Detective Melich and Websleuths in The News

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I wish she would get a real lesson about how lying IS illegal, for starters.

Deceit and lies must be an acceptable way of life in her eyes with her statement to the contrary. We have seen plenty of both from the Anthony family (we have several threads on this). Once they lost their credibility in the public eye, their only recourse was to attack other people who do tell the truth and only want the truth to come out about Caylee. The list of people they have attacked grows daily.
Their granddaughter is missing presumed dead. I would say this is reprimand enough. JMHO.

I would like to know when the Anthony family is going to be "reprimanded" for everything they appear to have my lie, conceal, and destroy possible evidence of a murdered child. To me, this is a much larger issue than a few innocent posts from a policeman. MN needs to keep his attention focused on the day that charges might arise for his clients instead of worrying about how people spend their down time.

How many more innocent people are they going to try and drag through the mud before this is all over? They will go after everyone except the person who knows the answers of why they are missing a grandchild they profess to love. They will attack anyone demanding to find those answers without their help or the help of this child's own mother. Their interest is to save the person responsible instead.

Caylee's own family has refused to speak out for her. Thank God she has people like YM, JA, and the OCSO who are willing to go the distance to become her voice. I will continue to support them in their efforts toward that end.

WWYMD? I think he would tell us all to pray and to keep searching for Caylee because she is still out there waiting on her voice to be heard.
But it has everything to do with why Yuri's boss reprimanded him. :)

snipped from article:

But there have been problems with other Anthony reports. WFTV announced Monday that the lead detective in the case, Yuri Melich, has been "reprimanded" for blogging about it.

Not so, the Orange County Sheriff's Office told me. Melich was told to stop blogging, but he was not reprimanded or punished in any way.WFTV also announced that mysterious public-relations figure Todd Black, who is working for Casey's defense attorney Jose Baez, is off the case.

Not so, according to the public-relations firm. The firm is rotating reps on the case, but Black remains on it, too, according to a message on the firm's answering machine.

snipped from article:

But there have been problems with other Anthony reports. WFTV announced Monday that the lead detective in the case, Yuri Melich, has been "reprimanded" for blogging about it.

Not so, the Orange County Sheriff's Office told me. Melich was told to stop blogging, but he was not reprimanded or punished in any way.WFTV also announced that mysterious public-relations figure Todd Black, who is working for Casey's defense attorney Jose Baez, is off the case.

Not so, according to the public-relations firm. The firm is rotating reps on the case, but Black remains on it, too, according to a message on the firm's answering machine.

I was just going to post that. :clap:

snipped from article:

But there have been problems with other Anthony reports. WFTV announced Monday that the lead detective in the case, Yuri Melich, has been "reprimanded" for blogging about it.

Not so, the Orange County Sheriff's Office told me. Melich was told to stop blogging, but he was not reprimanded or punished in any way.WFTV also announced that mysterious public-relations figure Todd Black, who is working for Casey's defense attorney Jose Baez, is off the case.

Not so, according to the public-relations firm. The firm is rotating reps on the case, but Black remains on it, too, according to a message on the firm's answering machine.

Wow, that's real professional.
... and Yuri had already stopped posting replies of his own accord the second he went back on part duty.

edited to add - unless this is old news and he stopped because he was asked to?
Their granddaughter is missing presumed dead. I would say this is reprimand enough. JMHO.
So you are saying because Caylee is missing and presumed dead the A family should be given a free pass on lying and concealment of possible evidence in her disappearance?! I strongly disagree. I think everyone involved in covering up the truth or in any way misleading LE in this case should be held accountable.
I'm sorry Yuri Melich got in trouble with his superiors, but he shouldn't have been posting here at WS even if he wasn't discussing the case. Lurking would've been fine- there have been instances when LE of other trials read here and gleaned some ideas. Or even posting anonymously, although I don't know how one does that since we give our names when we register.

No matter how we feel about KC and what she did to her daughter, she deserves a fair trial in front of an unbiased jury of her peers. That is going to be near impossible in Orlando. News stations have reported her every move, speculated about evidence and interviewed anyone who knows KC or knows of her and is willing to talk. They have given the Anthony family a platform to spout their views and picked them apart. The same goes for KC's legal team.

IMO, the prosecution has to walk a razor-thin line of respectability and discretion here. If KC is guilty of murdering Caylee (and I say IF in a rhetorical sense because I think she is) I hope the evidence against her is rock solid and will put her away for life. The absolute worst thing would be for KC to be found guilty and some years down the road a new trial is ordered for her on appeal because of a technicality. Despite the fact that Yuri Melich is a human being as well LE, his posting here could provide such an issue.

I don't think it matters who alerted LE to the posts, but SOMEONE did. Cindy, another website, etc. It isn't important. But KC getting a fair trial is. KC going to jail and staying there (or getting the DP) is.
So you are saying because Caylee is missing and presumed dead the A family should be given a free pass on lying and concealment of possible evidence in her disappearance?! I strongly disagree. I think everyone involved in covering up the truth or in any way misleading LE in this case should be held accountable.

Fair enough-I think that the nightmare they are living is sufficient.
Fair enough-I think that the nightmare they are living is sufficient.

I appreciate what you are saying because I'm sure the grandparents ARE suffering, but the legal standard isn't based on that.

As SS said, *if* the grandparents are covering up the truth or misleading LE, our impressions of their nightmare means nothing.
Ok, so no blogging. understood.
The media may have reported incorrectly about the word reprimand.
In all these months the focus has shifted attention from the child, Caylee.
The "odieous creature" as Mr. Klaas referred to the mother and the ridiculous family members were constantly mentioned in the news.
YM and LE have tried to maintain focus on Caylee.
I hope YM continues to read our posts of support.
I appreciate what you are saying because I'm sure the grandparents ARE suffering, but the legal standard isn't based on that.

As SS said, *if* the grandparents are covering up the truth or misleading LE, our impressions of their nightmare means nothing.

Not to mention the nightmare CAYLEE had to endure! :furious:
I'm sorry Yuri Melich got in trouble with his superiors, but he shouldn't have been posting here at WS even if he wasn't discussing the case. Lurking would've been fine- there have been instances when LE of other trials read here and gleaned some ideas. Or even posting anonymously, although I don't know how one does that since we give our names when we register.

No matter how we feel about KC and what she did to her daughter, she deserves a fair trial in front of an unbiased jury of her peers. That is going to be near impossible in Orlando. News stations have reported her every move, speculated about evidence and interviewed anyone who knows KC or knows of her and is willing to talk. They have given the Anthony family a platform to spout their views and picked them apart. The same goes for KC's legal team.

IMO, the prosecution has to walk a razor-thin line of respectability and discretion here. If KC is guilty of murdering Caylee (and I say IF in a rhetorical sense because I think she is) I hope the evidence against her is rock solid and will put her away for life. The absolute worst thing would be for KC to be found guilty and some years down the road a new trial is ordered for her on appeal because of a technicality. Despite the fact that Yuri Melich is a human being as well LE, his posting here could provide such an issue.

I don't think it matters who alerted LE to the posts, but SOMEONE did. Cindy, another website, etc. It isn't important. But KC getting a fair trial is. KC going to jail and staying there (or getting the DP) is.

I totally agree with you..i dont know why its so hard to understand why it is innappropriate for Yuri to knowingly be on this crime site or any other. :woohoo:
I'm sorry Yuri Melich got in trouble with his superiors, but he shouldn't have been posting here at WS even if he wasn't discussing the case. Lurking would've been fine- there have been instances when LE of other trials read here and gleaned some ideas. Or even posting anonymously, although I don't know how one does that since we give our names when we register.

No matter how we feel about KC and what she did to her daughter, she deserves a fair trial in front of an unbiased jury of her peers. That is going to be near impossible in Orlando. News stations have reported her every move, speculated about evidence and interviewed anyone who knows KC or knows of her and is willing to talk. They have given the Anthony family a platform to spout their views and picked them apart. The same goes for KC's legal team.

IMO, the prosecution has to walk a razor-thin line of respectability and discretion here. If KC is guilty of murdering Caylee (and I say IF in a rhetorical sense because I think she is) I hope the evidence against her is rock solid and will put her away for life. The absolute worst thing would be for KC to be found guilty and some years down the road a new trial is ordered for her on appeal because of a technicality. Despite the fact that Yuri Melich is a human being as well LE, his posting here could provide such an issue.

I don't think it matters who alerted LE to the posts, but SOMEONE did. Cindy, another website, etc. It isn't important. But KC getting a fair trial is. KC going to jail and staying there (or getting the DP) is.
A change of venue is no big deal in a court case. It is also possible for someone who feels strongly as to guilt to keep an open mind and see what is provided during a trial. If Scott Peterson could get a fair trial, Casey Anthony can also.

Plealse don't forget that the Anthony family and Baez and his mouthpiece PR company have done as much to propagandize this case in the news as anyone else has. All of them are just a little too eager to jump into the camera range. I have heard more from the defense side than the prosecution side. Most people just don't believe that the defense or the Anthonys are capable of telling the truth.

Personally, I can't wait to see the script that the invisible nanny gave to Casey (and written by Baez and Cindy). It's gonna be sumpin.

It's not like the media hasn't given the defense equal coverage. It's that they can't shut up and are caught in so many lies. moo
I for one think YM is a helluva good cop and one heckuva man to boot. Hope he didn't get into much trouble. Didn't ever read anything that he posted here which had anything to do with the case, but oh well. This is just one more example of how KC's vortex of madness and evile continues envelop everything and everyone in its path. I hope soon that path will be limited to the space between jail cells in a dark and dank prison, FOREVER!
I wish she would get a real lesson about how lying IS illegal, for starters.

Deceit and lies must be an acceptable way of life in her eyes with her statement to the contrary. We have seen plenty of both from the Anthony family (we have several threads on this). Once they lost their credibility in the public eye, their only recourse was to attack other people who do tell the truth and only want the truth to come out about Caylee. The list of people they have attacked grows daily.

You are right SS. She clearly doesn't think there is anything wrong with lying.

Remember that interview early on:
When asked about allegations that her daughter is a compulsive liar, she nodded and said that "lying isn't a criminal offense."
The news used the term "reprimand" but in employment law a "reprimand" is entirely something more than a request to stop doing something he has a right to do. In employment law a "reprimand" is an adverse action that can lead to termination. I suspect strongly that the more accurate scenario is it was just before an election and Yuri's boss asked him to cease posting publically on a crime sleuthing website because some might see that as controversial; a professional detective cutting investigative corners by seeking advice from amateurs, etc.. So, Yuri, out of the goodness of his heart and professional courtesy, did stop, for then. It isn't a term of his employment that he cannot read or blog on these boards. He can talk to the press, interview anyone he wants and obtain information from wherever and whenever he thinks it is relevant. Of course, he takes his guidance and direction from his bosses. Orlando LE is not so big that they don't have close working relationships and a great deal of respect for their team mates. See how quickly they got rid of the ones who were involved with KC and failed to disclose it? Well, Yuri is open and above board. He disclosed it and upon the request of his superior, for the benefit of both of them, he stopped. This is far different than an employee disciplinary action. It shows the cohesiveness and team spirit that are operating in a healthy LE office.

The news also used the phrase "told him to stop". Big difference between "reprimand" and "told to stop". Personally, I'd like to know which it was.

The news article also used the terms "blog" and "blogger" in reference to WS and its posters. WS is a "message board" or "forums", not a blog. People who post on message boards are not bloggers... unless they blog elsewhere.

The news article also used the phrases "he saw a lot of flattering stuff", and "bosses" rather than "superiors". Ugh. Get a thesaurus. Take a writing course. Nowutimean?

There are no quotes from OCSO, no references to the article's author having spoken with them at all. Not even a single "sources close to".

The whole thing reads more like a tabloid piece written by a high schooler than a professional news article. But then, I'm picky, and notice such things more than most.


Good post, Themis.

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