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I'm not sure it was appropriate for the detective in an ongoing case to post here....just sayin.. seems like it could be construed as unethical.

I agree. While the blogging was harmless, there is always the issue of "how it looks" and in a case as big as this one, I would think the "how it looks" is a pretty big concern. Also, there is always the possibility that something could be construed differently from the way it was intended and it could work against LE.

If he was not involved in the case at all, there would have been no problem.

This has Cindy written all over it.

Cindy, you are making me hate you. Though I confess I already started quite a while back.

Yes, CA on duty. You should be more concerned about "getting off your *ss and finding your grand daughter" than riding around in limos or sitting on it reading what is said here! :mad:

I have something to say to Nejame where this is concerned.
First, Melich came here with an opened mind and I am sure that thousands of detectives across this great nation use sites such as these for fresh thoughts and theories.
Nejame only has a problem with the things said here about Cindy and GEorge, yes there are things I am sure they don't like, which I guess is mutual because we don't like the fact she harps on what goes on here instead of looking for her grand daughter.
There is no dout in my mind that Melich will still read here, he isn't required to post to know that we all support his efforts and pray for his team. Maybe we should start a Pray for Nejame thread so he doesn't feel so left out:boohoo:

I understand that they asked him to quit posting and do see where they are all coming from, but I would like to point out the simple FACT that he did not discuss the case, he only thanked for well wishes, and talked about his love for soccer, and motorcycles. At the very least, they should have included in this story how professional this man is and how he did not break any laws that he has sworn to uphold.
I certainly give him a thumbs up for Yuri asking for prayers for a family that many of us just can bring ourselves to ask for.

Very well said!

Det. Melich, you still have our love and support, thank you for the job and good work you are doing for Caylee to bring this case closure. Please continue to do your best to bring the one and only person responsible for her missing and/or her death to be held accountable! Keep reading, even if you can't post!
I'm not sure it was appropriate for the detective in an ongoing case to post here....just sayin.. seems like it could be construed as unethical.

Did you read any of the good detective's post? He never ONCE, that I recall, discussed this case. What I remember is him saying he came over b/c he heard there were some support messages. He wanted to say thank you. He explained he had extra time on his hands b/c he was out of work due to an injury.

If he had disclosed evidence, talked about his personal feelings in regards to this case, disclosed any info that had been discussed in private conversations or even his own theories, THAT would be, beyond a shadow of a doubt, unethical.

Again, Nejame needs to worry about his clients images. IMO, there is not enough soap & water to wash the mud off them.

I do fully understand the media reporting this. If they had this info & didnt print it they would be fed to the lions as being biased.

So for ALL the good detectives that have worked this case, to TES and ALL the volunteers, thank you. :blowkiss:
Don't shoot the messenger, no-name, whatever his attorney name is. Let's do a "poll" and see how many detectives spend time in chat rooms and on blogs. Everyone knows one of the first places to go when investigating anyone under 90 anymore is their personal pages like myspace or whatever. So of course, cops go on-line!! If they think we supported LE's and YM before, they ain't seen nuttin yet!
I agree. While the blogging was harmless, there is always the issue of "how it looks" and in a case as big as this one, I would think the "how it looks" is a pretty big concern. Also, there is always the possibility that something could be construed differently from the way it was intended and it could work against LE.

If he was not involved in the case at all, there would have been no problem.

I agree with what you are saying completely..But, How can they see "please pray for the Anthony family," any other way? I don't see how that could be construed any differently than how he said it..:confused:

Certainly it seems that Yuri should not ask anyone else to pray for the family or to keep Caylee on the forefront, or he will be reprimanded because Cindy and George don't like it., unless he is in uniform. Its okay Yuri, god knows what your intentions were.
Don't shoot the messenger, no-name, whatever his attorney name is. Let's do a "poll" and see how many detectives spend time in chat rooms and on blogs. Everyone knows one of the first places to go when investigating anyone under 90 anymore is their personal pages like myspace or whatever. So of course, cops go on-line!! If they think we supported LE's and YM before, they ain't seen nuttin yet!

I highly doubt he got in any real trouble for that posting. This is a high profile case, the Anthony's and their attorney bitched about it, and the boss said hey we have enough headaches with this fruitloop family, stay off the blogs. Just how do you think the press got hold of this? Nejame undoubtedly, and "reprimanded" probably came from him. If this is the biggest thing they can come up with for inappropriate handling of the case, it is a non issue.
Hey Nejame, at least Yuri isn't online inviting little girls over to his place for sleepovers and he isn't posting pictures of himself slutting it up all over Orlando.
Seriously Searching
Are you taking members for the fan club? I would like to have a number please:blowkiss:
Wouldn't it be nice if Cindy were to actually come here and let us start a thread to talk to her directly? It was done with a witness or two if I recall. We can be civil CAN'T WE? In the interest of Caylee I don't see why we couldn't have a really interesting thread. Just saying, maybe she has some insight to things we don't and working together we could all "find Caylee"!!

She wouldn't have to answer anything she didn't want to! We would all have to be professional or be banned ya know!:)
Wouldn't it be nice if Cindy were to actually come here and let us start a thread to talk to her directly? It was done with a witness or two if I recall. We can be civil CAN'T WE? In the interest of Caylee I don't see why we couldn't have a really interesting thread. Just saying, maybe she has some insight to things we don't and working together we could all "find Caylee"!!

She wouldn't have to answer anything she didn't want to! We would all have to be professional or be banned ya know!:)

Problem is, SHE can't.
Wouldn't it be nice if Cindy were to actually come here and let us start a thread to talk to her directly? It was done with a witness or two if I recall. We can be civil CAN'T WE? In the interest of Caylee I don't see why we couldn't have a really interesting thread. Just saying, maybe she has some insight to things we don't and working together we could all "find Caylee"!!

She wouldn't have to answer anything she didn't want to! We would all have to be professional or be banned ya know!:)

:waitasec: I would be banned.
Wouldn't it be nice if Cindy were to actually come here and let us start a thread to talk to her directly? It was done with a witness or two if I recall. We can be civil CAN'T WE? In the interest of Caylee I don't see why we couldn't have a really interesting thread. Just saying, maybe she has some insight to things we don't and working together we could all "find Caylee"!!

She wouldn't have to answer anything she didn't want to! We would all have to be professional or be banned ya know!:)

I would get banned...Cindy and Civil are not allowed in the same sentence.:eek:
We all know she reads here!!! :mad:

Casey's defense attorney's public relations firm said Monday that "anything on the blogs we don't pay attention to," because they're unreliable.

It probably would backfire on the defense to bring up the bloggers, since many of them believe Casey Anthony murdered her daughter Caylee."
Yes we all know she does read here and that is where she comes up with the theories of what may have happened to Caylee so she can call in more false leads and say LE doesn't follow up on them. We know they do just ask the family that was woke up in the middle of the night!!
Did you read any of the good detective's post? He never ONCE, that I recall, discussed this case. What I remember is him saying he came over b/c he heard there were some support messages. He wanted to say thank you. He explained he had extra time on his hands b/c he was out of work due to an injury.

If he had disclosed evidence, talked about his personal feelings in regards to this case, disclosed any info that had been discussed in private conversations or even his own theories, THAT would be, beyond a shadow of a doubt, unethical.

Again, Nejame needs to worry about his clients images. IMO, there is not enough soap & water to wash the mud off them.

I do fully understand the media reporting this. If they had this info & didnt print it they would be fed to the lions as being biased.

So for ALL the good detectives that have worked this case, to TES and ALL the volunteers, thank you. :blowkiss:

I know he didnt post evidence, but it still looks unethical. Perhaps he should not have let people know who he was..
:furious::mad::steamed::eek:ther_beatingA_Dead:eek:ther_beatingA_Dead:rant::censored::censored::censored::hopping_mad::burn::cursing::cursing::dervish::rage::behindbar Okay, I want & NEED a middle finger icon. :behindbar
I know he didnt post evidence, but it still looks unethical. Perhaps he should not have let people know who he was..

What looks unethical to me is a mother that didn't report her daughter missing for 31 days. That is unethical.
Wouldn't it be nice if Cindy were to actually come here and let us start a thread to talk to her directly? It was done with a witness or two if I recall. We can be civil CAN'T WE? In the interest of Caylee I don't see why we couldn't have a really interesting thread. Just saying, maybe she has some insight to things we don't and working together we could all "find Caylee"!!

She wouldn't have to answer anything she didn't want to! We would all have to be professional or be banned ya know!:)

First, wouldn't it be necessary for the Anthonys to WANT to find Caylee?

It's pretty obvious that they do NOT want anyone to find Caylee's body & it's even MORE obvious that they're not going to do much of anything to find her "alive" beyond talking about how they want someone to find her but they sure haven't done more than blame everyone for Caylee not being found.

And frankly, I think we can all do without hearing about what a great mother that "sociopath" was.
Wouldn't it be nice if Cindy were to actually come here and let us start a thread to talk to her directly? It was done with a witness or two if I recall. We can be civil CAN'T WE? In the interest of Caylee I don't see why we couldn't have a really interesting thread. Just saying, maybe she has some insight to things we don't and working together we could all "find Caylee"!!

She wouldn't have to answer anything she didn't want to! We would all have to be professional or be banned ya know!:)

:waitasec: IF I had tape over my key board & only a middle finger icon, I could get by.:) Ah, no, don't think it would work so well for me. All you would see would be !!@#^ Anyway, she couldn't stop dropping the F bomb long enough to be here.

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