Detective Melich and Websleuths in The News

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We all know she reads here!!! :mad:

Casey's defense attorney's public relations firm said Monday that "anything on the blogs we don't pay attention to," because they're unreliable.

It probably would backfire on the defense to bring up the bloggers, since many of them believe Casey Anthony murdered her daughter Caylee."

Gee, if they don't pay any attention to the blogs, I wonder how they knew YM was posting? Perhaps they have their own psychic? Maybe JB or Nejames have some latent powers....(tone of sarcasm) ITA, this has CA written all over it!
Anybody know how to blog on the WFTV site? Seems like "Dick Tracy" could use some support over there.

And since they (WFTV) and the A family (along with Baez) are not on speaking terms, they (WFTV) may want to come over hear what we have to say.
I had a feeling this would happen. I didn't think he should have been posting because of the defense's side and what they would do and also what is at stake. But that is my opinion only.:twocents:
I can't believe that Detective Melich was even remotely repremanded for blogging on a forum while he was OFF DUTY. As long as he was not blogging about the case (which he was not), and he wasn't blogging while on duty (which he was not), he has the right to lead his personal life, and blog all he wants to, just like the rest of us here. As uncooperative as the A's and the defense team has been to LE, I can't believe that they would slap the wrist of one of their own for simply saying "Thank You" for your support on a blog. This really angers me.
:waitasec: I would be banned.

I would so be banned, and you know what? It would be worth it!

I cannot find one redeeming quality about Cindy. She is a vicious, venomous
woman. I will continue to post my feelings about her on here. I'm not the least bit afraid of her. Yuri was nothing but nice to her and not once did he post anything regarding the case. As a matter of fact, I believe in his last post he asked us to pray for the Anthony family.
Yeah, so Cindy is *looking* for Caylee. BS. She knows it's BS, We know it's BS.
I stick my middle finger up to her.:furious::furious::furious:
Dear Sir-you got a leak somewhere-I read it on a blog dated 10/14. That being said, we are HUGELY grateful for the time and effort you have put into finding this little girl and pursuing the truth of what happened to her.

And BTW, I hope your leg is doing GREAT- Coral Calcium helps heal fractures very nicely...:blowkiss:
Dear WFTV:

Please correct the inaccuracies in your story. "Blogging" is not the same as "posting". Yuri Melich responded to "posts" with "posts". He was answering questions "posted" to him about his personal life. He responded with "posts" about his personal life.

Blogging is the act of operating a weblog and writing journal-style entries of whatever subject one chooses. By calling his activity "blogging", you are giving readers the false idea that Yuri Melich operated his own blog where he wrote about the Caylee Anthony case.

Thank you.
Dear WFTV:

Please correct the inaccuracies in your story. "Blogging" is not the same as "posting". Yuri Melich responded to "posts" with "posts". He was answering questions "posted" to him about his personal life. He responded with "posts" about his personal life.

Blogging is the act of operating a weblog and writing journal-style entries of whatever subject one chooses. By calling his activity "blogging", you are giving readers the false idea that Yuri Melich operated his own blog where he wrote about the Caylee Anthony case.

Thank you.

This guy at WFTV has always responded to my emails:
Detective Yuri has nothing to worry about. He posted a total of 30 posts while he was OFF work because of his leg, posted only to the thread dedicated to his recovery and NEVER posted about the case. He also STOPPED posting here when he went back to work.

As for the Anthony's, well... we all know what people think of them regardless if Yuri posted here a few times or not. They're nothing but trash for letting their granddaughter rot in the ground while protecting the scum that put her there.

No... Yuri has nothing to worry about... but the Anthony's do.
I can't believe that Detective Melich was even remotely repremanded for blogging on a forum while he was OFF DUTY. As long as he was not blogging about the case (which he was not), and he wasn't blogging while on duty (which he was not), he has the right to lead his personal life, and blog all he wants to, just like the rest of us here. As uncooperative as the A's and the defense team has been to LE, I can't believe that they would slap the wrist of one of their own for simply saying "Thank You" for your support on a blog. This really angers me.

That really isn't true at all.

When LE is assigned to a case they must conduct themselves within the guidelines set forth by their superior in relation to that case both while on duty as well as off duty.

Blame the Anthonys all you want, as usual, but his superior apparently had a major problem with him blogging here, as noted, and had the ultimate word with Yuri.
This has Cindy written all over it.

Cindy, you are making me hate you. Though I confess I already started quite a while back.

Strongly 2nd this. Cindy probably feels proud of her accomplishment. Yuri was just innocently blogging, not discussing the case. That's fine, Cindy. January 5th, babe. It's all coming out, the truth will be known.
That really isn't true at all.

When LE is assigned to a case they must conduct themselves within the guidelines set forth by their superior in relation to that case both while on duty as well as off duty.

Blame the Anthonys all you want, as usual, but his superior apparently had a major problem with him blogging here, as noted, and had the ultimate word with Yuri.

I agree!
Dear WFTV:

Please correct the inaccuracies in your story. "Blogging" is not the same as "posting". Yuri Melich responded to "posts" with "posts". He was answering questions "posted" to him about his personal life. He responded with "posts" about his personal life.

Blogging is the act of operating a weblog and writing journal-style entries of whatever subject one chooses. By calling his activity "blogging", you are giving readers the false idea that Yuri Melich operated his own blog where he wrote about the Caylee Anthony case.

Thank you.

Seriously. This forum is not a blog. It is a forum. Huge difference and it's a pet peeve of mine when people confuse the issue. Even worse when the news does it. They need some basic computer training.
Geez the defense team must really be grasping at straws complaining about us! SHEESH!!!!!!

They're a bunch of hipocrites ......the only question most of us have is????? WHERE IS CAYLEE???????

Doesn't the family want to bring her home & give her a proper burial? Or are they convinced they did a good enough job she'll never be found.

Nothing was said wrong & they honestly need to worry about CAYLEE!!!!

Why do they keep going after the people wanting to find Caylee? Tim Miller, Yuri? Websleuths? If my grandaughter was missing I don't care if they had to go to Disney World, read Mad Magazine, Hire PeeWee Herman and Jambee...Anything to find Caylee! Sheeesh!!!!!
That really isn't true at all.

When LE is assigned to a case they must conduct themselves within the guidelines set forth by their superior in relation to that case both while on duty as well as off duty.

Blame the Anthonys all you want, as usual, but his superior apparently had a major problem with him blogging here, as noted, and had the ultimate word with Yuri.

ITA with you here, however, he was not posting about anything related to the case. He was responding to support for his injuries. I would like to know how this goes outside the guidelines of conduct during this case?
Why do they keep going after the people wanting to find Caylee? Tim Miller, Yuri? Websleuths? If my grandaughter was missing I don't care if they had to go to Disney World, read Mad Magazine, Hire PeeWee Herman and Jambee...Anything to find Caylee! Sheeesh!!!!!

Who do you mean when you say "they"? P.S. I grew up in Riverside :)
Dear WFTV:

Please correct the inaccuracies in your story. "Blogging" is not the same as "posting". Yuri Melich responded to "posts" with "posts". He was answering questions "posted" to him about his personal life. He responded with "posts" about his personal life.

Blogging is the act of operating a weblog and writing journal-style entries of whatever subject one chooses. By calling his activity "blogging", you are giving readers the false idea that Yuri Melich operated his own blog where he wrote about the Caylee Anthony case.

Thank you.

I'm glad someone finally said it, that was bugging me lol
I know I will get internet glares for this, but I am glad that there was action taken about this. It may not have been for the right reasons, but when you get right down to it, YM was walking a fine line here. He could have gleaned all the info he needed or wanted from the site without posting. With all the leaks in the case so far, I can't blame his superiors for trying to make sure the holes are all plugged.

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