KC doesn't 'get her things' as CA tells her to do.
Is this in AH's sworn statement? Did Tony hear this exchange?

It's in SOMEONE'S sworn statement. I can't remember whose...Cindy's or Amy's. I just remember back on the original 911 Calls back on July 15th, that shortly after, the statements by "someone", (I think Cindy herself) said that that is what Casey actually said to Cindy when they were fighting outside Tony's apartment. The confrontation took many minutes. They had MANY words before Casey started crying and went into Tony's apartment and got her purse or whatever she wanted to take with her, and Cindy followed her into Tony's apartment. They told Cindy to have a seat or something...trying to be nice to her, but Cindy was too upset to sit down on their couch.

Remember while Cindy was waiting on Casey to get whatever she was taking with her as she left Tony's, Cindy said something to Tony like "I hope you have a lot of money, because Casey will take you for everything you have".
Originally Posted by SeriouslySearching
Is this in AH's sworn statement? Did Tony hear this exchange?

RIVERBABE60 replied:
It's in SOMEONE'S sworn statement. I can't remember whose...Cindy's or Amy's. I just remember back on the original 911 Calls back on July 15th, that shortly after, the statements by "someone", (I think Cindy herself) said that that is what Casey actually said to Cindy when they were fighting outside Tony's apartment. The confrontation took many minutes. They had MANY words before Casey started crying and went into Tony's apartment and got her purse or whatever she wanted to take with her, and Cindy followed her into Tony's apartment. They told Cindy to have a seat or something...trying to be nice to her, but Cindy was too upset to sit down on their couch.

Remember while Cindy was waiting on Casey to get whatever she was taking with her as she left Tony's, Cindy said something to Tony like "I hope you have a lot of money, because Casey will take you for everything you have".

OK...I just's in the original documents. NO....I don't think Tony Lazzaro overheard their convo because Casey purposely went outside on the front porch and closed the front door so Tony WOULDN'T hear the convo. Tony and his roommate were playing video games during Casey and Cindy's confrontation.
Friday, I have asked the same question many times citing KC as a lamb being led to slaughter Listening to the 911 tapes, it's the same! That has also perplexed me for some time, given her temperment & for the lengthy period of time she had just spent with AL?:waitasec:

I am not Friday, but wanted to comment, reeseeva.

That is the $64,000 question! Also, why did Cindy not look around to see if Caylee was there at Tony's with Casey? Why did she not ask if Caylee was there? She did not and Casey did just leave with Cindy as you stated - like a lamb being led to slaughter.

I also do not think it was a coincidence that George and Cindy picked Casey's car up from the tow yard on the very day that Amy and the guys got back from Peurto Rico.

This is just my opinion alone, but I do think there was a 'script' and the 'script' backfired. I believe that all the Anthony's are involved in the cover up for Casey. JMO
FWIW, in Kio's interview she says that KC changed after she had the baby. Says she and and KC spoke a lot during that time, and KC would often forget that they spoke. For example, KC would have some questions and a couple days later Kio would call back with answers, and KC would insist she never asked any questions. She was not "like this" in high school (p. 222).

Also said Cindy drove her hard...wanted her to be an all-american girl.

I don't doubt it really.
Here is what I don't understand. CA found AH (whom she never met before) to take her to KC who was at AL's (whom CA didn't even know existed) several hours after paying to have the stinking Pontiac released. CA had not seen nor heard from Caylee in a month and her car seat was in the Pontiac along with the Mama doll. However, CA stayed outside the apartment to talk to KC for about 30 minutes, then when they entered the apartment, no one mentioned Caylee. There was no "where is Caylee, have you seen Caylee, do you know Caylee, is Caylee here?" Just KC bashing about stealing money.

I don't know, I just find it strange. I guess CA was just so overwhelmed and confused she didn't know what to do or say.

I don't know where the idea that Cindy did not ask where Caylee was started or why it keeps getting repeated. Much of what happened at Tony's apartment has not yet even been released in the docs, but regardless, can anyone really believe that Cindy would drag Casey out of the apartment without even asking about Caylee? There's no way.
You're right :) I've read your posts with great interest, and I do have some, alas firsthand, insight into their relationship but only in a milder form. Nevertheless, for that reason I have to constantly fight against my extremely negative reaction to virtually everything Cindy says and does. It's instictive, so I can't be completely sure it's merited or not. Gee, I have a hunch that last sentence will tell you a whole lot about where my insight into CA's personality came from. :blowkiss:

Great Kudos to you for at least wondering. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
We don't know that Cindy covered for years.
During questioning, George said something must have happened 2 years previously because this was when Casey started lying about her job. Jesse Grund also made a comment in an interview that Casey was a very good mother but something must have happened to change her.

Yup, something did- Caylee was born and took Casey's former place in Cindy's life as "princess".
If they're uninsured, I think Cindy told him to get his *advertiser censored** home.

If paying for the hospitalization wasn't the prohibitive issue, then I think he let Cindy convince him he should be home with her, and I think that was the stupidest, most self-destructive, move he could have made. But then, nothing the Anthonys do seems right to me.

Here's a question for you now. :) As late as last night, wasn't BC saying George was not going home, he was going to a hospital closer to where he lived...and that the specific hospital was going to be kept a secret from the media if possible.

And the next thing I heard is that Cindy picked him up last night and he's going to stay home and have out-patient therapy.

What do you make of that?

PS At times I truly feel sorry for BC; he makes a statement on behalf of his clients and they promply leave him blowing in the wind looking foolish.

There is also the possibility that George felt ready and wanted to return home, why blame Cindy? I think BC pulled a bait and switch to keep reporters from congregating at the Anthony home to film George's arrival.
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