Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 2

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I don't think I'm tooo OT.

TP told ME (before he got thin skin) that there was no plan to "OFF" GA,CA and CMA.

I still find the searches, the timeline, and the details of the searches compelling.

Mom and Dad Have an accident (Broken Neck by way of household items) and perhaps the search for shovel (that caught the house on fire) acidently killed the dogs. Caylee just happened to drop out of Ka's arms while she was saving them. OOPS KC gets the house.
I still think some twist of this was in her mind. (Perhaps not the shovel catching on fire).
The fight that the A's keep insisting didn't happen on the 15th of June......will the court let in JG's testimony that LA told him that it got so bad that CA had her hands around KC's throat or will that be considered "hearsay" as even LA supposedly wasn't there?

And for that matter, let's go one step farther and say a miracle happens and LA decides to tell the truth about what he was told happened on the evening of June 15th---would even that be considered hearsay and let in by the court, since LA himself was not present? Any lawyers that can answer? TY-TY-TY in advance if so.

Also, you know how CA goes on and on every chance she gets about there being "no motive"? Well, her own words to KC on July 3rd about "My Caylee is Missing" clearly, IMO at least, states the motive. CA writes: "Jealousy has taken her away. Jealousy from the one person that should be thankfull for all the love and support given to her"--end quote. It is very clear that CA thinks that jealousy is the reason Caylee was taken from the A home. But the comment that disturbs me most is --"Who is now watching out for the little angel?"--end quote. CA thought that someone needed to be watching over Caylee while in KC's care. Frightening---she knows her daughter---she knows, even if it is not real in her conscious mind yet, she knows unconsciously that KC has a vein of wickedness inside her, and is willing and has in the past, acted on it. These are my opinions anyway.

**(Yes, I know thankful is spelled wrong but that is how CA wrote it so I wanted to directly quote her. And no, it's not to make fun of her error. Wouldn't do that as I am admittedly the world's worst speller.)


I think it's clear that Cindy knew that Casey was irresponsible. Cindy consulted a psychologist who advised her to seek custody of Caylee. For a psychologist to suggest that, Cindy must have told the psychologist in detail about her concerns in regards to Caylee's safety in Casey's custody. No matter how many times Cindy states that Casey had no motive, it's Cindy's own actions that suggest she's fully aware of what Casey is capable of doing. She's aware enough that she was seeking to get custody of Caylee.

Now that the unthinkable has happened, Cindy is desperate to blame this crime on someone else. But, Casey is the only one who had a motive, the means, and the opportunity.
I think it's clear that Cindy knew that Casey was irresponsible. Cindy consulted a psychologist who advised her to seek custody of Caylee. For a psychologist to suggest that, Cindy must have told the psychologist in detail about her concerns in regards to Caylee's safety in Casey's custody. No matter how many times Cindy states that Casey had no motive, it's Cindy's own actions that suggest she's fully aware of what Casey is capable of doing. She's aware enough that she was seeking to get custody of Caylee.

Now that the unthinkable has happened, Cindy is desperate to blame this crime on someone else. But, Casey is the only one who had a motive, the means, and the opportunity.

I think Cindy did see a psychologist that told her to practice some "tough love" and encouraged her to get custody of Caylee if it was deemed necessary. I see Cindy as usually being in denial suddenly trying to fix the problem with Casey more aggressively. In other words, Cindy didn't handle the situation correctly, and perhaps things got ugly. The fight she denies having with Casey may be the only motive Cindy knows about, but then it points to Casey committing the crime. She may feel she owes it to Casey to keep her mouth shut about it. Cindy may feel very guilty about the fight, especially if she tried to choke Casey.
Snipped and BBM.

According to the computer internet history, visits to job bank websites started at the end of January, 2008. I am confident they were visits conducted by George. The history taken was for the "Casey" account used by George and Cindy. Casey used the "owner" account. Furthermore, they are typically bracketed by visits to websites for autos, tools, and ... ahem ... escort services. I don't think that was Cindy.

Job bank visits really picked up in March.

As an interesting aside, there are lots of visits in February to the Lexus of Orlando website, as well as Just FYI.

You and BJB are always leaving me in the dust! Stop it! WAAAAAA! Where the heck are you getting this detailed internet history stuff at? What the heck have I missed this time? To avoid getting off the subject, could you PM me a link?

Thank you in advance!
Snipped and BBM.

According to the computer internet history, visits to job bank websites started at the end of January, 2008. I am confident they were visits conducted by George. The history taken was for the "Casey" account used by George and Cindy. Casey used the "owner" account. Furthermore, they are typically bracketed by visits to websites for autos, tools, and ... ahem ... escort services. I don't think that was Cindy.

Job bank visits really picked up in March.

As an interesting aside, there are lots of visits in February to the Lexus of Orlando website, as well as Just FYI.

Since we know the A's must have caught on the KC was not working as an event planner, unless their whole heads were buried deeply in the sand for over a year or so, maybe GA or CA periodically checked Escort Services to see if their daughter was a working girl.
I swear, at the very beginning of the case, I googled something and a picture of KC came up that looked to me to be one of those - it was not sexy, but it was "call me" type thing. I should have paid more attention but I didn't want to get my husband in trouble (maybe I'd forget that I did that!) - ha!

I find it a little hard to believe that a husband and wife who share a computer would use it for private cheating type stuff. At least get your own computer, no? GA always states that he's not that stupid.:waitasec:
I don't think I'm tooo OT.

TP told ME (before he got thin skin) that there was no plan to "OFF" GA,CA and CMA.

I still find the searches, the timeline, and the details of the searches compelling.

Mom and Dad Have an accident (Broken Neck by way of household items) and perhaps the search for shovel (that caught the house on fire) acidently killed the dogs. Caylee just happened to drop out of Ka's arms while she was saving them. OOPS KC gets the house.
I still think some twist of this was in her mind. (Perhaps not the shovel catching on fire).

I'm sorry - can't help myself. Bond started it or was it JWG?

Maybe it was CA who was looking that stuff up (GA visiting escort services). :crazy:
You and BJB are always leaving me in the dust! Stop it! WAAAAAA! Where the heck are you getting this detailed internet history stuff at? What the heck have I missed this time? To avoid getting off the subject, could you PM me a link?

Thank you in advance!

We'd all like to see the link - thank you very much. It may be that we have seen it - but don't know how to decifer the information like JWG does (I seem to recall something regarding this in the back of my foggy brain).

I meant to say that I don't know how to decifer - I know that others do/can.
One more thing, I'm still not convinced that it wasn't TL that was using Lexus as a base to work on his school project. The timing fits perfectly.
For some reason I'm thinking (in my jumbled up mind) that JWG said it seemed it was George looking at those sites. I'm not stating this as fact, it's just something I seem to recall as having been brought up.

Hi OLG. Yes, JWG suggests that it is GA who looked at Escort Services.

I had a new idea that it could have been the A's kind of checking to see if KC would show up on one of them. Just something plausible that popped into my head is all.

The last I checked nobody knows the whole truth and nothing but the truth - ya know? If we knew the truth, we could all stop talking, thinking, sleuthing. Besides I hate when girls defer to boys on everything. (wink, wink.)
You and BJB are always leaving me in the dust! Stop it! WAAAAAA! Where the heck are you getting this detailed internet history stuff at? What the heck have I missed this time? To avoid getting off the subject, could you PM me a link?

Thank you in advance!

See my post [ame=""]here[/ame] for details.

Don't be shy-jump on in-we don't bite!!
I saw where this thread had been bumped/moved to the main forum a few days ago - I guess there were no takers so it got moved back, LOL. But seeing it there got me to thinking about it again. Been at home with a middle school son with Mono :sick: and haven't had too much time, but I did have a quick thought. I listened to the jailhouse conversation between George (no Cindy at this one) and Casey again, and it really struck me that part of George's reason for being there was to "apologize" to Casey for Cindy being too domineering. He starts to say that "Maybe we have been..." but then switches to, "Mom feels like she's been" too "domineering". Sounds like he's bringing a peace offering to her for something, quite possibly "the big one" that we have been speculating about here. I think it's interesting that Cindy never seems to "go there" herself but switches gears to "support" her Mother of the Year from there on out.
I saw where this thread had been bumped/moved to the main forum a few days ago - I guess there were no takers so it got moved back, LOL. But seeing it there got me to thinking about it again. Been at home with a middle school son with Mono :sick: and haven't had too much time, but I did have a quick thought. I listened to the jailhouse conversation between George (no Cindy at this one) and Casey again, and it really struck me that part of George's reason for being there was to "apologize" to Casey for Cindy being too domineering. He starts to say that "Maybe we have been..." but then switches to, "Mom feels like she's been" too "domineering". Sounds like he's bringing a peace offering to her for something, quite possibly "the big one" that we have been speculating about here. I think it's interesting that Cindy never seems to "go there" herself but switches gears to "support" her Mother of the Year from there on out.

After working on the, "Events Post 911 Call..." Thread I'm curious if Acevedo's original report offers any details on what Cindy & Casey were shouting back & forth @ each other. It seems that exchange would've been under the circumstances ripe to reveal something akin to, "What have you done!?!?", and "Don't worry...I haven't said anything."
IMHO Caylee told something on Casey I believe she was killed for telling hence the duct tape KC was taping her mouth shut that is just my opinion

Tuesday, July 8, 2008 America Online:"

BBM - I just saw this email between SP and "Loubea", Shirley's sister? Anyway, the part that I bolded jumped out at me as relevant here. Casey must have at some point in early July told Cindy that she wouldn't let Caylee talk to her on the phone because it would make her too upset. This also jives with Cindy's statement that Casey and Caylee had taken off to "bond". This adds credence to the idea that there was a fight/power struggle between these two over Caylee. And it is interesting that Casey makes up the story about Caylee not being upset when "Zanny" let her talk to her, but how she would have been upset if she had talked to Cindy. There is definitely a theme running here. I wonder if Cindy had told LE about her not being allowed to talk to Caylee because it would upset her, and if this is exactly why they asked Casey that particular question. Interesting.

ETA - Sorry if the way I quoted that email is confusing. It is to SP, not from her.
Yeah, I was just reviewing some details about money. I don't think the fight was about money. That might have been mentioned as an effort to push buttons but not the main point.

Here is why. If Cindy's main concern was the money, I don't believe that she would have let KC leave without inspecting her purse to ensure that all financial instruments that were not hers were removed. It also would have been simple to cancel the credit cards and ensure that KC did not use them.

Here is what I think it was about. I was about KC's neglectful care of her daughter. IMO Cindy's meeting with a psychologist and her threats to take custody of Caylee were what started this huge fight.

This also explains why KC withheld Caylee from Cindy.

Just my thoughts
Yeah, I was just reviewing some details about money. I don't think the fight was about money. That might have been mentioned as an effort to push buttons but not the main point.

Here is why. If Cindy's main concern was the money, I don't believe that she would have let KC leave without inspecting her purse to ensure that all financial instruments that were not hers were removed. It also would have been simple to cancel the credit cards and ensure that KC did not use them.

Here is what I think it was about. I was about KC's neglectful care of her daughter. IMO Cindy's meeting with a psychologist and her threats to take custody of Caylee were what started this huge fight.

This also explains why KC withheld Caylee from Cindy.

Parents do not often deny even their adult children the money they need to keep their heads above water. I believe you are right that CA confronted the big picture with KC: The disrespect, irresponsibility that included money, the partying and other acts of self-gratification, the frustration that KC was acting like her father and just didn't get that CA was having a hard time keeping it together. No sympathy from KC towards her mother at all. From what we are to understand, KC didn't even lift a finger to clean up around the house.
The implication, IMO, is that CA may have been prepared to start drawing heavy lines in the sand-In order to impress upon KC how serious she was about making KC grow up, CA may have told her that she only cared about Caylee and would only make sure to look out for Caylee. But she wasn't necessarily gonna let KC starve on the streets. CA may not even have backed up these words with actions later. But she was starting with heavier threats up front.
In threatening KC, she may have pitted KC against Caylee.
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