Details Emerge: Casey/Cindy Fight - Part 3

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Something I noticed (finally) in this interview
1:08 mark
Orlando Salinas asks George who has just spent close to an hour with ICA and has just left her, what color her shackles were, were they pink?
George hems and haws, and then says, "I can't remember."

Orlando, you genius!

Thanks! This shows that George is like the millions of other people who can't remember the small details, like what someone was wearing, even if he's being asked to remember something that occurred just an hour earlier.

George's story of seeing Casey and Caylee leave on June 16th is just that..........a story. I'm sure Cindy helped with the details.

One thing I definitely remember. It was during Greta Van Susteran's tour of the Anthony home, that George first told the story. He and Cindy were sitting on their sofa and Greta was asking questions. She asked "when did you last see Caylee", and George launched into his story. At the time, I wondered why we were just hearing then about this. It had been at least several weeks since the news that Caylee was missing was first reported. This was important information, and I wondered why we had not heard it sooner.
GA's details changed over time...Each time he remembered something, like he fed Caylee breakfast and then put her in her car seat...he's been brainwashed by his wifey, IMO...she gave him the details to add to it and I don't believe for a minute, he remembered what Caylee wore that day.

This fight was the catalyst for Caylees' demise. What ever rage ICA had stored inside her, Caylee paid the ultimate price. Whether she knocked her out with homemade cholorform, placed in a hot, sticky trunk, while she and TonyL made it to blockbuster, ICA and ONLY ICA is responsible for Caylee's demise. I don't care how hard her defense fights for her, she will in the end be found guilty but I don't believe she will be put to death...I think she will get the lesser included charge of manslaughter which carries a LWOP sentence. If a jury cannot decide on Caylee's COD, they might play it safe and go for LWOP...either way, Caylee gets justice...and the A's get a well, they get foot in mouth disease...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I don't really understand the ping maps, but I see where the Anthony home called ICA cell at 7:35 am. That tells me she was not home! My theory is that she left the house, with Caylee, parked somewhere near the Anthony home, and talked/texted TL most of the night.

Be careful assuming that is proof. I've called my cell from the home phone lots of times when I couldn't find the dang thing! LOL! Sadly, I don't think we will ever know if she was home that morning or not. We certainly can't believe George, that's for sure.
Be careful assuming that is proof. I've called my cell from the home phone lots of times when I couldn't find the dang thing! LOL! Sadly, I don't think we will ever know if she was home that morning or not. We certainly can't believe George, that's for sure.

Have you seen her cell phone records? KC was on the phone all the time, almost as if it were part of her body. lol Don't think the phone was ever far from her reach. I agree she could have been parked somewhere. Maybe even the dump site. Not much traffic on that road at night since the school was the only building down there. We know she was not driving gas. jmo
I've always felt that the fight between Cindy and Casey on July 15th was the catalyst for Caylee's murder. I think Casey killed Caylee that night or the early morning hours of June 16th.

I've doubted George's story of seeing Casey and Caylee leaving the house on June 16th. George stated that they left about 12:50pm as he was watching his favorite cooking program on television. He related in detail the clothing both were wearing. I highly doubt that anyone would remember in detail what anyone else was wearing on a day that at that time was not remarkable. George described it as "just like any other day." A month would go by before he or anyone else would try to remember the last time they saw Caylee.

I think there were two goals in George relating this story about seeing Casey and Caylee leave on June 16th. One goal was to make people think the fight the night before was not that big of a deal and that by the next morning all was okay. The second goal was to infer that whatever happened to Caylee, didn't happen in the Anthony home - it happened somewhere else.

I think his grand jury testimony revealed the truth about this. I think he was forced to say he didn't see them or change the times and admit the fight.

I think there was a fight and I think it was the first time Cindy had ever stood up to Casey. I think there was a lot that Cindy said would change, starting with Casey having to find a real job and a place to live and I think there was a deadline - I think Cindy gave ultimatums. I think casey was shocked and angry about this. I think she left the house with Caylee without anyone knowing she had gone and those calls where either to threatened them about her hurting Caylee or were calls to notify them that there was an accident and Caylee was dead or missing.

I think HER REAL plan did not come to fruition because they were ignoring her calls. I think she very purposely killed Caylee and I think she placed the tape over her mouth while sitting on her and then suffocated her. I think then she just threw Caylee in the trunk in a "I will have to figure this out later" attitude and then went to hang with TOny.

The next day was a new day -s he was free no one seemed to be asking for Caylee - her mother and family were ignoring her and there was no smell in the trunk yet. She is so lazy that she just figured she will take care of it later.

Her nanny stories were believed her mother assumed Casey was teaching her a lesson by staying away - no one was the wiser.

Until the smell was caught by a few friends. And then she just drove by her house and dumped her thinkign the smell would go away after.

When it didn't she dumped the car.

I do not doubt the fight was the culmination; however, the searches on the computer, clearly someone was thinking of murder even before the fight, because the computer searches happened in March.

Wasn't it in March that Cindy changed her bank account, so that Casey could no longer pilfer money from her on a regular basis?

I'll speculate that Cindy doing that could have been a motive for Casey to end her life.
Wasn't it in March that Cindy changed her bank account, so that Casey could no longer pilfer money from her on a regular basis?

I'll speculate that Cindy doing that could have been a motive for Casey to end her life.

I agree, It appears Cindy finally decided to do something about Casey's behavior and this was Casey's reaction.
I have always thought that KC was originally planning on killing her parents, she even did a trial run IMO the night that she left RM house and was suppose to have taken Caylee back to CA home...This IMO was KC seeing if she could actually be spending the night with him and sneak out and back in without him waking up, and then she would be able to do the same thing on another night and actually go and kill CA & GA and have a airtight alibi...KC had no intentions of working for a living and she was hell bend on getting the family home..tell a bunch of people that your parents are having marital problems and then do a double murder and possibly make it look like a murder suicide and sit back and wait for the estate to pay off and then you have everything you want and you get rid of both of the people who have been riding you *advertiser censored** to grow up get a job and be an actual parent to your child. In KC mind I think this would have been the best of both worlds...When the original plan did not work KC was gonna make sure she still hurt her parents by taking away the little one they loved much more than they did her..KC had been running that house for quite some time so that they would not lose Caylee, I just wish with all of my heart that CA & GA would have cut there losses in the beginning of this case and stood with Caylee and left KC on her own to face the music on her own..
The thing is, there was no big estate to inheirit. They were barely hanging on to the heavily mortgaged house at that time, and only because of Cindy's job. No job, no money for house payment. Casey clearly had no plans to work herself. If she killed Cindy, how in the world would she pay for the house and its upkeep?
I have always thought that KC was originally planning on killing her parents, she even did a trial run IMO the night that she left RM house and was suppose to have taken Caylee back to CA home...This IMO was KC seeing if she could actually be spending the night with him and sneak out and back in without him waking up, and then she would be able to do the same thing on another night and actually go and kill CA & GA and have a airtight alibi...KC had no intentions of working for a living and she was hell bend on getting the family home..tell a bunch of people that your parents are having marital problems and then do a double murder and possibly make it look like a murder suicide and sit back and wait for the estate to pay off and then you have everything you want and you get rid of both of the people who have been riding you *advertiser censored** to grow up get a job and be an actual parent to your child. In KC mind I think this would have been the best of both worlds...When the original plan did not work KC was gonna make sure she still hurt her parents by taking away the little one they loved much more than they did her..KC had been running that house for quite some time so that they would not lose Caylee, I just wish with all of my heart that CA & GA would have cut there losses in the beginning of this case and stood with Caylee and left KC on her own to face the music on her own..

I just don't understand why they seem to feel the only way they can still love their daughter is to re-create history.. make her not guilty (of anything bad-ever!) in their heads. Turn her into this perfect mother, perfect daughter, perfect employee (she won a award, youknow!) that she wasn't. Cindy and George talk all the time about their unconditional love for their daughter but if that were true they would still love her regardless of her guilt or innocence. Unconditional love means accpeting a person- faults and all.. they show us time and again (every time they open their lying mouths!) they are unable (or unwilling) to love the real Casey, the one with the faults. Unconditional love to these people is lying for, sneaking around for, recreating life events of, and lashing out at anyone and everyone who dare speak the truth about their "sweetheart".

There's nothing wrong with still loving your daughter even if she is a murderer, just love her with a little bit of truth.
I just don't understand why they seem to feel the only way they can still love their daughter is to re-create history.. make her not guilty (of anything bad-ever!) in their heads. Turn her into this perfect mother, perfect daughter, perfect employee (she won a award, youknow!) that she wasn't. Cindy and George talk all the time about their unconditional love for their daughter but if that were true they would still love her regardless of her guilt or innocence. Unconditional love means accpeting a person- faults and all.. they show us time and again (every time they open their lying mouths!) they are unable (or unwilling) to love the real Casey, the one with the faults. Unconditional love to these people is lying for, sneaking around for, recreating life events of, and lashing out at anyone and everyone who dare speak the truth about their "sweetheart".

There's nothing wrong with still loving your daughter even if she is a murderer, just love her with a little bit of truth.

Not only is Cindy depicting KC as the perfect mother but she is depicting herself as the perfect mother also. She answers the prosecutors questions regarding first seeing KC at Tony's and says she did not cause a scene either at the apartment or the car. Tony and his friend say Cindy said hope you have money because you will need it, etc., etc. Amy said the arguing in the car was very hard to sit through. I believe Jesse said Cindy said to him what do you want to go out with her for she has no future, no job, etc. I pay for everything. Brittany who leaves down the street said Cindy told her KC was coming and going and stealing money during the 31 days. And the beat goes on.

Does Cindy think none of this is going to come out at trial. It is all coming out. All of it.
I have always thought that KC was originally planning on killing her parents, she even did a trial run IMO the night that she left RM house and was suppose to have taken Caylee back to CA home...This IMO was KC seeing if she could actually be spending the night with him and sneak out and back in without him waking up, and then she would be able to do the same thing on another night and actually go and kill CA & GA and have a airtight alibi...KC had no intentions of working for a living and she was hell bend on getting the family home..tell a bunch of people that your parents are having marital problems and then do a double murder and possibly make it look like a murder suicide and sit back and wait for the estate to pay off and then you have everything you want and you get rid of both of the people who have been riding you *advertiser censored** to grow up get a job and be an actual parent to your child. In KC mind I think this would have been the best of both worlds...When the original plan did not work KC was gonna make sure she still hurt her parents by taking away the little one they loved much more than they did her..KC had been running that house for quite some time so that they would not lose Caylee, I just wish with all of my heart that CA & GA would have cut there losses in the beginning of this case and stood with Caylee and left KC on her own to face the music on her own..

You are reaching. What estate?
This is a great, thought provoking thread. I do believe the fight was a catalyst to Caylees tragic end. I agree with those who feel Caylee may have "told on" Casey. I believe this is the reason for all the duct tape and the sticker over little Caylees mouth. I believe that ICA was confronted by CA over all kinds of things, including something Caylee may have revealed to CA. I think that this (and the fight in general) put ICA into a rage where she taped the little girls mouth shut (either before or after administering chloroform..or perhaps no chloroform was given this time, but had been used as a "nanny" in the past) and a sticker was placed over the babys mouth for emphasis (at some point, either then or later pre disposal.."I love you but you have a big mouth.."). With rage still gripping her, I believe she put Caylee in the trunk, and left her there for good. Like a previous poster stated....the end of Caylee meant the end of her ties with Cindy..who she didnt care at that moment if she ever saw again or not. And I believe her rage was so great that she didnt even care if she ever received another penny from the Anthonys...she could steal and live of other people (which she was doing for those 31 days)...she didnt need them anymore, and she didnt need Caylee either. Also after her rageful killing of Caylee, she knew she couldnt return. I think she made up the Zanni Gonzales story up during the 31 days just in case she ever needed to explain (like what ended up happening when CA caught up with her).

I think the theory that she was planning on killing GA/CA is very interesting and one I had not thought of before..but I agree that it is a possibility. I had thought that she had been toying with ways to kill Caylee, but I agree with an earlier hard would it be to kill a two year perhaps she was planning on killing someone else....

As far as the As denying a fight...well, of course they would if the fight was about something Caylee had told them....motive.
You are reaching. What estate?

I think, IMO, that kc was going to have a bunch of friends move in and in the long run, they'd be paying the mortgage (to her) and most of the other bills.
KC had a baby to look after so they'd be less on her then mom and pop.
:cow: just a thought.
I think, IMO, that kc was going to have a bunch of friends move in and in the long run, they'd be paying the mortgage (to her) and most of the other bills.
KC had a baby to look after so they'd be less on her then mom and pop.
:cow: just a thought.

I'm also wondering if she thought mom and pop were hiding large sums of money from her. She doesn't seem the type to look up finances and figure out that they were in large debt instead. I'm sure she figured they owed her bunches of money, so why not kill them and inherit it?
I'm also wondering if she thought mom and pop were hiding large sums of money from her. She doesn't seem the type to look up finances and figure out that they were in large debt instead. I'm sure she figured they owed her bunches of money, so why not kill them and inherit it?

Ya know, it's strange maybe, but I never ever ever got involved in my parents finances. It was never any of my beezwax.
I wonder why kc thought it was her business???

What did they owe her and why? ::shrug::
I go back and forth on the time line, but I do believe the dogs hit in the backyard because ICA had the smell of decomp on her shoes, hands or something after going into the garage and finding bags/laundry bag to put Caylee in, then went to the shed before she left. Or, GA and CA found something of Caylees in the backyard when they searched after getting the car, and it had been close enough to Caylee for them to pick up the scent.

I have always believed that the dogs hit in the backyard because GA, the neatnick, washed off the gas cans at the hose by the pool where the dog hit. Then he proceeded to sit the gas cans down a couple of times doing things as he made his way through the backyard towards the shed.
I just don't understand why they seem to feel the only way they can still love their daughter is to re-create history.. make her not guilty (of anything bad-ever!) in their heads. Turn her into this perfect mother, perfect daughter, perfect employee (she won a award, youknow!) that she wasn't. Cindy and George talk all the time about their unconditional love for their daughter but if that were true they would still love her regardless of her guilt or innocence. Unconditional love means accpeting a person- faults and all.. they show us time and again (every time they open their lying mouths!) they are unable (or unwilling) to love the real Casey, the one with the faults. Unconditional love to these people is lying for, sneaking around for, recreating life events of, and lashing out at anyone and everyone who dare speak the truth about their "sweetheart".

There's nothing wrong with still loving your daughter even if she is a murderer, just love her with a little bit of truth.

GENIUS :dance:

Ya know, it's strange maybe, but I never ever ever got involved in my parents finances. It was never any of my beezwax.
I wonder why kc thought it was her business???

What did they owe her and why? ::shrug::

If we accept the premise that Casey is a sociapathic personality, then her parents were likely in peril if she had a need that could be better fufilled without them around (i.e., money, house), whether they knew it or not. Fortunately since Casey (IMHO) isn't the brightest bulb around, I don't think she could quite figure out how to pull off (stage) a familial murder that would net her the house and money. Poor little Caylee became a partial solution - freedom. Down the road she probably thought she could figure out the money part (Tony, others). IMHO

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